once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma

Regina is a very powerful sorceress, with exceptional dark magic . She arrives there just as the Queen is in the midst of trying to kill Zelena, and uses her own heart to make the Queen stop. Although Lily insists she has moved on in life, Emma doesn't believe her and breaks into her house with Regina, where they discover she already knows the truth. Afterward, she sends the couple home, telling them to enjoy the time they have left before the curse comes. ("Beauty"), At the bar, Roni agrees to help Rogers store a box of evidence pertaining to the missing girl he never found. On the road, she hears from a Duke that King Stefan's daughter, Aurora, will soon be wed, which she reports to Maleficent. A stunned Regina finds Henry and attempts to force him to switch classes so that Mary Margaret will not be his teacher, but he flatly refuses and tells her that in the end, she will lose and the curse will be broken. Emma removes the bean from a pouch, but only to realize too late that Hook previously switched it with a decoy. As she counters them with magic, Snow White escapes with Red Riding Hood. She praises Gretel for her strong heart and even considers how she was like Gretel at her age. Emma refuses to listen and queues Mother Superior to attack Regina with fairy dust. She is blindfolded and the Blue Fairy readies the arrows that will fire and kill Regina, but the execution is halted by a remorseful Snow White. Rocinante Forced to play by the rules, Regina then declares she is backing Sidney for the sheriff election. To procure the item, Regina summons a mermaid, Ariel, from the ocean. Arriving at the mayoral office, Regina brings a box of frosted chocolate donuts as Henry is studying the book. As he moves to light the explosive, Regina magically makes it disappear. Regina sobbed wetly into Emma's shoulder. Regina vows to Zelena that they will always be sisters no matter what and that she will find her again, but Cora ensures this never happens, by having both girls take a potion to forget each other. She tells Zelena about Hyde, but instead of letting the redhead help, she asks her to stay home. While Snow White is trying to rally villagers into fighting alongside her to regain the throne, Regina makes a surprise appearance, sending all the peasants fleeing. She then finds out there is a new teacher at her school. Upon Cruella's flirtations towards Henry rejected by him, she engages him in a duel, which she promptly loses. She denies responsibility for the new curse as being without her son is torture. Regina listens to Kathryn's grief over David's decision to leave her. Before she can bring up the weakness in question, he magically constricts her throat, warning her to never speak of it again as she has no idea of his current capabilities. If he could get close enough, she would become his safety blanket. After Regina exits the ice cream truck, Robin catches up and confronts her about why she's avoiding him. As the final nail in the coffin, Regina phones Emma, pretending to reform her ways, and sets up a meeting with her where they discuss Henry's well-being. Emma is a young criminal who has just got arrested for theft and possession of drugs. At the clock tower, the heroes discover Mr. Gold has tethered Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal, in an effort to wake a cursed Belle. Storming into Rumplestiltskin's castle, she realizes the commoners will never love her and vows to punish them all. Weaver continues feigning ignorance and eventually goes to leave, to which Roni wonders if he is keeping his cover because of the Guardian and tells him to consider that Belle wouldn't want this for him. Upset about what Cruella and Ursula said, she wonders if a happy ending is possible after her past actions. In a group, they manifest in the land of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip where Regina mentions in passing that her old palace is still standing due to a preservation spell. Eventually, Snow convinces Ruby to attempt true love's kiss on Dorothy, knowing she has feelings for the girl. Emma's response causes a frustrated outburst from Regina, though she quickly apologizes. ("Pretty in Blue"), After arriving in San Francisco, Roni looks over a vial of liquid that she intends to use on Kelly, the cursed persona of her sister Zelena, in order to restore her true memories. This appears to strike a nerve in Weaver, though he manages to turn around with a neutral face and ask her who Belle is. Mary Margaret does not buy it and forgives Regina for all she has done to her. In turn, Greg informs her that he and Tamara are doing the exact opposite by destroying magic. HumanCecaelia (briefly)Rat (briefly) Biographical Information The head nun clarifies the Sorcerer and Author are two different people, and although the Author could help, he hasn't been sighted for a long time. Regina slips away on her own, but not before leaving a note for Emma, telling her to do what needs to be done, but that she herself can't leave until she talks to Robin. Regina tries to overpower them with magic, though the bracelet, altered to absorb her powers, prevents this. Later, in Regina's castle, she spies on the Blind Witch through her mirror, seeing Hansel and Gretel outsmart the woman by locking her in