substack alex berenson

But there are some gems, so far, in the beginning.). But were talking to Alex Berenson. But in my opinion, no; it's, To me, the secret to life is following truth, If you chase the truth, you will be on the right path. But I want to know what you think now. Well, and I said this last week and I wasnt clear. The Daily Beast, to respond to the controversy. Berenson said: , during the month of September, there were a total of 3,158 COVID deaths in England. Okay? "The mRNA experiment needs to stop. Can I just ask you, though: The people who say on the vaccine that youre wrong. Im talking about the mRNA, and the J&J that works differently as well, but its essentially the same idea as the mRNA vaccine. CLAY: A third time and maybe more, maybe years and years. Thats what the narrative has been. No points for guessing what product Bulgaria hardly used. Also, to his Substack. This optimistic piece no doubt was music to the ears of his many loyal readers. BUCK: What I meant is, if the vaccine fails, is that then? That was our two-year well child visit she got the shots. Let me tell you, she doesnt like the shots. Finally a news report we can trust and share !!!! They have no idea who really dies from it. PHE defines deaths as occurring within 28 days of a positive specimen (COVID-19 test) or COVID-19 reported on death certificate. They have no idea what the numbers really are. In my lifetime that goes as far back as "Who killed JFK", the Vietnam War and Watergate. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter to slam "Leftie Brown Shirts" who he claimed were cheering Alex Berenson's ban from the platform . Footer. And, by the way, we dont even know that these vaccines actually reduce deaths, okay? Its never been proven in a clinical trial. Is that the vast majority of people in Britain who died in September were fully vaccinated. In the first few months of the vaccines, the Atlantic even devoted a whole . We got a lot of this, people reaching out. Again and this is a really complicated. Its that Alex - who claims to be all about truth - wasnt truthful with his very appearance on the show. And we dont know how many people that might be because the companies didnt do any work in the clinical trials that might help us with that. It's why, early on in the pandemic, he was virtually the only one willing to step outside the narrative and say what no one else was saying. It didnt happen. Thanks for being here in the studio with us. Despite all this, I offer a truce. No nothing. And in the eighties, the infectious disease specialists lied. He pointed to the fact that the British Governments own data shows the majority of COVID cases and deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated during the month of September, or more specifically, between the weeks of 34 and 37 2021. So you do have this period where you get some protection, protection against infection and everything else. And something like that is happening on a much broader level with much bigger consequences right now. Because the collective is more important to them. But they arent since the steps keep forming a literal stairway to heaven. 83. Both have been embraced by those same deplorables because they are among the few liberals who are willing to actually call out the left when it is deserved. BUCK: There will be a news story that will say, Booster getting approval, booster here, booster there. Well, shouldnt that be known? He doubled down. The vaccines dont last! No 19-year-old dropped dead of venous sinus thrombosis after getting a flu shot. ALEX: Thats right. So thats six out of 12 million in Britain. And then theres an updated study from a month or two ago where there were 61, I believe it was, updated people under 18 so children and teens who died in Britain. Whats going on with that? But it's not the only reason for the outrage. The Self-Sabotage of Alex Berenson. Please. ALEX: Let me tell you one thing. See the right doesnt trust their side of the aisle at all. BUCK: How certain are we on the question of Delta variant versus vaccine failure as the cause of the surge right now? BUCK: Alex, Clay wants to establish a lot of things about how youre not anti-vax, and I want to get that in. CLAY: Okay. Does it make any sense at all for kids in particular to be wearing masks in school , ALEX: No, its madness, okay? ALEX: Why would you assume that the third dose is the one that fixes everything for them? Thats right. Alex Berenson was born in New York in 1973 and grew up in Englewood, N.J. After graduating from Yale University in 1994 with degrees in history and economics, he joined the Denver Post as a reporter. Is that the vast majority of people in Britain who died in September were fully vaccinated. CLAY: Its never going away, right? Theyre homicide or suicide or something like that. He tells you the truth, good or bad about almost anything you might like to know about this scourge of the World. Alex, we both really appreciate your work on this. Alex Berenson covered the drug industry and financial fraud as a reporter for the New York Times. It might be very interesting and revealing about his motives. You all know him as author of Unreported Truths About Covid-19, a series you can get online. And they suspended me for a week for a tweet that did nothing but report the results of Pfizers pivotal clinical trial about the vaccine. . Other than in Spain and UK where there were at least temporary steps down in 2021 we dont see that! The bigger problem: Elon overreached by referring to the "Fauci Files" and "Prosecute/Fauci," and in doing so undercut what DID come out. Do you think that Twitter is going to ban you? ALEX: So the best way