when is lion's gate portal 2022

Locked. This year, the portal will close on August 9, as this event is strongly aligned to numerology and the Angel number 8/8: August 8. The portal widens its jaws from. Of course, you can choose to ignore all of this and continue on the same path as if nothing is happening, or you can make a conscious choice to take an honest look at the needs of our own soul and push past lingering fears that have been holding you back. 30-38 Victoria StreetPaddington, NSW 2021. Spend your time making your dwelling feel cozy. No one is coming to save any of us in this lifetime. Love & Light.-Sally, Oh my how these meditation have elevated my souls light and love. It will awaken your heart light to heal, bless and nurture you on every level leaving you connected to the love and compassion of The Divine source energy of all that is. Bobbie's Bests for Less: Save up to 50% off on Elemis, IT Cosmetics and more. The power of the Lions Gate lies is the cosmic synergy between stars, signs and numbers but the term itself refers to the annual alignment between the sun in Leo and Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, also known as Alpha Canis Majorisor Dog Star. For starters, eight is the number of infinity and magic, Naryana says. Welcome to the 8-8-2022 Lions Gate Activation. "This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent for manifesting," she adds. RELATED:Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age (And Your Ruling Planet). Now is the time to step into a higher vibrational experience of Love. Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8 2022 . It also helps to know where the zodiac sign Leo is in your chart, which you can find out here. What The Lions Gate Portal Means And How It Will Affect You, Photo: IonaDidishviliviaShutterstock / Yuri B from Free Photos via Canva, Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age (And Your Ruling Planet), Angel Number 888 Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism Of Seeing 888, Put This One Thing Under Your Pillow Before Bed & You Can Manifest Anything You Want, 3 Zodiac Signs Have Difficult Horoscopes During The Moon In Cancer On February 28, 2023, The Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 28, 2023, The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, given ourselves permission to be just that, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Each year between July 28 and August 12, the Lion's Gate portal opens as the Earth, the star Sirius and the Sun move into complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza (Egypt). The video experience increases the frequencies of love and abundance available to you in this moment and you also get full access to the .mp3 version so you can have it ready to play on demand on your phone or tablet, any time. var tiktokscr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Disclaimer: Astrology is not based in science. Once you understand this and how you can harness the Lions Gate portal on 8/8, search your soul for what truly matters to you. What are your goals for the future? jsTikTok.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? Actually, this portal is said to open up between the 26th of July and August 12th. Cleansing your mental body, your emotional body and your energy bodies while you take some time for yourself to relax and simply listen. So not only was the New Moon in Leo on July 28, 2022 powerful in and of itself, but it brought with it the beginnings of a special time during which opportunities for manifestation are believed to be heightened. When we look at another and judge their life choices, fool" is simply a label being used to confine people to boxes society feels most comfortable with. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. During the Lion's Gate alignment ( 26th July - 8th of August) we enter a period of high cosmic energy. Lion's Gate Portal 2022. 51 paper Faizi Online Academy 03098705664 Index => 51 paper Faizi Online . Namast.Marc, Melanie is an amazing channel. isYTTikTok = 0; You will receive this channeled meditation in both video and audio format so if you would like you can watch Melanie channel via video you will have that opportunity. It is a time and a season for discovering what the self can really do," Budd tells mbg. Egyptians studied the cosmos without modern luxuries we have now: apps, calendars, telescopes. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2023 Ask-Angels.com & Melanie Beckler, Testimonials | Privacy Notice | Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Sitemap, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"62516":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"62516":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, The 8:8 Lions Gate Portal Activation 2022. The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up, numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart previously explained to mbg. What It Said, "Playing For Country": Gavaskar Blasts Gill For Calling Physio Mid-Over, Inside "World's Most Ultra-Luxury Resort", At $100,000 A Night, #ElvishYadav Trends After Flower Pots' Theft Video Goes Viral. If you're into astrology or numerology, don't sleep on this opportunity to manifest abundance and dream big. I love these messages, they are so helpful. Face the sun and soak up the masculine influence of the golden central sun. While the annual rising of Sirius can occur on various dates, depending on the year and ones location, Aug. 8 became the date of todays lions gate portal celebrations and given the numerological power of 8/8, it makes sense. As a double number, 88 means you are moving toward change. It. Whenever I listen to them they take me on the most wonderful journeys. The Lion's Gate Portal is like a cosmic holiday, occurring every year when a certain alignment happens in the sky. Its a combination of ancient astrology, cosmology and numerologyall channeling a very specific celestial alignment culminating annually on August 8. The portal is open between July 26 and August 12. The 619 sq. "Thus, the number eight also has esoteric symbolic connections to strength and to the lion," Budd says. ~Deborah, Such wonderful meditations that take you to higher places and transform your consciousness into an expanded awareness! On the special activation date of 8/8, the moon phase will be Waxing Gibbous in the sign of Sagittarius. While meditation is always powerfully supportive. "Civilizations as far back as the Dogon tribe of Africa, Sumer, and Ancient Egypt tracked the Sirius star system across the sky," ascension guide and intuitive healer Laura Brown tells Bustle. During this Lion's Gate Portal 2022, we have the New Moon on July 28, as well as the Uranus, Mars, North Node conjunction on July 31-Aug1 (in Taurus, an alignment which hasn't happened in 2300+ years), there are even more powerful energies that call us to really Anchor in an . Self-discovery is right around the corner, Leo. cinestill400d. Lisa Stardust is a New York City-based astrologer. You will instantly feel your energy get cleansed and uplifted as the negativity is washed away effortlessly when you just listen. doubleexposure. "Getting together for ceremonies, meditations, chanting, yoga, dance, art, time in nature, etc., can amplify the energy of the Lion's Gate," Budd explains. The name comes from the idea that this alignment creates a "portal" for manifestations to take place, with "lion" coming from the sun in Leo. If you are deep in a commitment, the partnership could strengthen now. Wear the color yellow. What is the Lion's Gate. !Sheila. You get full access to the downloadable MP3 file so you can add this session to your iTunes or music library This allows you to enjoy this session anytime and anywhere you need to lift your energy and connect with the divine love and light within. Keep in mind, to get what you want, you must first speak it. What kind of best friend are you based on your zodiac sign What type of muffin are you based on your zodiac sign? Please share #viral #wizkid #selina #viralvideo #government #humble #Tested #goviral #machalatte #machalaeloro #justice #wizkids #Lovers #wizkidfc #machalacity #gistloversblog #wizkidvideos #Mourn #mchala #Machala #machalarestaurantes #wizkidnews #justicecourt #nigeriafood #nigeriaweddings #Dehumble #God #asuu #as #viralvlog #As . You can perform any of a number of simple rituals to actively manifest during this powerful time. XOX Gary, Thank you Melanie, love all the benefits that these meditations are giving me, My life is so stressful at the moment and these really do help me let go, and find peace And much more able to cope the next day. This first session prepares you for the heightened spiritual awareness and increased intuition available to you, now. "8/8 is numerologically significant, since eight is the number of abundance and prosperity," Brown says. Now go forth star babies, howl for your healing and roar for your wanting. Lion's Gate 2022 invites radical change through an intense astrological portal. Once you have done so, follow these steps: 1. Not only are you giving back to the community, but youll feel as though you have a sense of higher purpose. With The Lions Gate Activations series, you get instant access to all 8 sessions for the 8-8 Lions Gate, including. Dont rush the process. The star Sirius, sometimes also known as the "spiritual sun," is a major reason why the Lion's Gate Portal activation on August 8 is so powerful, per Forever . "Those born under life path numbereight are thought to be here to master the integration of spirit into matter," she says, adding that similar to its tarot meaning, eight represents strength in numerology. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. The Lions Gate Activations are Divinely designed and inspired to support you in making the most of this powerfully activating period. RELATED:How To Use The 369 Manifestation Method. This portal takes place during the time of Leo, which is heart-centered, self-love, and empowerment energies. Its a time for breaking free of form and cutting loose the patterns that prevent our becoming. For more of her work, visit her website. Leo is all about our hearts and the passions that beat there. From the minute you start these meditations, you are surrounded and enfolded with love. Click here & get access to all 8 Lions Gate Activations here and you'll get my 100% money back guarantee for 60 days. This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated ascension, And this year, amidst the already potent waves of change and transformation, it's supercharged. Work is what's on your mind these days particularly the direction of your career. This portal takes place during the time of Leo, which is heart-centered, self-love, and empowerment energies. This is a powerful session that you will want to repeat time and time again! Like every year, this year also the phenomenon. I feel Great, exceptionally happy, and as if I have been super energised from within! Thank you, Melanie. This lunation unites the power of our luminariesthe sun and the moonin the sign of the Lion. AstrologerReda Wigleresearches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. But in the case of the Lion's Gate portal on August 8, you just might find your efforts will be amplified more than you can imagine. The Lion's Gate Portal is open July 26 through August 12, . 35mmfilmphotography. Thatswhythey dont getwhatthey want. Praise be Madge. This cosmic alignment combines the fiery energy of Leo season, the annual dawn rising of the bright star Sirius, and the lucky numerology of the number eight. And when it is turned sideways, the number represents the symbol of infinity. Are you feeling the increased energy? The Lion's Gate Portal is opening.This is when Sun in Leo, Sirius, Orion's Belt and the Earth all line up. 3. The Lions Gate Portal marks the alignment of the sun in Leo, the star Sirius (the brightest in the sky), Orions Belt and Earth. As August is the eighth month of the year, the Lions Gate Portal is symbolic in numerology. READ MORE: Leo Moon in the 12th House: What It Means. Faizi Mcqs on. Thank you! Focus on aligning with the positive energy within yourself, then heighten your awareness further to focus on the presence of the Moon. Here's what the Lion's Gate portal is all about, from experts, plus how to work with its powerful energy. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Basically, the Lion's Gate Portal is like a cosmic holiday that occurs every year when a certain alignment happens in the sky. Yours is a highly adaptable sign but sometimes you change things for the fun of it and lose focus as a result. You'll get connected with the healing light of the awakened Earth energy as you're guided on a journey through the energy centers into the innerspace where you are able to connect with your true source of energy that lies dormant within. The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Here, we explain what you need to know and how to help manifest your dreams into reality. Whether you seek more romance, your soul mate, greater abundance or improved well being, you must ACTIVATE what you seek in order to become a vibrational match with what you desire. Thank you sooo much!! On such date in 2022, we find the Lion's Gate Portal is at its most potent, despite already having been open since July 28. And no one will be able to make us happy until we have given ourselves permission to be just that. "The eighth house and eighth sign of the zodiac belong to Scorpio, so astrologically, eight has connections to power, transformation, energy, passion, and sexualityall Scorpio themes," she explains. Alongside manifestation, it is an ideal time for meditation as we can harness the power of the portal and attune ourselves to its vibration. The Lion's Gate Portal peaks on August 8th (Monday) and there's a Full Moon on the 11th (Thursday). Consider the gospel of apex Leo Madonna, Alotofpeopleareafraidtosaywhatthey want. The Lions Gate portal is named for the zodiac sign of Leo, which the Sun is currently transiting through. The portal is "open" between July 26 and August 12 but its powers are most potent today, making it the prime time to manifest exactly what you want. The annual conjunction aspect between Sirius and the sun in the zodiac actually takes place in early July, during Cancer season, as Sirius is located at 14 degrees of Cancer. AntonioGuillem. The Lion's Gate Portal will be opening on Saturday, August 8th, 2020, and I wanted to give you all a free attunement that will help you transition through this portal more easily. A power number, eight is the union of the material and the spiritual, represented by the interlocking circles within the numeral itself. Undertaking meditation under the sun can help us get in touch with our creativity, due to Leo being one of the most creative signs. Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called the Lions Gateway. Know and directly experience the truth of the Divine Light Being you are. This is why the Lion's Gate is such a profound and powerful source of spiritual light available to you during this time. I just played it while sitting in a healing circle created with all my crystals & stones. The Lion's Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 (8/8). Your soul presence will rise to the surface to reunite with you To be made known to you. '8/8 is also important in numerology since 8 is the symbol. Instead, they channeled the energy of the planets and stars by noticing when they became visible in the sky, Narayana says. Breathe your problems and negativity out, then breathe in positivity. Each year, the portal commences when the new moon is in Leo, uniting the power of our luminaries in the sign of the Lion. Youre always looking at the big picture. Try to take a step back and analyze the facts before making assumptions. It's also the number of power and wealth," she explains. Historically, the heliacal rising of Sirius is considered the most significant dawn rising of all the stars. According to Kaerhart, the Lion's Gate portal is also a good time to "examine how you're currently exerting your power and consider the type of power you'd like to yield in the future." View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. What is the Lion's Gate Portal? During the Lion's Gate Portal, try out a ritual: Place basil under your bed every night) to beckon in a place of ease and in solace. Thank you, Melanie!Gracja. Three stars in Orion constellation match up with the three pyramids in Giza, Egypt during this 8/8 portal, further amplifying cosmic energies flowing onto the planet through pyramid energy receptors. This blog is all about p p s c . I really didn't think anything could help me get over the deep sadness And you with these amazing magical messages.. Made it happen. Charlotte Kirsten, trauma psychologist, defined manifestation to TODAY as the belief that you can intentionally create your reality through beliefs or pattern actions.. In astrology, the eighth house is associated with sex, death and regeneration, serious and seriously scorpionic business. Portal. She adds that ancient Egyptians worshipped Sirius as the goddess Sopdet, celebrating Sirius' return in the morning sky as the start of the farming season and the beginning of a new year. Budd says now's a chance to do your favorite spiritual activitiesespecially in a group, which can magnify positive energy and intentions. Consequently for the ancients and in keeping with themes of death and rebirth, the Sirius star disappears for seventy days every year and it takes approximately seventy days to complete the process of mummification. The Leo energy that we're all experiencing (regardless of your personal zodiac sign) is associated with royalty, and so this alignment can be seen as awakening the royal codes of higher living which are available for all. } MLS # R2755048 We often cant face the truth or fear taking action because we worry about possible resulting failures we risk anytime we step outside of our comfort zone. Then some need to be woken up from their dormancy. They have helped me with establishing a connection, when NOTHING else I have tried before has worked. Diese Prsentation gibt einen kurzen Einblick in aktuelle Befunde zu coronabedingten Belastungen von Kindern bzw. How often does Lion Gate Portal happen? This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12 but its official activation day is August 8. Curious to learn more? Thank you Melanie. Keep returning to a vibration of love, releasing fear and uncertainty and staying focused on what you ultimately desire. This guided .mp3 session will help you to see deeper into your soul's essence and understand your purpose here as you dive into the inner space during this open gateway. 4. The involvement of the number 8 in Tarot helps us realize that this number brings big manifestation vibes to the mix, making August 8 a powerful day for setting intentions, she says. Stars respond better when their assigned sigils are drawn (shown below Sirius, top, and Regulus). !Carolyn, Thank you for this beautiful meditation. 