general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

Their coats have an insignia on the arm, and the women carry leather satchels.Two men accompany them. Scenes in Warsaw as General Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshal of Poland. Columns represent: Sequence number, surname, forename. In regards to your last question, I think it much, much, much more likely that the report you're searching for was simply never transferred to us than that it was "withdrawn". CUs, Waclawa with her grandson, looking at a family photo album. "Gesperrt" sign on Autobahn. EXT, men digging up a road. CU profile of man who cleaned the prison floor in earlier scene. This is where the Poles would go to ski. Young couple walks next to a building. A plane in the sky. VAR views of schoolchildren walking along the sidewalk and playing at school. National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. **, Scenes of the Polish army marching through the streets of Warsaw: this is a sign/prelude to war. Stewart, Glasgow, renamed Loch Gair, 12 Mar 1908 ran ashore 4 nautical miles (7.4km) from the coast, in Richard's Bay near the Umhlatuzi River, South Africa, 1914 captured by Britain Food on board ship appears to have been plentiful and the more so for the first class passengers but even the third class passengers would not have starved with . A woman combs her hair while looking at a picture of Rita Hayworth in a magazine. Man standing under a tree near a phone booth. CU of one of their passports from Yugoslavia. CU, women entering a courtyard through iron gates, coming from the street. Quick CU of a man in profile, cut to two girls and their mother in peasant dress. 01:19:00 Scene of dead bodies in a field, a woman is covering the faces of the dead. Polish cavalry crosses a stream, snowy field. Sign "Unser gruss ist 'Heil Hitler'". Market place (LS) with synagogue in BG. VS, CUs of the children lauging and enjoying themselves during the performance. [2], On 12 February 1948 USAT General M. B. Stewart arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia with 857 displaced persons from Europe. (Olivaerplatz near Kurfuerstendamm) LS Airship hangar. Goldschmidt School. Animation begins of New York City buildings and trains as the woman gives voiceover. Bryan writes in his book "Siege" that one processing tank exploded, and luckily, his film was not in that tank. Crowds looking at exhibitions, including "Das Weisse Gold," "Glaswolle," yarn/textiles, boots, "Continental" tires, "Sicherheits-Glas." **, Staged scenes inside a peasant couple's home. A series of TRIMS/short outtakes. A designer sketches a dress. Cranes, crates, laborers. MS, a woman boarding a bus at a bus stop in Warsaw. 01:02:15 MCU of 10+ children on sleds, getting ready to go down a hill in tandem, they start the line up and just keep going, very playful shots. Arts and Architecture magazine. Road with BDM girls, marching and singing with banner. More buses, cars, street vendors, etc. in Deutschland" [The Embassy of the USSR in Germany]. 01:11:57 The nanny/mommy scene in the park with VS, CUs on babies, toddlers, prams, etc. The Germans surround Poland from the south and the north, eventually reaching Warsaw and destroying the city. Item 7 - General Stewart arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 8 - General Haan arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 9 - General Greely arrived Fremantle - passenger list; Item 10 - Skaugum (II) arrived Fremantle - passenger list; Item 11 - Amarapoora arrived Newcastle - passenger list; Item 12 - Brazil arrived Sydney - passenger list He was JB's interpreter during the siege of Warsaw in 1939. Several CUs of shop windows displaying proudly the photos of Polish leaders, particularly Pilsudski, Paderewski and the current (1937) President Mosczieksky. The sign reads "Der Botschaft der Union der S.S.R. June 1806: Venus - On the 16 June 1806 the convict crew seize the ship and sail away with the cargo. Rowboat on a river. Handwriting on the side of the train says "US emigr. TRIMS not connected by subject matter. HAS, military parade. He is removing this clock as a trophy. VS of this plaza and mermaid statue near the riverport- one car rides on the road around the statue, but the area is basically deserted. CU Smiling woman with her arm around the man. Additional shots of streets and buildings in Prague. Opens in 1946- Warsaw, Poland, snow covered ground and destroyed buildings; military vehicle and electric bus pass by one of the destroyed buildings, cut to horse drawn carriages going down these same streets. Search below to view digital records and find material that you can access at our library and at the Shapell Center. Canterbury Association Passenger Manifests; Families Completed; List of names of the early Settlers Taranaki Herald; Passenger Listings for Vessels bound for New Zealand; Ships & Ports reference; Settler Ships Passenger Lists by arrival date 1806. 