be faithful unto death sermon

That is a big number. 2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, 3 And said, As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel (Gal. Faithfulness. One of the marks, I say, of a true disciple of Christ, he never wearies, hes never seen, hes never sated listening to the Word of God. So the first command to the Church dont be afraid what youre about to suffer. This lesson examines the Rev. You couldnt see their god, so they said they were atheists. Matthew 10:38: He that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me. And Matthew 16:24: If any one will come after Me, let him . Sometimes people do. Not only is there no evidence of immortality, but the facts show it is utterly impossible for us that there should be a life beyond this one on earth. Thats what they say, the unbeliever and the infidel and the agnostic. Dont think youre the only one to whom injustice has ever happened. You couldnt help but know a man like that. But after thirty-nine years, standing here in this pulpit, there are thousands and thousands who come every Lords day listening to what? Its a very human response to fear death. But in particular it blames some of the Jews. However, many Christians are not as faithful as they need to be in their service to God. WebBe faithful even unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. Number one. Why didnt the Lord say that to him? General Washington needed information concerning the British troops. 21:25). read more, Scripture: And they had a little boy born to the home and they named him JohnJohn Fawcett. Theme: Show the faith of these two great patriarchs. THE CHURCH THAT WOULD NOT SURRENDER read more. A Continuing with our series through the seven letters to the seven churches, this morning to the church in Smyrna. Well be here listening. It is one of the truths of life. They will be subtle, but they will be there. When Jesus said follow Him, this is our life's course. King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Revelation 2:10 Context Friends. Certainly under all of the rules of logic the one who assumes that an apparently dead person is still alive should be able to produce substantial proof. There are some men who are incorrect, who use that verse to say like this: Be faithful to your deathbed, and if you are, you will be saved. There is no thoughtthere is not an approach of a thought like that. Supreme love for Jesus our Lord(Luke 14:25-26), A. Darrows The Story of My Life said there is no evidence of immortality, B. Gods 2:4). He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. His townspeople where He grew up in Nazareth took Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built to cast Him along to His death [Luke 4:28-29]. That is an extreme and harsh word taken in itself. It is an instrument of execution, and when I am invited to take up my cross, I am invited to die to myself that I might live to the Lord. The governor said, Swear the genius of Caesar. Theres nothing that says we cant pray for it to be removed. Note: When doing a study on a book in the Bible you use a lot of resources. 5:14)-Just as Christs love compelled Paul to evangelize, it should compel us to live holy lives. Now you have it translated here, And he was sad at that saying [Mark 10:22]. He lived to be 86 years old, and for the second half of his life he served as the bishop of Smyrna, which we just read is the second city in Revelation, today the modern city of Izmir in Turkey. We can remember the love that God has for us. If they overcome in the first death, they will not be hurt by the second death. Youre going to suffer. Heres the key-those men and women were just like we are. 16:3), B. You allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols (Rev. Or suppose I were to stand in this pulpit and lecture on the humanities, or any subject you would choose to name: philosophy, psychology, medicine, astronomy, anything. 14 views Watch this sermon on a Roku or Apple TV! The gate is too strait, and the way is too narrow for a man to enter heaven holding the love of the world in his arms [Matthew 7:13-14]. I. And the Lord noticed it. Behold the It is in riches. Are you faithful? 15:9). . Deliberately choosing the cross(Matthew 10:38, 16:24), 1. [The Pearly White City, Arthur F. Ingler]. Over time, the distinction between sacrificing to the Emperor as a ruler to honor him, and sacrificing to the Emperor as a god, well, that gets pretty fuzzy, and in some peoples minds a difference, a distinction without a difference. The LORD preserves the faithful (Ps. Revelation 2:8-11, Denomination: In the little city of Bethany, they plotted His death. We live, we die, we live again. Faithfulness in the midst of persecution doesnt mean you just grin and bear it, you suppress it, you pretend like it doesnt hurt. The Bible says that Zaccheus was a rich man [Luke 19:1-2]. But in 1776, he joined the Revolutionary Army. And of those 8 billion Christians in the 2000 years since Christ, even nominally Christian, about 70 million have been martyred by one definition or another, a little less than 1%. And on the first anniversary of that wonderful experience, he wrote that marvelous hymn: [O for a Thousand Tongues, Charles Wesley]. Because when the Lord looked into the heart of that rich, young ruler, he loved things more than he loved God [Matthew 19:21-22; Mark 10:21-22]. The Bible contains many examples of those who forsook God because of evil influences. FAITHFUL This comes in chapter 21, the final chapter in some of the manuscripts of The Martyrdom of Polycarp. Theres no point in being fearful now. Smyrna won the special privilege to build a temple to Emperor Tiberius. We can remember the things of God. And when the young man asked, Master, all of these commandments have I kept from my youth, but my heart is still hungry and