is powers whiskey catholic or protestant

one night. One more thing Since Pernod Ricard shut down the grain stills at the old Bushmills distillery, all of the grain whiskey in Bushmills is from Middleton! Counter-Reformation, also called Catholic Reformation or Catholic Revival, in the history of Christianity, the Roman Catholic efforts directed in the 16th and early 17th centuries both against the Protestant Reformation and toward internal renewal. Ah. Powers is a brand of Irish whiskey. Just got back from Dublin yesterday & loved reading the post & all the comments here. Powers Gold Label is the best-selling Irish whiskey in its native Ireland. CATHOLICISM vs PROTESTANTISM!! Catholic and Slovak-American, my personal preference is Jamesons. Who really cares. Funny. And let us not forget the new cask finishes of The Tyrconnell. To those who want to talk about Catholic vs Protestant issues, at least go visit the country before assuming anything. Help! Upon this one should decide which whiskey they prefer, and not upon any religous matter. , Do note that the greatest tv show of all time, The Wire, always showed the Baltimore cops ordering Jameson in the bars, and the hero, McNulty, becomes indignant when only Bushmills is available at a partys open bar ( I guess most of the cops were Irish Catholic ), so traditions prevailed. Not sure if it is available outside of Ireland, but if you can, get a hold of a bottle. It is the same oppression that the Hungarians did to the Slovaks over the ages!!!!! Not sure what Guinness has to do with this, but your claim goes against everything we were taught about him, but maybe history is just whitewashed for us Yanks. Also absolutely no one gave a rats ass what my religion is & Dublin is currently commemorating the Easter Rising centennial! Religion and booze dont go well together so its a subject that perhaps should be avoided. Yep, he was referring to a certain product from Bushmills.. If you want to support Ireland, go and visit and maybe read a few history books and hopefully realise that most normal people dont give a toss about religious leanings. As a Scotsman living in Scotland, Id say I f youre worried about the religion of your whiskey then perhaps you shouldnt be drinking. Please remember quite a few of you presidents from Grant to Clinton descended from this part of the world. ! Idiot!! Corvallisbarman is half right. Sectarianism in Glasgow takes the form of long-standing religious and political sectarian rivalry between Catholics and Protestants.It is particularly reinforced by the fierce rivalry between Celtic F.C. stupid fucks In response, Guzzi This bill . I was born in buncrana moved to Derry then to Belfast and am now living in the uk Im Catholic and I must say I prefer Bushmills to Jamesons although Ive been a life Long fan of Jamesons it doesnt matter whether your Hun or teag drink what you like dont bring sectarianism into it itll spoil the taste. The widely-accepted Irish-American version is that Jameson is Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is Protestant whiskey. As someone who drinks her whiskey with ginger ale and a slice of lime, I definitely vote Powers over any other. Come back if yer all so fucken proud. I dont know about Ireland, but in some parts of the U.S there still major problems. Your email address will not be published. I was aware of the obvious problem with the claim that Bushmills is 'protestant whisky' but this gives a great insight. Ill have to try a Manhattan next. The truth of the matter is, the age-old faux-pas of ordering Bushmills for fear of supporting English aggression and offending the Republic of Ireland is about as Irish as corned beef which is to say, not very Irish at all but rather Irish-American (Sorry, kids, corned beef is a Jewish invention). It has shaped Ireland's agriculture, literature, song and now, more than ever - our economy.. It is about the spirit in the bottle, not in a church. As the Protestants had pretty much a stranglehold over all shipping in the country, they refused to ship Dew in favor of the Protestant-produced Jameson. Catholics and Protestants have a different view on the nature of the church. That was over 40 years ago. Now as far as whiskey goes, Im a newbie to Irish stuff but tend to love it all since I am a hard drinker for 6 plus decades. Never been a fan of the Powers. Multi-national corporations, of course, know no religious or other loyalty, except to the almighty dollar/pound/Euro. Granted, I dont mix my whiskey with Coke or Ginger Ale, so perhaps Im missing the best presentation of Powers Gold Label. Generally, it is a little less expensive than Jameson. These two fine whiskeys should be enjoyed in a glass and not on some pseudo-religious podium. If you had and asked for Bushmills, you would have received a long stare and possibly been asked to leave. Im Irish American and I volunteered for both Sinn Fin and Irish Northern aide. Ive never even seen a bottle of Paddys (although I havent really been making an exhaustive search). Produced at Cooley for Sidney Frank, it appears to have been geared mainly for the American market. No one here has a soft spot in their heart for Paddys?. Not enough time to read through comments. mhermher 9 yr. ago I always remark "that's Protestant whiskey" at any mention of bushmills, but no one ever catches the reference. Not what religion you think a whiskey holds. Currently sipping on a Writers Tears neat & have two types of Teeling, The Irishman single malt, The Irishman Founders Reserve, a 12 y/o Redbreast, a GreenSpot single