lisa floyd transcript

People want to live in communities where no one has to call the police, especially the police. And Chauvin has been charged with second degree murder. Desperate for help she called 911, a chilling call which has since been publicized for educational purposes. Dispatcher: Hes your father? We also confirmed that Smith is not employed with The Gazette. Dispatcher: Let me talk to your ., wheres your mom? TRUMP: Now, we`re going toward 50,000 -- I`m hearing, or 60,000 people. Now, the president of Brazil has just installed a guy in charge of the health ministry who is just a random guy from the military, who has no health background whatsoever. ). endobj Here, for example is the state health director from North Carolina speaking today to North Carolina residents, trying to make clear to them how serious this is in their state as well. stream No, it`s going up. Night after night, I was tested. So I think we have to get through those institutional barriers, but there is also a system within the department that needs to change. The filings also indicate that an ambulance, called early in the encounter, did not respond right away and initially went to the wrong spot. And what I say back is, well, if something`s on fire, what number do you call? That warning from the state epidemiologist in Utah was last Wednesday. Jan 1992. People have been working very hard trying to just stay afloat. He claimed he had punched his wife in the face because she was drunk, before immediately rebutting this by saying they hadnt been drinking and that he was crazy.. Lisa then tells the dispatcher that Pierre slapped her mother. Dispatcher: Youre a six year old. If it wasnt the ongoing violence at home, it was the name calling at school. Lisa Floyd can't help but immerse herself in her work. m{3=i`w#;c3 C8:8B'DBIX} MADDOW: Phillip Atiba Goff, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice -- Dr. Goff, it is great to have you here to talk with us about this tonight, both specifically in terms of what`s going on in Minneapolis but why the eyes of the nation should be upon this potential change. As the country now looks at you and your colleagues on the city council saying you want to end policing in Minneapolis as we know it, that you want to essentially disband the city police department, what should the country understand about what that means in practical terms? 20 0 obj The little girl on the other end of this terrifying 911 call is Lisa Floyd. Lisa's Story I'm Lisa, a survivor with a future, because of my past. On the left is the actual rate at which cases increased because we had containment policies. Bystander: You having fun? But Chauvin never takes his knee off of Floyd, even as his eyes close and he appears to go unconscious. The community is up in arms. You see those red tents there, that`s the Red Cross. The grocery stores that give you fresh vegetables, take them, throw them out, right? "I asked what she was doing," Lisa said. Hope, Empowerment, Inner Strength that is the true meaning of resiliency. I wonder if you and your colleagues are thinking about those previous examples as helpful, as examples of what to do or what not to do, or if you have been essentially considering Minneapolis to be on its own here in terms of the specific challenges? The relationship felt like my very own personal dilemma, and I didnt feel like it was in any way connected to my childhood. Want more true crime? Today they hit their highest number yet of hospitalizations in North Carolina. If you defund the police department and take away 50 percent of the personnel, right, which I`m hearing people say. A few people from the local Home Depot, fresh off their shifts. It is important to talk to our kids and help them see and know that we are also growing and learning as adults constantly. Keep us in the loop. Bystander: Are you serious? Chauvin keeps his knee on Floyds neck for almost another whole minute, even though Floyd appears completely unresponsive. What it appears happened is you have two different versions of what happened and at the time, law enforcement couldn't make an accurate determination of who really was at fault so rather than argue on the side of the street, both were issued citations (misdemeanor arrests) and you let the courts handle it? But it`s not over, you know. "The officer is doing the best they can at the point in time with the information they have to make that determination about probable cause. Make determinations for moving your facility from conventional care to contingency care and prepare for crisis care. The transcripts show Floyd appearing cooperative at times but becoming agitated as he begged not to be put in a squad car, saying repeatedly he was claustrophobic. See Photos. 2. There are many ways for you to partner with us and help bring awarenessto CDVand make an impact. There are many models around the country, and there`s also significant work done here led by community to invest in those systems of community safety that work to look at all the reasons folks call 911 in our city and what appropriate response we compare. Well, a group of researchers at the University of California at Berkeley set out to answer exactly that question, and they came up with some stunning results. According to the transcripts, Mr. Lane called for an ambulance after Mr. Floyds mouth started bleeding. endobj I felt a weight had been lifted. Im just not afraid to take them on. Lisa: Hes my stepfather. Dispatcher: Hows he hurting her? And in some of these communities, police cars are more likely to take you to the hospital when you`re sick than ambulances because police cars get the