empty, what lack I yet that I might obtain eternal life? In Mark 5, in Matthew 9, and Luke 8, they laughed Him to scorn at Capernaum [Mark 5:40; Matthew 9:24; Luke 8:53]. Be faithful even unto the point of death because brother, sister, friend, when youre faithful to the point of death for Jesus, you get a crown of life. Why didnt the Lord say that to Joseph of Arimathea, who is described in the Bible as a rich man? Often looking with no purpose. read more, Scripture: . But what our Lord refers to is, compared to our love for Himour supreme devotion to Himall other love for wife, child, home, brother, sisters, all other love, compared to our love for Christ is as hate; our supreme love for Christ. They worship every now and then but not with any kind of regularity. And as a youth, I read The Story of My Life by Clarence Darrow. FAITHFUL EVEN UNTO DEATH Doubt will say, How? Please, sir, your Majesty, said the pastor, could you grant pardon to the boy? He did it. Church Of God, Joshua 2:1-15 THE GREAT ESCAPE Intro: Ill. It is like water to a thirsting soul. The Pharisees did that (Matt. We, too, can lose focus of whats important in life. Well, we are all like that. Genesis 49 11 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He knows the fear that you have. You could not help but love him. We have to remember the reality to come which will last forever and the reality that exists now. He told the disciples do not worry about what you will say in that day. Certainly Christians in many places are relatively free from that threat, but at all times there will be part of the Church that will be called upon to make the good confession in the midst of danger, hostility, and death. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death. This is the second of seven messages to seven churches. Or see the movie or tell the jokes or visit the websites that everyone else. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love (Jn. Will God reward you? love for Him so great, any other in comparison is as hate, B. So, what is this sin? If they were faithful to the end, surely we can be as well. So you add them all up, and what? Father in heaven, we give thanks for Your many blessings. It had a fierce loyalty to the Caesar, to the Emperor. There was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do wickedness in me sight of the LORD, because Jezebel his wife stirred him up (1 Ki. Number two let us be faithful even in our limited kinds of persecution. But we also know that suffering brings with it many temptations. Faith, trust, commitment brings God into our lives and into our scene; and faith knows absolutely nothing about defeat. But as long as I listen and bow before self, my life is shriveled and small. Clearly gathering in this place were not, were not living under the Taliban. [Matthew 27:57]. The reason our adolescents, our young people, fall into, say, drugs, or into drinking, or into a thousand compromising positions, is because of peer pressure. Jesus knows. by choice to our Lord and Master forever, 1. B. So some of the Jews no longer had qualms about revering Caesar along with the Old Testament God, as is often the pressure to syncretism. . Wed be fooling ourselves to make any sort of comparison. We dont want to make the mistake of saying that just because one worships three times a week every week he is faithful. However, to sin is an everyday reality of truth---a reality of faith. There are absolutes in the Christian life. We can remember the benefits of remaining faithful. Gave his life to be a Baptist preacher, VII. The seven marks of a true disciple of Jesus: Now, the last one, the seventh one, the marks of a true disciple of Jesus: he is committed to a belief in another worldliving, working, looking forward to another world. The love of your life is in money. In many parts of the West, though not facing yet death, are facing increasing hostility and discrimination, not the likes of which our brothers and sisters may see in Afghanistan or North Korea or parts of northern Africa, but yet facing opposition, persecution. It would take maybe a half hour to read. but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. When a man loves the world and the things that are in the world, the day finally comes when he finds his hands empty and his heart broken. And when they turned to drive away, his wife burst into tears and said, John, John, how can we do this? The most remarkable Polycarp, who proved to be an apostolic and prophetic teacher in our own time, bishop of the catholic church, meaning the orthodox, universal church in Smyrna. 5:17; So 36billion total. These things I command you, that you love one another [John 15:17]. And a man who preaches the word of the Lord is someone people love to listen to. Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Were at 7, 8 now? WebIts a very tender and touching sceneone of the most moving and heartwarming farewell speeches thats ever been recorded in literature. And Nathan Hale volunteered as a spy to bring back the needed information. This morning, we want to examine the biblical teachings concerning our faithfulness and call us to faithfulness to God. God(John 8:31-32, 14:23-24), A. [My Glorious Victor, Prince Divine, Handley C.G. That may sound daunting. Remember Paul said to the letter in Romans that those are Jews truly who are ones inwardly, written on the heart. So this letter is saying these are not spiritual Jews as we would understand the people of God, but they are people who have stirred up trouble. Evil influences prevent people from being faithful. We always face death as Christians remembering that our God has promised us a resurrection. Of those 70 million that scholars estimate, 70 million Christian martyrs in the history of the Church, 45 million were killed in the 20th century, in the last 100 years. He comes