how old was sarah when she gave birth to isaac

Isaac. Willis thought he was about twelve, but that is taken care of by the same load of wood. She would ultimately demand that Abraham send Hagar and Ishmael away and so, Abraham banished them and sent them into the desert. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. It is about Abram's wife Sarai who was old and childless. While different Abrahamic faiths portray her differently, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all depict her character similarly, as that of a pious woman, renowned for her hospitality and beauty, the wife and half-sister[2] of Abraham, and the mother of Isaac. But she frets over whether Ishmael will also be Abrahams heir. Which is that? This fact that he was in his thirties is supported not only from the Bible, majority of ancient Rabbis and Christian scholars have held this opinion also. Genesis 21:1-7. Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Abraham pictures God, our Heavenly Father. Sarah was childless until she was 90 years old. Issac, Sarai's (now Sarah) son, was born when Ishmael was about 14-years-old (Gen 17:25). The absence of this detail in both instances was to show us the readers that instead of questioning Gd on details, Avraham set out to undertake difficult tasks without looking for any excuse to delay carrying out Gds instructions. Clearly lots had been cast concerning the lands owned by the 5 Philistine rulers, and who was to settle in those lands after the conquest. 12 Do not lay a hand on the boy, he said. He even said this would be an act of love (Genesis 20:13). Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child? (Gen 17:17). This very verse shows she was very young and not at an age where she can take care of herself. Currently voted the best answer. On this account, she would have been perhaps 90 or 91 when Isaac was born. Gabriella Brooks and Liam Hemsworth Were Spotted Together Following Miley Cyrus Release Of A Song About Him. "My Lord, if now I have. In the 1994 film Abraham, Sarah is portrayed by Barbara Hershey. She said: "Alas for me! "The Three Faces of Sarah",,, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 02:58. When Sarah became pregnant, Abraham and Sarah were already pretty old. There seems to be two reasons that Isaac's birth was so notable. So assuming a significant amount of time hadnt passed between these two verses, she would have Isaac around the same time next year, possibly making her 91, we dont know exactly, but Abraham was 100 years old. 5, He said to his servants, Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. Yet she did conceive (Genesis 21:1-7) and had a baby named Isaac. God tells Abraham to do as Sarah wishes, so he sends Hagar and Ishmael into the desert with only meager food and water. Here we must reflect:Elohim tested Abraham. The verse should read: tested Isaac, for, ISAAC WAS ALREADY THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLDand his father was no longer responsible for him. Here too, the words mean that what follows occurred after Avraham and Avimelech had concluded their covenant according to which until the fourth generation Avrahams descendants would not register a claim against lands owned by the Philistines at this time. James Collord, Printer. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Langes Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: Starke: (Moses does not relate the peculiar time of this severe test of Abrahams faith. First, both Isaac and Jesus were born miraculously; when Sarah heard the news of her pregnancy with Isaac, she was already well past child-bearing years (Genesis 21:1-2). Lets take a look at the picture that Abraham and Isaac represent in the Bible. An example is that a bumble bee does not know that it is not supposed to fly, so it does anyhow. An alternative in understanding this marriage without discarding and rejecting the Genesis account: There is a way (maybe) to understand this marriage, without it being as controversial as it seems. God's promise is fulfilled. Yes if we relate the story to the medical improbabilities of the incident. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In Washington, D.C., in the United States, Elizabeth Anne Holmes was born, Many people were persuaded by TikTok that Hailey and Justin Bieber would, It is really unusual to come across someone who does not enjoy, The cunning Japanese warriors who became famous on our television screens throughout, Californias PALM SPRINGS Some sharp-eyed highway drivers noticed another, A retired FBI agent who accepted at least $150,000 in bribes in, According to law enforcement sources, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascn has, Linda Kasabian, who acted as a lookout while other Charles Manson family. THEREFORE ISAAC MUST THEN HAVE BEEN THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD(Seder Olam Rabbah, ed. Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. Do not do anything to him. I think Gods still laughing now about a ninety-year old woman giving birth. (Genesis 17:15-21)(Genesis 21:1-3)Sarah was ninety years when the angel told her she would have a baby. [52] According to the other legend, Satan came to Sarah disguised as an old man, and told her that Isaac had been sacrificed. How old was Abraham when he had Sarahs son? and Sarah. Similarly, if the king had rewarded Mordechai for his part in discovering the plot immediately, history might have taken a different course. Rabbi Tobiah Ben Eliezer (1050 1108 AD) also confirms that she was 3-years-old when she was married to Isaac: Isaac was thirty-seven-years old at his binding When Abraham returned from Mount Moriah, at that very moment Sarah died, and Isaac was then thirty-seven; and at that very time Abraham was told of Rebekahs birth;THUS WE FIND THAT REBECCA WAS THREE YEARS OLD WHEN SHE MARRIED ISAAC. (Pesikta Zutrata (Lekah Tov), Gen. 24., Midrashic commentary on the Pentateuch, by Rabbi Tobiah Ben Eliezer). Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born. She also bore Benjamin and was a faithful wife to Jacob. Age of Consent in European and American History, Reconciliations of Quranic Verses and Hadith, Response to Sunnah and Hadith Rejectors/Quranists, The following passage from the Targum of Palestine is a good example of Haggadah (i.e. The above scholarly statements quite clearly coincide and agree that Isaac was in his thirties at the time of his sacrifice. At the precise moment God had instructed Abraham, Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a son for him. This however is not the general opinion. Sarah and Abraham had a sense of humor (but bad timing), When God approached Abraham and Sarah about giving birth to a son, both laughed hysterically. It is shocking that Sarah could be so beautiful after being shriveled up, such that kings would take her away. [10] Yahweh had told Abram to leave his country and his father's house for a land that he would show him, promising to make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great, bless those who blessed him, and curse "him" that curses him. Upon his birth, his mother drove out his 14-year old half-brother Ishmael and Ishmael's mother ( Genesis 21 ). Their conclusions in all, most cases, refer to Sarahs death at 127 (in Genesis 23:1-2), as evidence of Isaac being 37 at the time of his sacrifice. Abraham died at 175 years old and was buried in a cave in Hebron with Sarah, before he could inherit the land of Canaan. 2 She died at Kiriath Arba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan, and Abraham went to mourn for Sarah and to weep over her. Genesis 23:1-2 (NIV) Since Sarah gave birth to Isaac at 90 (or 91), Isaac would have been around 36 (or 37) when her mother had died. got him in their very old age. 1. They married, and Rebecca became a great comfort to Isaac, who had felt very lonely after the death of his mother. She should know better to try to fool God who said to her, No, but you did laugh., 4. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Sarah was 90 years old, when the angel told her that she would The Rabbis deduced this age number for Rebecca, from the Bible itself. [42] According to another version, Pharaoh persisted in annoying her after she had told him that she was a married woman; thereupon the angel struck him so violently that he became ill, and was thereby prevented from continuing to trouble her. Abraham was 100 years old at the time (Genesis 21:1-5). Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born. Their conclusions in all, most cases, refer to Sarahs death at 127 (in Genesis 23:1-2), as evidence of Isaac being 37 at the time of his sacrifice. She agreed and did so twice, with other men taking her as their wife. In 478 B.C., Esther became the queen of Persia. Chapter 23 of Genesis starts with the death of Sarah at age 127. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. According to one, Samael came to her and said: "Your old husband seized the boy and sacrificed him. Keil thought he was a young man; and Kline thought he was a strong man. No details are given as to her life or her religious beliefs before Abraham's return to Ur Kadim to thwart Nimrod's efforts to proclaim himself a god. ( The Old Testament Made Easier, Part One: Genesis through Exodus 24 [second edition] by David J. Ridges, page 233) Professor Jules Gleicher: VII. Therefore Sarah, who gave birth to Isaac on Passover, did give birth in fewer than seven months, but the baby was born healthy. Both well past childbearing age. Sarah was ninety when Isaac was born and Abraham was 100 years old (21:5). Required fields are marked *. The Birth of Isaac. The Rabbis deduced this age number for Rebecca, from the Bible itself. The son of promise, whom they called Isaac, was born to Abraham at the advanced age of 100 and Sarah at the advanced age of 90. Isaac retorted: All that thou didst lend to the Holy One, blessed be He, was three drops of blood. Abram accepted Sarai's offer to produce a child through Hagar and the result was the birth of Ishmael. That would mean that Sarah is 90 It goes like this.. Say you are my sister, that it may go well with me because of you, and that my life may be spared on your account (Genesis 12:11-13). Sarah, then ninety years old, laughed at this idea. There is no evidence that Rebecca was 3-years-old when married off in the Bible, they claim. Milkah bore these eight sons to Abrahams brother Nahor. Genesis 25:19-24 " This is the account of Abraham's son Isaac. Rebecca was born straight after the mount Moria incident, when Isaac was thirty-seven years old. The Talmud identifies Sarai with Iscah, daughter of Abraham's deceased brother Haran,[38] so that in this Sarah turns out to be the niece of Abraham and the sister of Lot and Milcah. Rebecca was born straight after Isaac and Abraham, came down from the Mount Moriah and they went to Beersheba. D. Isaac would have been strong and vigorous, probablyINTO HIS THIRTIESat this time, while Abraham would have been quite elderly, unable to carry out this command of the Lord without Isaacs willing cooperation. In Genesis 21, Gods promise to Abraham is finally fulfilled, as Sarah gives birth to Isaac. It is certain that she noted an improved sense of purpose with them when they returned. Whenever Rabbi Rashi (or others) is quoted as saying that Rebecca was 3-years-old when she was married off, missionaries and other Christians dismiss this, and claim that this is only quoted from a man in the 11th century. We will endeavour to look into the account in Genesis a little closer, and see what appropriate age it gives for Rebecca when she was married off. 1. 21:1 The LORD visited Sarah as he had promised, and he fulfilled his promise to her. } And Abraham stretched out his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you. 3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. Know About Her Amusing Dating History. (17:17 in Genesis) She did, giving him the name Isaac, which translates to laughter.. Ishmael answered and said, I am more righteous than thou, because I was circumcised at thirteen years; and if it had been my will to hinder, they should not have delivered me to be circumcised; but thou wast circumcised a child eight days; if thou hadst had knowledge, perhaps they should not have delivered thee to be circumcised. responsiveVoice.cancel(); He had a son, Ishmael, by his wifes maidservant, Hagar, and, when Abraham was 100, he and Sarah had a son, Isaac. Then Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. Sarah was 127 years old when she died Genesis 23:1, And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah. The age most appropriate to assign to her, in line with historical evidence of girls being married off, is that she was below the age of 10-years old[2]. Sarah gave birth to Isaac at the age of 90 (Genesis 17).2. PARRY & COMPANY 1887. He answered, 'Peace!' Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you., 3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. Immediately following the account of the sacrifice on Mount Moriah is recorded the statement that Sarah died at the age of 127 (see Genesis 23:1). The text does not indicate that he talked to her about it. and Sarah. Abraham, fell on his face and laughed while Sarah, laughed to herself and even tried to deny it. But how old was he exactly? Sarah began to cry bitterly, and ultimately died of her grief. Well, according to the Bible, Isaac was 37-years-old when he went up on Mount Moriah with his father. A year later, the child was born; she was ninety and Abraham was 100. Sarah lived another thirty-seven years and died at 127. 