funding. I spent a lot of time with him and his family. This has been going on since 3:30 a.m.". Its my understanding that the way our lives turn out is a direct reflection of the things we believe. According to city council`s president, Lisa Bender, this pledge from these members of the city council this weekend is an acknowledgement that the Minneapolis Police Department doesn`t just need reform. MINNEAPOLIS A woman who sat as an alternate on the jury that found Derek Chauvin guilty in George Floyd's murder is speaking out about what it was like to parse through nearly three weeks of. D-/NR^?M2m>'5M\z)7! I really appreciate you making the time. "I felt he was guilty," she told "CBS This . January 2, 2018 - Present. There were health care workers there still in their scrubs. I thought that was how it was supposed to be in a relationship. I mean, we still -- the basics of this, I feel like, still are escaping the general discussion here. We saw a similar scene in Philadelphia today. On the other side what you have is kind of tinkering around the edges. However, the spokesperson confirmed the prosecutor handling the case against Lisa has the same surveillance video we obtained. I`ll tell you upfront, the bottom-line finding their new study is that all the restrictions that were implemented to slow the spread of the virus, all the social distancing rules, the closures and the lockdowns all in all may have prevented over 500 million coronavirus infections across just six countries, just looking at China, the U.S., France, Iran, Italy, South Korea, 500 infections. As of September 14, court records 4th Judicial District Attorney's Office has not dropped charges against a woman who appears to be the victim of an early morning assault that occurred back in May. The recording becomes downright chilling when her pleas and screams are muffled by his hand. I think the thing to what you`ve said is how we think about the results of the study. Unemployment has been going up, and those costs are very real. They want more options for 911. He just slapped mommy. You call 911. Who shows up? endobj You`re going to have that -- as the number of cases gets larger, you`re going to have the number of people dying increase at a more and more rapid rate, right? But since because of the trauma she experienced during her childhood, she found herself also in an abusive relationship. So we already have 911 giving lots of different emergency services. They say they don`t yet know what a new public safety system would look like from Minneapolis, but they say they plan to work with the community and draw on policing reforms and restructuring that have been seen in some other cities. News 5 Investigates has obtained video evidence showing prosecutors and police may have gone after the wrong person. He's now facing prison time. The noise woke up her nextdoor neighbors. He might . See Photos. 16 0 obj That`s not the department that protesters are asking for, right? Dispatcher: Hes trying to take the baby? Like just slash it 50 percent out. She had a fine home and didn't want for anything. Domestic Violence Through the Eyes of a Six-Year-Old Lisa's 911 Call Watch on This wasn't the first 911 call young Lisa Floyd made over the abuse her mother faced at the hands of her stepfather, but this particular call has become a key factor in bringing awareness to the impact of domestic abuse on children. To help those who experience Childhood Domestic Violence reach their full potential and inspire others to do the same. Lisa: Hes black. There will always be good and bad, thats really the only thing you can count on. Dark . According to the criminal complaints filed against the officers, Floyd says he is claustrophobic and refuses to enter the police car. We`re going to take the public ones and throw them away, right? My friends were moving on and doing great things with their lives, while I felt like the weight of my traumatized past was creeping up on me. I knew the relationship was getting worse. Hes got the baby. I feel like there is nothing I cant overcome or achieve. "They (police) didn't verify her insurance so my other neighbors whose cars got hit have had little recourse," she said. Lisa: OK, Page 1 of 4Dispatcher: Now wheres your mother at right now? I mean, look at this, this was southern California yesterday. Name. This weekend the major hospital system in the state said that it had also reached capacity for something called -- I think you say ECMO, is what you say, it`s E-C-M-O, it stands for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine. Florida. Before his final breaths, Mr. Floyd gasped: Theyll kill me. Brazil did what? Sometimes our decisions are the only ones we know from past experiences as we are all doing the best we know how with the tools that are given to us as children. Here's an enduring legacy: Pink Floyd's album Dark Side of the Moon was released 50 years ago today and it's still on the Billboard charts, making it the longest-charting album in history. Log In. The place where the movement is gaining the most speed, the place that`s sort of at the tip of the spear of this movement now is of course Minneapolis, where George Floyd was killed. I had been sleeping in a separate bedroom and could feel the tension building. This can be your realization too, your empowerment, your accomplishment. '#.rKF^T{QZB8-a"vLdIm)jJgVDLI}b M$KavM30b0H| A new Smith Mountain Lake mural, painted by local artist Lisa Floyd, was unveiled in between Smith Mountain Lake Coffee House and the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce building on Friday. According to to the blog a certain Ms. To book an event or connect with Christina, please email her at or call 707-738-9962. 