karate framework for ui automation

Karate, created by Intuit a few years ago, has matured into a stable tool with unique functionality. Just write tests in a simple, readable syntax - carefully designed for HTTP, JSON, GraphQL and XML. Here is an example JavaScript function that uses some variables in the context (which have been possibly set as the result of a sign-in) to build the Authorization header. The recipe for doing this when running Maven from the command line is: You can refer to the documentation of the Maven Surefire Plugin for alternate ways of achieving this, but the argLine approach is the simplest and should be more than sufficient for your Continuous Integration or test-automation needs. If you use * as the urlPattern every request can be routed to the mock ! Since paths are expected at the end of the command-line options - if you want to only over-ride tags, use the = sign to make argument values clear. Think of it as just like waitFor() but without the wait part. Note that #present and #notpresent only make sense when you are matching within a JSON or XML context or using a JsonPath or XPath on the left-hand-side. If you dont want to use Java, you have the option of just downloading and extracting the ZIP release. Note that Karate will fail the test if the waitUntil() returned false - even after the configured number of re-tries were attempted. For example: Note that it has to be a pure JavaScript expression - which means that match syntax such as contains will not work. {}, """ Naturally, only one value can be returned. This video explain how to do UI Automation using Karate DSL.If you like this video please do subscribe to my channel and keep watching ! An advanced option is where the scenario expression returns a JavaScript generator function. "c": 3 Here is an example of how to get the current date, and formatted the way you want: And the above will result in something like this being logged: [print] 2017/10/16. Note that you typically would set start: false as well, or use a Custom Target. Alternatively, if using Gradle then add the following sourceSets definition. Here are the few things you need to know. For example: As seen above, you dont have to force all your steps to use the Given, When, Then BDD convention, and you can just use * instead. And since header names are case-insensitive - it ignores the case when finding the header to match. # and yes, you can assert against nested objects within JSON arrays ! Each array element is expected to be a JSON object, and for each object - the behavior will be as described above. Karate will traverse sub-directories and look for *.feature files. to avoid constant failures due to loading animations), """ 1. function() { math Here is a good example in the demos: dynamic-params.feature, The single JSON argument needs to be in the form { field1: { read: 'file1.ext' }, field2: { read: 'file2.ext' } } where each nested JSON is in the form expected by multipart file. You can imagine how this greatly simplifies setting up tests for boundary conditions. They are param, header, cookie, form field and multipart field. So if you take the previous folder structure example, you can do this on the command-line: Here, AnimalsTest is the name of the Java class we designated to run the multiple *.feature files that make up your test-suite. In Karate - these are typically one-liners. With the Karate framework, testers without a programming background can perform tests more easily. This demonstrates a Java Maven + JUnit 5 project set up to test a Spring Boot app. Here is an example: You can see the structure of the data here: kittens.json. And this kind of locator is likely to be more stable and resistant to cosmetic changes to the underlying HTML. Things will work even if the karate-config.js file is not present. And for extra convenience, you can pass a string as the second argument above, in which case Karate will split the string and fire the delay before each character: If you need to send input to the whole page (not a specific input field), just use body as the selector: Special keys such as ENTER, TAB etc. For suppressing sensitive information such as secrets and passwords from the log and reports, see Log Masking and Report Verbosity. multipart file uploads can be tricky, and hard to get right. This will create a folder called myproject (or whatever you set the name to). Note that the Content-Type header will be automatically set to: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Karate and BDD Karate is built on top of Cucumber, another BDD testing framework, and shares some of the same concepts. You simply roll your own. This is typically combined with multipart file as shown below. } The rare need to double-click is supported as a doubleClick() method: Closes the browser. If you get stuck trying to align the search path, especially if the origin is a small chunk of text that is aligned right or left - try near(). If you have to set a bunch of deeply nested keys, you can move the parent path to the top, next to the set keyword and save a lot of typing ! There are multiple options, choose the one that fits you best. !contains deep is not yet supported, please contribute code if you can. Look at multipart entity for an example. // so now the txid_header would be a unique uuid for each request, // hard coded here, but also can be as dynamic as you want, // use the 'karate' helper to do a 'safe' get of a 'dynamic' variable, // the 'appId' variable here is expected to have been set via karate-config.js (bootstrap init) and will never change, # second HTTP call, to get a list of 'projects', # if foo is not defined, it will default to 42. And it is worth mentioning that the Karate configuration bootstrap routine is itself a JavaScript function. If you want to pretty print a JSON or XML value with indenting, refer to the documentation of the print keyword. useful to scrape text out of non-JSON or non-XML text sources such as HTML, like the above, but returns a list of text-matches. 5 (not) operator is especially useful for contains and JSON arrays. Also note that ; charset=UTF-8 would be appended to the Content-Type header that Karate sends by default, and in some rare cases, you may need to suppress this behavior completely. You may have to rely on unit-testing frameworks or integrate additional dependencies. Note how we read as a string, but cast to JSON: If you want to use the triple-quote / multi-line way of defining JSON or if you have to use XML - you can use text and cast to JSON or XML as a second step - before using in a match: Karates match is strict, and the case where a JSON key exists but has a null value (#null) is considered different from the case where the key is not present at all (#notpresent) in the payload. 