mike sullivan artist

Mike Sullivan is known for painting. Other murals in the series include: University of Texas, Notre Dame University, University of Southern California (USC), University of California Los Angles (UCLA), Brigham Young University and University of Nebraska.To learn more about each mural click on the names below.Mike was born outside of Buffalo, NY and from an early age showed a penchant for drawing and painting. askART, an artist directory with millions of worldwide artists' paintings and art - Auction records and results, artwork prices, valuations, signatures, images and artist biographies. Station (as M. Sullivan)

and Artist Mike Sullivan is currently designing and creating 25 murals at stadiums and venues across the country. Upcoming murals include other top colleges as well as several professional sports arenas and stadiums.Collectors of his work include Ben Roethlisberger, Leigh Steinberg, John “Spider” Salley, Mack Brown, AC Green, Mark Sanchez, Carson Palmer, Tim Brown, Stephen Jones, Warren Moon as well as many other athletes, corporations and art collectors.His artwork has also raised money for many charities and foundations including The Magic Johnson Foundation, The Pat Tillman Foundation, Miller Children’s Hospital, Kurt Warner FTF Foundation, Hannah and Friends and the Orangewood Pals/ Hillview Acres charity.Mike’s work continues to grow as he focus on the human figure in sports and play, as well as other subjects created in his unique “chiseled” style of painting.MikeSullivanArt.com is a proud supporter of the following foundations, charities and organizations: All Art, Images & Content © 2020 S5G, LLC. Auction Records. Jenny (as Sullivan)

All Rights Reserved. At this time he continued his painting as his style and technique continued to grow.He then moved to Manhattan in NYC and began working in the video game industry where he created graphics and animations for Nintendo/Sega/Sony games including The Simpsons, Home Alone, EA Sports, Star Trek and others.While living in New York he continued painting and drawing as well as taking classes and workshops at the legendary Art Students League near Central Park. When he was in 5th grade his family moved to Syracuse, NY where he began taking weekly art classes at the Everson Museum and began his focus on figure drawing.Three years later his family moved again to Detroit, MI where his high school art teacher introduced him to the latest painting techniques and materials.

Your email will not be given or sold to any third party. Your email will not be given or sold to any third party.Arizona Cardinals Quarterback, Heisman Trophy WinnerOne of our goals is to help revive and support art education in schools. Maw Mike Sullivan is a photographer and creative artist living in NYC. Mike Sullivan (21st Century) Mike Sullivan is active/lives in United States. By scrolling down on our site you can visit different sections featuring paintings, murals, photos and much more. The Artist. Explore releases from Mike Sullivan at Discogs. We will be updating all the sections frequently and encourage you to sign up for the free newsletter to be kept up to date on the new artwork, projects, murals, products, news and more.Artist Mike Sullivan is currently designing and creating 25 murals at stadiums and venues across the country.The first mural of the series (of Pat Tillman) is located at Arizona State University’s Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, AZ. A Decade In Kentucky He is currently the head coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins of the National Hockey League (NHL).

He has served as The Official Artist of The Best Damn Sports Show Period (Fox Sports Net) where his paintings of Chicago Bear RB Walter Payton and NBA legend Dr. J were featured on the permanent set. He was a fourth round selection, 69th overall, by the New York Rangers at the 1987 NHL Entry Draft and played 11 NHL seasons with the San Jose Sharks, Calgary Flames, Boston Bruins and Phoenix Coyotes. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . ... Mike Sullivan is active/lives in United States.

Other murals in the series include: University of Texas, Notre Dame University, University of Southern California (USC), University of California Los Angles (UCLA), Brigham Young … After a fire destroyed most of the restaurant in early 2017, a new and brighter color scheme was imagined along with an idea for a few Italian frescoes.

Learning to create and appreciate visual aesthetics may be more important than ever to the development of the next generation of children as they grow up.

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