6:19 EXT A seated middle-aged woman reads a book. A worker counts the smelting ovens/jets. 01:02:36:29 A group of young men and young women sitting in the grass and socializing near the train platform, They are smoking, smiling, laughing, etc, one of the men has a newspaper and several of the others are leaning in around him to read the article. CU of Jozefa (seen earlier), praying in field adjacent to the small church. BDM women with flowers at village house, EXT. One women is dressed in contemporary, Western-style clothing, a camel hair coat and felt hat. While it is difficult to make out- in the distance between the darkness and the flames you can see that there were bucket brigades set up and men were trying in vain to put out the fires. Scenes of destruction in Warsaw and the liberation of the city, soldiers kissing women in the streets, getting flowers, several shots of destroyed cities (most likely stock news footage) 01:21:13 VS of the Poles working to rebuild their country, men and women, pounding in rail ties, sifting through mountains of debris, taking down buildings, etc. There were a group of potato pickers in a field on the outskirts of the city of Warsaw, the German planes flew overhead, missing them on their first fly over, the potato pickers got up from the ground, thinking they were safe, only to be surprised by the same planes returning along the same flight path and this time killing two, and wounding the five others. Crowd heiling in front of church. U.S.N.S. Motorcade through the streets begins, all are lining up to see the men of the hour who will soon arrive, waving and saluting the crowds, camera tracks Hitler's car in MLS. Street scenes, trolley, storefronts in Czechoslovakia. MCU of the beefcake singing in unison. Warsaw 1939. ex USAT General M. B. Stewart (1946 - 1950) USS General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) (1945 - 1946) International Radio Call Sign: November - Juliet - Delta - Echo NJDE Awards, Citations and Campaign Ribbons Precedence of awards is from top to bottom, left to right Bryan did not have any external lights to illuminate the action while shooting this event. White flags drape the gates to the cemetery. Flag performance (fast motion). 7. Hebrew on chalkboard. How do I best word a request to find out if a particular report produced by a House committee was transferred by the Clerk of the House to the National Archives following the close of the 90th Congress? This was a cargo steamer with limited accommodation for 13-1st class passengers. INTs of church, Mrs. Roosevelt speaking from podium, clergy seated in formal dress for the official visit. There is little data from 1933-1937 because the books are now inaccessible. Jozefa's daughter and grandchildren. Large group of young women on an outing, all are wearing overcoats and berets, VS of new building construction, Julien Bryan's notes mention shots of the Parliament building and the higher army court; an open truck full of men in suits drives up to this new building, they all go inside. EXT, city scenes from a moving tram. Digging for pipeline, wheelbarrows, calisthenics. Camera pans, but it is difficult to make out the shadows, at 01:16:45:14 there is a more vivid shot of the flames, illuminating a street lamp. CU, fashion magazines. CU of another baby nursing. Farm machinery and truck in field, harvesting. Polish planes fly over Warsaw as part of the ceremonies. CU of signs: Top: Citizens are asked to keep their dogs on leash. Two Polish soldiers walking along, one is carrying a bunch of high black boots over his shoulder. General Stuart Heintzelman was reacquired by the Navy 1 March 1950 and assigned to overseas transport duty under MSTS. MS, castle of Polish kings (Wawel) in Krakow, closer view of tourists. Scientists/engineers in airship/Zeppelin hangar, working, massive steel. Train cuts through snowy mountains. Shop windows, no sign is visible in its entirety. CU of one of the nurses as she explains the situation to Bryan. Short shot of a horse drawn carriage pulling up in front of Holy Cross Church in Krakow, Poland. Boys dive into a pool. The nurses (Sisters Zurawska, Helena, and Genowefa) remembered the day when the maternity ward of the Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration was bombed in 1939, which JB photographed (Photo Archives W/S 47210). Ruins People and clothing line seen through windows of the damaged building. 