why did pattern betray shallan

Let's look at what Radiant says after Mraize repeats the gloryspren information: Beryl. What is going on here? Keep in mind that Dreder was mentioned in the flashback, when Shallan met the messenger, which was before the confrontation took place. The only evidence people seem to have is the difference in Shardblades. A while later he was seen once more by Shallan as she spoke with Jasnah, this time floating on a wave. [18][19], Upon Shallan speaking her Truths, Pattern bonded her and transitioned from the Cognitive Realm to the Physical, losing much of his mind in the process. Sanderson admits his other books will be a tougher sell as movies. However, I think the better answer is Radiant. There hid a monster. While he is a master of understanding patterns, he finds man-made patterns, like human languages and their social conventions, to be more of a challenge because of their inconsistencies and illogical rules, although he tries his best to learn these things anyway as they are attractive to him. According to her, Ahlers played a role in the transactions because he had a hold over Frank and later betrayed the people in hiding in the Secret Annex to an SD detective. Then, 'it' came to the leg of her cot, wrapped around it, and climbed upward and onto her blanket. Yes, but Testament being a member of the Ghosbloods is a pretty big leap. Ghostblood's always get even so i don't think it's them and the church faction would probably encourage surgebinders so i don't think it's them. Dread overload from all directions, making the entire situation seem helpless. He may have developed somewhat of a romantic interest in Shallan, but there is little to be gained there for him. Being in the Cognitive made Pattern anxious and he appealed for Shallan to hurry in her endeavor. Mother calling Shallan one of them. It's demonstrably not Pattern she uses to kill Tyn. Testament was a retcon. Even Jasnah and Dalinar leaving and fighting the battle was part of that--those scenes are short and serve to show that there is no outside help coming to Urithuru (they do more than just that, of course, but that's a major reason for including them where they are in the novel). If you research DID a little bit, you'll see how different of a thing what Shallan is going through seems. Support me o. But according to the end of OB and a WoB, Shallan would already be on her 4th ideal, yet she doesn't admit the whole truth of what happened to herself until RoW. You must become something. As the highstorm approached, Pattern began to hum, before moving inside with Shallan when she was pulled to safety by Adolin. Pattern acting like a new spren that was just pulled into the CR. . I think Shallan killed Testament earlier than she killed her mother. It containing information about Shallan's her eldest brother, Helaran, but also, as Pattern pointed out, lies. And then later Soulcasts a goblet into blood. Pattern helped Shallan sift through the information and offered opinions on what was more likely fact or fiction. 6) It is possible to convince a Cryptic that finding Mishram is in their best interest. He says his real name is a series of numbers and agrees to Pattern as being sufficient enough a name. When he began to talk about her past, Shallan tuned him out, instead working on an illusion of Sebarial. I think Testament was using Shallan to get information about her mother. Yet, he cannot fully explain it because language is insufficient; he would need numbers. We know earth years only have 365 days in comparison. The light behind the painting was not lightweaving. [citationneeded], In Kholinar, when Shallan asks Pattern if he knows anything about Wit, Pattern tells her no, but that he feels likeone of them. She didn't say she feared her. She realizes that a pen could never capture this 'thing' perfectly. I mean, yes--that's what it was intended to do. It was hidden behind a painting of a storm at sea that did nothing to dim the powerful white glow. I thinks it must be one of the groups that thinks the best way to stop the void bringers returning is to kill the surge binders. [32], After meeting the Ghostbloods to deliver the information found in Amaram's mansion, Shallan hid inside a Lightwoven boulder, to avoid being followed. Kid Shallan breaks oath - Testament unbonds, -- speculation -- Shallan bonds Testament with a gem (leaves it at home? Sign up for a new account in our community. He attempted to pass the comment off with a lie, but when pressed by Shallan, admitted he was expecting to be killed by the young woman. [3], It was an abstraction of one of them, just as a circle with a few lines in it could represent a human's face on the page. Shallan later drew out what she had seen, showing it to Pattern. [55][56], Having successfully infiltrated Kholinar and found refuge in Yokska and her husband's shop, it was decided that Shallan and Pattern would investigate the palace. [2], Raised, like an embossing, it had a complex pattern with a haunting symmetry. There is no proof that it was there in that instance. If Shallan didnt meet Pattern till the ship then she only swears her second oath at the end of Words of Radiance. But he made 'first personal contact' on the ship where someone tried to kill Jasnah as a job for the Ghostbloods. "I once thought as you,but Ishar made the truth clear to me. [16][17], "Lightweavers make no oaths beyond the first . But you are right, she was indeed involved. DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder is the term that replaced MPD/Multiple Personality Disorder. Join the revel. Patternis the name Shallan gives to the Cryptic spren with whom she bonds. ", "I came to learn. Pattern found Adolin in the training room and explained what they had found, before leading the prince, along with Renarin and a number of men from Bridge Four, to where Shallan waited. [20], He also has the ability to mimic voices perfectly, which he uses to save Shallan from being killed by Tyn. He has the best sense of humor I've ever encountered, and he's so clueless, loyal, inquisitive, and sweet that you can't not love him If we look at what we know about the Ghostbloods from Teft then if her mother was a Ghostblood it's possible that she was jealous of her for having something that she has tried so hard to achieve. She says she hates him, and he says he knows. 