pot, a Powers John Lane Release, a Middleton Barry Crockett Legacy, a 12 y/o Jameson Special Reserve, & a Green Spot still to try. and IRELAND vs SCOTLAND!! The regular is fine; the Black Bush is nice if maybe too refined for me when I want a dram of Irish. Though in the end, I do really prefer Bushmills. Get your facts right ! Its an American argument that doesnt carry weight here, whiskey is whiskey. Thanks for the clarification. The Plantation of Ulster is when the King of England gave lands away in Northern Ireland to the English that originally belonged to the Irish. The situation is ridiculous. Thank you for the real-world experience! Potatoes for supper nant Protestant-oriented movement. . I wanted to explore one of t, @teremana has been my new favorite tequila since t, Happy Repeal Day! Assertive and complex, with lots of development and seemingly infinite dimension. 1 pint of stout and a halfun of Jameson.. I believe that Germany is the largest market for Tullamore Dew, followed by many of the Eastern European countries. Father Urban has succeeded as a business operator on behalf of his monastic . Now, go have some grappa with an espresso this evening. I can see you have been horribly scared by the conflict. I often wonder why those Irish-Americans (usually in Irish bars of Boston or New York)who bring up this absurd and frankly bigoted discussion about Protestant & Catholic whiskey do not apply the same rule when it comes to drinking that most Irish of drinks Guinness. It may not be factual, verified, or correct, but definitely true. Bushmills I like, but I like Irish Whisky best of all the brown stuff. In Ireland theyd drink either, but rarely had enough money for more than a pint o the local beer. In side-by-side STEEL CAGES!! The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including: Backlash against the Weimar Republicand the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s Anti-Communism Nationalism Bad Catholic that I am, I always drank Bushmills over Jameson. Go figure . I think Irish whiskey is like Scotch, meant for sipping, not mixing. Yep, this goes back to when Bushmills was still part of IDL (Irish Distillers Limited) and owned by Pernod. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I dont give a rip shit about religion and in fact LOATHE the typical evangelical protestant types like Swaggart, Murdoch etc. I find Jameson to be a bit too sweet, I guess. Catholic fiction teaches us then how to better read the Bible, which demands the both/and reading of the letter and spirit. Nose I still live there. Also, I understand that corned beef and cabbage is not a traditional Irish meal but it is a traditional Irish American Meal, particularly in the North East. As for my preference, I tend to like the lighter Bushmills as its the first Irish whiskey I discovered years ago, and Ive certainly enjoyed my share of Jameson from time to time. I was born in West Belfast and I can tell you, that most Catholics prefer Jamesons. Then I spent another 20 minutes clicking around at random on your site, and then I ended up at this article, neatly explaining the first part of the joke. Not one of ya mentions Knappogue Castle. @Allen: I think it show more the bigoted nature of your tour guide than it does Bushmills. We were servedcorned beef and cabbage with California wine and a shot of Paddy cut with Baileys after dinner. I even have taken a liking to Bushmills Irish Honey when Im in a cocktail mood.Not being Irish and not wanting to get political. There are some amazing ones, FYI, I will leave it at that. I just brought some Tyrconnell 10-year port cask aged home from duty free it is delicious. The Catholic Whiskey in Dublin was John Powers. In 1966, with the Irish whiskey industry still struggling following Prohibition in the United States, the Anglo-Irish Trade War and the rise of competition from Scotch whiskey, John Power & Son joined forces with the only other remaining distillers in the Irish Republic, the Cork Distilleries Company and their Dublin rivals John Jameson & Son, to form Irish Distillers. @Allen: Thats just my point. I can just say Cheers! But it was mentioned in passing at several rural pubs in co. Mayo and Sligo that Bushmills was loyalist swill, all in good fun Im sure but its not limited to plastic paddies. Also, what in the heck does Virginia have to do with Kentucky Bourbon??? Look for a new addition to the landscape, The Irishman Original Clan & Single Malt. The overwhelming majority of people in Ireland just want to get on with their lives, as they have always done and forget about this petty conflict. Now I need to locate Redbreast! Sorry, but I have always loved them both. So, I figured then maybe I was Protestant Irish? I think Paddys may be even rarer in the US than Powers. Understanding the church. All Irish whiskey is great. Though I like all of the ones mentioned above more. All in all meaning, were I to have gone to Ireland to visit, my relatives would probably have been more confused than was I. I would wager that half the comments are from people that have never been to Irelandif I drink vodka does this make me a communist -no! Gin with a lime is Protestant. There is a rivalry, to be sure, but it is all about business, and not about religion. Regards, BTW, while traveling through a Protestant section of Belfast, our tour guide (who had a joke or good story for most Irish traditions) pointed out a notorious Loyalist BarThat bar there (the Hideout)was blown up many times by the IRA during the Troubles. Then he went on to say, If youre ever down and out and ready to end it all, and cash in your chips, go in that bar there and order a double Jameson, and youll find somebody in there to help you with your problem., There is no doubt that the Irish themselves know all about the Catholic Whiskey and the Protestant Whiskey. Jameson is the Catholic Whiskey, and Bushmills is the Protestant Whiskey., I met Noel Campbell owner of Bushmills he told me it does not matter what foot you you Wear your shoe on. A fair amount of nonsense in some of these replies. 