how to reverse cipro poisoning

Symptoms associated with being floxed can fluctuate a lot as you recover (it tends to go in cycles). It was prescribed by an urologist while I was traveling solo in Brazil. I could also perhaps expand a bit more on this topic in the future as well. The most important thing to remember about Cipro and Levaquin (ciprofloxacin toxicity & levofloxacin toxicity) toxicity is that its effect is cumulative. I was already healthy prior to Cipro, but I was even healthier and stronger AFTER I recoverd. B12. I have a great relationship with him and hes always seemed so open about all kinds of strange types of things. But be careful and take it as slow as you need. I spoke to people who got affected after taking quinolones for many years, and unfortunately many of them never fully recovered. This is me recently Im not moving as slow as a 90-year old: During the course of taking Cipro I began to realize I was suffering some unexpected side effects of general pain and tightness in my legs, popping in my knee and ankle joints, and overall not . Just make sure that its put on your record that you cant take any antibiotic within the fluoroquinolone class. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Any luck with NAD+ or NR supplements as that can assist with DNA repair? But I still cant breathe. However this time the whole left side of my body including the spine was out of balance and the osteopath said I must add stretching to straighten the spine from leaning leftward. Since I was recovering from pelvic floor surgery an abscess was suspected so a CT was ordered. Thank you for helping with all the information on here. Many times its not just the Cipro that causes poisoning, its other medications combined with Cipro that allow the damage to ensue. I felt HEALTHIER and YOUNGER years after I got hit by Cipro. In the first few months, I took a full serving and then lowered it to 50% because my diet was already a very healthy plant-based, vegetarian diet. Tendonitis was gone the next day. The product line for Reflex Whey protein has since changed since 2007 2009, but there are many good options to choose from. It took me a lot of crying and healing to be able to contact the person that caused me so much pain and damage. If youre taking a multivitamin, you could skip this supplement. My naturopath was called into service when I had a severe reaction to stress that gave me dangerously high blood pressure all of a sudden. Hi Chuck. , Congratulations on your recovery! Its not unique to Cipro, but how the body responds generally to toxic drugs, chemicals, or substances. It was comforting to effectively read from you that its a three steps forward, two steps back recovery process. This book is extremely important and is not meant to give a treatment plan for fluoroquinolone toxicity, it is clearly meant to point out the damage of the drugs such as cipro and levaquin and to bring awareness and promote change in how these drugs are prescribed. A person acutely affected by Levaquin generously shared that tip in her blog. The only thing I hope is to not feel much pain and not suffer again neurological side effects. He wants to share that information with his colleagues in Brazil to see if there is something that can be done and for them to be more aware of the damage that these drugs may cause to some people. Hundreds of individuals have benefited from this type of therapy. I tried other brands of chocolate (Pascha 100% cocoa without alkaline cocoa for example) and grounded cacao nibs and the healing effects are not even close to the Lindt. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "crvimg-20"; Everything. Depression . It took over a year or so before I could say that I was sleeping well again but sometimes certain things would easily trigger insomnia (things that would not do so in the past.) In a study from 2001, researchers looked at dogs that were magnesium deficient and dogs that were given ciprofloxacin and saw that in both cases there were significant biochemical alterations in tendons that would put people at risk of quinolone-induced tendon disorders [3]. I think my own case was probably made worse by being low in magnesium (maybe) since I had issues with it before. And I did fully recover and have no symptoms. I also keep exercising my core, arms through Yoga and Calisthenics. Thats where the Ozone comes in. How long have been were people taking this and have lingering side effects? The recovering from this will never happen. Ill get back to you shortly with some responses. They also help improve the structure and strength of collagen. While here, my hip joints have also taken a beating. I started taking collogen in the form of gelatin powder from fish , initially 2 tablespoons per day for a month and then 1 tablespoon a day. Bromelain has been studied a lot for its ability to enhance soft tissue healing, but it also has numerous other benefits such as improving sinusitis symptoms, treating diarrhea, speeding up recovery from surgery, blocking pro-inflammatory cytokines which cause tissue destruction, and can improve cardiovascular health. I too suffered from severe insomnia after the very first dose of Cipro. Victimized by Cipro a week ago at 58. It doesnt make me a better person or teach me anything. Especially since I reacted on first dose, stopped it, pain still present which is why I was referred to an ENT. I really do hope your method works, it has to. Sleeping and keeping the anxiety under control is very important in this first stage to allow the body to recover in my opinion. But I am also open to all the ideas and there is nothing to lose in trying them. There are multiple clinical trials showing it is effective (even more so than antibiotics in some cases) at preventing bladder infections. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Im so blessed to have come across your article. Its you will to fight for your recovery what I admire the most and I share with you. I used to get red and painfully burned in minutes when exposed to the sun before taking vitamin D3. I began my own remedies to try and subside the inflammation, I make turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, coconut milk tea. HBOT AND INTRAVENOUS THERAPY Your email address will not be published. Terrifying. Its different when you read the side effects on a sheet than when you see face to face somebody that is suffering them, especially when you are the responsible of prescribing that drug to him. There are reports though that recoveries do happen, at least in the studies on PubMed, within weeks to months. And thats exactly what I did. The key is taking it very slowly with stretches, weight-bearing exercises, and working back up to your previous level of fitness. Within 3 days of taking the meds, I lost the ability to walk unassisted, I lost 40 pounds in 2 months, my body burned all over, my vision was . Only to slip back into eating things I hadnt. Interestingly, your blog and story are mentioned in the comments. If I find something else that might help, I will let you know. I did start all the supplements you suggested. Im 47, but otherwise felt like 27 health-wise before this happened. There is a sauna and a pool in the condo where I am staying now so that has helped me a lot too. So there is hope, but you gotta try to keep calm, do what you can to support your body and mind in healing, and let time go by until your body repairs. This really saddens and worries me. I took Avelox in January 2020. Change or add in new supplements to boost mybodys repair mechanisms, increase stress resistance, and protect cells. And that never happened before cipro. Early signs of Cipro toxicity include low back pain, tendonitis, tendon rupture, arthralgia, pain in extremities, gait disturbance, neuropathies associated with paraesthesia, depression, fatigue, memory impairment, sleep disorders, and impaired hearing, vision, taste, and smell. Now she is paralyzed from her waste down and cant do anything for herself. Some days or week will be good some will be bad. Had the doctor actually run a urine sample the first time, and warned me of the risks in taking the medication and suggested I wait two days for results rather than simply prescribing the medication to me without the test, Id never have taken this medication unless I was otherwise on my death bed in need of such an antibiotic. What scares me is that now I understand that the collogen supplement is necessary because the mitochondria of the cells probably no longer can replicate themselves after the DNA was damaged, being an evolutionary remnant of the bacteria from which we descended! We communicate every day. It takes approximately 70% of your mitochondria to be damaged in order for you to feel the symptoms. Contact your doctor immediately and notify them of your side effects, additionally ask them if the Cipro is actually necessary based on a culture and sensitivity. If the cell is damaged, it will try to repair it, but if it cant do that, it will eventually die. He apologized, he told me that was aware about the side effects but he never wanted to harm me. Even my nails went back to normal. Also, please leave a comment below sharing your experience and any supplements you feel have helped you. Thank you, and please be cautious with all treatments. Such is the case with an important class of antibiotics . I hope you can start feeling better soon. Dr advised first dose evening of the 3rd and next dose in the morning. I took 700 mg of AOR EGCG supplement at the time. And, oh the mental side effects were right out of a Stephen King novel. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; We even suspect now, that perhaps one of the causes of his VCD (Vocal Cord Dysfunction), also called LaryngoSpasm might have been Cipro induced damage to the Vagus nerve, which big nerve has laryngeal nerves (branches) that tell the vocal cords how to move (or if such nerves are damaged, erroneously tell the vocal cords to close up when they should stay open!). I need to believe in the middle ground, am optimistic that is will exist for me, and your story really reinforces that optimism. I started taking Cipro 500mg 2x. Finally, you should never take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or steroids with Cipro or Levaquin because that increases your risk of central nervous system side effects and seizures. I can only pray that I can completely recover from this and that the damage is not permanent. It is especialyl helpful against certain type of neuropathy. 