to find me right now is on Substack. But it sounds like what youre telling us is that its just not really provable? He wasnt listening to the host; he was waiting to pounce with his pre-planned attack. Yet we dont know how many people actually have had covid the United States. His case vs Twitter has reached discovery. Amanda Euringer. Im gonna tweet what I want to tweet, and I need to make sure that Twitters aware of that. I think Delta has ended that. Its not as transparent as I would like, but its pretty transparent. Note, the 40 and older age groups, where the fully vaccinated (blue) have a higher chance of catching COVID-19 than the unvaccinated (pink). They don't even work better than the (useless) flu shot. BUCK: We've got our friend Alex Berenson with us right now to make sense of the latest data and numbers the man who is right no matter how much they claim otherwise author of Pandemia, a great book you should pick up and please subscribe to his Substack. This is to their credit. I am well aware that the corporate media coverage on this topic is virtually all lies, although occasionally some truth peeks through. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. It doesnt It looks like if you get it and you recover from it . I know, I'm as shocked as you are. There are 3,000 to 4,000 a day. CLAY: This is the first time youve been suspended during the 18 months? Looking at the clip, it was obvious that Berenson was nervous and just waiting to speak. There is clearly appeal to believing to have pierced the official lies for the *real* truth. truthful with his very appearance on the show. Were talking to Alex Berenson in studio, Clay Travis, Buck Sexton. I said that all along. The platform was also criticized earlier this year for. Aren't you glad we shut, Five crucial scientific and public policy measures we can take to keep the insanity of the last three years from ever happening again. Dr Malone was quite eloquent in responding to it. Is that really it? Curmudgeons acknowledge the truth that kids will ruin their lawn by running around on it, thus yelling, Its that Alex - who claims to be all about truth -. Now, any study (or systemic review of studies) can be biased or faulty (as can RCTs). ALEX: No. Note, the 40 and older age groups, where the fully vaccinated (blue) have a higher chance of catching COVID-19 than the unvaccinated (pink). Don't take it from me, take it from Moderna! Its pretty clear. And it was a terrible time, and Cuomo made bad decisions and it got worse because of the nursing homes. So assuming Twitter lets me back on tomorrow, I am gonna figure out what my options are. Twitter. But there are some gems, so far, in the beginning. The second thing they need to do is just turn down the fear. The assumption is that Dr. Malone and Alex Berenson are on the same team and any attacks on other members of the team hurt the wider effort. I even went to his website and got a big sign saying it was blocked. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. You can also find him on Substack, Alex Berenson on Substack. Both of them are doing very well on earnings from paid subscriptions. Suddenly the money is there like magic--just don't ask too much where it came from, what was cut to make it happen (like the roads, bridges, broken dams, etc), just don't look too closely at social programs that take kids from their moms for one violation of drugs or whatever so that they can sell that kid into the sex tradeEvil is normalized in order to get something else. Sen. Cruz: What Does Pete Buttigieg Have to Do to Get Fired? Alex Berenson warned earlier today that he had information on a new study that would end ALL BOOSTER SHOTS immediately. Drop the masks! Sorry to cut you off. Basically, youre gonna get the same content if you pay or if you dont. They would have to hear you out. It startled the host and the producer later apologized to Malone. If 50 people got myocarditis, theyll just . CLAY: It looked like the vaccines were working flawlessly and it was gonna vanish. Berenson said: According to Table 2, during September, there were a total of 256,686 cases recorded for people above the age of 40. 882. Forget problems with the vaccines and forget any early treatment. I was a leftie and the way I explain it is: "He's a bad guy, but he is our guy." He takes those gigs willingly because it helps him, but I dont think he likes it. When will there be a reckoning? Im a parent. True story. Attention citizens! Only one side is actually stopping free speech. For example, data from Israel, Iceland, and Singapore also show the majority of COVID cases in the fully vaccinated. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. And almost all the subscribers are coming from the right and have embraced Berenson because he often reports on truths that they embrace. Only we can do that to ourselves. GOV. Alex came across as a complete ass. In total, 205,197 of the 256,686 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated. By Khaleda Rahman On 8/30/21 at 8:21 AM EDT. However much they want to scream about Mississippi and Florida which has a national average vaccination rate, by the way, how much they want to scream about people like me, they cant get around that fact. ALEX: So my position on this and what I said to them, to the smart people I talk to is, Youre assuming that you can have partial failure and still have protection, and I dont see great evidence for that in the real-world data. Alex Berenson is the one man who has methodically tracked down every source, number, and study about Coronavirus that can be found. That is above the levels that we were told would lead to herd immunity. 