john macarthur isaiah 6

We only know God as He has revealed Himself. Paraphrasing God's call to Isaiah in Isaiah Chapter 6, MacArthur said, "Go tell them it's too late. All the saints adore Thee, Moses, David, Apostles). Thus it is not surprising that of the 78 uses almost half are found in Leviticus. Ray Pritchard - Once Peter realized who Jesus really wasthe true Son of God from heavenhe saw himself in a new light. There is no task laid upon us by the Lord which we shall not have power from Him to fulfill, when everything that would hinder our communion with Him has been removed. 1 Timothy For my eyes have seen the King - God was always to be the true King of the Jews. 28:3). Double for all her sins.". It was when this passed away into shame and disgrace that Isaiah saw the Eternal King on his throne. However, Israel's blindness is not permanent. Isaiah 6:1IN THE YEAR OF KING UZZIAH'S DEATH, I SAW THE LORD SITTING ON A THRONE, LOFTY AND EXALTED, WITH THE TRAIN OF HIS ROBE FILLING THE TEMPLE: To help keep this chapter in context observe the preceding table and the following outline adapted from Talk Thru the Bible which summarizes the first section of Isaiah dealing primarily with prophecies concerning the Kingdom of Judah, E The Destruction of Israel by Assyria Isa 7:110:4, 2 Sign of Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz Isa 8:122, 3 Prophecy of the Messiahs Birth Isa 9:17, F The Destruction of Assyria by God Isa 10:512:6, 3 Restoration of the Messiahs Kingdom Isa 11:116, 4 Thanksgiving in the Messiahs Kingdom Isa 12:16, 790 - Uzziah (790-739BC) becomes king of Judah, reigns 52 years, 759 - Jotham becomes king of Judah assuming reign when Uzziah becomes leprous, 742 - Micah begins his prophetic ministry (cp ministry to Hezekiah Jer 26:18, 19, Mic 3:12), 739 - Isaiah begins prophetic ministry in year King Uzziah died (Isa 6:1f), 731 - Ahaz becomes king of Judah (2Ki 15:38, 16:1, 2Chr 28:1), 726 - Hezekiah becomes 12th king of Judah (2Ki 16:20, 18:1,2) and one of 3 best (2Ki 18:5), 722 - Shalmaneser (2Ki 17:3, 18:9) dies while besieging Samaria, Sargon seizes crown, 722 - Sargon of Assyria (Sargon) (Is 20:1) conquers Samaria (2Ki 17:6, 18:9, 10, 11, 12), 701 - Sennacherib (son of Sargon) of Assyria lays siege to Jerusalem, 695 - Manasseh becomes king of Judah (2Ki 21:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), 586 - Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquers Judah. Then, when the prophet heard the voice of the Lord [Adonai] (Isa 6:8), he said, Here am I. Third, God said go (Isa 6:9) giving the prophet a mission to fulfill. (See context in Bible Knowledge Commentary) (Bolding added), It appears evident, from this passage, that the glory which the prophet saw was the glory of Jehovah: John, therefore, saying here that it was the glory of Jesus, shows that he considered Jesus to be Jehovah. In other words, it is the displaying of God to the world. Hymns Project (Notes from My Bible, p. 85). 32:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) and so he desires to know how long until the end of the divine judgment? Used by permission. A man may so harden himself in evil as to render his condition irremediable, and this by Gods retributive judgment upon him. Sermons | Capitol Hill Baptist These individuals who would be saved through Isaiahs ministry are the basis for the remnant of verse 13. Prophets Or consider the woman in todays reading from Mark. From heavy derives the idea of a "weighty" person in society, one who is honorable, impressive, worthy of respect, the meaning in >50% of uses. Your partnership makes all we do possible. I just came across your list of 100 Christian leaders that you notified about the dangers of Jesus Calling. Isaiah 58 - Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible - Bible A tenth portion in it - "It" is the land of Judah. It is the vision of God as Adonai which started him out on his prophetical career. That is how great Gods holiness and grace can be. James (cp Nu 21:5, 6, 7, 8, 9, cp Jesus' teaching Jn 3:14, 15 , 2Co 5:21, cp destruction of the idol Israel had made from the bronze serpent 2Ki 18:4). First, after gaining a greater appreciation for Gods holiness and his own sinfulness, Isaiah said woe acknowledging his own uncleanness. (Zech 14:8, 9+), is a man with unclean lips. 6; that God is sovereign; that He is holy; the first provides comfort, the second, terror (See context in The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 139), Uzziahs reign was a kind of Victorian era in Jewish history. range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed (The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95), Comment: Considering the current state of the Church in America perhaps it is time for pulpits to preach Isaiah's message that the Church might be awoken from her slumber and her easy compromise with the world ("Why not go to PG-13 movies"? The chosen ones are those who have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ whereby their disposition has been altered and their ears unstopped, and they hear the still small voice (1Ki 19:12KJV) questioning all the time, "Who will go for us?" The seraphim Isaiah saw are magnificent beings. They stoop and worship. To contend that those yet unfulfilled will see non-literal fulfillment is biblically groundless. Consider placing a link on this page to allow visitors to this site to enter the name, address of a pastor they know along with a $5 donation to have you send the booklet and cover letter to that pastor or pastors (if you can afford to send it to multiple pastors for a $5 donation). (Ref). How diligently the cavalry officer keeps his saber clean and sharp; every stain he rubs off with the greatest care. Go. But too many of our schedules allow too little time for reflection and meditation on God and His Word. (Isaiah - Expository Notes), From this passage one can conclude that the servants of the Holy King may be called upon to. (a) the Masters right to implicit obedience (Jn 13:13; Mt. Comment: God considers Isaiah 6:9, 10 so significant that they are quoted no less than six times in the NT (Mt 13:14, 15; Mk 4:12; Lk 8:10; Jn 12:40; Acts 28:25, 26, 27, 28; Ro11:8)! The problem with many of us today is that we don't walk in the light of the Word of God. In great measure, according to the purity and perfection of the instrument, will be the success. This physical manifestation of God has come to be called the Shekinah. He stood condemned and ruined. (1 Jn 1:9-note). Keep on listening do not perceive keep on looking do not understand - Can you imagine Isaiah's first reaction upon hearing these words he was to speak to the people of Judah - to say they are not seeker friendly would be an understatement! John You will spend eternity in heaven getting to know God.. Isaiah Tass 4. Him who called out - One seraphim calling out to another. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. Prophets The sarcastic statement in Isaiah 6:10b would be an emphatic way of making this clear. John MacArthur has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. Isaiah 3:9 (note) declares that the people of Judah "have brought disaster upon themselves," but Isa 29:9, 10 indicates that the Lord was involved to some degree in desensitizing the people. The essence of deity is inscrutable, but something of his glory can be seen if God is pleased to disclose it (Exod 33:17=23; Ezek 1:28). Why? The New Testament Today, we want to step back and take in the incredible scene the prophet describes. He is glorified when He is allowed to be seen as He really is. (The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95). The Sovereign Servant, Part 2A. (cf Ex. Isaiah: John F. MacArthur: 9780310123804 - 2 Samuel All the stars in the sky will be dissolved and the heavens rolled up like a scroll; Legacy Standard Bible | Your Translation for a Lifetime | Your Guzik writes that "The remnant will indeed return (Ed: From Babylonian exile back to Judah), but even the remnant will eventually be judged. God's promises (whether to do good and bad [judgment]) are so certain that Scripture frequently speaks of them as already accomplished. Zephaniah 23:10; Lk 6:46); (b) the servants right to direction in service (Isa 6:8, 9, 10, 11). As with most of our studies so far this month, we can't summarize everything the Bible teaches about God in a few lines. The prophet Daniel spoke about these days of future national purging, purifying and refiningwriting Now at that timeMichael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. Nashville: Thomas Nelson). Isa 6:7) and observes that the earlier generations stubbornly hardened their hearts, but Ps 81:11-12, recalling this same period, states that the Lord "gave them over to their stubborn hearts." In Jn 8:58 He declared that He was "I Am", the name ascribed to God in Ex 3:14+. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Enduring Word Bible Commentary Isaiah Chapter 6, Isaiah 1-44 Devotionals & Sermon Illustrations, Isaiah 45-66 Devotionals & Sermon Illustrations, Isaiah Devotionals & Sermon Illustrations-Our Daily Bread, 1Ki 22:19; Job 1:6; Da 7:10; Zech 3:4; Luke 1:10; Rev 7:11, Ex 15:20,21; Ezra 3:11; Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10) (Ex 15:11; Rev 4:8,9; 15:3,4) (Isa 11:9,10; 24:16; 40:5; Nu 14:21; Ps 19:1, 2, 3; 57:11; 72:19; Hab 2:14; Zec 14:9; Ep 1:18). Even though God is longsuffering and a God of love, His love and patience cannot be assumed presumptuously. Study carefully Matt. This verse is a classic example of a chiasmus in which there is an inversion in the second set of phrases of the order of similar words in the first section. Izaac Thompson 6. Lofty (07311) (ruwm) is a primary root which conveys three ideas (1) literal height, (2) height symbolic of notions (glory, exaltation - Ps 34:3 exalt His name), and (3) height symbolic of negative notions (arrogance & pride). Wisdom Literature 37:38). "Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Widely known for his thorough, candid approach to teaching God's Word, John MacArthur is a popular author and conference speaker. Recognizing Jesus identity and thus his inherent holiness made Simon painfully aware of his own sinfulness. UPDATED-ISAIAH: THE PROMISE of the Messiah (MacArthur Bible Studies) - $31.84. And He said to them, "Follow (command) Me, and I will make you fishers of men." In the setting of death, God prophesies there will be life. Major Prophets "He that is, was, and is to be," always the same (see notes Hebrews 13:8 ; Revelation 1:4; Revelation 1:8; compare Ex 3:14, 15; 6:3). Pauline Epistles We do know that God had revealed Himself to men in the past in similar ways. At this we need not wonder. Although, one should avoid dogmatic interpretation, it seems to predict that the remnant will pass through another "fire", which could refer to further chastisement. This verse is further evidence that Isaiah saw an OT Christophany or manifestation of Christ, Who at the end of the age will return to reign as the true and only "King of kings and Lord of lords" (Rev 19:16), Zechariah describes this glorious future day when Jesus the King will reign over all the earth (Maranatha! Thus hardening comes at the end of God's dealing with rebellious sinners and just before their judgment. The upshot is that those who have rejected truth, are to be irreparably hardened by the very truth they chose to reject! Thankfully, through salvation, Jesus Christ clothes us with His holiness so we can stand forgiven and clean in Gods presence. Nehemiah Ecclesiastes February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . The altar - John describes an altar in heaven (Rev 6:9, Rev 8:3), but one cannot state with certainty that that is the same as seen by Isaiah. Isa 4:2; 11:1) who would arise out of the chastened nation. The chambers of abomination are all closed until Christ shines in upon the soul. God in three Persons, blessd Trinity! Holy, holy, holy! God is not going to use a dirty vessel, I can assure you of that. April 26, 2013. my course (dromos = race - see 2Ti 4:7-note), and the ministry which I received from the Lord (kurios = Master - Greek word used to translated Adonai) Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel (euaggelion) of the grace (good news of unmerited favor, in contrast to the bad news of the law) of God. Cities are devastated (laid waste) without inhabitant without people utterly desolate (devastated, wasted) - The immediate fulfillment of this prophecy would be realized in Judah's exile to Babylon who destroyed the cities of the land. Then they got into sin, and it wasn't long until the judgment of God fell upon them. It may signify 1) the presence of God (cf. The lips are specified because of the fact that he had just seen choirs of holy creatures worshipping with pure lips. This people in context is a reference primarily to the people Judah and Jerusalem (Isa 1:1), a people of unclean lips! Pastor John MacArthur. (Mt 13:10-17). Praise God for godly music which lifts our souls to the throne room of God in Heaven! He saw that he was a sinful man in a sinful community. Tradition has it that he met his death under King Manasseh (ca. They have not seen this great need as Christians. Strange that inanimate pillars should thus be moved while the hearts of men remained obdurate and motionless! Sold by preacha_dave | Ends on 2023-03-09 22:33:33 . When Paul said this, he was not a lost sinner but a saint of God, learning the lesson from God that he needed to walk in the Spirit because he could not live for God by himself. Render insensitive - Literally, this reads "Declare fat the heart". 1Co15:9 (55AD) For I am the least of the apostles, who am not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. Zoe Kravitz - actress. 