99.9% of the time, there are other less damaging antibiotics to choose from unless you are the rare 1/100,000 cases where your doctor actually obtains a bacterial culture showing only sensitivity to fluoroquinolones. The herbal remedy contains 45 gm DE passiflora incarnata, 42 gm DE ziziphus suan zao, 33gm DE humulus lup in capsules, between meals , 2 caps 3 times per day. Additionally, my anxiety has been so terrible since the reaction. Disclosure: This article may contain affiliate links. I discovered that the magnesium chloride applied on the skin can be much better absorbed by the body that in capsules through the gastrointestinal system. This restored my blood pressure to normal level WITHOUT any additional prescription drugs for blood pressure control. Address: 9201 Sunset Boulevard, Ste 414Los Angeles, CA 90069, Regenerative Medicine LA.All Rights Reserved. It took it for 4 days (should have been 7 but I stopped early due to effects). Spiking BP and very rapid heartbeat. amzn_assoc_linkid = "b6205bacb1820c8198dafc01f019962e"; Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this problem other than supporting your body and mind to heal from the damage. He asked me to send him a thorough report about my side effects, how developed and what is working in my healing process which I already did. Joint aches, lightheadedness, brain fog and difficulty sleeping. Its happened to me in the past (unrelated to Cipro). Vitamin D3 and 50 mg of zinc are the only supplements I am taking right now. I quit there and then and within 24 hours I started to improve. Sorry to use you as a therapist. Try to control the anxiety if you can, as it can spiral out of control. Ive always loved to run and exercise, but over the course of 10 years, my tendons and recently arteries took a huge hit and Ive finally put the puzzle together after many visits to the ER for chest pain, and head pain. I had 6 MRIs, a spinal tap, and was tested for EVERY disease known to man. Each day I had between 2 3 whey protein shakes. Alpha lipoic acid with L-Carnitine together in one capsule is a must for neuropathy among many other reasons. I am still following an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory diet along with eating cocoa every day. Currently suffering gastro issues, tendonitis or tendonopothy.. freaked out. Where neuropathy that feels like burning, tingling, can appear 6 months later. As you are a successful survivor If you recall something else that helped you in tour recovery please let us know. Am happy God has brought me to read how I will take care of my health from this point after reading your article, much appreactive as doctors wouldnt have been able to see me through this one. If going to supplement for collagen, use a mixed product for both Type I and II). Im terrified with it only being three weeks its going to get worse before it gets better. We dont know what to tell you!! I arrived to Florida on a wheelchair. The journey to recovery doesnt have to be something you go through alone though. Those are the news and hope helps. Amazing compared to how I was during my first couple months. I read you story and Im so sorry you had to go through that. My story is similar to most of you. Multiple studies have shown that a combination of polyphenols and vitamins are able to increase bone marrow stem cells and may speed up healing. I hope for your recovery So sorry that youre experiencing this. There are many different phytonutrients that can have protective effects by increasing cell protection mechanisms, up-regulating DNA repair, reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines and immune system dysfunction, and protect against oxidative stress and cell death. Congratulations. It helps a lot with the tendons and feet pain. My first concern is to make the pain stop. I like to learn more about detoxing it out if my body ASAP because its unbearable. Inexpensive product and you may apply it as spray all over your body. Im going to go add the cocoa tomorrow! All I wanted to know was how to reverse these side effects! Really anything to help. Lastly, the literature from drug-informing websites claim that such reactions to cipro are rare with the risk of tinnitus for example, which I now have (always there, sometimes worse than other times and today for the first time has been changing in terms of pitch and volume), has a .01 .1% chance of developing. Had a lot of pain and couldnt stand or walk. Here are a few links to recovery after antibiotics using Ozone and Hyperbaric. And then the memory and confusion issues too. I instantly got pretty much all the side effects, unfortunately memory and confusion were 2 of them and didnt realize what was happening until 13 pills into it. After I recovered from Cipro-induced tendonitis, I never developed it again. In powder form, it can be used in teas and in food. So for example, if Cipro messed up the GABA system in the brain, you can get 20+ symptoms just from that alone. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Was cured for about 2 years and it just came back. Im scared to take a walk or exercise but will search PT exercises for gentle stretches as you mentioned. Im about 5 weeks out and definitely feel/felt a variety of side effects (insomnia for sure, nerve pain/neuropathy but both seem to be gradually passing). All of these symptoms aside from a few harmless floaters (dont even notice them) went away. He said the collagen would be back to normal in about 5 6 days. After adding cold water to each cup and stirring in the powder I put the tray in the oven at a low temperature for 15 minutes to dissolve it. After 4 months, I noticed that I was gradually able to sleep for longer and longer. Im trying to eliminate this entity from the inside out. Thankyou, Hi Matt, My husband was floxed in the 1990s, and we didnt realize it until relatively recently. At that point belatedly I read the insert warnings in particular to elderly women (I am 83) and realized it was more than tendonitis. I have thrown on a few others here and there, including Shalijit. This is the magnesium supplement I recommend. Usually first thing in the morning! An Advil and Tylenol helped, in the beginning, take the edge off, but I stopped taking. My mom is currently suffering from sever side effects from Cipro. My right side much more swollen than left. Here are a few supplements, foods, and drinks that I recommend trying out: Green tea EGCG is the main active component in green tea and is able to help protect cells against antibiotic-induced toxicity in animal studies. This gradually got better and better but most of the improvement came after 4 months I think. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Since the last 4 days I am able to cook, shower, do the laundry and do all the normal duties. BUT the problem being when I was younger I was an IV drug user, I literally do not have a single vein, like when I had my son two years ago they couldnt find a vein with the ultra sound machine even for the IV so to even get an IV for the contrast for an MRI that I dont even need (or to have blood tests done) I would have to get a picc line which wouldnt be very much fun. Congrats in the recovery. The Cipro has somehow turned off everything? This time not only the left side of my body was involved, but also the right side.Resumed the gelatine, the pain resided. SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION Anti-Aging, Regenerative, & Integrative Medicine located in Los Angeles, CA CALL: 855-437-7836 I asked about possible drug problem but it was not investigated. if you get pain, feel pins and needles, tingling, tickling, numbness or burning, or weakness especially in the legs or arms; if you get swelling in the shoulder, arms or legs, have walking difficulty, feel tired or depressed or have problems with your memory or with sleeping or you notice changes with your vision, taste, smell or hearing. Any Recommendations What to do Next ????? I have carefully read your notes. Thanks. Hi Lou, my husband is suffering from Cipro poisoning and is having really bad anxiety, panic, agitation and very tense muscles including issues with swallowing at night and tremors too. Thanks to the devils pill that a doctor prescribed named Cipro. However, I ventured into Ozone IV therapy, Ozone Saunas. On another note, I took levequin in 2008 for a sinus infection, three rounds of it, that threw me into adreanal fatigue and taxed my thyroid (I am now hypo thyroid), I learned that it is in the same family of drugs. I dont know what to do she doesnt want me to call her doctor because she says theyre out to hurt her. I took between 300-400 mg of magnesium citrate (powder form). I was treated with ciprofloxacin twice and the first time the tendonitis side effects occurred but were not associated with the cipro. Detox for Ciprofloxacin. But I reckon there are probably many people out there who get side effects weeks later and never connect it with taking the quinolone antibiotic. Like week one was terrible. If you have any significant tendon, ligament or muscle damage from Cipro, I recommend you take protein supplements. I was (over) dosed Monday (10/04/2020) by IV in hospital for gall bladder & my immediate drug reactions & continually progessing issues were/are blown off by doctor. And oh my God, Ive never felt like that! Reports put the number of suspected US cipro-related adverse reactions at 79,000, including 1,700 deaths, between 2005 and 2015. I dont have much of an appetite. Thats all I may share for now and I will keep you posted about how things develop on my end. My nails turned white full of scratches like arthritis type. Any new protocol youd suggest since initial post. I am multi floxed. One of the mistake I made which lengthened my recovery time was not doing any strengthening exercises. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Check your medical records. How to reverse cipro poisoning? Just a theory. Moringa for inflammation. I joined the Yahoo Group that was up at the time and a few forums and there have been many awful stories and I too was extremely worried that I would never recover and be normal again. Thanks, Matt! Thank you I feel really lucky to have come back stronger than before! I already had taken for 8 days . I only took 1A /1T a day, 24 hours apart. Dr. Ghalili explains your body as a Jenga, the more damage done by cipro, the more pieces of the Jenga are removed, once the final piece is out to hold the Jenga stable, the Jenga crumbles and this is the classic a bomb went off in my body feeling the majority of cipro toxicity patients endure. If there is a way to recover from mitochondria damage I sure would like to hear about it! Vitamin B12 is crucial for proper nerve function and it can help repair damaged nerves. Since the last 5 days I have started to cry so much as I have never did before. During the day I play with kids, and at night when I put them to bed I come out side and smoke cigarettes and listen to music and talk to my friends online now for the last month I silently watch them play and at night I silently smoke , no music, no friends, just stare at the ground this is probably the most social interaction Ive had in the last four weeks. And while you wait for your body to heal itself, treatment is fairly intuitive: stop use of the fluoroquinolone and have your doctor switch you to another antibiotic; rest your tendons; use anti-inflammatory drugs for pain (being careful not to exceed daily limits); elevate your leg (if the pain is in your Achilles' tendon); and ice the affected Studies indicate that quinolone-induced toxic effects could be prevented by magnesium supplementation. I felt him sincere and he told me that he will do his best to help me. You can see the extent of my problems after taking Cipro by checking out this forum. I experienced the most anxiety Ive ever had in my life when I laid in bed reading about the potential for irreversible effects as I experienced nerve twitching, never pain, muscle pain, etc. Magnesium is also able to help reduce the central nervous system side effects of quinolones by inhibiting excitation of NMDA receptor activities and promote the gabaergic system which calms down the nervous system and helps with sleep [6]. I think my sleep was pretty much back to normal after a year or so, but even well before then, it was still pretty good again and I could function fine even if I had to fall back asleep again in the middle of the night. Full Recovery From Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Cipro Side Effects Reversed 1,483 views Dec 20, 2020 25 Dislike Share Regenerative Medicine LA 680 subscribers Alex discusses his heartfelt story of. Try not to worry Youre young and you can recover from it despite the horror stories you might hear. What a mystery, but I am glad I found something that alleviates my suffering and is helping me to recover. However, I took 4 Azithromycin pills to knock out a sinus/ear infection. It took effort; I did yoga, my stretches, weight-bearing exercises to remodel the soft tissues. I already accepted that my previous life is on hold for and indefinitely amount of time and I have also accepted my new condition. Polyphenols and other nutrients promote healthy stem cells and their proliferation to promote healing. Afterwards put the tray in the refrigerator and everyday pop out one gelatine plug to add to a hot liquid or oatmeal. Youre a good person and providing valuable insights. I am where you (Julie) were (joints -tendons (knee very bad afraid of blow out), achillies & calfs, elbow, thumb, TMJ, neck & head swelling, popping, tightness, brief sharp pain, spasms & other weird stuff). It showed in my blood tests, the way I felt, and my performance when training. It affected my tendons severely and in one week I couldnt walk anymore. Have ever tried D mannose before? . As soon as Amazon delivered the box I ate a whole bar. 'I Seriously Thought I Was Going To Die in the First Year' I am going to give your suggestions a try. Best Vegan Digestive Enzymes (Supplements and Foods), Vegan Protein Powders With All Essential Amino Acids, What Is The Best DIM Supplement Without Soy,,, I am so glad you were able to recover 100% and feel even better now. He was shocked when he saw me in the Video call. Interesting read. I too have taken all the supplements you suggest and still do. I quit the meds after googling my symptoms (immense brain fog, dizziness, and general malaise) six days into a ten day prescription. Take care of yourself and please update me from time to time about your progress and also feel free to ask any questions! Emily Kane. Thanks for sharing your story and the tips that helped you, I specially like your positive attitude and the outcome of all you went through. This can just help boost genes that increase autophagy (remove damaged organelles like mitochondria), DNA repair, etc. Generally we are told to avoid fluoride at all costs. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of the story. I m taking, magnesium taurine, b conplex nac, vit c, calcium d glucarate, fish oil, cbd oil, pro biotics. Ive never felt like that % of your mitochondria to be damaged in order for you feel. Pop out one gelatine plug to add to a hot liquid or oatmeal and longer not associated with the.. See the disclaimer at the bottom of the improvement came after 4 months I.! Fight for your recovery so sorry you had to go in cycles ) to increase marrow! Your body for 4 days ( should have been 7 but I am able recover. If the cell is damaged, it will try to repair it but! ; im so sorry you had to go through alone though stretches you! 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