miramonte high school cheerleader killed

They still do Bernadette and always will, so she has to look over her head every second. She was a member of a highly selective sorority club called the Bobbies. When Kelly rebuffs Bridgets advances of friendship, it humiliates the latter and sends her into a jealousy-fueled rage, which ultimately results in Kellys murder. Of course its done and over with, and people arent forgiving and never let you forget anything you did, she made a enormous mistake, that cant change, but she does regret it and as for her and the Costas family making Peace, cant even tell you how much truth is in that, but Im sure she reached out and owned her part, but nothing she can do to change what the outcome cost them. Sarah Dugdale was cast as the victim, Nina Miller. Even if Missy and Kirsten were Bullies bo reason to Murder them. I have to agree some, I was there, Kirsten was Cocky at times, no means a Bully just self absorbed. Mats Above a girl is dead, as a result from the girl who had a Sweet Melancholy. ORINDA (KPIX) -- The day after a deadly house fire killed a 16-year-old girl at her home in Orinda, friends and family on Monday were remembering her as a vivacious young woman who could light up a room. Was she snotty to? We get it now, we already got it. The movie really leaned toward Bernadette being seen by Kirsten and others as less of a person. This is when the case went to the FBI. She also had nice clothes, her problem was with Kirsten, that Kirsten was reaching the top, where Bernadette wanted to reach the top. If we had to kill all 15:year olds who were Smart Aleck then we wouldnt have none making it to Graduation or getting their Drivers License. She called Kirsten's home while she was away and told her mother that her daughter was invited to a Bobbies' dinner, and it was a secret. The reporter had misunderstood. from what I have read on different blogs from kids that actually went to school with both these girls they have said that this movie did not accurately portray either one of the girls and thats very frustrating for people who watch the movie and find themselves empathizing with the wrong person. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. So there actually is no first degree evidence that is solid and beyond a reasonable doubt. I got the impression they were both Stuckup ( Bernadette and Kirsten) they were friends to. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. Even her childhood BFF cant forgive her for such a Horrible Act, if it was drugs or Alcohol she was I. Im not sure shes really sick, I just hear she is, and doesnt leave her home hardly. They were rich. READ MORE: The real death of a cheerleader story (1985). Im sure you knew them all. If they want it known they will come forth themselves and tell it or contact you. It would appear that kirsten marina costas was a spoilt rich kid who never had to go without any luxuries at all. For what? So think before you get that angry cause there is no turning back from it. She clearly wasnt happy with them and their old, unfashionable selves either, adding that they didnt give her, their 6th child, the attention she so desperately wanted. Read about the real story instead of talking crap. I can tell its you before I even read the first line. Kirsten was, and classmates mostly said she was a free fun spirit with a big heart and love for life. Im irritated. Move on. Kirsten wasnt a bully. If Kirsten was so mean, why didnt Bernadette just stay away from her? Maybe you need to hear one of those shooters moms speak on YouTube on the Ted talks. I had to deal with people like Kirsten in high school. Maybe they were all misunderstood. In more conservative societes in the world(its not USA) the educators and family see these things in the early stages and try to prevent them. So she didnt like everybody who does? I hear Bernadette dont want anything to do with anyone from her past at all now. Bernadette may not of paid her dues in the Justice system, shes paid for it online with her haters harassing her and outing her constantly, and her hometown community hated her and still does. Kirsten May of been Stuck up and Caddy, most teen girls are, but she got along with almost everyone, she got along with Bernadette at first, till Bernadette kept trying to be her friend. Also there Was another girl who went out with the football team and accused them all of raping her, not the entire team, but several players and I hear she was ran out as well and dogged by the Students. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. It made me feel oh so special. Nurturers dont kill people. I have never seen Kirsten insult anyone, (I knew her), she was friendly towards everybody, Berns BFF May say it differently, cause Bernadette just took things way to Serious, and like I said she took things way to Personal to where it became Personal. Why couldnt her sister cut up the vegetables on the counter top where its sooo much easier??? She was friends with my sister, came around our house a few times. Im sure today Ms. Stuff, D and Beauty and the Beast could still be the life of the Party if they wanted to be. Kristen had it well deserved in response to someone else, which suggests that you think her cruel murder was justified. She refused to. No one have to take the greatest gift God gives,LIFE. Kirsten was lured out of her house under false pretences to a bobbie (sorority) dinner that didnt exist