01:13:32 The students line up on the stairs outside the church as an instructor reads to them. Visitors inside the exhibition are seen looking at art in Room 3, including Otto Dix's "War Cripples" on the north wall (CU). Formations on field, eagle/swastika. The site of a downed plane-wreckage is visible on the hillside, where one Polish soldier is showing the journalist something that came from this plane, another Polish soldier is climbing down the hill to join them. 01:03:07 HJ boys and motorcycles, eating. Building ruins. One of the women is making coffee on the stove. A train with bars of coal drives by. Quick cut to peasant women walking along the street in full traditional dress. From 5 March to 4 April she sailed to Japan with occupation troops and returned to Seattle with military passengers. This is an incomplete version of the film "Siege" and does not have Julien Bryan's soundtrack. Men clear grass by hand with scythes. Others talk and smile. House & Garden, Better Homes and Garden, and Good Housekeeping magazines. VS, sandbagging the American embassy in Warsaw. There are certainly some committees and Congresses for which we have very extensive files -- and conversely there are some committees and Congresses for which we have very little. RM 2HDBDR9 - SS Andrea Doria at sea in the early 1950s. Wall covered in pictures of Joseph Stalin. Children getting into the railcars with their families to begin a new life. Men seated at table in discussion, upright plaque on table, one man stands and speaks. An excerpt from a stage production of Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet.". "America Welcomes its New Citizens" Ship full with people at sea. 01:19:17 Farming and farming, hay. 01:09:04:10 Chaos on the streets of Warsaw. Jozefa stands at the doorway of her apartment building while her daughter and grandchildren exit (repeated shots). The men continue to point towards the sky, as they head underground, one man takes still photos. 01:08:25:20: Swimming pool, the boys how to dive with a coach, VS, CUs of the coach positioning their bodies, shot from behind, then seen in reverse angle from the front, shot from the opposite side of the pool; more horseplay in the pool. Farmers working. Metal is being cast, shots of the molten metal. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History Other Events on 11 April 1669 - Launch of french Fort 68, later 76 guns (designed and built by Jean Guichard, launched 11 April 1669 at Rochefort) - renamed Foudroyant in June 1671, broken up 1690 1693 - Launch of HMS Winchester. ), bicycles in city streets, cafe tables. Men ride an open elevator. 01:04:12:20 CU, shot from low angle of signs on a large contemporary, concrete block apartment building- the address and other information are visible - written in Polish, identifies construction company, etc. More floats process. CUs, Dutch spectators. Medical professionals. 01:15:14 INTs, women take lessons for cooking, changing diapers, medicine. Civilians: men, women and children, some with Red Cross armbands, a group of nurses, etc. Scene of men leaving the factory on bikes, some women, some children, and several Austrians (non DPs) are in the group as well. Damaged brick building. CU man in traditional hat, the elderly woman and man with a horse. Bryan with translator shows "Siege" photographs from 1939 to more Poles. WS smoke stacks, factory. MCU, daylight scene- a park in Warsaw, a toddler wheels around a baby in a carriage. CUs, man. High shot of open jeep with people entering a village, boys performing a drill, woman doing laundry in her yard, bucolic mountains, and three pedestrians. Nazi poster. EXT, MS, horsedrawn carriage and autos on street, location unknown. Scenes of socials, teas, mixers, etc. Architectural detail, CU from under an archway, partial view of a dome. CUs of the cars and zinc ore. M. Black) and get ready for their journey - US army help the DPs aboard the ship. The bear proceeds to harass another horse drawn carriage, then returns to the sidewalk and begins to flirt with two peasant women. CU, a young boy chipping away at a sculpture. During the early stages of the blitzkrieg, civilians were commandeered to dig ditches, set tank traps and shore up fortifications. MS of the family back at the processing center. EXT, VS, a new schoolhouse in Lowicz, Poland, scenes in the schoolyard, children playing. View of the city of Salzburg. There are two trims that feature signs along the platform which could aid in identification of the exact location, but they are in the BG of the shot, and not completely legible. 01:15:41 BDM marching in between large statues, CUs. Cut to the bear sitting on the bench with a young man next to him, and a small dog at his feet. Men and women folk dancing in full, traditional central Polish folk dress. 01:14:55 BDM girls. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. More shots of babies born around the time of the siege, including a shot of twin boys. Children weaving in the classroom, CUs. EXT, Train station in Gdynia, Poland. Cut to LS of a cavalry regiment coming down another sandy hillside. ECU of elderly women with headscarf. 01:14:40 BDM girls running. LS, more of the schoolchildren on their outing. Girls in class at desk. However all records remain the legal property of the House and the Senate. VS of the bystanders, young boys watch the parade perched in the trees along the parade route, young women in traditional costume line the parade route, all signs of Polish solidarity. A woman in a scarf in MCU appears briefly in the frame; more mountains. Some boys in the group also wear berets. Nurses change babies, toddlers, beds, eating, washing dishes, cutting apples. CU audience listens. Reel 7A. Credits read as follows: A Julien Bryan IFF Presentation, written by Basil Beyea, narrated by Arnold Moss, Edited by Joseph E. Dushock and Edward H. Powick. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. (1,426 + steamboat passenger lists to date) List of (Scottish) Passengers arrived at Quebec August 1819 (Harmony & Hope from Oban, Scotland) barque Camperdown, 1819 from Limerick to Quebec, many aboard the steamboat New Swiftsure, 10th September 1819, from Quebec to Montreal Emigration refers to people leaving a country to go to another. Castle in mountains, train in FG, river, fast train, mountainside. This page was last edited on 2 September 2022, at 11:55. According to the Navy, the USS General R. M. Blatchford (AP-153) was a General G. O. Squier-class transport ship for the U.S. Navy in World War II. 01:11:35:14: Cut back to wounded in their hospital beds. Sequence of outtakes. Sequence of outtakes. A priest walks through the rubble outside the church. Line of university professors in academic robes enter a building with an American flag flying over the entrance. Shots of bubbling molten ore at 01:01:55:00. INT, very dark, man fuels fire. JB and Christina look at National Theater posters. End scenes of Gdynia, begin brief sequence of street scenes of Gdansk, also in the northwestern corner of Poland. Shadow of blade falling. Several children are running around near the platform, some look curiously at the camera. Goats grazing in brick ruins. "Luther-Haus" civilians. Autobahn. LSs, EXTs buildings. HAS, construction site, rebuilding Poland, river in BG, crane. Shots of city plaza, facade of modern building. 1. Large buildings in Prague. Old Town Square. "Meet the first DPs" "Ship to Freedom" Numbers on tags pinned to coats of refugees. Footage of Polish Cavalry soldiers. CUs, lens, laborers, on lunch break, polishing, inserting film into camera. She begins talking about the United States and New York City. EXT, low angle shot of castle tower. selling religious articles. CU, inscriptions and signs. Buildings all around the statue are destroyed. Two children on city street walk toward camera. DPs lean out the windows of the train to look at the camera and talk to IRO officers. Man plays piano. Katowice, Poland, 1936. Return to Krakow, old market square in front of the synagogue with the chicken vendor. CU of a piece of zinc ore in someone's hand as they demonstrate the contours of the rock. Young girl on the street asking for directions from Orthodox Jewish men. The scene then returns to Warsaw: street scene, kiosk, poster advertising a theatrical performance. guarded by soldier with rifle. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) as USNS General M. B. Stewart (T-AP-140). Cut to the streets of Krakow, many people moving about, lots of activity, a religious Jew carrying a large parcel walks down the street, a peasant woman carrying a large pack on her back walks behind him, they both turn and enter a building (unmarked). Grand Canyon. 01:15:41 VS of destruction to a cemetery, CU of another corpse. CU of the German soldier getting his hair cut, another German prisoner (with a Hitler-style mustache) is smoking and talking to a Polish officer as a doctor looks on. Pictures by Julius Jonak Prague, 1946. of Shakespeare play in Russia, Russian Christian Orthodox church service, Degenerate Art Exhibit [Entartete Kunst] in Munich, 1937, Nazi Germany 1937: Hitler Youth girls on a country road; BDM; farming, Berlin street scenes; memorial ceremony; coal, Trims Nazi Germany 1937: Goldschmidt school brochure; Bryan's passport; Nazi propaganda, Daily life in Poland, 1936, scenes of Polish cavalry, German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939, Catholic hospital in Warsaw destroyed during the German siege, 1939. CUs, signs warning of electricity and gas. 01:05:26:22 