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. Ginger cake, brazil nuts, treacle Like Jameson, it is blended whiskey, some combination of pure pot-still whiskey with column-still grain whiskey (allegedly 70% pure pot still to 30% grain). The Ambassador had both Jameson and Bushmills on offer. Id suggest Tullamore Dew, it was founded by Catholics and is still owned by a nice Irish Catholic company. I sincerely doubt that there are too many Irish Catholics who care about the religion attached to what they drink. Im redbreast girl too, but recently been sipping on the Bushmills 10, thought now Im interested to try Powers Gold Label! And good whiskey. Youd probably get glassed if you asked the question in certain places in Ireland or Scotland. Like seriously you hate us so much you wont drink our whiskey??? We dont live in the dark ages anymore, though clearly prejudice and ignorance persist. [1] In recent years, several single pot still variants have been relaunched under the Powers label. ** TONIGHT!! As an American, am I being disloyal to Scotland when I drink Jamesons? In my opinion, its one of the blandest, albeit smoothest, whiskeys Ive tasted. Who do I believe, the man who raised me, or some drunk I met in a bar? An Italian friend, when introduced to the term Uiske Beatha thought the word was bad water and now refers to it as Aqua Sporca or dirty water. Mostly only Catholics or the nonreligious drink here. Cake The Thirty Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. [7], In 1871, the distillery was expanded and rebuilt in the Victorian style, becoming one of the most impressive sights in Dublin. Comment A Mac computer geek thats too young to retire and too old for male prostitution. : ). But in Falls Road and Shankill Road it is not really about religion, is it? [8] After expansion, output at the distillery rose to 700,000 gallons per annum, and by the 1880s, had reached about 900,000 gallons per annum, at which point the distillery covered over six acres of central Dublin, and had a staff of about 300 people.[3][1]. His policies were considered heavily pro-Catholic. Whiskey and Cocktails Uisce Beatha or Water of Life has been distilled in Ireland for many centuries and possibly even for millennia. Support the old sod. You are a great person to forgive and forget the horrible crime that were personal committed against you. The new distillery opened in 1975, and a year later, production ceased at John's Lane Distillery and began anew in Cork,[1] with Powers Gold Label and many other Irish whiskeys reformulated from single pot stills whiskeys to blends. Instead, American Catholics drew exten sively from an earlier movement launched by Father Mathew, a Catholic friar in Ireland.1 This article analyzes the ways in which lay Catholics adapted temperance 1. Jameson has distilled fine Irish malt which has been then sold to Bushmills to use as a blend all of the way through the most controversial of times of Irish English relations to current. [3][1] The distillery, which had an output of about 6,000 gallons in its first year of operation,[4] initially traded as James Power and Son, but by 1822 had become John Power & Son,[1] and had moved to a new premises at John's Lane, a side street off Thomas Street. Bushmills is very proud of its long Irish heritage and yes its head distiller is catholic but if someone wants to boycott this whiskey, not for taste, but simply because it is situated in an area populated mainly by Protestants then they are the one with the problem. Beaumont Funny, I thought of addressing that as I was wrapping up the post, but then thought, Nah, the chuckleheads who read this website arent smart enough to draw that conclusion. Guess I was wrong. According to everyone Ive spoken with on the subject, you only really find this debate in the States, where Irish-American support of the Republic can sometimes be blind and often fueled by the very product were speaking of. I will second the Powers recommendation to add some turf to the fire. Enjoy your whiskey and spare a kind word for everyone. In: St. Patrick's Day. Simple business transaction where both sides benefit. In return, Bushmills receives grain whiskey from both Midleton & Cooley. Well, being of Scots-descent, Ill take one of each. I am going to be the bartender at my college prom, and need a drink that will be popular with the kids. Plus, many of the whiskies can be sipped neat or on the rocks. Happy St Pattys Day. This kind of stupidity makes us look like clowns in the eyes of most real Irish. Heres the real question why does everyone insist on handing us shots of jameson late night in colorado? Love a pleanty As regards the Catholic v Protestant whiskey debate. Jameson was pretty much founded in 1780 when John Jameson a Scottish guy purchased the Bow Street Distillery, which at the time was one of the biggest distilleries in Ireland. It makes things interesting. First published on March 17, 2016 / 1:00 PM. wear my orange on St. Patricks Good evening All, . 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