by someone she wasnt friends or even acquaintances with. Some still get together. Youre either Bernadette or her Sister, or a Close friend like Berns BFF. I dont really care about your accusation, but its unnecessary and youre wrong. She never meant harm, as for Bernadette, Kirsten sometimes teased her, and she would be nice to her to, she just was angry for being lured out under false pretense to attend a so called party, and when Bernadette told her feeling about Kirsten, it freaked her out, she spotted something immediately, and she was right. Naturally, you might be wondering if that is the case here. Most cheerleader s are friendly, and yes at the same time, kind of stuck up, to a degree, they only run with certain groups, but they will say hello to you, and help you if you need it. You are full of it. Lifetime should be ashamed. That way she would of learned and been afraid, no she took the Coward Way out and Murdered, and Bernadette was chasing after Kirsten. They were always so nice to all of us (Kirstens friends) and I have fond memories of them, enjoyed thier home, nice home, and BTW Kirstens house wasnt any Mansion, it was beautiful Ranch home with a nice back yard, and Bernadettes house was just as nice as Kirstens if not nicer. You named all of Kirstens friends. Movie portrayed Kirsten as a Snotty girl, when really she was just down to Earth and Vivacious and fun Loving. I think the outcast girls there would say Kirsten was a (bully) chaise no one liked them, and they would say that. Doesnt it seem weird that Bernadettes sister would have an 18-inch knife for cutting tomatoes? It was okay at her age, like most teenagers who wish for the ultimate pinnacle of popularity. i feel sorry.for any poor sap who has to live in her neighborhood because like the investigator wisehart said she has a hidden trigger that anyone can pull just by not giving her what she thinks she.should get in a relationship. We had honor students who were kind of poor, but we loved them, and learned from them. She doesnt leave her house hardly at all anymore. Can you give examples of Kirsten degrading others and thinking she is better than everyone? She was jealous of Kirsten and wanted to be everything Kirsten was, but could nt so she killed her. Could of been any of those girls in that group as one girl said, they were all like Kirsten in lots of ways. Meet the 2020-2021 Class Officers - The Mirador If it hadnt have been for Bernadettes confession, this case probably would remain unsolved. Giving our McDonalds name Dont prove you know them. Dont let that sweet innocent act fool you. She doesnt even want any former BFFs knowing her location anymore. No right to murder. Nobody was all that nice to each other because that was the culture parents included even more so than the kids. She is in her 50s currently, and it seems like she has gotten a fresh start at life. I hear Kirsten was Cocky and Arrogant, but not any Bully. Honestly! Dont let that Sweet Melancholy fool anyone, she was not that unless you were in the group. Kristen was adorable. Bernadette had devised an ingenious plan to win over Kirsten. These stories chronicle the immediate news reports that detailed the crime, the communitys shock, the victims funeral, and discusses some of the police work that was involved in the effort to find the killer and to understand her motive. I think Kristen called Bernadette out on being a lesbian. Bernadette had tried for the cheerleading squad as well but had not made the cut. One of the most popular girls attending the Miramonte High School in Orinda, Calif., Costas was envied for her beautiful looks and privileged background. Im sure she does, look at her life, and where shes been, and how the media harasses her, not saying she dont deserve it, which she does, but if she is sick, then leave her alone. A popular 15-year-old girl who was stabbed to death on a neighbors doorstep may have been the victim of another teen-age girl, police said. Self Absorbed yes. She didnt care wheather her mom or dad suffered, she just would not subject herself to something like suicide because she loves herself more then anyone else. Get yourself checked out! No , then its gona be she was mental ill and forgotten forever yes? Not to mention all over the world. Thats my belief. And Sarah saying Kirsten got what she deserved. I read alot om her to. As the cops went through the list of suspects, Bernadette Prottis name cropped up. I knew Kirsten she was funny and adorable. Kirsten made some comment about them, and it just seemed like everyone else was thinking that, but she was the only one who would come out and say it., MORE:Lip Smackers from Bonne Bell: The super trendy vintage lip balm from the 70s & 80s, Bernadette admitted she had made the phone call setting up a meeting with Kirsten. She was not any Chris Hargensen in Carrie, or Regina George in Mean Girls or anything like that, she was totally down to Earth and engaging from what I was told. Even if Kirsten was stuck up and a Bully! Seeing this, Alex offered to drive Kirsten home. Bernadette Protti had . Snotty people blamed her publicly and without mercy.. shame on them, you know who you are. The senior class officers are President Haley Moltyaner and Treasurer. Notable Alumni. Nicolle Devenish Wallace, former White House Communications Director and spokesperson for John McCain for President. Landscape Suicide 1986 is the closest after Bernadettes interview with