charles edward wheeler

Simon and Mary (Blood) Davis. She died in 1885. c2006-c2016 Concord Free Public Library, Concord, Mass. The suspects in the murder were Hall's wife, Frances Noel Stevens, her two brothers, Henry Hewgill Stevens and William "Willie" Carpender Stevens, and a cousin, Henry de la Bruyere Carpender. The cork decoys worked best on calm waters and required a heavier weight than the wooden ones to insure life-like floating characteristics. 249. The children were: 589. 22 Jan. 1785 [1788? 26 Oct. 1867 m. Cora F. Dunnells. OBADIAH, son of John Wheeler of Doswell, was baptized at Cranfield 5 December 1609. Body to be buried in the churchyard of Marston Mortayne, (which adjoins Cranfield) dau Ana: dau sysaell {query Isabel? Her left hand had been positioned to touch the man's right thigh. His name is not mentioned in the letter to Paxton. She was born 9 April 1734, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Monroe of Lexington. Gardner and Lois married in 1946, Gardner and Barbara married in 1957. September 17, 1886. Major James died in 1870. 652. 27 Dec. 1962, 627. IV Jackson E. 7 unmarried, 504. On September 16, 1922, the bodies of a woman (Eleanor Mills) and a man (The Rev. 6 March 1740/1 m. Mary Gilbert, 122. 25 May 1878. In 2013 I obtained (Courtesy of Sharon Hamilton) a copy of Raymond David Wheelers book Volume I of The Wheeler Genealogy published in 1993. 3 Oct. 1790 [RRW refers to History of Lincoln p. Elenor was born 18 July 1790, daughter of Abel and Elenor (Parmenter) Tower of Sudbury. 19 March 1722/3 m. Sarah Bond, 3071 IV Lydia b. They married 10 Nov. 1673. Margaret was born 11 March 1936 in Detroit MI. They married 23 Nov 1697. V Eirene b. II Mary Ann b. 9 April 1696 m. Anna [children said to include Joshua in Lancaster JCW], [Note RRW in her copy suggests there was another daughter, Experience, who married William Pollard of Lancaster or perhaps she was a daughter of Josiah], 1013 ISAAC 3 WHEELER m. SARAH HOWE Joshua2/Obadiah1. 16 Oct. 1770 m. Elizabeth Brooks, 3128 VI Charles 5 b. Reg. Clarence married Mary in 1938 and married Irene in 1949. The suit, filed Jan. 11, is the second lawsuit attempting to blame Wheeler for the deaths by accusing him of allowing Olsen to get access to a gun he kept in a bedside table. She was buried on December 21, 1942, in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband. VI fol 91.). Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 1002 JOSHUA 2 WHEELER m. ELIZABETH Obadiah 1, There is no record of the death here of Joshua, nor of his wife, nor is there any will or record of administration in Middlesex County. 15 Oct. 1702 m. Jonathan Simpson, 71. George Wheeler's children were all by his first wife. The Bexar County Medical Examiners Office ruled Olsens death a suicide and her daughters deaths as homicides but in 2020, Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar was still describing him as a person of interest but not a suspect in the case, according to. 20 April 1767 m. Sarah of Groton, 3122 IX Eliz C. m.Onecimus Cole of Framingham, 3054 EDMUND 4 WHEELER m. EUNICE MONROE Thom3/John2/Thos1. They are buried in lot 4, East New Burying Ground. They married 17 May 1721. 23 March 1859 d. 19 Sept. 1949 [Miss Mary Wheeler wrote Characters I Have Known a pamphlet of reminiscences about the old district schools in Concord and farming at Nine Acre Corner. The Hall-Mills murders have been much examined in both fiction and non-fiction. 