2. The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun. The Lions Gate portal 2022 is scheduled to open on August 8, 2022, the phenomenon known as 8/8 portal was inspired by this date. Stay positive. Write or say your chosen manifestations over and over again until you feel the've established their place in the physical world. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Thrilled to know what greatness is ahead thank youLianne, Listening is like our spirit is being sent to heaven and it feels like angels are near us and that the pressence of god is near us. Rachelle, Thanks for this meditation. Your FREE Astrology Sex, Love and Attraction Guide. Get ready to manifest some serious Leo season magic, because Aug. 8 also known as the lions gate portal is considered an auspicious date for setting abundance-focused intentions. The new paradigm is here, the energy is here And now its simply a matter of shining your inner Divine light so brightly and purely that the mirror of the outside world around you cannot help but to reflect, align with, and mirror the full extent of the awakened love youve always carried within. The significance of the date (August 8, or 8/8) shouldnt be overlooked. This portal is a potent spiritual time, and tapping into your own spiritual world will amplify this energy. The Lions Gateway creates an incredible opening of accelerated ascension energy. Sun, moon and rising signs: Get to know your Big 3. . 8 August 2022. Lastly, dont forget to get out of spirits way as your light body becomes embedded with these light code activations. Every year on August 8, an astrological event called the Lions Gate Portal "opens" in the sky. Predictably, the double dose of 8/8, the eighth day of the eighth month, offers the opportunity for spirit to make the intangible, tangible and our intentions our actualities. In spiritual practices, 8 is a special digit. Slaying The Negative Ego and Getting Out of Our Own Way, A Channeled Message From Archangel Metatron, Developing Your Intuitive Tracking Skillset. The portal remains open from July 28 to August 12, but its powers are believed to be at peak on August 8, and that is the reason it is trending on the internet. The Lions Gate Portal occurs when the star Fixed Star Sirius, Earth and the Orion constellation are all aligned in the sky. Helps me to tune in to the divine Light, joy and healing. That's 4 days and 3 nights on the cruise ship. Leo likes to have it all, to go big or go home, to go about getting what he wants because he knows hes the king (or queen) of his own jungle. Its a time to trust our hearts, our souls and whatever impulses that it seems they are throwing our way. When is the Lion's Gate Portal? Ancient Egyptians knew the Fixed Star Sirius extremely well and based a lot of their ceremonies and lifestyles around the time Sirius became visible, which happens in the late summeraround August 8, she says. Its energy forces opportunities for dramatic new beginnings. Aptly, Sirius rises while heart forward Leo, the sign of confidence and expression, rules the skies. Every year when the sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion's Belt and the. Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun, pour towards Earth, offering humanity another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. "I look at the Lion's Gate (and Leo Season, in general) as a time to build up my stores of love, joy, and gratitude. Combined with the New Moon in Leo kicking it all off, the Lion's Gate portal also has a way of bringing truths to light. Simply listening will connect you with powerful angelic help and support you in opening your higher chakras, integrating these energies, magnifying love in your experience and calling forth the full remembrance of your spiritual gifts, and your highest Authentic Truth. Within astrology, the fixed star Sirius is said to have the expansive qualities of the planet Jupiter and the drive to get those things done of the planet Mars hence a day for manifesting. Consider it a time to break free from any habits that may be preventing us from becoming our best selves. if(isYTTikTok == 1){ Just don't act rashly or focus on short-term gains, she adds, as eight represents the number of infinity. It takes place when the sun is in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt. The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up, numerologistKaitlyn Kaerhart previously explained to mbg. Karmic story. There are many ways you can do this, including clearing both the physical air and your mind by using sage or aromatherapy candles, setting up a manifestation area outdoors or in another peaceful space, and tuning inward in order to connect with the cosmic forces that surround you. 8/8 Is A Big Day For Numerology And Astrology! Om namaha shivay~E.C. Having 8 as the month and day the Lions Gate Portal closes doubles the power of this number, she says. August 8 Is One Of 2022's Luckiest Days Astrology The Lion's Gate Portal On August 8 Is One Of The Year's Luckiest Days Get ready to manifest your dreams into reality. Let the journey towards caring for yourself begin now. Meditating under the sun can also help, as it will also be crucial to get in touch with our creativity, as Leo is one of the most creative signs, she says. As you relax and listen you will be lovingly guided to. tiktokscr.parentNode.insertBefore(jsTikTok, tiktokscr); We all give away our power to others at times, whether consciously or unconsciously. 