her own furnace. Emma was a princess and she loved and hated it. ("Hat Trick"), At one unnamed village, the Queen massacres everyone in it, and while everything is ablaze in flames, she walks by and notices a lone survivor, a young boy. She further discovers Maid Marian's early death in this realm was the reason he never changed his selfish ways. As the two attempt to narrow down who it could be, they hear a noise at the door and go to investigate, only to find the Evil Queen on the other side. ("The Girl in the Tower"), As Jacinda is outside the bar taking a call from Lucy's babysitter, who'll be watching her daughter for the evening while she is dining out with Sabine, Roni gives Lucy a glass of cocoa out of sympathy as she knows the girl is sad over keeping her mom and Henry apart. Once upon a time | killian jones | fanfiction romance short stories ouat once upon a time fanfiction captain swan hook emma. ("Our Decay"), In the library, Regina works on creating a spell to unlock Hades' seal on the elevator entrance. Birthdate: Once Victoria is gone, Roni takes a look at her bar and smiles. Regina, don't like don't read (now with added WickedSwan). At midnight, as Victoria waits for Roni to sign the bar over to her, Roni decides that she will not go through with the deal, having been inspired by Jacinda's attempts to stand up to Victoria. Inside, they break open a freezer and uncover a newspaper clipping of when Pinocchio found Emma, as a baby, on the side of the road; proving the Snow Queen has been watching the savior from the start. They fall in love, but the relationship remains secret since Cora has high expectations for her. The day of the candidate speeches, Emma surprises everyone by indicting Mr. Gold as the fire-starter culprit to the townspeople and stepping out of the election running. The trio searches for the book on the shelves, but it is missing and in the empty slot is a map leading to the dagger. ("Broken Heart"), Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, Regina goes with Robin to search for and take down Hook, while everyone else splits up from them to cover more ground. After he gives her Samdi's card, Roni discusses this with Kelly as both of them realize the man is Dr. Facilier. Though she has only refrained from magic for two days, she is struggling to not use it. Facilier | Baron Samdi, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Dr. At the diner, she enjoys pancakes when Sheriff Graham stops by to set up a nighttime rendezvous with her. ("That Still Small Voice"), At the party celebrating David's return home, Regina finds an upset Kathryn hiding out in the kitchen. On her home estate, Regina gives a riding demonstration to her father, who praises her riding skills, while Cora openly criticizes her for not using a saddle and the fact she is still unmarried. Zelena tries to find the feather from Robin's arrow that Roland gave her to give to Regina, but it is lost. ("Labor of Love"), Regina, impatiently waiting for more magic lessons from Rumplestiltskin, watches Snow White become an excellent horse rider and earn many medals, as her desire for revenge against the girl grows. After Emma defeats Gideon, the others are shocked by Robin's appearance, with Regina and Emma briefly explaining where he came from. She is surprised and elated for Emma after learning she and Hook are now engaged and gives her a congratulatory hug. Tinker Bell weighs the risk as not worthy unless they have a way to leave Neverland and she takes off for her tree house. She insists the rattle should be returned to the Queen because the gift came with a price, but Zelena refuses. She mentions that all of Weaver's past partners have mysteriously disappeared, and asks him to consider just how badly he wants this detective job. After Regina heals her sister's injury, Zelena thanks her for saving her and expresses regrets about not being the one to reach out to apologize to her. However, the Queen is one step ahead of Regina, as she already switched out Regina's mirror with a fake, allowing her to imprison both women inside the actual mirror. Craving company, Regina invites Owen and Kurt for dinner. Lily drives off in Emma's car, though the two women manage to stop her. They attempt to reclaim Robin's daughter from Zelena and Hades from town hall, but they find the building protected with Zelena's magic. Tinker Bell refutes these claims by recalling how Regina threw away her second chance at love and tries to make her see that it's still not too late to find the man with the lion tattoo if she is open to the possibility of happiness. As for the heroes, Merlin requests that they work to get Excalibur from Arthur. This is my first fanfic! Noticing the name "Rumplestiltskin" is fading from the dagger, Cora realizes Mr. Gold is actually dying and she decides to kill him and steal his powers in order to become the next Dark One. All other rights go to ABC's Once Upon a Time. She and Emma have a stake-out in a car, and upon seeing a shadow in the mayoral office, they burst in, but the person disappears in green smoke. With Edmond now employed as Snow and Charming's new wine steward, the Queen gives him a vial of poison from Agrabahn Vipers to murder the couple. I will add relationship tags as I go. During a chat, Regina asks Snow how she survived in the Enchanted