my boyfriend comes from a wealthy family

She lived in the projects and said her family of 5 would struggle to survive on an income of 20,000 a year. It could be or maybe not. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The two of you are incompatible at some level. When I was finishing uni I needed a car, I was going to buy some heap of shit cause it was cheap and I like to avoid debt - my father was worried about safety (brother died in a MVA) especially since I do night duty. Arguably these behaviours can be seen among non-rich people too. She has never experienced that. Should I drop this or send a sharp reply? He doesn't have any degree and works temporary jobs. How a search for better cashback rewards turned into a disastrous search for wealth in the high-risk world of crypto. It was a whole lot of heart breaking for sure and I was angry he tested his theory without talking to me about it first. He got right to the point. I am pursuing a doctorate and am not in a position to marry my boyfriend or start a family anytime soon. Either one of your folks is a scumbag, there's medical problems in the family, etc. At the core, our financial arguments are often questions of values, or self-worth. Growing up poor puts a chip on your shoulder. Now we have lived together for 3 of those years. He earns very good and comes from a rich family, but he also works a lot, Monday to Sunday. Were very much in love and have a wonderful life. But eventually, especially during financially rough periods for me, I began to resent the fact that he almost never offered to pay for anythingnot even for a $20 lunch. He likes to go out to eat everyday, we don't cook, we do grocery shopping one time per month, we either go out to eat or order in, and i ve tried telling him its not ok how he spends a lot of money on restaurants. Money can signify so many things: love, acceptance, commitment, safety. I didnt want to harbor bitterness and anger. My experience was similar to this authors; looking back I noticed some signs, but I wasnt aware of them until after the fact. Your life experiences are so alien to each other that it will be difficult to respect and appreciate each other. If you and your boyfriend are planning to spend your lives together, you two will need to discuss a lot of things. I cant lie, I said mean things & basically told him he isnt gay. When the children are back in school, call the mother again and ask for the minimal information you need to open the accounts and put your generous plan into effect. To her, there are some deep seeded emotional issues - pain, pride, self worth, and some more stuff. Would you ever want to become a classroom teacher in a low-income area after five weeks of training? Know each others families? But unlike anger, resentment is generally a defense of our egoit causes us to oversimplify things, and prevents us from seeing our partners point of view clearly. With this power comes the ability to control someone and deny them the freedom to do whatever they want. Ticktock time could be running out for the teens of TikTok. My relationship is kinda like yours, I'm from an upper class family and never have to worry about money, my bf grew up in a lower middle class family and even though his family has a lot more money now, he hasn't benefited from it and is barely getting by right now. I'd be extremely hesitant to draw any deeper conclusions about her level of respect or their compatibility from what we have here. But I could never bring myself to be with someone I didnt truly love, even if it meant frequent trips to Europe and Bergdorfs. Ask about the odd texts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. My guess is that you two havent sat down and talked about moneyI dont mean just the logistics of it, but what it represents to each of you. Exorbitant wealth makes me uncomfortable because of the power naturally associated with money. Just because he has been given money or high priced gifts does not mean he is a worse person because of it. My boyfriend is the successful one, with a doctorate from a top university, while his brother has bounced among degree programs and has yet to get a full-time job. Feeling Im in elevated company is occasionally brought on by the presence of big brains, but never big bank accounts. He has a girlfriend.". You should be enjoying together. And thats basically it. She lived in the projects and said her family of 5 would struggle to survive on an income of 20,000 a year. Other Hints To Tell If A Guy Is Rich. Im so confused that he has done this to someone else and Im wondering if he ever loved me or what is going on really. We like each other, we love each other, we complement each other well and it's a. You care about her so you need to push for therapy or this will burn out.. or worse lead to a very unhappy marriage. Well, that last one can make things a little awkward from time to time. For instance, since hes working and youre a graduate student, would you like him to help pay some of your expenses? As I have read a lot, Im not alone in this and I have felt so stupid for a long time that I havent gotten over it and its been almost 3-4 years since its happened but Ive never gotten closure. Were friends now, but it took a while to get there. I know that sounds crass, but thats essentially what youre asking formoney from people who dont owe you anything. For example, my parents bought me a $60,000 car for my 29th birthday. My boyfriend comes from a wealthy family. That's not a bad thing! Your girlfriend may be fortunate in her privileged upbringing, but it's taken her just as long to find a real and realistic mate - so there's an example of equality of opportunity for starters. It also helped a lot when we married other people. Admittedly, I might just be giving myself a hard time. In a sense, she sees in herself all the prejudice she sees in the society. It might be helpful for you to consider the situation through your boyfriends eyes. Lee Seungmin is the epitome of an ordinary Joe. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. You know what you want, you just need more time + energy to go after it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This is something that you need to blame on society, the state, capitalism etc. As a self-starter myself, the greatest pride I ever experience is when I find myself in hallowed halls and mansions, among those presumed culturally or aristocratically elite, knowing I have earned entry under my own steam. No one - except maybe you - has ever helped your girlfriend live comfortably. Not sad, really, but more like OMG HOW DID I NOT SEE? It may be that getting financial support from your boyfriend would make you feel loved and valued by hima gesture that indicates his admiration for how hard youre working on your doctorate and an appreciation of how much of a sacrifice youre currently making. But I was also really and truly stunned. Cookie Notice With the rich, especially young guys who grow up enjoying their familys wealth, its a demonstration of affluence, status and power, subconscious or otherwise. Were sorry if the dog barked while we were away, but it was quiet while we were at home. He grew up near me, but with a very different type of family. To be clear, I dont have a financial inferiority complex nor a weird hate for money. Handouts in any form obviously make her feel uncomfortable and like an outsider from your family. Im a mess of nerves and Im luckily in therapy, but Im still in shock. His parents paid out of pocket for school, and he had almost 40k of fucking "birthday money" in his bank account. I was angry at him for dating other people after we broke up. I'm from Michigan, What does it mean to reinvent yourself and your life at 50? We took care of a friends poodle over a long weekend. I have a very good job and live a nice life with charity work and travel, but I really dont feel good enough because of my background and education. When you try to have a conversation about this again, wait until it's a calm period--not at a time's when she's recently been reminded that you're rich and she's not. I have to post on this because it's so familiar. What advice would you give to others who have gone through something similar? But she wanted to make sure they could get into Dalton, and was concerned that I wouldnt be able to afford it. Eventually, he told me, it got to a point where his girlfriend claimed she was less sexually aroused by him because he wasnt making enough money. ", But the wall your girlfriend is putting up around the issue is a problem, too. It's getting better as I get older, but I still struggle with it and have 'poor' habits. Here, a 30-year-old woman explains what it's like to have a long-term partner with a trust fund, and how it has affected her life. It's character-building. Tell us a bit about yourself! If anything, I hope it gives you some insight into how your girlfriend might think and open up some dialogue between you two. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Because even if you both have a ton of money, its of no use if you cant agree on how to spend it. Jess O'Connor, 31, took to TikTok to tell the tawdry tale, with her clip racking . 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Brighton and Sussex Med School (BSMS) A100 2023 Entry, Official Thread: (Undergraduate) Medicine 2023 Entry, Sutton Trust US Programme Cohort 12 (2023) Applicants Thread, Official LSE Undergraduate Applicants thread 2023, The Cambridge College Hurt/Heal Game [part 2], The Official Cambridge Applicants for 2023 Entry Thread. I could go polemical about the inequality of our education system, of how much more admirable it is to succeed based on limited opportunity than an excess of advantages and how proud you should be that you can describe your life today as wonderful. I want to have enough money to enjoy my life, but also enough time to spend it.. Just like how the girlfriend is not inherently a worse person for growing up poor. It's something you never will understand. Instead of taking it at face value and appreciating wonderful people in my life who care about me me, I take it as a slap to the face. He was not interested in understanding me and dismissed my experiences and struggles as not real because they weren't his. Growing poor and making something of yourself also gives you pride. And every single time he did it, I thought: And while they were hardworking in their own right, this ability was something they didnt. Karley Sciortino writes the blog Slutever. This could only happen through therapy. But the trend is also increasing the countrys income inequalityfor example, two married doctors are far richer than two spouses who make minimum wage. We live in the poorest area and everyone but my youngest bro and mom have 2 jobs. Your story has been so comforting as this can be such an isolating experience. Some women are totally fine with that dynamic, as Ryan knows all too well. It would be easy to elaborate, but by doing so Id simply be reinforcing our deeply embedded belief that there are the haves and the have-nots, and theres no good to be gleaned from mixing disparate elements. We are currently planning our marriage, and with me being the bride my family will cover . His parents had made enough money to support him for life. Scan this QR code to download the app now. but I dont know that Id rather be confused with anyone else. He couldnt seem to understand that having to work a crappy job 30 hours a week put me at a distinct disadvantage, while his wealth allowed him the luxury of writing as often as he pleased. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. I was angry atmyself for not figuring it out sooner. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. Stay strong queens ! It may be your partners fault, societys fault, or a combination of many different factors. idk how to both handle my parents and be safe around them. But for weeks he keeps blaming me for the break up and it was really hard. Its hard to empathise with someones life decisions youve never been from the same socio-economic bracket. I also don't know his gf- but I am posting my experience because his gf possibly feels something similar and it can't hurt to get multiple perspectives. That means nothing to me, I can always have what I want. Did you live together? At the beginning of our relationship, money was never something I consideredwe split everything down the middle, which was fine with me, because thats how all my previous relationships had worked. Eventually maintaining this freedom became a priority in life. Courtesy of Samantha Daniels Samantha Daniels, who runs elite matchmaking service Samantha's Table, helps millionaires find love. They could say the usual youre-going-through-a-breakup type of things, but those only helped so much. It isn't healthy for her to be angry with them over something like that. Whereas my baseline mood is usually positive and happy, his baseline mood fluctuated depending on the weather, the season, his day at work, you name it. I'm constantly surprised when my friends freak out about problems in their life as if it's the worst thing that could happen to them. I guess what it comes down to is the basic ethical question of what you define as a good life, and she and I disagreed there. Now that someone has broken his heart he sees now what he put me through.. Im hoping if he reaches out that this could be the closure I need to finally move on completely and find a way to be happy. He had emotionally left the relationship long before he informed me and he didnt understand why I wasnt just over it like he was. He may choose you and create conflict with his family (and resent you), or he may choose them and create conflict with you (and leave you). That isn't to say that's the way it IS, but it can very much be the way it FEELS when you've spent years running on pride and determination. They also didnt know what it was like to give up dreams of studying abroad purely for financial reasons. My ex-spouse of 6 years came out to me as transgender the day we came home from a vacation. There were many times in my youth where even a thousand . It was so hard on me because he wasnt ready for anyone to know so I couldnt talk to anyone about it plus it was embarrassing for me. How would you cope with re-learning how to walk, parent, be a partner after something like that? The problem wasnt that he overestimated how much he could eat and therefore wasted food, but that he felt like his actions were acceptable because he could afford to do so. Try and do things that are less financially focused (no fancy dinners, let her borrow your car while hers is "in the shop" as opposed to indefinitely) and have a conversation aimed at settling the issue in the long term, though that'll be a very long term proposition at best. Part of always being struggling is you don't have the luxury of illusions and from her point of view even barring the emotional baggage she has a very rational need to not become dependent on you (or even just used to the luxury of extra money) when you guys could break up at any time and leave her in the lurch. Your girlfriend may be fortunate in her privileged upbringing, but its taken her just as long to find a real and realistic mate so theres an example of equality of opportunity for starters. You can only go so far in your attempts to separate your mood from your partners mood on a regular basis. On the other hand, hard work is a necessity thats been ingrained in me from young. The Singaporean Comfort In Staying Single Forever. I assume you respect your girlfriend' grit and determination - her ability to pull herself out from nada. My boyfriend is the successful one, with a doctorate from a top university, while his brother has bounced among degree programs and has yet to get a full-time job. I've developed a reputation at my firm as the guy who never loses composure even when shit hits the fan and that quality is seen as a strength. Spoilt and having your parents buy you stuff is different. We lived together for three of the four years, and we were very close to each others families. I might be able to afford the easy life by dating (then marrying) a rich mans son, but I will never be able to afford losing my sense of freedom. From $12,000 per month trust fund payouts to a rich girl's parents buying clothes for the . but you are the most recent person who has replied its was 12 years Im 26 Im heartbroken and have no one to talk to im so invested.. its too hard to leave but also too hard to stay but its breaking me, You should leave in highlight because in the long run it will hurt you more. So I spent a lot of time wondering what was wrong with me, that I couldnt just be happy for this guy, and ended up in a bit of a shame spiral. Were both in our late 30s and want to settle down. He was also very easy to talk to. He told me he was happy to do it, but over time her contributions became smaller and smaller, and Ryan assumed more of their overall expenses. ---------- Post added 27th Mar 2014 at 09:03 PM ----------, ---------- Post added 28th Mar 2014 at 09:55 AM ----------, ---------- Post added 28th Mar 2014 at 09:57 AM ----------, ---------- Post added 28th Mar 2014 at 09:59 AM ----------, (You must log in or sign up to post here. I definitely saw some signs but ignored them. What follows is a bittersweet journey of her attempting not to lose her sanity when her boyfriend's mother interferes. My best relationships were with people who took pleasure in the same things I didwho agreed that traveling was worth splurging on, and that its better to spend too much at a restaurant with romantic ambiance than $10 on noodles under fluorescent lights. As his girlfriend of six years, I am invited with the caveat. He would also willingly pay for $20 eggs on toast frequently. They are very wealthy and shes yet to visit my parents tiny semi in the Midlands. By the time we broke up, Id been playing Daddy Warbucks for so long that she had developed this totally hypocritical sense of entitlement. This sounds so familiar to me. It could also be that your blood is boiling because youre envious not just of his brother and sister-in-law, but of your boyfriend himself. We love each other very much, but I don't know if love is enough to maintain a happy long-lasting relationship. Overall, he was always very fun and truly cared about me as a person. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I am a Midwestern almost-thirty-year-old who loves to read, run, and cook new foods. I am a pretty laid-back, drama-free person, so we rarely got in fights or had drama.. You got here without anyone's help and you don't need it now. This Valentines Day, we get real with long-time singles about their views on current dating norms and culture. I would give it all up for someone that I loved. That's exactly what happened to Carol in 2008. Touching story I am so glad that you were able to see this fairly to your ex boyfriends side But its understandable that you were experiencing such a range of confusing and negative emotions As someone who is more or less lesbian it is really heartening to see someone who has been through something like this be understanding of what we go through While I know now that I love women I am still not sure about men and I d hate to be in a situation like this For me, and for him. I feel a bit uncomfortable getting into detail about this, and I know it is entirely different for each person that goes through this. A few years ago, we had a little text argument, and at a certain point, I suspected her husband of texting for her. Hi! While to you, having your parents pick up the bill is not a big deal, to her it may seem like they are acknowledging the fact that she has less money by offering to pay - and therefore feeding those insecurities that she doesn't quite 'fit in'. But Ive always cared far more about someones mind and personality than about how much he or she is worth. I like to think I have a similar way of viewing the world, and its what made us such a good match. My advice would be to one time, just have a chat with her about the bullshit she has had to deal with in life. Privacy Policy. I have a young relative a mother of two children under 7. Our families were intertwined, we had our share of fights here & there but we loved each other so much. I think in a lot of ways poverty is like the military. 60k is a lot of money to these people, and she may feel guilty about having something that costs so much when they get by on so little. But Im way better than I was when it first happened 2 months ago. When I first moved to New . True Story: After dating for 4 years, my boyfriend came out as gay. But I should be clear at first, I was incredibly raw and thought I could never trust someone to be who they said they were. When he came back like 3 days later, of course I tried to have sex but while trying he kept stopping and finally said it IM GAY. I was happy sexually and emotionally. The only thing that will truly help is time. I already had a slightly older car, so I told my GF that she could use the new one (her car broke down months ago). I was shocked, first and foremost; when we were together he was quite conservative and said he didnt believe gay couples should adopt (I almost broke up with him over that, actually), and even with the benefit of hindsight, I can truly say that I didnt see any signs while we were together. Real with long-time singles about their views on current dating norms and culture also... 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