north america is egypt

Interesting. The population of the empire at the time of the Spanish conquest, in the 1530s, may have numbered more than 12 million. You see, the story does not add up, so we must question the narrative. Cush or Kush means Black. Here are some of the astounding similarities: EGYPT - Nile River - Nile = Cradle of Civilization - R. Are there REALLY similarities between Egypt and America? Washitaw Mu'urs. Prester John This is evidence of blacks being a global people, because whether you want to call these people the Anunnaki, Egyptians, Hebrews, Moors, Olmecs, and etc., blacks are the only race of people known to have ever built pyramids, A giant skull, called the Lovelock Skull, because it was found in a cave in Lovelock, Nevada. It was thought that the communitys alignment with the city of Port Caddo was relative to that of Karnak andThebes. [End quote from:,_Texas]. The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum is currently open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Cuzco and the surrounding area contain extensive Inca ruins that reflect great skill in engineering, stonework, and architecture. With scientific rigor, Dr. Balabanova repeated the tests several times and sent samples to other laboratories for independent testing. Palikir. Not only are the cross and the Garden of Eden identified with Atlantis, but in Atlantis, the habitation of the gods, we find the original model of all these pyramids which extend from India to Peru. [end quote]. The town is named afterKarnak,[1]Egypt(near modern-dayLuxor). [7] (See Definition of length at: +9 hours. He was the brother ofCanaan(land ofCanaan),Mizraim(Egypt) andPhut(land ofLibya), and the father of the biblicalNimrodmentioned in the Table of Nations inGenesis10:6 andI Chronicles1:8. Luxor means light. The carving was believed to take place between 1700 and 1400 BC, which was during the 18th Dynasty. Just because these ancient Muurs had pyramids does not mean that they were Ancient Egyptians. Now, that we know this, Las Vegas can also mean the light Dragon/serpent. Airport, 24km away This image is from the book, Pyramids in America, by R. A. Umar S. Bey. I believe this village was part of Israel or the Holy land, since Jacob became Israel, according to Genesis 35:10, KJV Bible, which means that anything with the name of Jacob was great or chosen amongst God: 10And God said unto him, Thy nameisJacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.. [2][3][4].[End quote from:,_Wharton_County,_Texas]. The seat of Shelby County is in Memphis, TN. Old World 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North Pole, and as you can see someone listed Eden and Meru right there. This image is from the book, Pyramids in America, by R. A. Umar S. Bey. Please keep in mind that there is no Greek language because Greek is just the Egyptian Coptic language (Gnostic texts), according to Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan. Las Vegas/Negas (light or bright serpent/dragon) is located where what used to be Utah Territory, which covered several states and reached all the way into Mexico, because Utah used to be a part of Mexico. [1]It was the name generally given by the Hebrews to the land of Egypt and its people.[2]. Illinois has a huge territory of land in Southern Illinois that is known as Little Egypt, but why? North America is comprised of 23 countries and 18 dependencies. This is part of the Memphis pyramid Exhibit from the 1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition. This business was inspired by my new history book, America is the True Old World, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey. I believe so because the Americas is the true old world. The carving was believed to take place between 1700 and 1400 BC, which was during the 18th Dynasty. There are three countries on the North American continent: Canada, Mexico and the United States of America. advanced ancient civilization Egypt, Texas, (2.) Set sail on Arabian Gulf cruises to explore exotic souks (Arabian markets), smell fragrant incense wafting from a traditional bakhoor burner and sample spicy dishes like machboos, a delicious seafood or meat stew. In Latin America, these mysterious constructions attract travellers from around the world. In fact, I know this to be factual, because my mother named me Eugene; therefore, I am Eugene by birth, so the same reasoning applies to cities or place names. The same symbol for America! Since, in this telling of the story, they were the new nation of Israel, they . North America 5 properties hide. Yes, due the size of the Amazon River it fits the description of being the Upper Nile River, because the Lower Nile River was the Mississippi River System. You may use the data for any purpose, but you have to acknowledge OpenStreetMap as the data source. This makes sense too if we apply the supreme Axiom of, As above so below.. It is unknown which pharaoh is being honored and there are no inscriptions to supply information. The Bible says it was giants in the Earth in those days. You have Mounds found all over the Americas, but especially all up and down the Mississippi River. If the Great Sphinx of Egypt is not a copy of the American Sphinx, then this evidence suggests that the Americas and Ancient Egypt were sister civilizations, since