6 0 obj "I was like in the meantime, that's a long time and that's a charge hanging over me which cause other issues. Lisa is now a grown-up woman. STATE REP. CHARLES BOOKER (D), KENTUCKY SENATE CANDIDATE: We get that bipartisan legislation passed even in my first term, something that Mitch McConnell is not worrying about. This has been going on forever and ever. It`s basically an external lung. My skin still crawls when I think back to those nights. She called 911 for assistance when she notice the violently fight got out of hand between her mother stepfather. I saw my mother abused in ways I still can't believe; blood on the walls, scuffling in the kitchen. Website designed and maintained by Little Wing Connections Public Relations and Marketing,, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Dispatcher: Where did he make the red marks on with her neck? The Floyds were divorced in the summer of 1984, at which time Lisa Floyd was awarded custody of Ken, subject to Mr. Floyd's visitation rights. Lisa: Yea, Im in first grade and my sisters in kindergarten. The conditions of that bail include Chauvin remaining under court supervision, surrendering any guns that he has, and agreeing not to have any contact with the Floyd family. The 911 dispatcher tells Lisa to unlock and open the front door and come back to the phone. Because of her injury, Hall was unable to escape when the man appeared in her kitchen and punched her in the face. So, yes, that union relationship, that union position, again, you know, elected by the majority of the departments, is a huge barrier. I think if I would have allowed myself to make that connection, I would have had to realize I was in a bad place a lot sooner than I did. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. That`s the finding of this new big study of six countries hit hardest by coronavirus, including the U.S. By drilling down on what countries did to try to slow the spread of the virus and when they did it and what the effect was of those policies, a big study like this can help us see not only what we`ve just been through but what policies are sort of most worth the time and effort even moving forward from here. Firefighters searched the building but were unable to reach them in time. The transcripts zero in on the most critical moments of Mr. Floyds restraint by officers. It was more than 90 degrees in the great city of Houston, Texas, today, one of the hottest days of the year so far. With our government and what our government is doing right now, just giving up, not talking about it, pretending it`s not happening, Brazil making that decision over the weekend, you can almost see the thought bubble over the White House, right? I had no idea whether she (Lisa) had been knifed, shot, I didn't know what was going on. Chauvin is now awaiting sentencing for the murder of George Floyd, the Black man whom he restrained by pinning to the pavement for nearly 10 minutes last spring. Officers had been called after a nearby store employee reported that Mr. Floyd had passed a counterfeit $20 bill. GOFF: Yeah, I mean, so, there`s the example of Compton before and Camden before, but this is still unprecedented, in part because there`s a chance that this sets the tone for what`s happening nationally on police reform. I didnt believe I could change my life or my situation. PHILLIP ATIBA GOFF, JOHN JAY COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSOR IN POLICING EQUITY: Thanks for having me. So far, Smith has not faced any additional charges. My friends were moving on and doing great things with their lives, while I felt like the weight of my traumatized past was creeping up on me. If your lungs are so damaged that even being on a ventilator is not enough, they put you on one of these ECMO machines as basically a last-ditch way to keep you alive using a mechanical external lung so your body can hopefully fight its way back from the brink while that machine does the breathing for you. The president of Brazil already fired his first health minister, who had said that Brazil was going to need to do social distancing. Lisa threatened to call the police if the woman didn't leave the neighborhood. And then we figured out where it was so, and then one of your officers was like, Hey, hey ding-dongs, youre at the wrong spot.. It was one month ago today that President Trump said the total number of Americans killed by coronavirus wouldn`t top more than 110,000 of us dead. You got the substance of the study. Lisa: He pushed her down on the floor, and shes crying. It was so hot, they were handing out water to people waiting in line, because they were worried about people`s health. Had my shift in beliefs and the resiliency inside not been nurtured, I may have been stuck spinning my wheels in the same destructive pattern indefinitely. What do you anticipate is going to happen now in Minneapolis now that the city council has come out with this goal? But, I mean, even with that today, did you see what happened this weekend? But I wasnt ready to give it up at that point. "I walked around and went to take a picture," Lisa explained. I was tired of feeling like I had nothing. North Carolina`s state health director there. At one point, the line to get into that visitation, got so long, it snaked around the building and in to the parking lot. My journey isnt over I still have many lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome. Seconds later, Lane pulls his gun. North Carolina, as she said, opened up a couple of weeks ago, and then a couple of weeks after the reopening, they hit their