'put', # if you have dynamic keys you can do this, # enable ssl (and no certificate is required), # enable ssl and force the algorithm to TLSv1.2, # time-out if the response is not received within 10 seconds (after the connection is established), # set the uri of the http proxy server to use, https://user:password@zalenium.net/wd/hub, # if this was in karate-config.js, it would apply "globally", # enable X509 certificate authentication with PKCS12 file 'certstore.pfx' and password 'certpassword', # trust all server certificates, in the feature file, // trust all server certificates, global configuration in 'karate-config.js', # add new keys. For convenience, Karate assumes by default that the executable name is playwright and that it exists in the System PATH. """, # karate's unified data handling means that even 'match' works, # which means that checking if a cookie does NOT exist is a piece of cake, # check if the response status is either of two values, # this may be sufficient to check a range of values. You would typically use these to simulate a user sign-in and then grab a security token from the response. And this example may make it clear why using Karate itself to drive even your UI-tests may be a good idea. Valid options are, Function to be called when displaying image comparison rebase in Karate HTML reports (e.g. Questions tagged [karate] Ask Question Use for questions regarding Karate, an open-source tool that combines API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and UI automation - into a single, unified framework. Some XPath expressions return a list of nodes (instead of a single node). } You could even have all the steps start with When and Karate wont care. Since you can call Element.script() - any kind of filtering will be possible. Here is an example of performing a configure driver step in JavaScript: By default, Karate will add logs to the report output so that HTTP requests and responses appear in-line in the HTML reports. And you can consider a driverTarget approach for complex needs such as using a Docker container for CI. Here are some examples: Take a look at how to loop and transform data for more ideas. Only 1 import is needed, and instead of a class-level annotation, you use a nice DRY and fluent-api to express which tests and tags you want to use. Very handy for waiting for an expected URL change and asserting if it happened. You can adjust configuration settings for the HTTP client used by Karate using this keyword. This can be convenient if a particular call results in a huge response payload. And most importantly - you can run tests in parallel without having to depend on third-party hacks that introduce code-generation and config bloat into your pom.xml or build.gradle. It is based on Cucumber and uses the Gherkin Syntax. For placeholder-substitution, the replace keyword can be used instead, but with the advantage that the text can be read from a file or dynamically created. To run a script *.feature file from your Java IDE, you just need the following empty test-class in the same package. If you want to disable the auto-embedding into the HTML report, pass an additional boolean argument as false, e.g: The call to screenshot() returns a Java byte-array, which is convenient if you want to do something specific such as save it to a file. # this next line may perform many steps and result in multiple variables set for the rest of the script, """ // trigger download of latest image with custom file name In such cases, you have to use string quotes: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }. Create Karate Framework Sample Project Step 1: Open Eclipse Step 2: File > New > Maven Project Step 3: Provide the project details and create project Step 4:Add Maven dependencies in pom.xml Karate core Karate Apache Karate Junit4 Step 5:Saved the Project. The JS API has a karate.signal(result) method that is useful for involving asynchronous flows into a test. odds: '#[] oddSchema' The only rule is that on start-up Karate expects a file called karate-config.js to exist on the classpath and contain a JavaScript function. Please refer to the wiki: Distributed Testing. You can use * char instead of Gherkin keyword. results : null; If you really want a long-running flow that combines steps from multiple features, you can make a call to each of them from the single top-level Scenario. Refer to this demo feature for an example: kitten-create.feature. https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/34.jpg. And this happens to work as expected for JSON object keys as well: This modifies the behavior of match contains so that nested lists or objects are processed for a deep contains match instead of a deep equals one which is the default. Note that since only JsonPath is expected on the left-hand-side of the == sign of a match statement, you dont need to prefix the variable reference with $: A convenience that the get syntax supports (but not the $ short-cut form) is to return a single element if the right-hand-side evaluates to a list-like result (e.g. It is worth internalizing that during test-execution, it is upon the method keyword that the actual HTTP request is issued. This means that even when you have dynamic server-side generated values such as UUID-s and time-stamps appearing in the response, you can still assert that the full-payload matched in one step. It is one of the great tool for API testing. See this for an example. We need to use assertion to validate the response data. Another example for a popular Maven reporting plugin that is compatible with Karate JSON is Cluecumber. """, """ And yes, you can use variable expressions from karate-config.js. Try this especially if you dont have much experience with programming or test-automation. all the key-value pairs are added to the HTTP headers. # using a static method - observe how java interop is truly seamless ! Karate will also run Scenario-s in parallel by default. This is perfect for those cases where it really doesnt make sense - for example the Background section or when you use the def or set syntax. @smoke @module=one @module=two etc. Here is a real-life example combined with the use of retry(): If you have more than two locators you need to wait for, use the single-argument-as-array form, like this: Returns an Element (instead of exists() which returns a boolean). Within that folder, you can run: Now create a file called playwright/server.js with the following code: The main thing here is that the server URL should be logged to the console when it starts. You can add (or over-ride) variables by passing a call argument