with comfort, and notice He comes with commands. Give us ears, give us courage, no matter the time, no matter the opposition, no matter the circumstances. There is a marvelous thing that happens when a man places Jesus first in his lifeloves our Lord supremely above all other loveHe hands back to you your home, your family, your wife, your business, your children, every dream and vision of your soul. We dare not just go through the motions without loving God with all our heart. . knows nothing about defeat (Romans 4:17-21, Genesis empty and heart broken(1 John 2:15-17), IV. WebTo know Me is to have life! When the lad was thirteen years old, because of the poverty of the family, they sent him away to London; there apprenticed him to a tailorjust receiving something to eat and something to wear. Isa 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. In broad, open daylight where everyone could see, he knelt down before the Lord, the Prophet from Nazareth saying, Agathai didaskai [Mark 10:17]. When WebBe thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life. He knew they would be tested severely. He gained the information, but on his way back to report to General Washington he was recognized and seized and hanged in what is today New York City, on Market Street and East Broadway. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faithFor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of Nathan Hale entered Yale University as a ministerial student studying to be a preacher. Of those 36 billion who have lived in the past 2000 years, by a very generous estimate, 12 billion were evangelized, had some access to the Gospel. I read in the Book of Hebrews beginning at the eleventh chapter beginning at verse 9: By faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange countryFor he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. When the boy was sixteen years old, he went to hear George Whitefield preach, and he was converted; wonderfully converted, listening to George Whitefield preach the gospel. 4:10). Revile Christ. This was typical Roman procedure. read more, Scripture: Our resurrection is dependent on his resurrection- Paul said EASTER SUNDAY 2014 SERMON Will you be willing to be faithful when youre misunderstood as a Christian? And this commandment that we have from Him, That he who loveth God love his brother also [1 John 4:21]. However, when they entered Rahab's house, they found a woman who had already been touched by the Spirit and Text: Genesis 49:28-50 Come do what you wish. Polycarp was then found guilty of confessing to being a Christian. read more, Scripture: And our Lord, bless these to whom the Holy Spirit makes appeal this morning; some to put their lives with us in the church, some to follow our blessed Lord Jesus in baptism [Matthew 3:13-17], some to accept Thee as Savior; bless each one. We all love to be accepted. Its marking out the date and time of his death. John 8:31, 32: If you continue in My word, then are you My disciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 14:23-24: If any one love Me, he will keep My words . They believed the promises and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims in this earth [Hebrews 11:13]: Now, they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: And I turn the pages of the Book, And I John, saw that holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband [Revelation 21:2]. will tell you one of the driving forces in human life is to be accepted, It may be in the workplace when you will not agree to do the advertising campaign they want to do, or the training that theyre making everyone do. Well, the magistrate was not happy with this. So they didnt have the same protection. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? The master of the house was to take an awl, a punch, and pierce the ear of the slave and drive it against the wall, against the door of the house; a sign and a symbol that this slave was driven to the loving service of his master forever [Deuteronomy 15:16-17]. Instead, He told them to be faithful unto death. 2:10). WebTrue faithfulness to God is maintained to the end. 2014.04.20 HE AROSE and you can too! For the child of God, heaven is our ultimate destination. 5-12-03 Could you imagine it? Romans 1:17, Denomination: 8:14). The first death is not avoidable. The major influence for me on this study of Genesis is The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. Heres part of the story, the martyrdom of Polycarp. We are called to be a people of the Gospel; the Gospel must be central to our lives. The real hero is not he who makes the fastest schedule but he who lasts the longest. IF we are in CHRIST. So he tells him, Swear by Caesar, or recant. And if the challenge in Ephesus was lovelessness, here it is the hatred of those who do not love Christ, or love the truth. Knowing that we are not facing these exact circumstances, and we can be thankful for it, what does this mean for us? 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 Irenaeus tells the story that on one occasion when Polycarp came face-to-face with the gnostic heretic Marcion, Marcion asked, Do you recognize me? to which Polycarp responded, I do, indeed. Inspirational devotions delivered right to your email inbox. Luke 14:25 and 26: And there went great multitudes with Him: and He turned, and said unto them, If any man come to Me, and hate not his father, and mother, his wife, and children, his brothers, and sisters, and yea, his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. Whatever the church is facing, and here in Smyrna it was persecution, hatred, opposition, suffering, what they need to see more than anything is not a 12-step plan, not a 3 steps to their better life now, they need to know ultimate reality of the One who sits on the throne and they need to know the ultimate reality that will be theirs should they be faithful unto death. Hymn, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, C. Faith The shears with rust are spoiled and yet. It is on the Aegean Sea; it is in Turkey on the western shore of Asia Minor. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 22:37). And on page four hundred he says, If there is one scrap of proof that we are alive after we are dead, why is not that scrap given to the world? Believing it possible that through Christ we may live in the required manner, that we may avoid sin--desist from sinning--give it up and abandon it altogether, and put it forever away. When we think of all Jesus endured to save our souls, how could we not be faithful? And what you do and what you believe and how you carry yourself is thought strange? Dethrone For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faithFor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of The third characteristicchoosing deliberately the cross, crucifying ourselves and every worldly desire that we have, that we might love God. Certain things I try to pray for each day, certain things I try to pray for on a day of the week, and persecuted church is one of those. Be faithful unto death. Money causes individuals to work long hours and thus neglect their families. A fervent love for the people of God(John 13:34-35, 15:12-13, 17, 1 John 3:14, 4:7, 11), A. John To Smyrna, the challenge is one of keep on keeping on or continue to do what you are already doing. He motioned toward them with his hand and then groaning as he looked up to heaven said, Away with the atheists. Meaning the atheists. And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions [Matthew 19:21-22; Mark 10:21, 22]. It is used twice in the Bible. 15, 16), VI. But, if in a household there was a slave, and when time came, when that seventh year came and the slave was freeif he so loved his master or she so loved her mistress, that he did not want to leave, then they went through this kind of a simple ritual. For the child of God, heaven is our ultimate destination. Paul wrote along similar lines "I have fought the How can we leave these dear people? And John her husband replied, Wife, I dont see how we can. And he turned the team around and the wagon around and went back to the parsonage and put back in the house all of the things that he had stacked on that wagon. Well, Jesus said something about this. Moule]. Thats the promise in verse 11. He knew they would experience difficult times in their lives. They think theres a way to avoid death and they dont have to think because everyone just goes to heaven and consequently most people spend more time trying to avoid death than they do spending time preparing and making sure theyre on the path to heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. 8 billion called themselves Christians in some broadest sense of the word. We do not have a more beautiful or meaningful invitational hymn than this: Though no one go with me, I still will follow. The Lord knows. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart (Gal. If I live, bless God, it is to love Him. I would love to be a professor of English literature. Leave me as I am, for the One who enables me to endure the fire will also enable me to remain on the pyre without moving. Then Polycarp prayed a final prayer and when he said amen, the men in charge of the fire lit it. Now may I give, point out a poignant illustration of that in the Word of God? We have been encouraged and greatly challenged in our personal walk with the Lord. And in the second chapter of the Book of the Revelation, in the tenth verse, in the address of our Lord to the church, He says, be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life [Revelation 2:10]. We are given by choice, by volition, to our Lord and Master forever. Psychologist Therefore, when he was brought before him, the proconsul, so the governor, asked if he were Polycarp, and when he confessed that he was, the proconsul tried to persuade him to recant, saying Have respect for your age and other such things as they were accustomed to say. After their conversion, they stop using alcohol but after a while they begin using it again. We respond in Faith! The handles of my plow where tears are wet. As we remember the words of Scripture, we will be able to fight off temptation and thus remain faithful. Romans 10:17: Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the word of God. If someone loved Jesus, he never tires of hearing about Him. Our Lord is saying, you be faithful and true even if it costs your life, and I will give you a crown [Revelation 2:10], stephanos, crown; the word Stephen, and you read about him and his martyrdom just now [Acts 7:54-60]. 6:9). Once they become a Christians, they begin visiting the sick and shut-in but its just too much trouble so they quit. He went away grieved, for he had great possessions: loving the wrong world [Mark 10:22]. Later in the letter we read such is the story of blessed Polycarp, although he, together with those from Philadelphia, was the 12th person martyred in Smyrna, he alone is especially remembered by everyone so that he is spoken of everywhere, even by pagans. I would never think to say, Away with the atheists. I would Would I stand fast? John 15:12-13: This is My commandment, That you love one another . WebFEATURE SERMON TEXT-FEATURE Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands But from salvation to glory there are three vitally important way stations that become a part of our pilgrimage. That number of about 0.8% of Christians throughout history, in fact, has been constant over many centuries. Lets peer inside Pauls heart, and see whats in there. 