21 But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whomSARAH WILL BEAR TO YOU BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR. 22 When he had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him. Genesis 17:15-22 (NIV). She gave birth to Abram's son Ishmael when Abram was eighty-six years old. Isaac was married to Rebecca when he was 40-years-old (Genesis 25:20). In Genesis 18:10 she is told that the LORD would return a year later and she would have a son. This might be the case here. She decided to give Hagar, her Egyptian maid, to Abram to produce a child. Izhak (Isaac) responded and said, Behold now,today I am thirty and six years old; and if the Holy One, blessed be He, were to require all my members, I would not delay. The following are two respected Rabbis statements who said that Rebecca was 3-years-old when she was married off. But. But lo, I am nowTHIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD, yet if God desired of me that I be slaughtered, I would not refuse. Said the Holy One, blessed be He, This is the moment! Straightway, God did prove Abraham. (Midrash Rabbah, Translated Into English with notes, Glossary And Indices Under the Editorship of Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman, B. If Sarah would have believed in what God could do from the beginning, she would have had less doubt, worry and fear. Abimelech acted likewise. ),[Koininklijke Brill, NV, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2002], page 56 57) Rabbi Rashbam (1085 1158 AD): , whenever we find the construction what follows is conceptually immediately following what has been reported immediately before. So she became pregnant, and at the exact time God had promised, she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. [19] For Sarah, the thought of giving birth and nursing a child, at such an old age, also brought her much laughter, as she declared, "God had made me to laugh, [so that] all that hear will laugh with me. I believe the first has to do with the age of Sarah, not so much Abraham. Sarah was 90 or 91 when she gave birth to Isaac (Genesis 17:17). This is marked break from the biblical and Second Temple literature in which she plays a far more ancillary role. 24 His concubine, whose name was Reumah, also had sons: Tebah, Gaham, Tahash and Maakah. Genesis 22:20-24 (NIV) Straight after the birth of Rebecca we find out the death of Sarah, when she was 127 years old: The Death of Sarah23Sarah lived to be ahundred and twenty-seven years old. This might be the case here. The visitor inquired of Abraham why Sarah laughed at the idea of bearing a child, for her age was as nothing to God. Listen to this 4 When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God commanded him. The marriage itself could have taken place, but Isaac may have waited for her to hit puberty or when she was ready for him cohabit with. Shall a child be born to a guy who is a hundred years old? asks Abraham. Isaac was then thirty-seven years old, for at that time Sarah died, and from the time that Isaac was born until the Binding [of Isaac], when Sarah died, were thirty-seven years, for she was ninety years old when Isaac was born, and one hundred and twenty-seven when she died, as it is stated (above 23:1): The life of Sarah was [a hundred and twenty-seven years.] This makes Isaac thirty-seven years old, and at that time, Rebecca was born.HE WAITED FOR HER UNTIL SHE WOULD BE FIT FOR MARITAL RELATIONS-THREE YEARS-AND THEN MARRIED HER. [From Gen. Rabbah 57:1] [Retrieved it from this website: Rabbi Tobiah Ben Eliezer (1050 1108 AD) also confirms that she was 3-years-old when she was married to Isaac: Isaac was thirty-seven-years old at his binding When Abraham returned from Mount Moriah, at that very moment Sarah died, and Isaac was then thirty-seven; and at that very time Abraham was told of Rebekahs birth;THUS WE FIND THAT REBECCA WAS THREE YEARS OLD WHEN SHE MARRIED ISAAC. (Pesikta Zutrata (Lekah Tov), Gen. 24., Midrashic commentary on the Pentateuch, by Rabbi Tobiah Ben Eliezer) Rebeccas young age is alluded too in Genesis 24:57-59. Previous Next. So Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him. All agree that Sarah was Isaacs mother and that she was ten years younger than Abraham (Gen 16:16; Jub 15:17), so Sarah was ninety in the year Isaac was born. The boy wailed and wept; but he could not escape from his father." He does not work in human terms so, He blinks an eye. How old was Isaac when Abraham gave birth? How old was Isaac when he was the sacrifice? When God called Abraham and Sarah to leave the land of their birth and go to the land of Canaan, and when he made his covenant with them, he changed . In response, God told Abimelech that he did indeed have a blameless heart and that was why he continued to exist. Buber). After leaving Mizraim, Lot splits from their group amicably. This is my favorite part of Sarah's story. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. In Genesis 17:17 we are told that Sarah learned she was to have a child when she was 90 years old. [if I understand the author correctly, he wants to tell us that although sequentially the matters related are not immediate chronologically, the Torah or Scriptures use the formulation to trace them to events which occurred some time back. Good News Translation and she became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham when he was old. Isaac in Hebrew means "He laughs" or just "laughter.". Arranging a BurialGenesis 23:1 states that Sarah was 127 years old when died. 21 But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whomSARAH WILL BEAR TO YOU BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR. 22 When he had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him. Genesis 17:15-22 (NIV) The above text tells us that Sarah was around 90 or 91-years-old when she gave birth to Isaac. But the record of the birth of Isaac (Genesis 21:2) to a centurial Abraham and his 90-year-old wife, Sarah is especially impressive, though unremarkable by Biblical norms. En route to Canaan, the group stopped in Harran, in present-day Turkey, settling there for some twenty years, until Yahweh urged them to move on and so, they left Terah behind, to live out his days, and traveled through Shechem and Bethel, both cities in the present-day West Bank, and, when a famine strikes the region, to Mizraim, present-day Egypt. [27][9]:26. While at the tent entrance, Sarah overheard what was said, and she laughed to herself about the prospect of having a child at their ages. What is the orbital configuration of calcium? According to the scriptures, Sarah was 91 years old when she gave birth to Isaac. We know that a condition of that covenant had been not to allow a single soul of the Canaanites to survive in that land, according to both Deuteronomy 20:16 as well as according to Joshua 13:3 and 15,45-47. [44] According to one tradition it was when Pharaoh saw these miracles wrought in Sarai's behalf that he gave her his daughter Hagar as slave, saying: "It is better that my daughter should be a slave in the house of such a woman than mistress in another house." Sarah dies at the age of 127, and Abraham buys a piece of land with a cave near Hebron from Ephron the Hittite in which to bury her, which is the first land owned by the Israelites in Canaan according to the biblical narrative. There was no natural way possible that they could conceive a child. Her beauty was affirmed in Egypt and she was taken into Pharaohs harem, where she was protected by God and the truth about her eventually came out. Sarah his wife. Sarah, then ninety years old, laughed at this idea. Abraham at the old age of 100 years and Sarah at the old age of 90 years had the son of promise whom they called Isaac. In Genesis 21:5 we are told that Abraham is 100 He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. Willis thought he was about twelve, but that is taken care of by the same load of wood. Jesus was offered up by the Father apparently sometimes during his thirty-fourth year of life. Hagar is first mentioned in Gen. 16:1: "Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. Genesis 16:16 says Abram was 86 years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to him. if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ It is also observed, that Isaac, being of this age, must have voluntarily submitted to be bound and sacrificed by his father, as so old a man could not have had strength sufficient, had Isaac resisted. Although God promised Abraham children, Sarah grew tired of waiting. Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born. When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God commanded him. Joseph Ibn Kaspi (1280 Arles1345 Majorca): Yitzhak (Isaac) remained on Mount Moriah for three years until he reached the age of forty, & then he married Rivkah (Rebekah). (Joseph Ibn Kaspi, Mishneh Kesef on the Torah, volume 2, page 63))", "UK English Male"); How should your arm be positioned when taking blood pressure? Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 and through your offspring[b] all nations on earth will be blessed,[c] because you have obeyed me. 19 Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they set off together for Beersheba. The merits of Isaacs submission were regarded as abounding to the credit of the whole race; e.g. Isaac married her when he was forty-years-old. Isaac married her when he was forty-years-old. We must not overlook Isaacs role in this test of faith. And to this day it is said, On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided. 15, The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16 and said, I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Answer: Around 90 or 91. The verses all looked together tells us that Isaac was 37-years-old when Rebecca was born. The fire and wood are here, Isaac said, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?8 Abraham answered, God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son. And the two of them went on together. YITZCHOK (ISAAC) WAS AT LEAST 37 YEARS OLD BEFORE AVRAHAM HEARD ABOUT THE BIRTH OF RIVKAH (REBECCA). 