the Police it shows it. Her father was a retired public works officer, and her mother a homemaker. They hung out together, Bernadette couldnt face up Kirsten was more Popular than she was, and better at everything. How dare you? Some girls considered all those girls Stuck up they considered Bernadette as well. Kirstens friends who said she was nice, well they were all in some (Clique) and stuck together and helped one another out. "Our community is devastated. Bernadette May of been misunderstood to, I thought she was Snooty to. I dont understand what is wrong with people. Bern want the poor girl Deployed in the movie. The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs: Halloween Hootenanny: Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Meyers, Westlake High School - 100 N. Lakeview Canyon Road, Westlake Village, California, USA. Mats you knew those Girls? Bullies should get their a** whooped not killed just because they dont want to be friends with someone. As Kirsten headed towards her house from Alex's car, she spotted Bernadette on the street and headed towards her. Cause Bern for weeks went on and on about Kirsten to where her friends kept getting tired of hearing it. According to Bustle, the Costas family relocated to Hawaii in the aftermath of the tragedy. This is exactly why the Columbine shooting happened, and why these things happen in the first place. AKA Berns BFF named used in movie. Kirsten Costas, a 15-year-old teen living in the small suburban California town of Orinda, was stabbed to death by her classmate Bernadette Protti, then also 15, on June 23, 1984. We are all different. I dont care what anyone says to another person, it does not give you the right to kill them. She lured Kirsten out of her house under false pretences to the non existent sorority dinner and then drove Kirsten to an empty car-park at night. Nancy was Sweet, she just took things the wrong way. Lot of weirdos on this thread. first of all, the judge had to be stupid to find it second degree murder and it doesnt matter if she didnt plan to kill kirsten. She only had certain friends. They also laughed at you in the halls when you passed them, Bernadette to and Kirsten, I wasnt in the (wonderful in crowd) so I didnt fit in their world. I believe the conversation was very bizarre to, about desperation of a friendship. Thats a much more obvious motive. Even if you werent rich, if you were smart and acted sensible you were accepted. I so disagree with some of the posters. Theres no excuse for murder. She was just into herself more than a being a bully. So Kirsten was Cocky at times. Thisb isnt about Columbine, its about the Kirsten Costas case. You are right, (Kirsten didnt really bully Bernadette) around a friend she would throw ice at Bernadette, and tease her to show off in front of thier friend, (but girls will be girls). When the time was up, Elaine Protti read her daughters confession. She probably just released her anger towards her so she could move on. There are speculations that Bernadette has changed her name to Jeannette Tomanka. Kristen was a total bully, just horrible. Probaly the one who gave details on all those bullied girls at Miramonte. Mandy, No sense talking about it now, its done and over with. Bernadette was kind to. Judging from your malicious, reprehensible comments and utter ignorance and delusion, your moral fiber is rotten to the core, and I pity any child subjected to your skewed guidance as their moral fiber will no doubt succumb to decay. John Grisham, Kirsten was nothing like Tori Spelling at all. Two scenes that totally sold me on how convincing the role of Angela was played was when Angela was being dropped off for the ski trip and, in front of the other kids, Angela's mother goes to clean Angela's face with a handkerchief. So whoever said Kirsten was mean, and was a B I cant picture that, I didnt know her very well either, we all have a mean side, I never seen it in her. Whoever remotely tries to justify that must not have children. I just heard that Kirsten was full of energy and life. So Kirsten was a Bully, no right to Justify Bernadettes actions. She didnt hate anyone (as I said) just didnt like the way they acted. Here is a collection of newspaper headlines and stories published in California papers immediately after the cruel murder of Kirsten Costas. She was sentenced to a maximum of nine years in a juvenile prison in April 1985. She wasnt interested in helping outcast kids, cause she wanted to be in, and she was popular to from my standpoint of view. She told them that she was with a friend and she had gotten weird on her. She didnt have time to (bully). Its a circle, says another. Youre not looking at that Situation. And the sister projected her crappy life onto her younger sister because she was unhappy. "She was beautiful inside and out, with an amazing personality that will live on forever," said one classmate. Bernadette was to in a (round about way) She wasnt as popular as Kirsten, she desired to have the things Kirsten had. So classy and dead on. I dont care how old your comment is, I just have to reply to that bullst. The Costas family is no longer mad and moved on so why cant you? Kirstens friends dont sit and discuss Morbid depressing stuff to start with. Asking a butt of yourself getting it. She once told Kirsten to shut up in biology and thats why everyone thought shed done it.

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