33. But, yeah, she . Authored by Alex Berenson via Unreported Truths, On August 24, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb sent an urgent email about my reporting to a contact at Twitter. Okay? CLAY: So what happens? These habits will never break. Thats different. Before we get into vaccines, can we just get into, If they had good mask data, wouldnt we know about it?. And why he continues to do the work he does even though he has lost friends and has been kicked out of many elite circles. Thanks so much for being here, Alex. Theres two problems with that. ALEX: No, I was So since the Biden administration had that press conference, since Jen Psaki put the list of 12 names and mentioned that . Hospitalizations and deaths are rising fast too. Now I cant say anything on Twitter because Im banned. They dont get sick. Ironically, an interview that Alex just did with RFK Jr. gives us a little insight. Again, its sort of a new platform. Tucker Carlson and Alex Berenson approach the . In contrast, the fact-checkers at Reuters, the Associated Press, and the New York Times will debunk these statements by saying that the majority of people over the age of 40 are fully vaccinated in England, therefore it is to be expected that the majority of COVID-19 deaths would be fully vaccinated. Nonetheless, the hospital system in New York City did not collapse. Paris Pied. Never miss an update. Berenson said: According to Table 4 from the PHE Report, during the month of September, there were a total of 3,158 COVID deaths in England. ALEX: Oh, yeah! Peer-Reviewed Study: COVID Shot More Likely To Kill Children Than Virus: The study begins by discussing various stats in the pandemic, including how many people in the United States reportedly died from the disease, how many have been inoculated, and how many people have died following the shot according to the CDCs VAERS database. In 1996, he became one of the first emp . And third, when kids get covid, unless theyre lightning-strike unlucky or theyre really sick, they dont I mean pre-existing, like have leukemia or some terrible condition . So there are two, actually, that Lancet published over the last year. Please. There may be a few liberal subscribers, but most would be classified as deplorable by Hillary Clinton and her liberal supporters. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. BUCK: Two-thirds basically of Indians have had covid right now. Obviously theyre listening to you on the radio show right now. Berenson moved to Substack in order to get his reporting published because corporate media wouldn't touch it. Now, on the other hand, for those 39 and below, according to this data, the unvaccinated have a higher chance of contracting COVID-19, but considering the 10,000-fold difference in. As of this moment, to my knowledge, Alex hasn't (publicly) responded. Neither side is good, neither side is awful. His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published on Nov. 30. It is sad, for sure. Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA vaccine technology and a proponent of early treatment for Covid, has been very outspoken and completely trashed in the corporate media and government circles, lost his job, and is facing having his medical credentials canceled. Where are we on it? Now, on the other hand, for those 39 and below, according to this data, the unvaccinated have a higher chance of contracting COVID-19, but considering the 10,000-fold difference in mortality rates between the old and the young, high COVID-19 rates in people under the age of 40 is exponentially less of a risk of hospitalization and death compared to high COVID-19 rates among the elderly. That is until they are shown proof and evidence to change or cement their ideals. Alex has been putting out a lot of information on Covid issues that go against the corporate narrative. Fatigue Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Cough Joint pain Chest pain Memory, concentration or sleep problems Muscle pain or headache Fast or pounding heartbeat Loss of smell or taste Depression or anxiety Fever Dizziness when you stand in the United States. Here is the clip. Share this post. But one side continues to try to take away your rights daily, telling you it is the moral and just and equitable thing to do. That is the fact. BUCK: How could we not know if boosters are required? Meanwhile, if I get Covid, I am taking the early treatments that include Ivermectin if I can get them. CLAY: Okay, Alex, I want to ask you this question. So if youre hoping that the vaccine reduces all-cause mortality, that it actually prevents death which is the whole point of all this, I thought you cannot find that data in that clinical trial. Substack writer Alex Berenson shared internal communications from Twitter that revealed the White House inquired about why his account had not been banned, according to findings from his lawsuit . Along with a number of other real MDs, there are very few people with more credibility than Dr. Malone in this area, if any. Might be very interesting and revealing about his motives Beast, to my knowledge, alex has been putting a. Is clearly appeal to believing to have pierced the official lies for the * real * truth Khaleda on. And the producer later apologized to Malone of the surge right now gon. Boosters are required, that Lancet published over the last year as of this, people reaching out and... Will be a few liberal subscribers, but I want to tweet, and study about that. Death certificate that youre wrong venous sinus thrombosis after getting a flu.... United States truth, good or bad about almost anything you might like to know about this of. 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