signs of a stressed gerbil

A head tilt or lack of balance; scabs on ears, face or feet; sneezing; runny nose; watery eyes; and diarrhea are all signs of a sick animal who needs . There are a few things you can do to reduce stress in your gerbils life, including: Taking these steps can help your gerbil feel less stressed and more comfortable in their home. All gerbils that live together play together as a means of communication and for fun. But before the fight begins, you may notice something even if you arent stood nearby: squeaking. This is a sign that the fighting has gone too far, and the pair must be separated. Sometimes, you may hear your gerbils squeaking, Gerbils that are the same age and live together are usually the same size. They would never naturally do this in the wild. This is a normal outcome of a fight over territory. When your gerbil becomes depressed, it may stop showing these signs of excitement. However, in captivity, these patterns can change. Gerbils have a fairly small repertoire of behaviors: chewing, nesting, digging, grooming and being groomed, eating, drinking and running in the wheel. Its essential to tell when a gerbil is stressed so you can take steps to calm it down. Put one gerbil in each compartment, along with everything it will need (food, wheel, etc.). They will stand, not quite facing each other, ready to lash out. [Gerbil Tail Slip Prevention Guide], Body going limp or rigid (your gerbil may fall over), Injury (e.g. As younger gerbils grow in size and confidence, they may challenge the authority of the dominant gerbil. According to the Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, gerbils communicate via ultrasonic sound. Life experiences. Wounds on the back or tail of a gerbil. When this occurs, both in the wild and in captivity, the other gerbils can become sad. Gerbils are tiny, adorable creatures that many like to keep as pets. Gerbils communicate their mood through body language and noise. The problems listed above are a good starting point: If you fix whatever the problem is, your gerbil may become happy again. Exercise on a wheel can also help your pet to overcome loss and depression. If this is the case, the best thing would be to keep them in separate tanks permanently. But often, a seizure or a stroke is a death sentence for a gerbil. This is something thats very similar to the hyperactivity that humans experience. High blood pressure. Being bullied by a tank mate in a confined space is very stressful and can be really hard on an older gerbil. I love animals, and I have three beautiful boys. However,. According to the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, gerbils use noise to communicate with each other. Gerbils that are under stress are at increased risk of infestations, since it is the immune system that suffers under duress, and the immune system that keeps a check on the population of mites that are able to survive on the body at any given time (that is, a small amount of demodex mites are normal and live on almost all mammals, including . Neither of these is a good sign as your gerbil may die within 48 hours if not properly looked after. Anger is the outward expression of inner stress and is potentially one of the most damaging emotions. They will seem content and at ease and spend time together as normal. But if you suddenly notice this behavior out of nowhere, stress could be the trigger. It could also be a trivial fight. Again, not after intense exercise or when the room is really hot. The leader of the group traverses the boundaries of the land and scent marks it. In captivity, gerbils dont get to explore much. Barry is constructing a hutch for his Himalayan Rabbits. Declanning causes fights between gerbils. There are several reasons why gerbil clans split. Almost any health problem could cause stress, such as: If you suspect illness, take your gerbil to a suitably experienced veterinarian for a checkup. But sadly, you might find that your gerbils never get on again, even after several months. Have each gerbil sleep on each side multiple times. If you are stressed, you might feel: Irritable, angry, impatient or wound up Over-burdened or overwhelmed Anxious, nervous or afraid Like your thoughts are racing and you can't switch off Unable to enjoy yourself Depressed Uninterested in life Like you've lost your sense of humour A sense of dread Worried or tense Neglected or lonely This creates tension, which can lead to gerbils fighting. One of the most obvious signs of fighting is squeaking. This can lead to fighting when there wasnt any in the first place. Gerbils live in groups, also known as clans. And as always - virtually all gerbils can be paired up with a new friend easily in a split tank and start afresh. Exhaustion or trouble sleeping. Gerbils run on wheels because it rewards them with positive-feeling neurochemicals. All it knows is that its power is still being challenged. If youre unsure whats causing your gerbils stress, or if they dont seem to be improving, its always best to consult a veterinarian who can offer more specific advice. Perhaps: You have trouble getting to sleep or wake up very early. Introducing two new gerbils isnt as simple as putting them in the same cage. [Gerbil Tail Slip Prevention Guide]. Some gerbils won't eat as much, others may have seizures or fits when stressed, while others may become more hyperactive, and still others may hide and stay out of site. You can make your gerbil happy by providing a comfortable place to sleep, great toys to play with, and enough food and water. They stay awake and active for a period, then sleep, then wake for a period, and so on. Here at Pocket Sized Pets, we love small animals! But with how active gerbils are, its difficult to tell how much exercise they should get each day., Hi my black gerbil bubble sits a lot in his running wheel and after awhile goes and sleeps with the other gerbil I have called trouble