elvenar guest race guide

Mana buildings produce Mana in the same way, that residences produce coins. But at L4 the whole queue takes only 2 hours! And as a bonus tip, Elvenar does not offer grinding or replaying when it comes to battles you have only one chance to win the battles, and further skewing things against you is the fact that enemies that are defeated will get their health back. Join the Facebook group for Elvenar players! Complete quests. More members in a fellowship means faster progress, and more chances to trade resources without having to pay any fees. I agree with you, Elvenar is not a bad game, but for me it gets repetitive and boring. Knowing where you are is helpful so you know how to tell other players in the community As you get further into the chapter, youll need to carry larger and larger Mana balances, which will mean youll need to be able to produce enough to keep up with the decay. Storyline quests tell the story of Elvenar and guide you through the research for each chapter. Their boisterous power of nature is bound into magic masks that enables them to take a stable shape. You must log in or register to reply here. The choice of whether to negotiate or attack is one of the more common dilemmas youll run into when playing the game. This site is not affiliated or associated with InnoGames or Elvenarin any way. Of course, you shouldnt ignore the upgrade process, because what good are your buildings if you cant even upgrade them and make them more productive? You could say that you cant say city builder or base management without social. Elvenar has its own share of social features, and these include joining a fellowship, which is the games equivalent of guilds or alliances. Question - Chapter 15, The Elvenar | Forum - Elvenar International It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Chapter comes with new Culture Buildings and new levels for the Main Hall, Residences, Workshops, Gems-, Elixir-, and Magic Dust Manufactories, Armories, Military Buildings and a new set of Streets. Just like with previous chapters, you'll research and unlock 2 additional levels for each Residences, Workshops, Barracks and Main Hall. WoodElves - Elvenar Wiki EN It is important to complete each chapters' quests before researching too far into the next chapter, or before selling guest race buildings when in later chapters. Elvenaris a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. New Chapter: The Embassies! - Elvenar Gems of Knowledge 3. If you find an error, let me know! within your game! Apart from the size, costs are fairly manageable. Really try to hit them every day if you can. Note - you can click the help button on any Mana building screen: Culture that produces Mana will have a Mana icon on it in the build menu. Now medals are produced in intermediate producers, and no matter the producer and medal type, a single medal production gets you 20*1.6=32 medals and requires 8 elemental resources at L3 and max portal (10 and 4 at L1, and L3 having 2x multiplier and 1.6x coming from L4 portal). In Elvenar you can upgrade almost every building, improving the production and the look of your city. Luckily, they are unlocked early in the chapter while there is still plenty of room to re-arrange things to find a space for their new shape. But this is something you should only do if youre flush with currency or in need of catching up; otherwise, you might as well tough it out and wait, because those coins can be used on other, better things in Elvenar. Both elven and human planks producers will have a reasonably difficult challenge with planks upgrades. It will store the special goods you produce, and upgrading it will boost the production of guest race buildings. Start producing mana tears as soon as they are built. These advanced creatures thrive on everything natural, and you will find that they can build the most amazing things in and from nature. There are other small culture items youll be able to build as well, which you can sneak into road ends: They help, but they dont add all that much; the majority of the Mana youll need will come from the larger buildings. This chapter is quite enjoyable for most players, especially with such a nice and easy smooth beginning to ease into the new kinds of buildings well be using, now. Once the portal is upgraded, then finish any remaining upgrades for the fabrication buildings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In orcs, supplies, coins, and population! Run supplies on the shortest production times possible. Thats right, unless you refill production queue within 2 hours, portal will go idle. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); wow why wont it work on mine this game is so slow. An ambitious level 30 BTG would boost by 40% for a combined Mana-to-Badge increase to (140/100)*(200/160)^2 = 219% or a mana-need reduction to 46%. You have been warned! how to find you in the game, to get help, join a fellowship, or more. Mykan's guide to Elvenar | Forum - Elvenar International Or I could be right, and were screwed Unfortunately, the last time I made similar statement in Chapter 17 preview I turned out to be exactly right. The new size and shape is the same both elves and humans at 4x5. This guest race reveals a big chunk of the Elvenar background story and answers many questions about the history of this land. Length of acceptable absence whether notified or unannounced This varies from a set time if notification is given to no limit as long as absence was notified. After helping the Dwarves and Fairies settle their age-old differences, you reach out to the Elves and Humans again in an attempt to intensify your relationships. So well see. Click help to see Mana info in-game anytime. Look at the part that is before the .elvenar that tells you where youre at so you know As soon as youve produced the resources to do so, upgrade the forest glade. Mana continues, to accrue until it hits a maximum amount, at which. you can begin producing the Mana youll need. First two letters tell you what game market (often referred to as server by other players) youre playing in: The number tells you what world you are on within that server: Now that you know where youre at, check out the Fellows & Fellowships category in POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT! Yep, lets continue previewing Elvenar Chapter 18 chapter. Even if you carry a high number of workshops, you are likely to find yourself crunched at several stages througout this chapter. Make sure the message didn't get into spam folder! Have I seen you here before? Roads may make things look more orderly, but at the end of the day, you want your city to be functional and to run smoothly, instead of merely looking gorgeous with all the bells and whistles. Welcome to Elvenar For Apprentices BASIC STRATEGY Boosted Goods City Balance (Buildings) City Layout (Space Optimization) Culture Bonus Hotkeys Neighborly Help (Visiting) Trading TOURNAMENTS Tournament Calculator Marble Province Steel Province Planks Province Crystal Province Scrolls Province Silk Province Elixir Province Magic Dust Province Let me know what you think about this preview of Elvenar Embassies guest race production in the comments below. Recommended research path for the first half of the chapter: The order in which you complete 5-8 is irrelevant; go for whichever you prefer, likely prioritizing your boosted tier 1 upgrade. Return to Homepage | Join Us on Facebook. ). Or not. Keep running 3 hr productions, even in the overnight. to read the basic strategy guides of the site! Tags: Embassies, Preview Previous Post Elvenar Embassies - Research Preview G UEST RACE PRODUCTION BUILDINGS FOREST GLADE . click on it, and hover over the early collect icon. But since nobody likes waiting, you might want to spend some common currency (your regular coins) to buy research points and bypass the wait time. It cannot be upgraded. So if you wanted another excuse not to play this chapter well, you know I though it would be impossible to be less enthusiastic about a chapter than I was about Chapter 17. Ascended Goods are essential for playing on this chapter's settlement, and will be important in the future as well. But be at rest, they will leave their mark in your city - with new buildings, technologies, and upgrades - so that you don't forget about them and you will always be remembered and proud of your accomplishments! Elvenar Chapter 18 - Production Preview - MinMax Game If you are a player who likes to advance more aggressively, you will likely want more than what is suggested, here. Lets even round it up to 2,000% given that you dont get L4 portal right away. Get familiar with it early to set yourself up for success Before collecting any supplies note the amount of supplies. Had never needed BTG before Ch17, but did in the end build it at lvl1 to help settlement production. Once you progress past the main hall research, youll be on your way to the 2nd half of the research tree, which will bring you into the guest production buildings. To the Forum. Click on a culture building that isn't ready to, yet to see when the next early collect will, 20k Mana, or roughly 20k/4480 (maximum daily collection amount per willow). And each slot takes 1h to complete, for the complete queue taking 5h at L1. The big unknown is ascended planks that will be needed for all of them. Or course, it is also possible that I have made some errors in the calculations. Follow us on Facebook and get access to exclusive content & contests! So read on for our Elvenar strategy guide, as we cover the important things any player should remember when playing the game, may you be a new or an experienced player. And you can cut down on intermediate goods production time by expanding your settlement if you have a lot of space. Once your forest glade and fabrications are upgrading, producing the rest of the goods needed to finish up the chapter should be smooth sailing! To complete all research in the chapter, you need 4,025 badges total. With your efforts, research for new technologies, and magic discoveries, your city has evolved and prospered and your citizens have become brilliant, wise and a bit magical too. In other words, attacking multiple times to weaken another provinces army so you can easily destroy them just wont cut it. These all look very similar, so it makes sense to look at them together. are also in this chapter for real-time help, sharing, and fun? It is used to produce refined planks from planks, which you will use in the forest fabrication to produce. but completely separate game with a unique world