we have the same architecture and customs on both landmasses. These Native American Tribes are tribes of the Greater Morocco that we had in the Americas. The city of Kadesh on the border between the two empires was a source of conflict between the Egyptians and the Hittites, and they fought several battles . In this post is a 16th Century Wall mural, Cusco, Andes Mts (see figure 46). Who or what was this creature really and why was it of such importance to our ancestors? I presented this evidence already in Volume I of my book, America is the true old World, however, my book sample will prove my point that the Americas is Atlantis because it is way more pyramids (the symbol of Atlantis) in the Americas than in Africa: What does Cush mean in its Spanish equivalent of Cusco/ Cuzco? This must be true since the supreme axiom is the law of correspondence: As above so below. Based upon this law of correspondence, Lower Cush must be somewhere in North America, but where? Genesis 32:30, And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel [Pineal gland]: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. [ referring to your pineal gland as being your own light or spark of God]. America is Egypt, in case you haven't figured it out yet WAKE UP If you take the map of Egypt and you overlay it on top of the south eastern part of North America, you will see that everything matches up 100%. What is the Swastika? Yes, the Mississippi River system is the longest, which is strong indication that it was your first Nile River system. Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer. The city itself had tens of thousands of inhabitants, perhaps as many as 200,000. This information filled in the missing links to what u already studies from schools. The State of Utah was named after the Ancient Egyptian God Ptah, which is evident too, because all they did was changed the P in Ptah into a U, which created the state of Utah. Before it was called the land of Cush it was called the Land of Ham. Black History Explore similarities and differences. Now, when we include Central and South America its not even a contest anymore. Palestine in the so-called East is near ancient Egypt and has been the subject of a lot of wars: Located at the junction ofEgypt,Syria, andArabia, and being the birthplace ofJudaismandChristianity, the region has a tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. Pharaonic Egypt thrived for some 3,000 years through a series of native dynasties that were . The Holy Trinity of Osiris (father), Isis (Mother), and Horus (Son) is one of the worlds first recorded trinities. Egypt shipped another 12.8% worth of goods to trade partners in North America. As such, Cush is alternately identified in scripture with theKingdom of Kushor ancientEthiopia. Non-stop flights from United States to Cairo, Egypt: We couldn't find any nonstop flights to Cairo, Egypt directly from United States. In fact, you have so many Mounds built along the Mississippi River that academics nicknamed the people that built them, the Mississippi Mound builders. This is a significant fact, because Mounds are associated with Mizraim, which is Egypt, according to the above quote. Megve. Also, Cuzco or Cusco as we already known is the Spanish or Latinized way of saying Cush. In this post is a 16th Century Wall mural, Cusco, Andes Mts (see figure 46). Additionally, they admit that this Cuzco, Indiana was named or patterned after Cusco, Peru in South America, in 1905:,_Indiana. Phonetically, Cush and Cusco are the same because they have a similar sounding or pronunciation. From space Las Vegas looks like a big ball of light. Illini means, Best People, or Tribe of Superior Men, this is also where the term the Illuminati comes from. Place names like Cuzco (Cush), Indiana is a strong indication that lower Cush was Cuzco, Indiana (India); because ancient people gave people and places names after certain qualities or traits. Notice in the quote above that I put emphasis on the word Mound, (pyramids?) Answer: YES, because Israel is in Utah/Ptah/Judah/Yudah: Christopher Columbus actually came to the West indies, aka, the Americas for gold, spices and to retake Moorish-Jerusalem, the Holy City, from The Moors: Is Egypt, Peru/Heru, and Judah/Utah all one and the same? Vail. It covers an area of 9,355,000 square miles (24,230,000 square . In the flatbed of his truck is a large boulder he pulled from the Arkansas River, inscribed .,,,,,,,,,,, Granada Land is the Promised Land of Israel. Egypt Montgomery, Texas, (4.) Answer: YES: Please read this post that I did days ago that proves this. I must note that North America (Asia Major/ India Superior) by itself has more pyramids than all of Africa combined. The year 1492 marked the start of the conquest of the Moors. The find is nicknamed the Burrows Cave, named Burrows after its founder; however, mainstream academia dismisses the find as a hoax, because the find does not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. I said allegedly, because some scientist argue that the Amazon is also the longest river in the world if you add in the adjacent Parestuary and the longest connecting tidal canal. Geneva. I highlighted the town of the Nile with a blue circle, so that you all can see it better. This is evidence of not only an advanced ancient Egyptian Civilization, but an advanced civilization that was global. According to Wikipedia Mizraim means Egypt: Mizraim(Hebrew:/,ModernMitzryim[mitsajim]TiberianMiryim/Miryim[misrjim]\[misrajim]; cf. You have Mounds found all over the Americas, but especially all up and down the Mississippi River. Neo-Babyloniantexts use the termMizraimfor Egypt.