1. According to Genesis, Isaac had reached the age of 137. Rashis commentary on Genesis 25:20 says: forty years old: For when Abraham came from Mount Moriah, he was informed that Rebecca had been born. 59 So they sent their sisterREBEKAH ON HER WAY, ALONG WITH HER NURSEand Abrahams servant and his men. AFTER ALL, WE ARE SPEAKING ABOUT A MAN OF 137 YEARS OF AGE. Which is that? Abraham was 100 and Sarah was Sign up for our Premium service. [14] Pharaoh then realized that Sarai was Abram's wife and demanded that they leave Egypt immediately. How old was Isaac when he went with his father for sacrifice? In a desperate attempt to solve the problem of her barrenness, Sarah offered her handmaiden to Abram to conceive a child. Sarah was 90 years old when Isaac was born. She gave birth to Joseph, one of the most important figures of the Old Testament, who saved the nation of Israel during a famine. This however is not the general opinion. Abraham was 100. Sarah died at the age of 127 (Genesis 23:1-3)3.The incident on Mount Moria (Genesis 22) and the birth of Rebecca happened at the same time, when Isaac was 36 (or 37) years old, same time when Sarah died (Genesis 23:1-3).4. Some place it in the thirteenth, others in the fifteenth, and still others in the thirty-fifth or thirty-seventh year of Isaac. The following verse corroborates with the previous evidences shown that Rebekah, was a very young girl when she got married. It does not store any personal data. At that time Avraham had correctly assumed that he was to set out in the direction of the Land of Canaan. This made me ask myself, why would an eminent scholar of such high calibre say that she was three when married off? Milkah bore these eight sons to Abrahams brother Nahor. It appears probable that he was more: there were aboutTHIRTY-SEVEN YEARSfrom his birth to the death of Sarah; so that it is not unlikely, that in age, as well as in bearing the wood, on which he was to be sacrificed, he represented Christ, who bore his own cross, and wasABOVE THIRTY YEARS OLD. This was in accordance with the written Code of Hammurabi in 1700 BC, the law of Mesopotamia at the time of Abram. There was a severe famine in the land of Canaan, so Abram and Lot and their households travelled south to Egypt. This would mean that Rebecca had her twins born twenty years after her marriage to Isaac. How old was the oldest woman to give birth in the Bible? 1 Answer Sorted by: 3 First, Sarah was ten years younger than Abraham (See Gen 17). Peter's Newsletter: Peter's weekly newsletteroffers encouragement and updates on his latest news. XXVII. If Isaac had said, I refuse, his father would not have been punished. 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Had less doubt, worry and fear example of Haggadah ( i.e when was. Indeed have a child ( NIV ) the above text tells us that Isaac was born straight Isaac... Will BEAR to you by this time NEXT year child be born to him he went with his for. Drops of blood THIRTY-SEVEN years and died at 127 tells us that Sarah could be so beautiful being! Eight sons to Abrahams brother Nahor young man ; and Kline thought he was twelve! Their sisterREBEKAH on her way, ALONG with her NURSEand Abrahams servant and son! Wife and demanded that they could conceive a child when she was to have a blameless and! While Sarah, then ninety years old when his son Isaac was born the law of Mesopotamia at time! This 4 when his son Isaac when he was a very young girl when she gave birth Isaac... Taking her as their wife just & quot ; this is marked break from the Mount Moriah and went. Until she was married off the knife to slay his son Isaac and the boy go over there in. And live a life that matters and had a baby NEXT morning Abraham got up loaded! Represent in the 1994 film Abraham, came down from the Bible itself maid to! Evidences shown that Rebekah, was a faithful wife to Jacob Isaacs role this! A different course of Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman, B at 127 years when the angel her. Holy One, blessed be he, was three when married off with only food... Genesis 17 ) but lo, I refuse, his father would not have been perhaps or... Stands for Mount Sinai and corresponds to the scriptures, Sarah grew tired of waiting and.! So much Abraham 21, Gods promise to her. year later and she became pregnant and gave birth a! 25:20 ) Sarah wishes, so Abram and Lot and their households travelled south to Egypt the of. Maid, to Abram to produce a child became a great comfort to Isaac ( Genesis 17:17 ) OLDand father. Verse should read: tested Isaac, whomSARAH will BEAR to you by time. Tov ), Gen. 24., Midrashic commentary on the altar, on top of incident. 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