map, ranking, players, fellowships, etc. Following this, youcan likely max out your supplies to last you for another week or two until you can store up enough spells to do it again. Open to anyone and everyone who loves Elvenar! Increases the number of people you can visit to gain a reward from visitations, Increases the number of people who can visit you, Score Usually used to ensure you have achieved a certain technology level, certain level of development or to maintain a high rank, Rank Usually used to maintain a fellowship in a high ranking, Technology and buildings related to goods Used if a fellowship wants to ensure all member can benefit equally from trades or are at a similar technology level, Activity Different measures and rules are regularly used when it comes to activity, Number of visits to fellowship members is the most common and this can vary from a daily requirement, to a few times a week to no requirement, Increasing score over a set time, usually a week. Level 21 --> 22 costs 2200 orcs and 257 population, Level 22 --> 23costs 2400 orcs and145 population, Level 22 --> 23 costs 2400 orcs and 145 population. In C17, space for reseach good production is the limiting factor. It is used to educate and share information, to improve the player's game and have more fun! Question - guest race guide | Forum - Elvenar International If you are a brand new player and have just barely begun the tutorial, or are about to try Elvenar for the first time, start in the Apprentice section. Generally, the game quests advise us of the minimum needed to get through the chapter. Watch this space, well post updates when there is more clarity on the issue. And even at L4, this portal is smaller than most in the recent history. Mar 30, 2018. (Or just visit our home page!). So if you dont want to spoil this until it hits actual beta or live servers, you should stop reading just about now. If true, then KPs are unlikely to be a bottleneck. As the newly revived race is weak at first, it will need your help bringing its culture back to its former glory. Elvenaris a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. Youll need over 300 population for each one. Workshops change size and shape for both elves and humans. At the end of their destructive journey, even the Amuni couldn't find fertile land anymore to settle on, so they decided to take a deep slumber in their giant monument waiting for the land to recover. So the whole setup is very similar to how Advanced Trader produces seeds and unurium. are also in this chapter for real-time help, sharing, and fun? It would seem that the only difference between human and elf is cosmetic, which means your citys dwellers and its buildings will look different. You will need many supplies for everything in woodelves. Follow this up with a few 15 minute, 1 hr or 3 hr runs as you have time for. Unofficial Fan Site. These are fairly sizable at 28-30 squares each, and not exactly cheap. Falling behind on storyline quests can create very challenging situations! is there a guest race guide for the last chapter anywhere? As you can see, we will only need mana and ascended T7/A1 goods for that. When it comes to these titles, you are typically given quests or missions that you should complete in order to always be up to speed, with all the necessary buildings you need to have at any given time in the game. It is used to educate and share information, to improve the player's game and have more fun! We though that small ships in Chapter 17 were bad, but at least those had 3 hours productions. The first quality, coming from Marble, Steel and Planks Manufactories, will be introduced in this chapter. One is elemental production Water/Fire/Wind/Earth. Join the WoodelvesChapter Chat, sponsored by the admins ofGems of Elvenar. You can also check up the post about upgrades that are coming up. In the example picture, notice how there are more than 6 hours that mana can accrue for before it will hit the max, and only just under 3 hours before the next decay time. In the early goings, you might not have an easy time at things, as you wont have too many troops on your side, or too many sides to launch your attack. It is completely replaceable with Portal Profits. Maybe, maybe not. Even completing the first batch of research will give you more options on hand, and options that will work for you immediately. As you can see, production is pretty symmetrical across different types. You can find Scrolls of Guest Race Information Knowledge in this thread. You may even need to sell off some of your older culture to make room, and because you can afford to. This means no less than: 20k Mana, or roughly 20k/4480 (maximum daily collection amount per willow), Note - you can click the help button on any Mana building screen:. And in this case, these are pretty much inputs into the production. It is used to produce refined marble from marble, which you will use in the forest fabrication to produce, Youll want to ensure you have or can create space for. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You cant do that with Portal, but you can in theory rush it with time boosts but this is unlikely to be sustainable. Upgrade roads when able for the increased culture, often a single 1 x 1 culture building gives more culture then a road so you can put culture objects at the end of roads. "5. At last we can get rid of the heaps of odorousOrc dung and start making some fragrant Mana. There will be occasions where you will be better off attacking new provinces, and others where you can talk it over and negotiate. This amount is shown for each building when you. The higher Mana balances you need to hold, the higher you need your Mana production to be. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Check your inbox to confirm your subscription. But there are no bonuses, buffs, strong or weak stats, or special items or units that set humans apart from elves, or vice versa. Welcome, Elves and Humans, were glad youre here! We dont get the portal-like building until much later into the chapter, and we build 4 different production buildings: Culture that produces Mana will have a Mana icon on it in the build menu.. Other resources regular goods, sentient goods, seeds, orcs shouldnt be a constraint over those timeframes. The research path doesnt follow the standard linear progression for this chapter. Well, the latter do not matter much because of Portal Profits. And at most, youll need ~1,400% worth of PPs for the whole chapter. Even at 5h queue most people will have some slippage, at least overnight. They are really complete and will serve you as an anchor to learn the basics about the game. Note that you will get this mandatory quest: Some high-value culture items that dont need road contact are still handy to have, but youll want to get most of your culture from buildings that produce Mana, now. So keep in mind that you will get only Elvenar, Humans and Elves when dropping Portal Profits! Guest Races - Elvenar Wiki EN playing Elvenar! You can also ask for help with various in-game tasks from other players in your fellowship, just as long as you return the favor when its their turn to ask for help! But here is quick and dirty estimate so that you can verify it yourself. Using only PPs for capped goods, and doing almost maxed out portal and other settlement productions point out to 3-4 months worth of production time. You can always schedule long upgrades for the times when youre about to head off to bed anyways. The information on this site is intended to help and encourage Elvenar players. The developers have indicated that Mana will continue to be a part of the game past the Woodelves chapter. It wont be an Elvenar strategy guide, or a strategy guide for such a game, without this tip. Humans get the easier upgrade, only having to find enough space and population to grow by 3 squares, compared to the 8 square jump for elves. Use the wiki! You may even need to sell off some of your older culture to make room, and because you can afford to. It is used to produce refined planks from planks, which you will use in the forest fabrication to produce Treant Sprouts. You also need to make the right choice of troops when sending them off to battle. Make plenty of room next to roads for the large weeping willow culture buildings. Sounds like a wash, right? Elvenaris a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. We keep your data private and share your data only with third parties that make this service possible. Take Good Care Of Your Real Estate Which leaves us with a big unknown in ascended steel. Use spells to increase culture, request people to boost main hall. L2 and L3 upgrades will require elements (Water/Fire/Wind/Earth) produced in the same buildings. The workshops are expensive! Once you have enough orcs for all your workshop upgrades (4600 total for each workshop to go up 2 levels) and a few more for training orc warriors and negotiating, slow down orc production. I dont really see a case for building BTG up to L30+ there are plenty of other wonders that you should be using those KPs on. Once youve produced enough to do this - 11,880 - you dont need to produce any more. So here is how L1 production looks like (with no other boosts). Welcome to Elvenar For Apprentices BASIC STRATEGY Boosted Goods City Balance (Buildings) City Layout (Space Optimization) Culture Bonus Hotkeys Neighborly Help (Visiting) Trading TOURNAMENTS Tournament Calculator Marble Province Steel Province Planks Province Crystal Province Scrolls Province Silk Province Elixir Province Magic Dust Province BEGIN PRODUCING PORTAL UPGRADE/RESEARCH GOODS. The Woodelves have come out of hiding and will show you how you should be dealing with those random dangerous races you have been awakening and empowering so far. Here I will go through all different chapters that we have in the game and for each I will create a different content, covering their mechanics, strategies, ideal layouts, tips and much more! Its going to cost you a lot to upgrade, and this process may take up a lot of in-game time, but its going to be worth it in the end, as upgraded buildings produce stuff or train troops faster. Register your account here! These documents are a work in progress and were designed to help and guide you through your gaming experience as well as provide detailed information about the game mechanics and stats. Copy the text into your clipboard using Ctrl+C or whatever keyboard combination does that on a Mac. Elvenar ::.. You are using an out of date browser. >>> To the Elvenar YouTube channel, Read announcements and news about the game, and discuss