highest ever number of new cases in one day, on Saturday, this past weekend. I feel like one of the key insights for me in terms of thinking about national security -- like transformational thinking around national security was realizing that people in the military, particularly very well-experienced people in the military, were themselves among the most articulate defenders of the idea that the military should not be used for everything. Night after night, I was tested. People all over this country are calling for reforms to policing and calling for police officers to face consequences for beating and shooting people. And that`s the momentum. Still, Mr. Chauvin kept his knee on Mr. Floyds neck, videos show. Excuse me. Were gonna send the police. I am now free to make the choices I want, and achieve the goals I set. Youre talking fine.. My family wasnt exactly thrilled to have me around. They seemed happy that somebody else was taking care of me. Across the street is a convenience store called Cup Foods. I will see you again tomorrow. There`s been huge personal costs to staying home and canceling events, but the data show each day made a profound difference. Lisa: Im 6 and my little sisters 4. Jamar Clark was killed by Minneapolis police, and we instituted a whole series of reforms. And third, that he seems to already be in distress. "She had knocked off my glasses and my phone," Lisa said. We dont know exactly why. I was tired of feeling like I had nothing. Update #1:After our story aired, News 5 received a phone call from Smith, the other woman charged with disorderly conduct- fighting. The homeowner who had two cars damaged didn't want to go on camera, but told News 5 via telephone that the insurance information Smith gave to police and her is bogus. So I don`t know exactly what it`s going to look like. Her footage shows that despite calls for medical help, Chauvin keeps Floyd pinned down for another seven minutes. The audio is chilling, frightening us to tears with each piercing scream from Lisa as she fights to protect her loved ones. Ive been kind of planning on killing for a while now., Related: John List: The Perfect Family Man Who Killed His Perfect Family. They shared their experiences and guiding truths. The driver gets out of the car and then gets back inside. These trends moving in the wrong direction is a signal we need to take very seriously. He becomes increasingly disheartened as the smoke gets thicker, his breathing audible and labored. By the time they could reach her car, Stevens had run out of oxygen and could not be resuscitated. In a bizarre twist, she wound up getting arrested. This is me slowing down to give you that chance to get up off the couch and change your television arrangement if you need to do so. She had to help her mother somehow. We don`t actually see the lives that are saved. I wish he would stop doing this. A lot going on right now, I know, but watch this space. stream That announcement came just one day after Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey was booed out of a rally that came to his house, after he said he didn`t believe in abolishing the police department, he walked off. "We were unaware of that video at that time," Sokolik said. I also want to get the Early Bird Books newsletter featuring great deals on ebooks. He was going to keep me isolated in our room, beat me when I questioned him and unconvincingly apologize when he felt I had suffered enough. Lisa had a hunch something just wasn't right so she put on her robe, grabbed her glasses and phone and went outside. But it`s actually not about having no police, but making sure again that communities have the resources so that you can have less of a footprint of police, right? MADDOW: So I know that you`re not only an expert on these things more broadly, but you specifically consulted with Minneapolis on some of its policing problems and on public safety. They earlied it up, opened up on May 15th. Knowing that many of the people involved with the foundation had themselves embarked on the same journey as I made me feel like a better life was definitely accessible. Lisa Floyd is on Facebook. Find your friends on Facebook. And what we`re seeing in a lot of states right now is a lot of people getting infected, incredibly steep graphs in terms of how fast the case numbers are rising each day now, including in really big states like Florida. TRUMP: It`s going up. Dispatcher: Youre only OK. The hospital system there has said it has no more ICU beds in the Phoenix area. I spent a lot of time wondering what compelled me to leave, even when it seemed all the odds were against me. There were thousands more in Wausau, Wisconsin. On the right side, very dark. 100% of your donation will go directly to fund programs & services for those impacted by CDV. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. With those scenes playing out across the country all through this weekend and through today for a 14th day of response to that killing, today, the now former officer, the fired officer at the center of George Floyd`s case appeared before a judge for the first time. They only let small handfuls of people into the church at a time to encourage social distancing. For having me relationship felt like my very own personal dilemma, and I didnt I! Back inside costs are very real said that Brazil was going to take a picture, Lisa... Results of the trauma she experienced during her childhood, she found herself also in an relationship. Confirmed that Smith is not employed with the Gazette at a time to encourage social distancing hearing, 60,000... 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