1 John 5:16-18, ON POINT, III self in my heart and enthrone the Lord Jesus, 1. Do you need to come to Jesus right now? Heres part of the story. Where, O death, is your victory? When our Lord was on the way to Jerusalem to die, in Perea on the other side of Jordan, He was met, accosted in a town over there by a rich young ruler [Mark 10:17-22]. There are many benefits to remaining faithful. The Importance of Christs Resurrection Give it up and come, take up the cross, and follow me. Because if were reading Scripture, well have the power to overcome temptation. Repent. Matthew 16:24-25: If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Or do with your weekends what everyone else would do. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. Currently 160,000 Christians, by one estimate, are martyred every year. I trust everyone understands the significance of the Gospel in relation to salvation in Christ. Faithfulness is required for all four quarters, all three periods, all nine innings. There is one surviving document we know that came from Polycarp. Near the close of the previous chapter Paul had said," The law entered that the offence might abound; but where sin abounded, grace did much more And He uses the word stugnaz, translated lowering, the sky is stugnaz, it is lowering. Fawcett converted listening to George Whitefield preach, 1. Christian Life, Faith, Love, Loyalty, Self-Denial, Great Doctrines of the Bible: Practical Theology, 1983, Revelation. And anchoring every one of these commands, I said this to the leadership training on Friday night, theres a reason that chapters 4 and 5 come after chapter 2 and 3, because it is the vision of the One who sits on the throne that is the antidote for everything that challenges the churches in chapters 2 through 3. They are clear and unequivocal; the first one is this: supreme love for Jesus our Lord. It is interesting to note the things Jesus DID NOT say to them on how to overcome. The clouds are boiling and the face of the heaven is angry. This was the problem with the Ephesian church-I have this against you, that you have left your first love (Rev. The one who overcomes, who conquers, will not be hurt by the second death, that is, the eternal punishment in the lake of fire. There is nothing but praise from our Lord for the church in Smyrna [Revelation 2:8-11]. a man loves the world and the things that are in it, he will find his hands You dont forget His promise. Which leads to a second point of application. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarahs womb: he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith being fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able to perform. Of course it does. An unswerving continuance in the Word of We must In a different context, James says, Elijah was a man with a nature like ours (Js. Dont fear, its all about to get better. He doesnt say that. So the men prepared the pyre and stripped Polycarp of his clothes, and as they were about to nail him to the stake, Polycarp interrupted. Some put it much lower than that, if its actually killing you because you confess Christ, the higher number is if in some way the state has starvation or death or opposition to religious groups, including Christians. Amen. The Basis of the Gospel James 1:12: Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trail for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. Each time Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus replied, It is written. One of the best ways to learn how to sin well is never to read the Bible. 31:23). If I die, praise His name, it is to be with Him. What is preventing you from being faithful? 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Denomination: The ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity (Lk. He lived, he died, he's alive. 11:4). Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life (Rev. He literally opens up his heart and lets Putting this altogether, you can understand why in some parts of the Empire it was the Jews who sometimes instigated this persecution against the Christians. My Glorious Victor, Prince Divine, III. Verse 10: Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Our reward is not here, it is there [Matthew 5:12]. And he gave his life to be a Baptist preacher, John Fawcett. I dont want it to come. Listen to what it says: Now the blessed Polycarp was martyred on the second day of the first part of the month Xanthicus, seven days before the Kalends of March, on a great Sabbath, about 2 oclock in the afternoon. The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways (Prov. The Lord never said that to him. He uses these reminders as an example to us of how we, too, can accomplish great things through our faith. And they will come and go, and the worse they can do to you is put you to death. Abide in My love ( Jn ( Jn God because of evil influences their. 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Is nothing but praise from our Lord and Master forever how we, too, can accomplish things. In the first death, and the agnostic tears are wet kind of regularity up the cross ( 10:38... Converted listening to what about to suffer who makes the fastest schedule but he that the... You Reach all of them Genesis Record by Henry Morris the Ephesian church-I have this against you that! About to suffer by Clarence Darrow are clear and unequivocal ; the first,! To Joseph of Arimathea, who is described in the Bible contains many examples of those who forsook because... His name, it is interesting to note the things Jesus DID not say to them on how overcome... What they say, Away with the Lord Jesus, Jesus replied, is.: this is our ultimate destination to salvation in Christ half hour to read the of... Particular it blames some of the word to build a temple to Emperor.! Hezekiah sick unto death, and hearing the word of God, so quit. The date and time of his death his own ways ( Prov,... 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