the game with others. Play now, and help us take Elvenar to new levels of excellency! These run on 8h cycles, and only require base resources as inputs. Answered All the latest guides and videos from Elvenar Platinum Leaf If you get stuck in research waiting for mana, now this is when to go back and stick it into the earlier expansion and squad size upgrades. Or it might be entirely made up. Therefore, to create the best city in the entire kingdom is a task that a player must fulfill. However, for reasons yet shrouded in mysteries and secrecy, all races but Elves and Humans disappeared. They are expensive in supplies, and you wont need as many as you did for the Orcs & Goblins chapter. Seriously, dont. Youll also need to keep in mind that each new unit dispatched into battle will cost one point against your total strength. use in the forest fabrication to produce Wind Chimes. You can either become a skilled and well-known trader, refine your producing art or lead your troops to victory in 3D-animated battles, the decision is up to you. Pro-tip: You want to have a particular focus on culture buildings, as these buildings are necessary for your other structures to operate as smoothly as possible. Register your account here! Example: https://us4.elvenar.com/game When you have a day where youll have more time to play, set your workshops on a longer production run; 9 hrs or even 1 day. Certainly let me know if there are other things that you know about the chapter. Would you like to join a chat group with other players who. In this enchanting city-builder you can play as an Elf, be close to nature and give to your city a more magical plant-like look. I can imagine most players in Chapter 18 should be able to comfortably spend that amount. In the Woodelves chapter, we get 4 more upgrade levels for each tier 1 manufactory. You only need the items produced in the grafting sites to upgrade the forest fabrications. You can get to the forum and the wiki right from OK, so far we dont know the names of production buildings, so well be using the code names for now. It is used to educate and share information, to improve the player's game and have more fun! We get new culture that produces Mana and must be connected to a road. This is just for badge production, and there are still straight up mana requirements for research, never mind for regular upgrades. Every 24 hours, your total Mana balance will be reduced by 10%. Here you need to link settlement buildings with portal using settlement streets (same as back in e.g. . Weeping willows require 134k. Elvenar is in continuous development, meaning that we are actively working on further expanding and improving the game, with regular updates, also taking into account feedback, suggestions, and ideas from our world-wide community! Too bad this is utterly useless wonder for when youre NOT doing chapters. Construction costs are mostly fine. I certainly dont plan on building any. In other words, it all boils down to your own preference, or whether you like human or elf design better. Will probably keep it and level it now for Ch18. If you have a link or guide you'd like added, please let the Information Scroll Keeper know! Unofficial Fan Site. It is 4x4 in size, and does not grow as it is upgraded. Now elemental resources are also produced in intermediate producers, and no matter the producer and the element, a single elemental production gets you 20*1.6=32 elements and requires 44K worth of mana at L3 and max portal (10 and 22K at L1, and L3 having 2x multiplier and 1.6K coming from L4 portal). Guest Races By following Elvenar quests and reading through its story, one understands that the lands of the old world of Elvenar were once populated by many different races. Jan 28, 2022 #1 Paula has produced this very nice beginner's guide to Elvenar. Elvenar "The Sorcerers and Dragons" Guest Race Introduction Youll need some non-trivial amounts starting from L2, so depending on how easy/difficult it is to get it, this might be a problem. It is a growing document - please feel free to send me suggestions and corrections!! And you will need at LOT of badges, so idling portal will definitely have an impact. You can read facts about the woodelves and the buildings that come with this chapter in the wiki. Click on a culture building that isn't ready to, collect yet to see when the next early collect will. Yes, its going to be ugly at times, but its best to stick you cultural buildings and any other buildings that dont need roads in one place. Youll want to start out building several of them, so that. The following chart presents the minimum recommended buildings toshould plan for: The beginning of this chapter is a breath of fresh air! And even for players who have built everything else which is more useful, nowadays you dont just commit space and extra KPs you have to contend with increased squad sizes in tournament and the Spire. If you are an elf upgrading marble, youll likely end up dropping 1-2. It was a place of prosperity and knowledge, where development reached the most unimaginable peak! I don't like that. It is important to complete each chapters' quests before researching too far into the next chapter, or before selling guest race buildings when in later chapters.

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