jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes

In doing so, your words become nothing more than fragmented opinion. You will know someone very well if stay close to him. But can you understand this? Every human being has 23 PAIRS of chromosomes TOTALING 46 23 from the mother, 23 from the father. 2:4 ) and get them all inside. no one in the whole of human existance has ever reurned from the dead to tell living mortals about the after life, christianity didnt exist in europe untill over 400 years after Jesus died!!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Then Jesus talks about how He, Jesus, is in the Father and the Father is in Him. Your information is very inspiring and I would like you to send more information about Bible resarched information.God bless you Children of the most High God,Amen. Who is gods god??? stop all these nonsense plz. Very helpful for our today understanding, is yr. expression: through effective communication and data network solution from centre headquarters. I really love to read this kind of information. This is not scientific at all. not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray. Ron Wyatt's words of testing: Voiant Blood Cells were put in a growth medium for 48 hours and kept at body temperature for 48 hours then the test showed that this blood had only 24 Chromosomes in it, everyone else has 46 Chromosomes, 23 from your mother and 23 Chromosomes from your father; there are normally 22 autosomes from your mother and . you know you you think youre so smart x3x but the fact is everyone knows that youre a retard if you dont appreciate what god did for you dont comment okay ? The Scripture reference above points out that God has both male and female attributes. In the science laboratory, the scientific world is colliding with the spiritual world. November 24, 2013 at 10:36 pm. The END. FULLY GOD AND FULLY MAN!!!! Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism: Which is the true religion and why? Or if you know nothing, wish you dont contribute on such discussions. It never ceases to amaze me that the thousands of pastors, priests and who ever is involved in shouting the same story from the rooftops 24 hours of the day get enough money from the witless audiences to live without doing any work. !..Hindu..said..Brahma..the..creator,,,created..religion.ARABAlrahim,Alrahman(Compassionate and Merciful), .Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem The church is the children and chosen ones of God. wang this is for your question about God in the bible Do you, and you, and you ALL, ever think??? You/me/I cannot solve contradictions in bible verses if we dont accept that God-word-creator-father- christ-jesus-comporter/paraclet and 3rd coming are ONE in various stages of human generations, we wait for the translation of unearthed Sanaa ancient koran written before uthman, the translated book of giants by Enoch one giant is 390 feet dwarfing goliath(dead sea scrolls) . A recent historical fiction thriller addresses this topic: It is also a function of attitude, social groups, stress, fear, faith, belief, and prayer. So the conception of Christ is a perfect situation before and perfect situation after as your DNA Gospel would suggest. This is why Jesus had to be born of a virgin. Because the Church of God is still He made himself known as YHWH, the I AM. Or are you content with the eternal damnation that would befall onto those who has not THAT SPIRIT? Yes, we agree: Jesus is the Son of God. The Quran is most eloquent, most precise and concise with regard to encompassing and explaining all phenomenon. The Male released his Y-SPERM only, coz or else JESUS had to be a GIRL!!! You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help. That someone is God. Possibly one of the Most Significant Findings in Human History. The Gospel According to DNA Its a man made version. Extending noninvasive prenatal screening to all 24 human chromosomes can detect genetic disorders that may explain miscarriage and abnormalities during pregnancy, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of . Also, as the Word says that a flesh & blood will not enter to heaven. There was also confirmation that the scriptures at the time of Jesus were that same as we have today; that confirmation is the dead sea scrolls. Every rabbi throughout history has repeatedly told you that Jesus is NOT the Son of Man, indeed Jesus himself said the same: many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ, see that you believe them not. You know the Son of Man not from Adam. In Christianity, Adam was formed from dust and made flesh and called the first Adam; Jesus also became flesh and was called the last Adam. Some one told that to me I have been looking it up in the Bible I cant find it anywhere. But what about Jesus' Y chromosome? Because He said in His word tha who so ever do His commandment and believe in His Son died for our sins Love Him. How do we measure darkness: by the absence of light. Mary kept it secret. It says that. What proof do we have of the athenticity of the writings in hthe bible? God is a figment of human creation, people think Jesus will return, really!!! On January 6, 1982, Wyatt said he found what he believed was a crucifixion site at Golgotha, which is also known as Calvary. 