bubble I can touch and stroke but trouble wont let me touch him he.s very touch runs away why is that had them 7 months now and I love them to bits. So, for example, your gerbil could damage its teeth on the bars of its cage. They could be vague at the start and you could think this is normal. So, again, this isnt a definitive sign of low mood. After pushing each other, the pair will fall still. This will be especially true for the gerbil that has been overthrown and kicked out. There are many signs that a gerbil is stressed. Dont pick it up from above, as it might think youre a predator and go into shock. This is the case for most wild specimens. Gerbil Pregnancy Signs! Stereotypy isnt a definitive sign of depression on its own. The two gerbils that are about to fight will try to intimidate each other with loud noises to win the fight before it starts. If your gerbil is healthy and its environment isnt causing stress, it may just have an anxious personality. Gerbils can break out in rashes or even become wounded if they over-groom or scratch themselves too much. Gerbils often communicate their mood through body language. This forces the fighting pair to fight harder. Gerbils consistently sleeping in separate areas. Once you find a gerbil who shows signs of a respiratory infection, . Playful chasing is quite slow and non-aggressive. They may be fairly superficial, but you should still take note of them. When reaching into your pets cage, you may also notice that one wants to get out. This is normally due to a severe health problem, or worse,, Youve probably seen your gerbils grooming each other from time to time. This article is about the signs of a stressed gerbil. Gerbils may be more aggressive, irritable, or hide excessively. It cant get out of the cage, so another burrow isnt an option. But when stressed, these behaviors can become so frequent that they fully occupy your gerbils time. Is your gerbil lonely? If your gerbils are fighting and drawing blood, they are not playing. The more time your gerbil lives with you, the better you will become at identifying both physical and behavioural signs of a stressed gerbil. If you cant identify any environmental problems, the stress may be illness-related. In captivity, gerbils exhibit many kinds of unusual behavior. Well then explore why gerbils feel stressed and how you can make them feel less anxious and afraid. Anger. Gerbils may be more aggressive, irritable, or hide excessively. Just keep treating it with kindness and giving it everything it needs. It looks like theyre licking or nibbling at each others fur. If you suddenly start noticing your gerbil becoming more vocal, it could be stressed. If left untreated, stress can lead to various problems, including health, behavior, and even depression. However, there are many signs of stress in gerbils, some of which are much easier to understand than, Youve probably seen your gerbils grooming each other from time to time. Its like a wrestling match. For example, it might become agitated and gnaw on its fur or cage bars. It's normal for your dog to feel stressed from time to time. A gerbil eating its own poop isnt a sign of a problem. It is forced to stay in the same gerbilarium as the winner. Stress: Gerbils may gnaw on the bars of their cage if they are feeling stressed. Presumably, wild animals experience the same positive benefits as those in captivity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Are the Signs of Gerbils Declanning? For an in-depth article on this topic please visit. gerbils get stressed? If you keep two or more gerbils together, youll notice your gerbils play fighting occasionally. This means that the loser will want/need to get out of the cage. Trembling. You may notice: Disturbed sleep indicates that your gerbils mood or health has changed. Furthermore, even if gerbils are social creatures and enjoy spending time with their owner or fellow gerbils, they do sometimes want time alone. But alongside other signs, such as altered sleep patterns, it shows that your gerbil is unhappy. Gerbils can be infected with several strains of Salmonella bacteria. You notice you're irritable with other people. Gerbils come into heat every 4 days and almost always get pregnant the, Gerbils that are the same age and live together are usually the same size. For example, does your gerbil have a big enough cage or space for digging? This is a sign that it is happy and relaxed. If you think thats the case, try bodging yours with another gerbil. There are many, Wild gerbils live together in large clans. [Gerbil Tail Slip Prevention Guide], You reach into your pets cage, and one gerbil jumps up for you to reach in and take it out, The losing gerbil spends its time around the edge of the cage, far away from the other gerbils, The losing gerbil eats separately to the rest, The losing gerbil doesnt interact with the others positively. When gerbils are stressed, anxious, or scared, they exhibit a behavior called drumming. Before separating your gerbils, get a box ready to place one of the gerbils into. Signs of stress in gerbils include obsessive behaviors, such as over-grooming and cage biting. Unless you separate your gerbils straight away, declanned gerbils will inevitably fight. During the day, expect to see healthy hamsters sleeping; healthy gerbils may or may not be running around. The burrow is the heart of the gerbil social group. However, its not uncommon for one gerbil to grow bigger than the other. You must do this straight away. Declanning is a behavior related to the social nature of gerbils. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. But in captivity, this is physically impossible. According to the Jackson Laboratory, overgrooming is a kind of stereotypy. Take the gerbil to the vet for further diagnosis and advice. Aside from that, gerbils can die of many health conditions, as well as age. Sometimes, you may hear your gerbils squeaking, Gerbils are social creatures that shouldn't live alone. Well explain why gerbils fight and how to tell the difference between gerbils playing or fighting. The one which is usually dominant will then try and get on top of the other. Knowing what symptoms to look for is a great place to . They do so to keep their coat healthy and shiny, stop any wounds from becoming infected, and get rid of parasites. Check for the signs of declanning. They would still see each other, and while they couldnt fight, this could still cause stress. However, there are many other reasons for stereotypy, such as lack of stimulation, small enclosure size, and lack of substrate. This especially applies if your gerbil is alone after the death of another gerbil. Some gerbils bite or dig at their cage walls out of habit. True gerbil fighting is rare in bonded pairs, but it can happen at any point, often without warning. Grooming, scratching, and biting or digging at the cage are all normal gerbil behaviors. Watch for signs like agitation, inactivity, and refusal to eat or drink. If they start to fight again, separate them straight away. and more. TVs, computers, running water, and vacuum cleaners could all stress your gerbil out. The same applies to exercise. Keeping your pet gerbils healthy and safe is the number one responsibility you have as a pet owner. Anxiety or irritability. Fur appearance may or may not change. If you constantly leave to go somewhere and dont spend as much time with them, then they are going to be stressed out from not being with you. According to, wild animals will even run on wheels. Some of the group may join it in leaving. The gerbils entire life revolves around you. When gerbils are frequently thumping their feet on the ground, it could be a sign of stress. Here are some of the most common physical symptoms of stress: Muscular tension (tight shoulders, back, or jaw) Headache. Whereas normally, your pet would be happy to see you, now its defensive and nippy. Boxing. As such, they may be very difficult to handle when theyre stressed out and you may not even realize they are stressed. They are relatively low-maintenance and can provide hours of entertainment. As pets, gerbils have an average lifespan of 3-4 years. 2. To tell the difference, you need to look closely, Like all animals, gerbils need to blink to keep their eyes moist and clean of debris. Sometimes, though, gerbils fight for real. When your gerbils meet, the subordinate gerbil may intensely groom the aggressor. Some gerbils will have seizures when stressed. Move this cage away from the one the rest of your pets live in. The pair may then push each other around, trying to gain the upper hand. It needs bedding, a running wheel, and drinking water like any other enclosure. [Compatibility Guide], Why Do Gerbils Tails Fall Off? Of course the red porphyrin leakage around the eyes or nose is very clearly a sign of stress. A tasty treat will distract playing gerbils, but it wont break up a real fight. This enclosure should be of the same kind as the one your other gerbils live in. But it, As captive pets, gerbils are at risk of becoming overweight or obese. We are passionate about having them as friends and pets. Loneliness can quickly lead to stress. Glass surfing Flitting around the tank Excessive hiding Changes in appearance Constantly chasing other fish Fin deterioration Loss of appetite Rubbing against gravel or decorations Gasping near the water surface Persistent disease Gerbils have many ways of letting you know that they are uncomfortable with the situation. It is usually quiet and doesnt result in injuries or blood being drawn. Chest Pain or Discomfort. There are many reasons why your gerbil might be stressed. Another sign that your gerbils are declanning is if they become unfriendly with you. Well also discuss how to separate fighting gerbils and how to reintroduce gerbils after a fight. When meeting each other again, they may not recognize each other as a member of their clan. If the fighting seems to have subsided, its only a matter of time before it starts again. Gerbils may be more aggressive, irritable, or hide excessively. The thumping is produced by pounding both hind legs on the ground. Every gerbil is different. We love to talk about them all! Is there plenty of bedding? This is not always obvious in floppy-eared breeds. Emotional and mental symptoms of stress can include: 2. It turns out that when pets are stressed or not feeling well, they will show or express themselves in certain ways. This applies both to the winner and the loser of the fight. Why Do Gerbils Sleep on Top of Each Other? If your gerbil suddenly stops eating or starts losing weight, its a sign that something is wrong. If you notice one or two of these alone, it may not necessarily indicate stress. Choose a same-sex playmate to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Ears Up/Ears Down. Your gerbil may also be stressed because of your behavior. Its important to know what your pet is trying to tell you because stress is apparent in a lot of different ways depending on the animal. It can make them sick and can even kill them. You may not see these wounds beneath the fur. Of becoming overweight or obese matter of time before signs of a stressed gerbil starts again neither of alone. By pounding both hind legs on the bars of its cage die of many health conditions, as it become... Away from the one your other gerbils live together in large clans cant! Both hind legs on the bars of their clan behavior related to winner... Patterns, it may just have an anxious personality fur or cage bars this cage away from one. Are usually the same size this topic please visit.https: // -- -- -Do gerbils get?... Identify any environmental problems, the other same age and live together play together as a of. And advice loser of the most common physical symptoms of stress: Muscular (... 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