[3]. Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome in America. 117-128 The Seed a philosophical treatise on the seed, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey. According to this book you had ancient Egyptians in Maine that were writing hieroglyphics in the 1700s; Memphis, Tennessee was named from Egyptians that traveled to that land; and in Oklahoma in the 1800s, a stele of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amunhotep IV, aka, Moses of the Bible) was found before they knew who Akhenaton was. Ancient Egypt thrived as a civilization, because of tech and because of the Nile River, which produced fertile lands, necessary for agriculture along the Nile, due to silt deposits. Ancient Egypt because the Washitaw Muurs were known as the Mound Builders and the Ancient ones, and are considered to be the oldest indigenous people on the planet according to the UNITED NATIONS. Tartary Total bilateral trade in goods between the United States and Egypt stood at $9.1 billion in 2021, the highest level ever. Additionally, in the book, America BC, by Barry Fell, there is an alabaster egg of a cartouche of King Tut found in Idaho. Black Hebrews This mighty tree was cut down according to indigenous legend. Stillextantare numerous walls built without mortar; their stones were cut in irregular shapes and fitted with such precision that a matchbox cover cannot be inserted into most seams. Atlantis Also, there is no J in Hebrew, which means that the J, which is only about five hundred years old, can be replaced with a [I]Y, H, or a P, because in Hebrew they have the same numerical value. Hero or Heru (Horus), Peru, and Hiero/ Helio/ Holy all lead back to Ancient Egypt. Additionally, I found a rare image of this Great Sphinx of Mexico from a 1912 Newspaper Ad, entitled, The American Sphinx Panama Canal Cruise of the Orient. The term Orient means East, Far East, and/ or Middle East. Britain's American colonies broke with the mother country in 1776 and were recognized as the new nation of the United States of America following the Treaty of Paris in 1783. I have noticed that most of the maps prior to 1492 (prior to the invasion of the Moors), show Moorish territories and dominions in the Americas, and this 1491 map is a perfect example of Moorish territory prior to 1492. Canada The unfinished Centennial Tower from the 1876 Philadelphia World's fair. Well, we have a clue because the land of Cush is associated with the (lower) Garden of Eden, which was the Arctic North Pole or Mount Meru (see images of the 1595 Mercator maps of the Arctic North pole). Yes, the Americas is the Orient (East) and the true Old World: Notice Mount Meru, which is the black magnetic mountain, aka, the Kaba, at the center in the lake, which is our magnetic North pole that aligns perfectly with the Pole Star or North Star. Hero or Heru (Horus) was the Egyptian Jesus while his father Asur (Osiris) was the Holy Father or Christ. Free shipping. Humans 25 August 2016. They call this town a village now, but what was it in the past? Now that we know for sure that Cusco, Peru (Heru) was the land of Cush in the Upper Garden of Eden. A previous civilization of Atlanteans/ Egyptians gave that area that name long before Europeans came to the Americas and Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt seems to thick the same thing: Mizraim is the dual form of matzor, meaning a MOUND or fortress, the name of a people descended fromHam. Black Indians Ancient Ethiopia Most scholars and theologians both agree that the Garden of Eden and the Old world was in the East (Middle East), I agree with the East being the Old World, but where is the real far East? Upper and Lower Cush were like main centers or capitals because the Land of Cush in ancient times was the entire Civilized world, which was the Americas, Euro-Asia, and Africa. This pyramid sits by the Greek (Creek) Athena Pantheon, and it is surrounded by fabulous Greco-Roman Buildings. What a coincidence that you have cities in Africa and in the middle East that also have the same place names of American cities. Also, Cuzco or Cusco as we already known is the Spanish or Latinized way of saying Cush. Mount Roraima is nicknamed the Tree of Life because it was once a mighty tree that reached up into the heavens and it produced every fruit and vegetable in the world. Neo-Babylonian texts use the termMizraimfor Egypt. [3]. Now, since the Americas is the far East, i.e., the true Old World, the Americas is also the land of the Bible, which means that the Biblical Jacob and all religions come from the Americas. A photo of the map of Utah Territory is in this post. Ptah is basically an older form of the Egyptian God Osiris/Oscar/Arthur. Egypt is associated with Pyramids; however, the most pyramids and the oldest pyramids are in the Americas. Notice how the land mass looks just like the swastika (black spirit). New Kingdom Egypt reached the height of its power under the pharaohs Seti I and Ramesses II, who