12 When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. You didnt know the truth about God because evil blinded you and deaf and full of anger and full of demons inside of you thats why you dont even feeland you cant explain how life is beautiful with Jesus living in the body oreated by Him! Thanks you all for commenting it gives me a good view about peoples hearts. To Saint John." When Kasimir later opened the reliquary, he found five bone fragments. We look forward to a friendly discussion. This half was not corrupt, but necessary to fulfill the prophecy that Jesus was the son of Man and the son of David. Besides Jesus was very humble to tell us about his position in relation to the Almighty. Jesus is NOT Son of God, and Jesus mission is not to cleansed all our sin. Everything Jesus does is ethical. Found the article on the DNA of Jesus Christ and Adam quite interesting and thought provoking. If god exists whats his QQ number or cell phone number, why didnt moses carry an ipad instead of 10 stone tablets, why take 2000 years to cerate the cell phone or the ipad, maybe god has a new phone or ipad 9 or jpad .. kpad 4D TV these things show god is a figment of simple minds imagination today science can explain many things and what we cannot explain today science will explain in the future. Dr. Henry Morris explains how we know this genealogy is Marys: Joseph was clearly the son of Jacob (Matthew 1:16, so this verse [Luke 3:23says son of Heli] should be understood to mean son-in-law of Heli. Thus, the genealogy of Christ in Luke is actually the genealogy of Mary, while Matthew gives that of Joseph. Wang when G-D divided/Split the red sea..can any best scientist in this planet earth can explained the force that divided the red sea?.any general commander of any special force can do what Joshua did in the city of Jericho,,,,march round the city 7 days and on the 7th day they march 7 times .as a result they won just by Great Noisewhat I want to say is .we can say anything non sense or sense but we cannot go more any further beyond G-D cos he is the Beginning and the End .AMEN, Dear friend then I wonder who created the sun the moon the stars and all thats in this planet earth, the first cardless was given to first human cuoples adam and eve that card less today know as prayer. But that father cannot be a human father because the other 22 chromosomes on the father's side are missing. Two copies of chromosome 9, one copy inherited from each parent, form one of the pairs. It is an ongoing process of self destruction. THEREFORE I FEEL THAT CHRIST TRULY IS GOD MADE MAN. Tell the same story many times it will change, translations are not accurate, peopel cannot even tell an eye witness account today in exact detail, let alone 400 years later. Jea 10:38 but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.. This is natural because a book hat claims to be supportive of all the books before it and claims repository of total knowledge of the seen and the unseen ought to be so. Like JC said 1st u do what He says ampersand past It on but keep ur faith in Him. Google it and you will see how it works. We were born of the flesh (from Adams seeds) and we must be born again (From the Spirit). their spirit and soul are kept and taking care of, the Head JESUS CHRIST WAS BORN THRUOGH THE NATURAL PROCESS AND ANYTHING ABOUT HIM IS SPIRITURAL. God created the world in 6 days the world is only 6000 years old not like sciens make it out to be please my bothers and sister in Jesus the world are not billios and billions of Years old please do study the word more. Scripture also states that Joseph intended to put her away because he believed she must have been unfaithful to him. You would know this if you were a horned again Christmas and received the holly ghost. We are all part of Christ and he is in all of us because we exist because God created the first man and that man is Adam. The miracle of life rests in the heart and mind of our God, who is the only one that understands the how things evolved. Im getting worried that Gods gonna get #MeTood here. The other two chromosomes, X and Y, are the sex chromosomes. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15:45, was not talking about Jesus resurrection nor about Him saving us. There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a "Y" chromosome from a father. jesus' blood found and tested. The Body of Christ which is The Church are still Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Words of Jesus). Multiple tests have been completed to uncover the truth about the bloodstains in the Shroud. It is my understanding that the lineage of David was kept by the priests in the temple. IN SHORT HE IS GOD INCARNATE!!! Later, when man sinned, all the creation suffered (Romans 5:12). This environment is very complex; it is more that just diet and air quality. This has nothing to do with DNA in my opinion. Suggested Additional Reading: Koran 1930 by mharduke)or who among them that never burried? only the power of God can do thatits not possible for him Earthly churches is under the devil rulership whithout them even knowing it. In the bible, original translations do not show the writings of Enoch. WE are the ones who need to believe in Him IF we want to have a decent eternity. before we existed -this present Generation, The Church FATHER + SON (JESUS) + HOLYSPIRIT = GOD Just in the same way the God created 46XY in each grain of mud when he created Adam. Spirit support this program and energise it through effective communication and data network solution from centre headquarters Through booster or satellite. I would think that only Jesus would have the dna before the fall. I am asking for help. He stated that he was to be the God of those he created. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. Member; Posts: 2768; Reputation: +1077/-1637; Gender: Jesus' Blood Analysis, Only 24 Chromosomes on: October 19, 2017, 02:05:12 PM . The Body of Christ, the church, was created on day 6: All of the members: You, me, Adam, Eve, our children, our parents. but with an strong assurance from the GREAT IAM that IAM.she felt a greatest environment of such peace that she never experiences in heras a result.she accept the prophecy by G-D through his servant ISAIAH. Above all He created us, but no one can bring the almighty to being. If Jesus is the son of God, then for sure he would have the DNA resembling that of gods. What is so hard in believing that God is even for the young generation? Stoning was the penalty for adultery if caught. However, the scientific facts as mankind has unraveled so far are: There is nothing solid in the Universe but an illusion of solidity; there is nothing but ENERGY HIM that pervades EVERYTHING. According to your Quran, Isa (Jesus) is alive in Heaven. Torah teaches that obey or disobeying commandments results in blessings or cursings (Deut 30). Thats your problem man. The promise of life after death is also a very well executed scheme that has all the elements of a big scam promising to enjoy something after you were dead and people fall for it. Gene pictures are totally different genes are an alphabet they say different things, they are also of a long-lasting substance, it is as different that Jesus was a man and so was a sinner. The epitaph on the smaller box, probably used to carry the bones when travelling, was the key piece of. Not interested in profound and intelligent opinions and theories nor scientific explanations. Every stated claims were true because the bible says so.I will be more convinced if it is supported by a peer reviewed scientific facts and evidences instead of a vicious circling bible verses. sir, you coated that jesus has missing mary it true? Think about it: all humanity came from Adam, including Eve. Thank you for your comments, we appreciate it. MY PART IS TO CARRY OUT WHAT HE WOULD BE HAPPY THAT I DO. I disagree. Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, If prophesies are true! We are simply showing how all the attributes of Jesus attest to the fact that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, virgin born, and the last Adam. juses is a human like others.. adam was created from dust . This fits very nicely into many, many scriptures. thank you GREAT IAM that IAM.anyone have his 7 spirits have CHRIST in him .Jesus died but not MY CHRIST.AMEN, Im not new on my Journey seeking answers come I have many many questions in fact I was very surprised when I googled this subject of Jesus Christ having only one DNA ? Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain twenty-three chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one "Y" chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 from the fathera total of 46! Dear Raffi, If DNA test were done on Jesus, I am sure that the DNA of Mary and Joseph would have been found in him. I tell them that I am just growing in my faith and understanding. It is obvious that the writer of the Bible (God) understood this process very well; this is because He created it. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. You obviously are a seeker of the deep things. Mat 22:40 On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets., I heard the complete opposite: That Jesus did not have any of Marys DNA and that Mary was nothing more then a surrogate mother that carried the divine seed of the Holy Spirit. Admin. We Christians rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to keep us out of trouble and teach us all things. ( Thus written > Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said ye are gods? Dear friends and children, know that we are in Him and He is in us; and that we are truly part of the body of Christ. He is in us, in our DNA. Two chromosomes in human DNA have been "fused" by some sort of process we don't yet understand. If the body of the 1st Adam was totally formed by God alone, then the 2nd Adam must have been also. ?, God is in places where people are at peace, where wars, genocides, natural disasters have never or where people have never tasted any of the above!! The books they brought are a proof their mission. mathew 28;9 NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Different species have different numbers: cows have 30 pairs, chicken . Actually, science can explain almost nothing, for example: I assume you mean Ron Wyatt. All of this information has been suppressed by governments and even religious leaders around the world. How would you respond to someone who used Isaiah 66:17 or 65:3-4 to prove that Christians ought not to eat pork? If you care enough to humble yourself before Him and ask like Thomas, then maybe just maybe The Humble One might choose to prove to you. to translate human being into this physical earth we all know the formula ..the translation must thru female. Epigenetics may explain why dogs with DNA so close can have very different talents in hunting, guarding, and companionship. Extending noninvasive prenatal screening to all 24 human chromosomes can detect genetic disorders that may explain miscarriage and abnormalities during pregnancy, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh . Thats why the poison and cancer was inside of you! So much b.s. He is our father like you are my brother. I mean, what is the Bible really, eh? The images contain markings that allegedly correspond to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus, including thorn marks on the head, lacerations (as if from flogging) on the back, bruises on the shoulders, and various stains of what is presumed to be blood. Many believe the Shroud of Turin to be the burial cloth in which Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped about 2,000 years ago. Thanks Tarry, Deep inside, I know that God has explanation for everything, even though people keep saying it is hard to explain the faith. However God did not let the task of building a House for His name as He stated in the prophecy end with Solomon, God chose another from the line of David. god is everywhere and no matter what you have against god hell love you . Featured in News to Know. The writer of the play called life on this world is the most psychopathic individual one can dream of. The point Im making here, Rod, is this If youre going to quote Scripture as being fact, i.e. Adam was made by God and Christ was made by God. Luke 1:31 (NIV) I livr among the Lost Tribes, so lost they have no clue who they aredescendents of Jacob, Easu, and Ishmeal. The scriptures are perfect and it all converges on the same principle we belong in Christ. i just need an understanding of your heart that science also can explain today. Psalms 103.8 It will blow you away! I am excited to see Science is helping to discover God rather than the opposite. JEW..addedI..geneto..Brahma>IBrahim>ARAB..edited..more..genes>Rahim,Rahman!! r we created? just a bit of wiscont The same apply to the world as we know it, a being GOD (or beings) is DELIBERATELY BEHIND THE ORDERLINESS and AWE INSPIRING SITUATIONS of the WORLD (SPACE AND EARTH) as we know and see it, and not by mere chance as some scientists may want us to believe. Jul 18, 2016 - The Ark of the Covenant was found in a cave, 20 feet below where Jesus was crucified. Then after Gods rest, it was activated in the form of Adam; at this point human DNA was very good. Unfortunately, Adam sinned and our DNA became polluted, destined to death. Humans have 46 chromosomes. Is to carry the bones when travelling, was the Son of God even. Been suppressed by governments and even religious leaders around the world heart that science also can explain nothing... That a flesh & blood will not enter to heaven return, really!!!!!!! People think Jesus will return, really!!!!! jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes!!!!!... So the conception of Christ in Luke is actually the genealogy of Christ which is the Significant. Was the key piece of worship, and my burden is light God made.... Of man and jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes father & # x27 ; Y & quot ; Y chromosome is! # MeTood here have of the PAIRS the Son of man and the Son David! 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