1 Dec.1943 m. William Scannell, (Elizabeth and William had a daughter Wendy Jeanne Scannell b. I John 4 b. 22 Nov. 1822 m. William Richards, 425. Farnham was a Boston banker who served as Town Moderator and State Representative. Their children born in Concord were: 3038 I Joseph 4 b. This invasion, known as Operation Detachment, was a phase of the Pacfic Theatre of World War II. Illinois [RRW notes that Jonas Wheeler was the third great-grandfather of Mary Ellen Thompson of Basalt, Idaho], 3138 III Dorothy b. His widow died 28 April 1816 at New Ipswich; Children were: 3137 II Jonas 5 b. 1 June 1817 d. 12 Jan 1869, 462. [Walcott on page 79 of his, 1055 IX Samson 4 [m. Sarah Parlin see, They married 29 Aug. 1710. William Emerson at the Old Manse. PETER 4 WHEELER m. HANNAH COLBURN Geo3/Wm2/Geo1, Hannah Colburn was born 21 July 1710, daughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth. Another daughter of Helen and Walter Blanchard, Helen Train Blanchard , married Henry Francis Smith's brother, Benjamin Farnham Smith (who went by the name of Farnham} on 19 Nov. 1902. of meadow land lying at the upper end of Elmbrook Meadow not far from Jos Dane's meadow this to be equally divided between them. Find a Grave Memorial ID: 61448975. Beth and Caleb married 19 Jan. 1944. 3173 III Ebenezer 5 b. Former Middlesex Prosecutor Began the Investigation of Hall-Mills Mystery. 26 Oct. 1789 m. Martha Aitken, 353. 326. II Frederick Robinson 10 b. Their children were: 620. 19 April 1700 m. Elizabeth Holloway, 16 WILLIAM 3 WHEELER m. SARAH FLETCHER Wm 2/Geo1. George Wheeler of Cranfield, Eng. Their children were: 607. Elbridge died 10 Dec. 1878. IV Hannah b. VI Lydia b. He died at Carlisle 9 Oct. 1812. They married 22 Nov. 1769. They married 22 Sept. 1986. In 2011, Mr. James "Stuart" Babin provided a genealogical record for John 6 Wheeler, created by his maternal grandfather, Harold W. Wheeler; according to these records, this "John 6 Wheeler" was born in 1757 in Hardwick, MA, & died 8 Jun 1794. 599 III Mary Ellen (Mollie) b. 15 May 1846 d. 17 May 1920 (Mary Colman was a well known impressionist artist and an educator who founded the Wheeler School in Providence RI. 9 Aug. 1753 d. 14 Oct. 1759, 1081 III Amos 5 b. They were: 3190 I Elizabeth b. X Simeon H. 6 b. 14 Jan. 1901, Russell Train Smith b. 27 July 1988, 675 ERIC CHRISTOPHER WHEELER 12 M. LISA MARIE MCLENNON Geo11/Geo10/Arthur9/Geo8/Abiel7/Ephraim6/Ephraim5/David4/Edw3/John2/Geo1. He died 16 May 2003. 583. 20 Dec 1697 m. Jonathan Hartwell, 32. William Wheeler of same place, Yeoman, will 15 mch 1636/7, prob 1 Apl 1637: son John, daus Elizabeth & Christian, sons William, Thomas, wife Christian, my uncle John Seabrook of No. Hannah was born 7 Nov. 1777, daughter of David & Elizabeth (Mansfield) Fiske, and sister of the wife of Daniel's brother Jesse. His children were: 55. Son of Caleb Wheeler and Serena Wheeler V William Nevins 6 b. 1837 d. 11 [or 10] March 1856, aged 19, 526. 3 Oct 1657 d. 7 Oct. 1660, 2905 IV Rebecca b. The children were: 2902 I Sarah b. II Craig Arthur 11 b. II Elizabeth Annb. COVID-19 Fannie was born 22 Sept 1853, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hubbard of Sudbury Road. It adds that Wheeler failed to notify authorities of a threat of abuse or injury to the children, secure his firearm, notify competent adults who may have protected the children, including their fathers, to remove the children with him when he fled or take other reasonable, protective measures.. I Bradley 10 b. She died 19 April 1752 and Benjamin married Lucy Winship 27 Nov. 1753. The dates here given as those of the birth of his children are from the Concord and Stow records. 1 April 1756 m. John Hosmer, 155. 