rh negative blood secrets

BE VIGILANT because KNOWLEDGE is POWER. ! Four of the Craziest Sports You Probably Have Never Heard Of! All Europeans have some of the blood of the Gods, but the traits show up most in those with Rh negative blood. As a society we are running hot and fast. https://www.facebook.com/notes/nella-adriana-%C4%8Dorak-%C5%A1ebeti%C4%87/the-mystery-of-rh-negative-blood-genetic-origin-unknown/10152336349179040/, Alexander Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton, https://www.facebook.com/notes/nella-adriana-%C4%8Dorak-%C5%A1ebeti%C4%87/the-mystery-of-rh-negative-blood-genetic-origin-unknown/10152336349179040/, Converting A Grass Lawn To A Garden (Video), This is the day that the Lord has made! If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Every disease is nothing more than a reflection of the INNER terrain of the blood. In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. That through some as yet undetermined epoch, the genetically impure group gradually became the controlling species, except for several remote enclaves, initiated a wide-ranging genocidal pogrom, effectively wiping out those who gave birth to them. How to Restore Your Wooden Garden Furniture? The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. (, When it comes to Multiple sclerosis, another autoimmune disorder, one study from 2019, demonstrated that people with B+ and A+ have bigger chances of developing it than the other blood types. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. These negative blooded people spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, France and later into America, Canada and Australia. He prescribed the use of diuretics, sudorifics, purgatives, the absorption of pure wine and hot baths. WebO Rh negative - Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. B Rh positive Human type 2. They candonate bloodto people with the Rh+ blood type, but they can only receive blood from Rh- donators. Rh Negative Bloodline is blood that is inherently karmic-less blood of the original angelic human Diamond Sun Template, the ancestral miasm from previous The Song of the Golden Dragon by Guitarist Estas Tonne (Video), A Special Prayer Intention for Those Affected by Hurricane Irma, Lord Hanuman Chanting: Om Sri Anjaneyaya Namaha, HANUMAN MANTRA : POWERFUL MANTRA FOR COURAGE, COMIC RELIEF: Monty Python Hairdressers Expedition on Mount Everest, Why The Native American Tribes NEVER Watch Eclipses, Why Native Americans will not be watching the solar eclipse, Eclipse has traditional Native Americans heading indoors, Why you should NOT watch Mondays solar eclipse. Though a foreign antigen could cause the body to attack, there are no antigens present in type O blood, so there's nothing to attack. If Hemophiliac is the Royal Disease, woe to generations of boys, who could not be king. The results show that there is a relation between the genes (namely chromosome 1, where the RH factor is determined, and chromosome 9, which determines the blood type) and the sexual orientation. Modern technology is particularly important for patients who have received large amounts of blood or those who need blood often, as their blood becomes a mixture consisting of several different donors. A Rh negative Mixed, God and human type 1. Financial support for ScienceDaily comes from advertisements and referral programs, where indicated. Type O: These people have neither A nor B antigens. According to the Japanese theory: People that belong to the type B blood group are: The negative sides of their personalities include: While people that belong to A blood group are: and when it comes to negative character traits, they are: and when it comes to the negative character traits, they are: People that belong to the AB blood type group are: The negative traits when it comes to this blood type personality include: Genetics and sometimes ethnicity play a vital role when determining your blood type, but we should never look at someones other persons blood type with cultural or ethnic prejudice. The RH- recessive alleles (+/-) make up approximately 60% of the Basque people and 40% of the Europeans, so that means that a higher percentage of RH+ people in Europe are carrying the genetics of the RH- factor in their DNA. To prevent this risk, there is an injection which pregnant women with Rh-negative blood types carrying an Rh-positive baby are given, to prevent the antibodies being developed. It may be due to your DNA 85% of humans have the monkey gene (RH+) and 15% do not (RH-) and maybe have an alien gene instead. He was born and brought up in Zahra (zorro?) For while the protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of negative blood cannot which is quite interesting, and may be indicative of an alien origin, or more probable, from early genetic experimentation during previous advanced human civilization(s). A study conducted in the US in 2015 found that men in particular often reported mental health disorders including panic, antisocial personality, and attention deficits. So, when these two characteristics combine (ABO and RH characteristics), there are actually 8 most common blood types, such as: It is very important to know your blood type, as there is a chance that you might need to give or receive blood in your lifetime. Worldwide, over 120,000 men, women and boysa true genetic holocaustare now infected with HIV world widedue to tainted blood transfusions At least 25,000 have died. They also have extra vertebrae, sensitive vision, are very sensitive to sunlight, and high blood pressure. There can be a problem when an Rh negative mother has a baby with an Rh positive father. All other earthly primates have this RH factor. Moreover, a study concluded that this percentage is likely to fall even more because of low population growth in Europe, where it is more prevalent. In case of a blood transfusion, it is important to know the blood type of both the donor and the patient. Researchers crack the code of the final blood group system. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. Ever since the blood type was discovered in 1962, no one has been able to explain why some people become Xga positive while others are Xga negative. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. ESP Ability In this area, over 30% of the population have Rh-negative blood. (, People with Rh- blood type make up around 15% of the world populationand they all share characteristics that are typical for their blood group. 1 in 6 Million people in this world are RHnull Rh negative blood is copper-based This research proves that the Celtic people came from the Basque regions of France and Spain and a group must have migrated over to the islands of Great Britain. Register Or Sign In, Please sign, by joining together we can change the world. Who knowsbut if European Royalty refuse to marry into the Rh Negative blood line it means one thingRh-Neg people are a competing royal line. Higher numbers means a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. When tests reveal Rh incompatibility, this can lead to a number of risks for the developing fetus. "We enjoy solving old mysteries where others have failed, so we combined computer-based analyses with laboratory experiments," explains Martin L Olsson, professor at Lund University and medical consultant at the Nordic Reference Laboratory for Blood Group Analysis, who conducted the study. Compare it to an alkaline battery in a flashlight. Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our bodys biochemical reactions. (12). That is why, in most cases, when a woman with an Rh-negative blood type is pregnant, it is very likely that she will receive a RhoGAM injection ( a shot that contains antibodies from plasma donors to stop her body from forming the Rh antibodies and prevent the hemolytic diseases). Do you see a rise in violence? (5), Moreover, almost 30 % of Basque people have 0 blood type and a very low frequency of group B, which makes them unique. A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. After a long and distinguished medical career he died in 1013 C.E. The problem with the O RH-systems is this, the stomach has TOO MUCH acid in it for proper digestion so they had to resort to taking the trace mineral in THRU THE SKIN aka sitting in a bath tub full of minerals. In an earlier meme, i indicated that the highest concentration of Rh-Factor Negative was from Iraq. Ever since the blood type was discovered in 1962, no one has been able to explain why some people become Xga positive while others are Xga negative. Basque peoples contain the largest concentration of known O negative blooded people today because, they for the most part, have confined themselves to one area, whereas the Celtic people have branched out among all of the new world. pH is the acronym for Potential Hydrogen. There are many alien theories that exist and are related to the creation of people with RH-negative blood type groups. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Rh antibodies which are subsequently created can cross the placenta and attack the fetus blood, leading to health problems and the risk of even death of the fetus or the newborn baby. We can surmise that the RH- blood type originates out of Europe and has spread over to other countries that contain European ancestry heritage. B Rh negative Mixed, God and human type 2. That is what I have been working on. However, for the DNA tests to work, the genetic cause of each blood type system must be known. One study found that having RH negative blood type can be beneficial when it comes to a parasite named toxoplasmosis, which may have serious side health effects if left untreated. Increased of psychic/intuitive abilities Nevertheless, some studies found that people with 0 blood type have lower chances of getting diabetes, but additional research is needed. Interesting, I don't think your blood group qualifies you to be a Mason. We truly fear that we may never really know the truths we seek, but we wont be silenced in our efforts. The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by all medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. (, Another theory associates the blood type of these people with the, One study found that having RH negative blood type can be beneficial when it comes to a parasite named toxoplasmosis, which may have serious side health effects if left untreated. Content on this website is for information only. Websites discussing the Rh-negative blood type have a general list of known associations: blue, green, or Across the world, there are approximately 6% of people with Rh-negative blood types in total. Do you see people getting exhausted, burned out, and quick to anger? Very rare. Rh incompatibility does not affect the pregnant women, but for the growing fetus, it can lead to complications, such as hemolytic anemia, heart failure, or intrauterine death. If you are interested, visit the Health Facts Page! WebAssociations between Rh-Negative Blood Type and physical Traits. 1 in 13 donors is A-negative, but whats most important is that everyone can receive platelets from an A-negative donor. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Look around you at society in general. Independence is being Gnostic. Empathetic Illnesses To Our Dearest Suzanna: HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! ! But the Rh negative blood is the place to start our search. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain also has a negative blood type O. Over the last hundred years, scientists have also discovered that the ABO blood group is just one of more than 20 human blood groups. 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However, my father was a Freemason in the 1960's but only at a lower level. That there was a group of pure humans, not directly related to the evolutionary processes on Earth, is a distinct possibility. And among these questions are the theories that suggest that these people do not have the same origins as the rest of us do. Who was this ancestor? Empathy & Compassion for Mankind It may be a method of DEPOPULATION beginning with infecting those GRADUALLY who are RH NEGATIVE. To keep this in perspective, only about 5% of all royalty have Rh-Factor negative bloodwhich means less than the general population. How do you get rid of it once and for all? While it is known that RH negative blood (type O) is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, as it is generally theorized by evolutionists that there is an unbroken bloodline from early human prototypes (pre-humans) to present day human beings. For all practical purposes the cultural group with the highest rates of Rh-negative blood are the Berbers of Morocco. In other words, the Rh positive baby is perceived by the mothers negative immune-system as something hostile, something not quite as it should be. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Electrodes Grown in the Brain -- Paving the Way for Future Therapies for Neurological Disorders, Wireless, Soft E-Skin for Interactive Touch Communication in the Virtual World, Want Healthy Valentine Chocolates? Continue with Recommended Cookies. Al-Zahravi was the first to give detailed description hemophilia and was the first to use silk thread for stitching wounds. "Now we are in the process of introducing it in the clinic and aim to find out what this exciting protein does and the consequences of the fact that so many of us don't have it," concludes Martin L Olsson. 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Interestingly, popular sciences endeavor to attribute Rh-neg blood groups to mutations. A solid alternative case may be extended to the conclusion that Rh-neg is NOT a mutation, but possibly the original human blood group. The difference between each is the presence or absence of different antigens, after which the blood type is named, and they are located on the surface of the red blood cells. As the planet's population grows and numbers of those with the Rhesus Negative factor dwindles, Dr Michael Bailey (alias) has made it his mission to uncover the truth behind the origins of this blood, as well as the attributes and skills that the majority of Negatives possess, but don't fully understand. Have some of the INNER terrain of the Gods, but possibly the human... Consent plugin getting exhausted, burned out, and high blood pressure webo Rh negative to a. Blood groups to mutations referral programs, where indicated be a Mason spread! 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