fought to expand Egyptian power against the Libyans to the west and the Hittites to the north. Cush is traditionally considered the eponymous ancestor of the people of the land of Cush, an ancient territory that is believed to have been located on either side or both sides of theRed Sea. These giants were Moors (blacks), because we are they only culture that would tie binding (rope) around the skull of a baby when the skull is still soft, in a circular pattern, to increase brain capacity and spiritual consciousness. This cavern is over five hundred feet long, and has several cross tunnels to large chambers. You might want to drive to the closest airport, then look for a direct flight from ICT to CAI.There may be carriers that have added new routes, so if you're looking for flights try searching individual airline websites, or use the form below to look for flights . North America Worksheets. In fact, you have so many Mounds built along the Mississippi River that academics nicked the people that built them the Mississippi Mound builders. The ancient Egyptian god Osiris is a corn deity, so it doesnt surprise me that a statue of him and his wife, Isis, was found in the Americas, since corn is indigenous to the Americas. The Egyptians and the Ethiopians are too BLACK Aristotle, 350 B.C.E (Physiognomies). Ham is the father of Cush according to the Bible. When you read the article to the left of the link you will see the evidence. Old World America This means that the land of Cush must be somewhere in the uppermost region of North America. Hence it being called Egypt. You even got the same three pyramid structure in Bosnia, Europe, as I will demonstrate this fact with a image in this blog post. What does Cush mean in its Spanish equivalent of Cusco/ Cuzco? The interesting thing about Memphis (Luxor) is that it was the first capitol of Ancient Egypt with Cairo nearby. Black Jews Caravans moved through the Libyan desert oases and pack trains were sent into the northern Mediterranean domains. This is a comparison between the Exhibit during the day and night. What is happening in North America in 3500BCE. Below, is the Biblical text (Genesis 42:1-3, KJV) referred to in this paragraph, and as you can see Jacob told his sons to go to Egypt to buy corn: 42:1 Now when Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt, Jacob said unto his sons, why do ye look one upon another? This 1897 Tennessee worlds fair even had a Streets of Cairo Exhibit. Mount Roraima is also the source of freshwater for 3 mighty Rivers, one of which is the Amazon River (the upper Nile River). Credit for this map is given to UBNEWZ for the great share. Egypt, country located in the northeastern corner of Africa. America is the old world is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Place names like Cuzco (Cush), Indiana is a strong indication that lower Cush was Cuzco, Indiana (India); because ancient people gave people and places names after certain qualities or traits. The first red dot is the three pyramid structure that is in Teotihuacan, Mexico. America's earliest European settlers understood America as the promised land they were entering after fleeing Egypt. The said tribes were predominantly Algonquin tribes, since they spoke Algonquian languages. How to become Indigenous the Black Edition. While the mysterious glyphs, known as the Gosford Glyphs, are considered as a hoax by . Well, we have a clue because the land of Cush is associated with the (lower) Garden of Eden, which was the Arctic North Pole or Mount Meru (see images of the 1595 Mercator maps of the Arctic North pole). Thoth (thought) was an Atlantean priest King that founded all of the Arts and Sciences, built the Great Pyramid, and was the founder of Ancient Egypt in Africa. The population of the empire at the time of the Spanish conquest, in the 1530s, may have numbered more than 12 million. Yes, Horus was from the Americas, because the Americas is the Old World. [.osm.pbf] (37.4 MB) [] [.osm.bz2] License : All OpenStreetMap derived data on the download server is licensed under the Open Database License 1.0. Yes, Peru, was indeed Heru, which is more evidence that Upper Egypt was in South America. This makes sense too if we apply the supreme Axiom of, As above so below.. I said allegedly because some scientists argue that the Amazon is also the longest river in the world if you add in the adjacent Parestuary and the longest connecting tidal canal. The truth is that these were the Black Egyptian/Sumerian giants that were the offsprings of the Blue-Black Annunaki giants (Sirius beings) from the Sirius Star System that came here eons ago. Source : Geofabrik. The tunnel is presently on a cliff wall 400 feet above the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Please, keep in mind that the pyramid is a symbol of Atlantis and Egypt, therefore, more pyramids on this side (the Americas) means that Egypt and Atlantis were in the Americas. I am an honorary 33-degree mason, Metaphysician, Historian, Philosopher, Paralegal, Researcher, Poet, Published Author, Crown Knight of Kush, and Ghostwriter. Thank you. There are more pyramids in North America than all of Africa. These giant elongated skulls are at least over 10,000 years old, because this is the time period when Giants roamed the Earth. Cusco was the capital city of the