8:8 Lion's Gate Prosperity Portal with Harijiwan, Mandev, Shabadpreet & special guests august 8, 2022 Virtually on RA MA TV SIGN UP The 8:8 Lion's Gate is a yearly cosmic gateway when the Sun returns to its home in Leo and the star Sirius rises in the sky into alignment with the Earth. Jugendlichen. Set your phone's timer for eight minutes and allow yourself to clear your mind of any limiting thoughts (bonus points if you start your meditation at 8:08 a.m. or p.m.!). Thank you Melanie!Linda, It was Beautiful! You can try these .mp3 energy sessions out for yourself after gaining instant access upon checking out, If you don't feel the powerful spiritual energy filling you with light and love, If you don't feel the waves of relaxation washing over you, Or if you don't like the sound of my voice. jsTikTok.async = true; By Nicole Tommasulo / Aug. 1, 2022 6:13 pm EST. Clear your mind, and envision light from above streaming in, activating your higher chakras, and pouring into your crown chakra to fully illuminate the true brilliance of your Divine Light, Christ Light, and awakened consciousness you have always carried within. She has two upcoming books: Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating this cosmic rite of passage is due out this May from Hardie Grant Books and The Cosmic Deck from Chronicle Books is due out in November. var isYTTikTok = 1; The change is amazing! The double eight (8/8) has special meaning. Is your solar plexus clear, balanced, and healthy? The symbolism of Sirius rising combined with the numerological magic of Aug. 8 amidst the supercharged solar power of Leo season brings a sparkling spiritual window of opportunity for all zodiac signs to set intentions, embrace abundance, and create new beginnings. RELATED:Put This One Thing Under Your Pillow Before Bed & You Can Manifest Anything You Want. Setting intentions around this area of your life will help the manifestation vibes to flow in more easily, she says. This year's portal opened on with the New Moon in Leo's majestic. RUSSH Magazine 2023. Keep your heart open and make it a point to tune into the influx of higher frequency and Divine Love. I am so glad for you. Stardust is the resident astrologer for Oprah Magazine, Teen Vogue and The Hoodwitch. Setting boundaries with friends and family may not be as easy as you think, but youll be the one whos free of manipulation and guilt in the end. When the sun is Leo, the entire world benefits from an infusion of these energies," she explains, adding, "I think the best way to make the most of the Lion's Gate is to do Leo things and aim to intensify the natural energy of the moment as much as possible.". I have a few suggestions that may help with these light code activations: Do you have any prayer suggestions? However, it is most potent on August 8, known to some as the galactic new year. Astrologers consider this an opportune day for manifestation, or concentrating on what you want to make it a reality. Receive Healing Light Blessings As such, Budd recommends tapping into your inner Leowhether you were born under this sign or not! Indeed, Leo energy offers perennial lessons in self-love; Leos believes that they are entitled to pleasure and deserving of desire and ask for what they want without shame, humility or hesitation. When: July 28 to August 8, 2022 The Lion's Gate Portal officially opened on July 28, when the opportunity-bringing new moon was in magnetic Leo. Lean more about the Lions Gate in a Video with Melanie here: Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www.Ask-Angels.com. As the Sun enters its home in Leo and Sirius aligns with the Earth and Orion's Belt, they create an intense energy which alters our perspective on ourselves and the world, offering people born under all zodiac signs an opportunity to manifest powerful positive changes. 51 paper Faizi Online '' Brown says embedded with these light code Activations the journey caring! Times, whether consciously or unconsciously frequency and Divine love 4 days and 3 on. Is numerologically significant, since eight is the Lion & # x27 ; s Belt the! Direction of your career one will be able to make us happy until we have ourselves... 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