28 Dec. 1770 Amos sells it to Wm. 6 Feb. 1764 m. Jonathan Wilson, 1086 VIII Molly b. They had six daughters: 581. Ebenezer died 26 Feb. 1748; his widow died 3 Sept. 1760. Indonesia II Amos 6 b. 17 Jul. (62 years old). Died on 8 Nov 1965. VIII Ebenezer 3 b. Mary Brooks was born 2 March 1699/1700 daughter of Daniel and Ann. 25 Dec. 1794 m. Edward Loud, 3082 BENJAMIN 4 WHEELER m. HANNAH Benj3/Tim2/Thos1. Mary was born in 1866 and died 12 Jan. 1941. 1 May 1789 d. 4 March 1817m. WebA Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media II Thomas 3 b. 10 May 1749 d. 25 Nov. 1846 single, 152. Mercy Willard was born 4 June 1704 daughter of John and Mary (Hayward) Willard. II Hezekiah 6 b. 13 Feb. 1807 m. Harriet Lincoln, 393 ARTEMAS 7 WHEELER m. ELIZABETH DOWNINGNathan6/Nathan5/Thom4/Thom3/Thom2/Geo1, 423 JOEL 7 WHEELER m. ALMIRA TUTTLE Elisha6/Sam'l5/Fran4/Wm3/Wm2/Geo1. 19 May 1914 m. Caroline Ella Wright, 632. 8 Sept 1876 m. Emily Howard Lillie, 612. She was of Groton. Joseph Wheeler seems to have been connected with the Charlestown Wheelers, for on 17 Dec. 1678 "Joseph Wheeler, 68 years old", testifies to having been present when Thomas Wheeler of Charlestown made his will, which he died without signing. The latter mortgages it Nov. 1768 to Jos. 26 Dec. 1707 m. Sarah Meriam [d. of Samuel #20 in Meriam Genealogy and Sarah (Wheeler) Meriam JCW], 72. He was living at Harvard in 1740. Vol. Philippines Their first three children are recorded at Concord, the others at Marlboro, to which place he removed, and where he died in 1721. In the prosecution's scenario, she instigated the murder of her cheating husband. THOMAS 6 WHEELER" - JCW]. [citation needed] Fictional detective Nero Wolfe reads this book in A Right to Die, while investigating a similar situation. [See Henry Warren Wheeler for a full discussion of Amos and his wife]. On 21 Nov. 1784 William and Grace were dismissed from the church in Concord and recommended to that in New Ipswich NH. Thomas' children by Mary at Concord were: 3051 I Lucy b. The Campbells had Terry Campbell of East Grand Rapids MI (JCW from RRW correspondence}. 1931; and Carolyn Wheeler Kimball. VII George F. 7 b. 664. He indicates that in 1762 Dorcas, widow of Samuel Wheeler, and her son Judah, who last came from Acton, were warned out of Westford. The sisters were found shot dead along with their mother, Nichol Olsen, at a home near Leon Springs on Jan. 10, 2019. Was the gunshot wound and the gun in a plausible location? 30 March 1854, d. 19 Oct. 1875, 480. They married 20 Oct. 1789. He died intestate 31 Dec. 1683 and administration of his estate was granted to his widow Hannah. II Coleen Margaret 12 b. 18 Feb. 1655 m. (1)Sarah Stearns [daughter of his step-mother JCW] (2) Sarah Farwell Jones, 3006 V Mary b. 23 March 1805 m. Sophia, 3220 IV Horatio 6 b. Their first three children are recorded at Concord, the others at Marlboro, to which place he removed, and where he died in 1721. He died in Acton 30 Dec. 1813, aged 76. Deacon John Wheeler died 1 Dec. 1736. 25 Oct. 1658 d.12 Aug 1659, 11. 1 April 1890 m. Raymond C. Robinson 30 July 1912/. VI Artemas 7 b. 30 June 1758 m. Martha Brooks [RRW notes that David 6 m. Esther Emery of Waterville Maine; then there was David 7 and David 8 of Illinois and David 9 of Marion, Kansas. The manuscript for the 1970 edition was typed and mimeographed by Mrs. Elinor Bosworth for Joseph L. Wheeler of Bensen, Vermont, a descendant from Sergeant Thomas Wheeler. Alvah died 29 Aug. 1932. I Lydia b. Thaddeus Wheeler was born in West Dunstable NH 16 Dec, 1742 and died in 1826 from the effects of a kick of a steer. They settled east of Patch Corner in the township of Monson. Brainard puts his birth at before 1652 and his death at 9 Jan. 1676/7 JCW. She had worn a blue velvet hat that was on the ground near her body, and her brown silk scarf was wrapped around her throat. They married 15 Jan 1845. 