1Sa 20:1 Ps 59:3, or against God, mainly in the historical and prophetical literature. God's command to preach the truth was in effect His command to harden and blind Judah! In the OT glory is a technical term for Gods manifest presence (Ex 16:7), often connected with the Shekinah glory cloud (Ex 16:10) and with the Ark of the Covenant. (Bolding added), The glory of God that Isaiah saw in his vision (Isa 6:1-4) is identified with the glory of the Logos-Son, in accordance with John 1:18 and 17:5. John Piper John now added the explanation that it was Christs glory which Isaiah saw, and it was of Christ that he spoke. April 25, 2013. . It is that which causes the Holy Spirit to use us for real blessing amidst them. His writing style has no rival in its versatility of expression, brilliance of imagery, and richness of vocabulary. The OT uses ruwm with positive meaning most frequently of God's being high as in rank (cf 2Sa 22:47; Ps 18:46; Ps 113:4). In Isaiah 6:10 shamen is translated in the Septuagint withpachuno(from pachus = thick) which means to make fat and is used only in Acts 28:27+and Mt 13:15, both usesin the passive voice (action or effect coming from without from an unmentioned force, in context assumed to be God ="divine passive") figuratively meaning to become dull or calloused. Though Isaiah may have been at the earthly temple, this describes a vision which transcends the earthly. That happened to Israel in Isaiahs day and to many of the individuals in it. Judges Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth! One is that the judgment of blindness over the nation as a whole did not preclude the salvation of individuals. Does the Lord really want to prevent his people from understanding, repenting, and being healed? The Son is the King Jehovah Who rules in the Old Testament and appears to the elect, as in the New Testament the Spirit, the invisible Minister of the Son, is the Director of the Church and the Revealer in the sanctuary of the heart [Olshausen]. This comparison prepares the reader for an understanding of the truth that even after the tenth has been subjected to burning, a stump will remain and be available to "regrowth". Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord of Hosts. Lets also remember that God made us holy in Jesus Christ not just to prepare us for heaven in the sweet by-and-by, but so we can live above the pull of sin in the mixed-up here-and-now. Whether men hear or whether they forbear (Ezek 2:3, 4, 5), he who proclaims the Word faithfully has delivered his soul. All that changed, however, when Uzziah died. Then after the prophet's confession and cleansing in preparation for his service, he hears a voice saying: "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?". (Isaiah - Expository Notes). Individual instructors or editors may still require the use of URLs. But whether suddenly or slowly, we should aim to increase our awareness of Gods holiness and our sinfulness, coupled with an ever-deepening understanding of the meaning and application of the gospel. Unto Us A Child Is Born - Isaiah 9:6 Caused By The Lord Child Born Everlasting Father Government On His Shoulders Mighty God No End Prince Of Peace Son Given Wonderful Counselor Comments: Hezekiah: Some commentators look at Hezekiah as the fulfilment of this prophecy. Daniel depicts this final destruction of the Gentile nations by Messiah as a Stone (Messiah) that returns to crush Nebuchadnezzar's statue which symbolizes all of the anti-God, anti-Christ nations of the world. Perhaps this is a preview of believers calling out to other believers in a symphony of praise to God. While besieging Lachish, he sent a contingent of forces to besiege Jerusalem (2 Kin 18:1719:8; Is. We see the "ultimate" faithful remnant in the time of the "terminal generation" of the Nation of Israel which is described by the prophet Zechariah who writes, It will come about in all the land, Declares the LORD, That two parts in it will be cut off and perish; But the third will be left (REMNANT) in it. Isaiah needed a long-range perspective on his ministry or else he would feel like he was accomplishing nothing. Isaiah sadly unlike the disciples did not receive a promise of procuring men but rather a promise of reproving men because of their rejection of Truth. He condemned the empty ritualism of his day (e.g., 1:1015) and the idolatry into which so many of the people had fallen (e.g., 40:1820). (See context in The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament), How could this (Isa 6:9,10) be the message of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1Ti 2:3, 4)? This well-known passage teaches us a lot about the God we worship and the ministry of worship itself. Pauline Epistles It would be beneficial for us to review these Scriptures, lest any of us should think we stand (1Cor 10:12).

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