A woman comes and picks up her picture of the Madonna and holds it up for the camera, with her two children standing beside her. Horse with cart, building ruins. Hitler posters. (Building is the one JB photographed in 1939 with sandbags and "Wagonslits" sign in Photo Archives W/S 47396). Then cut to scenes of Gdansk at 01:16:35 A group of school girls in uniform march down the street carrying Nazi flags, and singing- they are all in their early teens. The Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) was a U.S. government agency set up in 1948 to administer the European recovery program (Marshall Plan). Cut to elder couple walking toward camera among ruins. INTs, men in lounge, talking and reading, CUs pictures on the wall. VS of the crowd, the bandstand and stage with dancers performing. Multiple takes - seems staged. Passenger Mr. Panton and family. Date of Departure: 21 July 1950. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36; National Archives, Washington, D.C. "A first-rate resource for readers and students of popular astronomy and general science. A man with a WWI military medal in MCU (part of the same family) more shots of this family- they have everything loaded on a bicycle. Press and camera crews are visible; a military band plays for the event. Hang gliding. Two rabbis put away Torah scrolls and pull a curtain with an embroidered Star of David closed. Truck drives away. VS, along the water, views of the banks along the Baltic Sea; MS, traffic cops, men loading large bags onto ships. "Blut und Boden." Swimming. In crowd, brown shirt purchases hot dog and bun from a female vendor. 01:07:45 Cathedral, pedestrian traffic, automobiles, bus. Art, caricatures. Farm building and truck. Between 1935 and 1938, he captured unique records of ordinary people and life in Nazi Germany and in Poland, including Jewish areas of Warsaw and Krakow and anti-Jewish signs in Germany. INT women seated with a row of men standing behind them, looking at booklets and framed portraits together. [VQ- still frames in places where there are technical problems from Bryan's camera and poor processing.] MCU, three people looking in the window of a bookstore. Outdoor caf - Kranzler. 01:02:52 CU of the sign on the front of a merchant's shop: "Depot de Vin T. Fukier Fonde en 1610." Garments hang and rotate from mirror panels on a wall. More stock shots of an unidentified bridge exploding, a building collapsing in flames, etc. A man stops to take a photograph of the young man fighting with the bear. HJ boys looking at NS propaganda postcards. Postmen deliver mail. All the regiments were rounded up on the field and then marched from the field through Warsaw. U.S. at the port as they get on board the ship. INT, shots through a window of a window washer. 01:13:05 A funeral procession through the streets of Warsaw. The train moves slowly along the tracks. Men observing and discussing guillotine. Cherished old quarters of Poland with ornate signs. CU of tram stop at 01:13:03:15: "PRZYSTANEK TRAMWAJOW MIEJSKICH" Inside the street car, passengers look out window, read, etc. The ship was converted for its new role at a cost of $4.5 million. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. CUs of young, religious Jewish boys laughing and talking, conscious of the camera. The mine featured is the Giesche Zinc Mine and Refinery. The remaining trims feature ships loading and unloading in the port city of Gdynia, Poland. Eating in an apartment. Soldiers in military supply trucks moving slowly through the streets of Warsaw- they are either Polish or Russian army. Each truck seems to have three coffins stacked in it. END of Reel 1 - writing on film leader indicates Reel 2 begins. TTY: 202.488.0406. We do not make decisions on which records are sent to us. Catholic statuary in the hospital, CUs of beds filled with rubble, a Virgin Mary statue on a bed, a palm tree. 01:04:40:11 to 01:05:02:00 Young men and women gathered in a hall for a social, and then seated to watch a musical performance; band on stage, several cuts back and forth between musicians and audience. Tito walks through his garden and around a sculpture, followed by a dog. The Country and the People The bombed out Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration, one of Warsaw's largest hospitals. The trucks carry wooden coffins with wreaths on top of them- their fallen comrades. LS, entrance to mansion (embassy?) People visible along the banks in the BG. VAR CUs of Poles gathered around Bryan. Two young girls look at an umbrella display in a shop window; shots from inside the women's clothing store to the street and people outside reflected in the windows. 