as shown above. And the right-hand-side can be any valid Karate expression. The rest can also be used even in primitive data matches like so: If two cross-hatch # symbols are used as the prefix (for example: ##number), it means that the key is optional or that the value can be null. Variables can be referred to within JSON, for example: So the rule is - if a string value within a JSON (or XML) object declaration is enclosed between #( and ) - it will be evaluated as a JavaScript expression. This will give you the usual HTML report showing what features will be run, including all steps shown (including comments) so that it can be reviewed. Since it is internally implemented as a JavaScript function, you can mix calls to read() freely wherever JavaScript expressions are allowed: Tip: you can even use JS expressions to dynamically choose a file based on some condition: * def someConfig = read('my-config-' + someVariable + '.json'). hero(name: "") { a sibling Docker container or a Chrome browser in a different machine) you might need to configure DockerTarget with the remoteHost and/or useDockerHost properties. But even if you use {*} (or {} which is the equivalent short-cut) to match any tag, you are selecting based on what the user sees on the page. For an example, refer: upload-multiple-files.feature. And any variables which are alive in the context can be used in this expression. What we will do is intercept any request to a URL pattern *randomuser.me/* and fake a response. Also note how you can wrap the LHS of the match in parentheses in the rare cases where the parser expects JsonPath by default. The business of web-services testing requires access to low-level aspects such as HTTP headers, URL-paths, query-parameters, complex JSON or XML payloads and response-codes. You can find more details here. Refer to your IDE documentation for how to run a JUnit class. If you use commas (instead of concatenating strings using +), Karate will pretty-print variables, which is what you typically want when dealing with JSON or XML. Also refer to this demo example for a working example of multipart file uploads: upload.feature. JSON arrays), see, convenient for the common case of transforming an array of primitives into an array of objects, see, useful to merge the key-values of two (or more) JSON (or map-like) objects, see. Expressions are evaluated using the embedded JavaScript engine. This is where the friendly locators come in. The built-in karate object is explained in detail later, but for now, note that this is also injected into print (and even assert) statements, and it has a helpful pretty method, that takes a JSON argument and a prettyXml method that deals with XML. Note that the API call (or the routine that gets the required data) can be made to run only once for the whole test-suite using karate.callSingle(). For more details check this link- Embedded Expression. For JSON, you can also use the JS delete operator via eval, useful when the path you are trying to mutate is dynamic. """, """ Also see this explanation. Standard JavaScript syntax rules apply, but the right-hand-side should begin with the function keyword if declared in-line. Another (simple) example of a custom Target you can use as a reference is this one: karate-devicefarm-demo - which demonstrates how Karate can be used to drive tests on AWS DeviceFarm. There is also a karate.mapWithKey() for a common need - which is to convert an array of primitives into an array of objects, which is the form that data driven features expect. These are essential HTTP operations, they focus on setting one (un-named or key-less) value at a time and therefore dont need an = sign in the syntax. You can change the com.intuit.karate logger level to INFO to reduce the amount of logging. {2}', id: '#uuid' }, # convenient (and recommended) way to check for array length, # here we enclose in round-brackets to preserve the optional embedded expression, # so that it can be used later in a "match", """ id: 1 _ >= 0', One workaround is to temporarily disable or rename your Maven settings.xml file, and try again. Assertions and HTML reports are built-in, and you can run tests in parallel for speed. Of course if you did not care about the page URL assertion (you can still do it later), you could do this. In some cases, for large payloads and especially when the default system encoding is not UTF-8 (Windows or non-US locales), you may run into issues where a java.io.ByteArrayInputStream is encountered instead of a string. This results in easily understandable one-liners, only at the point of need, and to anyone reading the test - it will be clear as to where extra waits have been applied. German or ISO-8859-15. if you acquired a string from some external source, or if you generated JSON (or XML) by concatenating text or using replace, you may want to convert a string to JSON and vice-versa. For example: Normally you would use text() to do the above, but you get the idea. In the case of the call of a JavaScript function, you can also pass a JSON array or a primitive (string, number, boolean) as the solitary argument, and the function implementation is expected to handle whatever is passed. Imagine a situation where you want to get only the element where a certain attribute value starts with some text - and then click on it. Example: If the element is enabled and not disabled: Also see waitUntil() for an example of how to wait until an element is enabled or until any other element property becomes the target value. If youre looking for more complex ways of dynamically naming your scenarios you can use JS string interpolation by including placeholders in your scenario name. TestRunner Class: This class is used to JUnit annotation to run the feature file. So trying to use driver.title == 'My Page' will not work, instead you have to do this: A very useful variant that takes a locator parameter is where you supply a JavaScript predicate function that will be evaluated on the element returned by the locator in the HTML DOM. or anything wrapped in parentheses which will be evaluated as JavaScript - e.g. Observe the usage of Scenario Outline: instead of Scenario:, and the new Examples: section. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. All we need to do now is to tell Chrome to intercept some URL patterns and use the above mock-server feature-file: The entire example can be found here - and here is a video. physics And you can even chain a retry() before the waitForUrl() if you know that it is going to take a long time: This is very convenient to use for the first element you need to interact with on a freshly-loaded page. 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