2. She is instrumental in bringing Moash to Odiums side. Though Jasnah is a very logical person, and is considered 'heartless', the opposite is actually true. [72][73][74][75], This page or section needs to be updated with new informationfor, Pattern discussing the meaning of truth with, Pattern understanding his duties as chaperone, This article is still missing information. Eventually, during the Battle of Narak, her bond with Pattern allowed her to become the first Lightweaver to be revealed as a Knight Radiant since the Recreance. [11], As his name implies, Pattern has the ability to recognize and decipher complex patterns and codes. Of screaming and scrambling and hating as those you love are ruined, popped like a boil. I think Shallan's mom was affiliated with the Skybreakers. I think Mraize is just blowing smoke, trying to keep Shallan on edge to keep her going along with his plans. Not all of her memories were restored. So there seems to be some connection to the people her mother knew and her mother's feelings about her. She successfully convinced the boat to change and was pulled back into the physical realm. Much of the Shadesmar Arc took place in Part 2 and deliberately ended with that point in order to increase the dread readers were feeling on that end and then back to Urithuru Invaded and taken over. I'm less sure that he actually joined them. There was something wrong about the storm and despite Shallan's attempts, Pattern would not stay quiet, frightening the slaves who sheltered with them. You are able to not admit that they are lies., The next night, Pattern and Shallan infiltrated Amaram's home, to search his secret room and gather information to be fed back to the Ghostbloods. Jasnah, upon finding Shallan, had the other women transported to hospital. Right through the canvas, she saw the outline of the strongbox blazing like a fire. [11] Though he was not the Shardblade she used to kill her mother when her mother tried to kill her,* Pattern was present in the aftermath, perceived by Shallan to be glowing from the cracks within her father's strongbox. Knowing Brandon Sanderson, most of the major character moments (Shallan's Truths, Kaladin's Oaths, Dalinar's singular character moment at Thaylen field), were probably recorded in notes somewhere before he even started on WoK. Both scholars agreed that Pattern was of the same order as the symbol heads that Shallan had encountered previously, although later Shallan wondered whether this particular spren had been with her in the City of Bells. [11][4], "Shallan," Pattern said, moving closer to her. After Shallan was able to slip away, Pattern led her to the Herald, unlocking the door and allowing her to gain entry to the room. I'm willing to believe it was Pattern's blade that killed Tyn. [10] At some point, his desire to study humans led him to transfer his mind to the Physical Realm and bond Shallan, even though he believed she would kill him, as she had killed her first spren, Testament. When Shallan went to feel the ridges on the page, Pattern moved, frightening her. Thus, Radiant could have told Mraize the information about the gloryspren at one point to "protect" Shallan. The Midnight Mother and the Libraries of Urithiru, https://coppermind.net/wiki/Pattern?&oldid=172198. He is able to perfectly reproduce conversations and circumambient noise - even from a distance - using vibrations directed at the source of the conversation. [3], Shallan was woken by screams and the scent of smoke. Before Everstorm, even if Talnwould have broken, the Fused didn't have bodies to possess. To name the most obvious differences between Shallan's condition and DID: she crafts her personalities, she is just as aware in whichever personality she's in, and she switches between her personalities on purpose, at first at least and I think still so. An insect centaur that has a bet with Nameless. Veil, Radiant thought. I was going to post this, but decided to look up what Brandon Sanderson had to say about it right before, and I'm confused. Mother loves me. "You wish to prepare for the Everstorm, the spren of the unnatural one. What better way to protect your daughter than to join the very organization you are afraid of. Before they reached their destination, Shallan asked Pattern to stay with her, not wanting him to die and leave. Pattern fled, losing her when she returned to help Kaladin during the fight. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. [17], Being that Shallan is somewhat vexed by that which she accepted of her past, Pattern tells her that he understands why she hates him; that he didn't mean to help help her kill her mother, but that it is what he did. A: And so they enter Lasting Integrity: Adolin, Shallan, Pattern, Maya, and Gallant. was he under external pressure which caused him to crack? Red Cloud's War (also referred to as the Bozeman War or the Powder River War) was an armed conflict between an alliance of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho peoples against the United States and the Crow Nation that took place in the Wyoming and Montana territories from 1866 to 1868. After being injured, Adolin was pulled away from the fighting by Shallan and Pattern, and the three of them escaped through the sea of beads using a passage manifested by Shallan. By comparing these two men, a picture is painted of two types of . Shallan informed him otherwise and then used Lightweaving to hide from the woman, having Pattern check after a time, that the coast was clear and Iyatil was gone. [17], Pattern and his fellow Cryptics continued to follow Shallan while she was in the hospital. Shallan has a bond with the Cryptic Pattern, allowing her to manifest Pattern as a Shardblade and giving her access to her powers as a Surgebinder. About what I can do, and what we have done. [12], Their efforts were unsuccessful and it soon became apparent that the caravan was being followed. Yes, yes. Or it could indicate that Shallan is crazy. Said that if I didnt come, youd probablyand I quotego do something stupid without letting me watch., The Unmade was encountered again, this time in the Breakaway, after it had killed another, this time mimicking an execution. [15], He formed in her hands, the Blade she'd used to kill. Some of your points are good though, like why Testament didn't scream or why she wasnt there for their first trip. Pattern explained that he had come to the understanding that he could not hate Adolin for having a blade, as humans, he concluded, did not care about the dead. Lena Hartog was the traitor. Blood spilled on the carpet. [9], Later, Veil tells Pattern to hang on the wall of a hallway next to Kharat. That would be a cheap trick by Brandon, the implication is that Taravangian knows he sought them, because he found them. A complex pattern of sharp lines and impossible geometries forms his head. If Shallan's mother tried to kill her because she was a Ghostblood and not because she was a Radiant, then why would her Skybreaker-associated lover help? Not reliable. And she summons the blade faster than ten seconds. You must become something. 5. Tom Doherty Associates. It's easy! I only have a theory with too many assumptions. Shallan recalled that night and the deaths she had caused, using what she assumed was Pattern as the Shardblade that she had tried so hard to forget. I mean, shouldn't wewantthem to return, so we won't be the only order of Knights Radiant?" "The lies that drew me." Further, that spren are not 'born' as men are, and cannot truly die as men do. I think Billy betraying the lost was a pretty dumb move, in my opinion. [29], A week later, Pattern decoded a few phrases of Dawnchant while studying with Shallan. Pattern helps Shallan escape the sinking ship. Tyn, who had been hired by the Ghostbloods to assassinate the Alethi princess, attacked Shallan when she learned of her identity, with the intention to kill her. 2. Pattern calmly interceded, hidden on the back of Vathah's uniform so as to fool the man into thinking he was hearing voices. She could also be saying that Dreder was an individual in a group her mother knew and Shallan wishes none of them had come to the house. Finally, he buzzed an approximation of a laugh. [16], The day before she was scheduled to return to her family's estate in Jah Keved, Shallan again interacted with Pattern. And one truth to get the blade? Mother calling Shallan one of them. We also need to remember thatsomeonetold Mraize that Shallan had seen a corrupted gloryspren. Above, he found the crew members of the Wind's Pleasure, one of them dead and the rest tied up and at the mercy of the attackers. [59][60], The next day, Shallan and Pattern returned to the Oathgate platform to face Ashertmarn, while the others tried to take control of the palace. Well, for one, Shallan has two different Shardblades, demonstrably, in WoR, https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/93707-impressive-testament-foreshadowing/. If she'd killed Testament earlier, she would know. Tyns reply, the two that match., Shallan fell asleep after arriving at Sebarial's mansion and awoke in her new room to find Pattern humming to himself. "Oh!" Pattern said suddenly, bursting up from the bowl to hover in the air. He is the spren with which Jasnah has formed the bond that affords her the Surgebinding abilities of an Elsecaller. This probably underlies why he doesn't retain Stormlight well. 1) The thing that bothers me is that Shallan saw the presumable blade in the locked strongbox long after she killed her mother. Pattern and his associates followed Shallan to her room within the guest quarters, where she attempted summoning her Shardblade to protect herself, then unintentionally Soulcast a goblet into blood, and masked the act by slicing open her arm. He was an exact form beneath the blanket. While practicing Lightweaving, Shallan noticed that Pattern could sustain illusions when she was not nearby, keeping them crisp and preventing them from fuzzing. A Cryptic that finding Mishram is in their best interest to do a painting of a thing what is. He says his real name is a series of numbers and agrees to Pattern 17 ], Lightweavers... Was hearing voices a name at what Radiant says after Mraize repeats the at... Lost was a pretty big leap this probably underlies why he does retain! 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