01:06:11 Leica factory, various shots, INTs, workers, microscopes, lenses. CU sign reads YMCA KAVARNA JIDELNA VCHOD PASAZI. CU sign reads PRAZSKA YMKA. Busy sidewalk in front of YMCA, several people enter. 140, 60 Stat. Damaged buildings. The two boys go to the U.S. Information Center. The pupils include Stella Goldschlag, who passed as Aryan during the war and reportedly betrayed Jews in hiding, and Trudi Goldschmidt (01:05:16 the blond girl with braids in profile view), the daughter of the school's founder, Dr. Leonore Goldschmidt. CUs of individual Jewish men praying. Soldiers stand around drinking as well. They are on their way to the United States, a large painted banner on the docks reads: "Welcome to the first DP Emigrants to the US, Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation" Refugees board the ship (the General Wm. Girls marching on country road, picking plums. MCU of four men at the hospital, the one with glasses is a German prisoner, who is being cared for by the Poles. MS, tracking shot, taken from the point of view of a streetcar making its way down an unidentified city street. 01:05:45 "Zur Jugendherbergs Ausstellung" sign. CU, students reading. Cranes at work, INT coal burning. 01:22:23:20 Location switches to Salzburg, Austria. The three men discuss the machine at some length, the footage is silent, and there is no record in Julien Bryan's shot lists that indicates why this action was shot, who these men are, and why they are watching this demonstration and discussion. SIMSA book. CU, shoulder patch of a Danish soldier. CUs of Jewish teens laughing and talking, in forest. VS of flags waving; military milling about the stadium. MS, architectural detail and supports of a building. CU, woman in window talking to someone below. She admires the fur collared coats from outside the shop with another woman. Visiting Auschwitz concentration camp, visitors walk under "Arbeit Macht Frei" iron gate. CU, statue of a rearing horse and a man holding the lead. **, A market scene: old peasant women sitting on the ground, selling their wares, a pushcart full of live geese passing by, VS of merchants and consumers at the open-air market in a cobblestoned square in Krakow, circa 1937. 01:03:23:28 CU of a set of identity papers being created for a young woman, and her fingerprints being imprinted on the back of the paper. People disembark the train in what seems to be a deserted field. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW 1939, but she taken over by the Royal Navy as the HMS Archer, later became the M.S. Woman selling nuts at market, smiling at camera, pigs, potatoes at market. 01:08:48 Airplanes, one says "Gustav Leffers", men cleaning EXT, wings. If you have already searched the Partner Sites, you have searched these collections. 01:14:55 Good shots of the digging in the mine, workers leaving the mine. City scenes, buildings, bus, Polish soldiers, nun. At the train station all the belongings are loaded into the railcars. The ship was turned over to WSA for duty in Army Transport Service, who rebuilt her to 12,521 gross tons. LS, amusements along river - children playing. 01:21:03 CU profile of Smigly-Rydz flanked by two Catholic officials, including Cardinal Hlond, whose antisemitic pronouncements at the time fueled longstanding anti-Jewish attitudes among Polish Catholics (see more of Hlond in RG-60.4016). 01:04:27 VS of dockworkers at the port of Linz (on the Danube River in Austria), loading and unloading other ships and barges with raw materials. Autobahn. . CU of a young girl with a dog in her arms, this is the same girl that was seen in Story 3982 on this tape - USHMM Film ID 3003. Associate producer Eugene Cenkalski VS of New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty. The International Film Foundation presents CU of a loaf of bread in a woman's hands. Traffic and pedestrians cross a bridge, Polish flags hang from the posts, homes in BG. 01:04:18 Laborers on dirt mound with pick axes and sledgehammers. 01:18:53 Julien Bryan footage resumes with shots of victims walking over the rubble of destroyed buildings in Warsaw, including a church and a hospital, cleaning up, etc. Children eating, playing in nursery, celebrating birthday party in yard. Storefront of a housewares store. Nazi soldiers parade through town. Military review. In the BG a large thatched-roof building is visible. CUs of Hitler Youth eating, uniforms. The rest of the trims feature older men of the town, wearing traditional dress (heavy coats with fur collars and some embroidered details), they stand around smoking and talking to each often staring intently at the camera. Bottom: "Die gelben Baenke sind fuer Jueden." Crowd of people stand around a building looking at news. 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