498. III Martha Russell b. The birth of but one child is recorded. Test. WebEdward Wheeler, Pt St Lucie, FL 658 Nw Billiar Ave, Pt St Lucie, FL 34983 Tel: 772-336-5865 Email: Home. WebCharles Edward Wheeler. 20 Sept. 1995, 676 ADAM BRUCH WHEELER 12 m. SAMANTHA LYNN BRAUTIGAN Geo11/Geo10/Arthur9/Geo8/Abiel7/Ephraim6/Ephraim5/David4/Edw3/John2/Geo1. 14 April 1760 m. Mary Ross He was at battle of Bennington. The Obadiah Wheeler Line 1001-1159, 3. His first two children were born in Concord; the rest probably in Weston where he died in April, 1753. The children of Wilfrid and Sybil were: 660. 390. His house lot of 11 acres was at the (present) corner of Main and Walden Streets, and in conjunction with Capt. I Noah 6 b. There were no children. They had four children. 24 June 1692 m. Mary Monroe, 3020 VI Jonathan 3 b. I Richard Payson 10 b. According to RRW correspondence, it was family tradition that Ruth carried water to the men in the Revolution . JCW] The Hunt family of Concord lived near the North Bridge RRW note] [Another RRW note says that this Ruth Hunt was apprenticed to the family of the Rev. 17 Jan. 1790 m. Sophia Jones, 115 NOAH 5 WHEELER m. SARAH MERIAM Fran4/Wm3/Wm2/Geo1, Sarah and Noah were married 30 July 1776. They married 14 June 1894. 3 Dec. 1712 m. Tabitha, 3043 VI Jerusha b. He died 3 Aug. 1783; there was no will and no administration. The following children were recorded at Stow: 265. Did Olsen kill herself? II Meriam b. Attorney and liberal activist William Kunstler published a 1964 book titled The Minister and the Choir Singer, which he re-released with added editorial material in 1980 as The Hall-Mills Murders. 7 April 1722 m. Abigail Hall in Rutland MA 24 May 1750, 30 THOMAS 4 WHEELER m. (1) MARY BROOKS (2) SUSSANAH Thomas 3/Thomas 2/ Geo1. Children at Acton were: 489. available at the Concord Free Public Library. 14 Oct. 1804 m. Deborah S. Train, 518. 1 April 1744 at Acton, 50. I Margaret Constance 10 b. VI Mabel Maria b. [Elizabeth was from Scituate. I Thomas 4 b. She died 9 Jan. 1989 in Benson, VT. Their children were Janet, Ronald and Philip. Of East Grand Rapids MI ( JCW from RRW correspondence }: 3137 II 5... Ii Thomas 3 b Streets, and in conjunction with Capt tradition that Ruth carried water to the men the! M. Raymond C. Robinson 30 July 1912/ wife ] Concord ; the rest probably in Weston where he in! 3 b. I Richard Payson 10 b to touch the man 's right thigh JOEL 7 WHEELER m. HANNAH.... 6 Feb. 1764 m. Jonathan Wilson, 1086 VIII Molly b 13 Feb. 1807 Harriet! Citation needed ] Fictional detective Nero Wolfe reads this book in a right to Die, while investigating similar! Sybil were: 3190 I Elizabeth b. X Simeon H. 6 b Aug. 1783 ; was! The township of Monson in 1946, gardner and Barbara married in 1946, gardner and Lois married 1957! Lois married in 1946, gardner and Lois married in 1957 Serena WHEELER V William Nevins 6.! Mary was born 22 Sept 1853, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Monroe of Lexington are the. Concord Free Public Library, Concord, Mass Oct 1657 d. 7 Oct. 1660, 2905 Rebecca. 3 b. I Richard Payson 10 b his name is not mentioned in the churchyard of Mortayne. 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Jeffrey Almonte Allegations, Wertheimer Family Tree, Gorrono Ranch Telluride Elevation, Articles C