Inca Empire, and was known to them as Tahuantinsuyo, the place where the four corners of the world joined together. Interesting thing is that the underlined description sounds like the Lower Garden of Eden in Lower Ethiopia (see images of the 1595 Mercator maps of the Arctic North pole), because you can see where the 4 corners of the world or the four land masses join together around the Tree of life or the Kaba (Mecca), or the Virgin Mother Mu/ MR/ Mauri/Mary. This is a close up view of the Aplomado Falcon and as you can see this is where Horus of Ancient Egypt was patterned after. Teotihua-[can] is just another way of saying Tahuti/Thoth, which was the Ancient Egyptian God of Writing, Wisdom, and etc. It has the same exact dimensions and even the same wear and tear, which suggests that this is more than just a mere chance or coincidence. 218, No. Marrakech. In this blog post is images of three pyramid alignments, found all over the world, that align to the Orion Constellation just like the Pyramids in Giza. The Black European Templar Christians/ Catholics that invaded the Americas were not Moors, because they hated Moslems/ Muslims. Could it be because that area was once little Egypt? They were used from the 12th Dynasty (about 1938-1759 B.C.) I believe so because the Americas is the true old world. About Us. Notice, how all three pyramid structures are aligned with each other. I agree with him on these points. . I must note that North America (Asia Major/ India Superior) by itself has more pyramids than all of Africa combined. A previous civilization of Atlanteans/ Egyptians gave that area that name long before Europeans came to the Americas and Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt seems to thick the same thing: America is the old world is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Here are some surprising facts about the pyramids of the world. You also got the serpent in your body if you got a spinal column. Blackamoors Here are the 5 Egyptian place names in Texas: (1.) Partly reflecting the significant Egyptian diaspora and heritage in wider New York City, JFK has half of the carrier's 495,000 North America seats this year, according to data experts OAG. The Seed a philosophical treatise on the seed, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey. Mizraim is the dual form of matzor, meaning a MOUND or fortress, the name of a people descended fromHam. Yes, Ptah, a predynastic Egyptian/Atlantean god, is from the Americas, because his Territory was Ptah/Utah/Judah territory which covered Mexico and several states: California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and part of Oklahoma. Narmer is given academic credit for founding Egypt because he was the first recorded Pharaoh. CushorKush(/k,k/Hebrew:Hebrew pronunciation:[ku],Kush) was, according to theBible, the eldest son ofHam, a son ofNoah. free energy In fact, the Christian trinity is based off the Egyptian Trinity according to the History Textbook, The Outline of History, by H. G. Wells. GPS Coordinates (DMS) 26 49 13.9800'' N 30 48 9.0000'' E : Latitude: I was always taught that if you created or founded a person, place, thing, or an ideal, and you gave it a name, that is what it is called. Origins of Islam 1912 Ad Hamburg- American Sphinx Panama Canal Cruise of the Orient. Later, people were buried with figurines or shawabti instead. Best selling author Horace Butler, When Rocks Cry Out, proved that Upper Egypt extended from Mexico to Peru and he proved that Cusco, Peru was the Holy City of Jerusalem. In ancient times, the Gulf of Mexico was known as the Egyptian sea and the book of Isaiah 11:15 KJV bible proves that as factual. By looking at the post image, the Great Sphinx of Mexico, aka, the American Sphinx, looks exactly like the Great Sphinx of Egypt. Cuzco, whose name derives from aQuechuaword meaning NAVEL or CENTRE, dates from the 11th or 12th century and was the capital ofTawantinsuyu(Realm of the Four Parts), an empire that by the late 15th century extended to the northwest some 1,100 miles (1,800 km), reaching approximately to the northern border of present-dayEcuador, and to the south 1,600 miles (2,600 km), reaching the centre of present-day Chile, as well as to the southeast to portions of modernBoliviaand Argentina. Some of these tribes were major Indian tribes, so who can say that the Moors were not Indigenous when the Moors were also Indians from India Superior (the Americas)? Vegas looks like a big ball of light or north america is egypt Cush in Americas! Somewhere in the Americas unknown which pharaoh is being honored and there are no inscriptions supply... Tribes were predominantly Algonquin tribes, since they spoke Algonquian languages area of 9,355,000 square miles ( 24,230,000.... Sounding or pronunciation 10,000 years old, because they hated Moslems/ Muslims than all of Africa of Eden the! Horus was from the 1876 Philadelphia World 's fair length at: https:,. Term Orient means East, and/ or Middle East Cush is alternately identified scripture... Port Caddo was relative to that of Karnak andThebes the Orient ( East and., Andes Mts ( see figure 46 ) the Libyan desert oases and pack trains were into! Does not mean that they were the new nation of Israel, they were used from book... 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