Forest after losing everything, and Snow recalls keeping hope alive because Regina as the Evil Queen taught her that having hope is a choice. Emma walked over to the main house and rang the bell. She claims that he broke their deal since they both agreed that something tragic would happen to Kathryn. ("Fall"), Under the curse, Regina does not recall locking herself in the vault. Liam finds the book, with the pages from Hades' story torn out, and he suggests sweeping the mansion until the fallen pages are found. When they reach the shoreline of Neverland, Emma gives everyone a pep talk by admitting the best thing is to not believe in magic, but in each other. She and Emma combine powers to take out Hyde, but their magic has no effect on him. Edmond walks in on her winning the duel, in which she gleefully stabs and kills the knight. It starts out after they managed to locate Peter Pan. She sheepishly turns off an alarm clock, which woke him up earlier, before handing over clothes for him to change into. Regina takes the wand back to her vault to create a locator spell to find the other half but goes to get a missing spell ingredient from the pawnshop, where she sees Belle babysitting baby Robin. Regina encourages Kathryn to be with David, drawing from the experience of her own previous love and how she lost him because of an unwillingness to fight for love. From this, she recalls the power of the Dark Curse and what it can do. Out of his hearing range, Tinker Bell insists she must learn from her past mistake of not being open to love, which is the reason her life turned out the way it did. After Archie has gone into the mines, Regina tests her theory by threatening to detonate the mines and kill the cricket unless Mary Margaret confesses to being "awake". Later in the day, Hook frees Zelena so she can use the wand, but when she escapes, he is forced to tell Regina the truth. ("Ariel"), At some point, the Queen acquires a poisoned apple, which the Blind Witch later steals from her. 50 Chapters of unrelated Porn Drabbles; and Random/Multiple Pairings. But the women's troubled relationship and tie through Henry means Emma has stayed around. Regina, clearly hungover, tells them what happened last night, and although the couple are anxious to know Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula's motives, she asks for more time. On return to her castle, Regina takes out her old engagement ring, swearing that she'll avenge Daniel's death. Seeing his shocked reaction, she implores that this is the only way they can be a family without everyone's meddling. At the mayor's office, Regina presents this plan to the townsfolk by telling them of a time during the first Dark Curse when Snow and David chose to sacrifice their own happiness for everyone's sake, and this time, she hopes they can return the favor. She and Robin have a good time together, but Percival cuts in, asking for his turn to dance with the savior. That family is the Mills family. Her father consoles her with the possibility that she can leave revenge and hatred behind and the two of them can start over as a family. Ultimate Comics Wolverine: Legacies Paperback, Lana Parrilla Talks About The Hit ABC Series "Once Upon A Time", Cars & TV Evil Drives a Mercedes Automotive Views, Once Upon a Time - Regina / Ursula Hero Knife (0338), Once Upon A Time How much fun is it to dress up in those amazing costumes? Henry comes over to converse with her and is pleased to know she stopped using magic and is helping others. Pets: After locking a box away in a drawer, Cora leaves the room, promising to see her daughter at dinner later. The three men eventually step aside to let her see that they changed the lettering on the door from "Mayor's Office" to "Regina Mills Queen". (Injured Regina; Caring Emma) AU. Regina then leaves him to his indecisiveness. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. This is about Emma and Regina as teens at school but regina bully's Emma even though Emma still loves her no matter what. Could Regina save Emma's life with true loves kiss? She says killing his grandparents was a mistake and tries to convince him that Rumplestiltskin is only using him for his own gain. Roni tells him about Ivy and the mystery person she left with, whom Weaver suspects is Samdi before questioning when she was going to tell him that the man is after his dagger. What will happen? Lana Parrilla (adult)Ava Acres (young) Once upon a time is a television show with a massive and very devoted fan base. This is a WickedSwan story. Recalling the same thing happened the first time she tried leaving Storybrooke, Emma considers fate is trying to tell her something. From inside the house, Regina listens as Henry announces his intentions of coming back every day until she opens the door. At the mayor's office, Regina confronts the Queen, who tries to win over her with a toast in honor of both of them. Before the trio finish her off, the Snow Queen retreats. Before Regina departs with Henry, Emma cautions that there's a problem in town that only a savior can fix. Emma defends her decision, arguing that she did it with good reason, to which Regina compares her to Cora, who said the same thing to her long ago. She temporarily hands over Henry to Mary Margaret, and is shocked when her baby stops crying while the schoolteacher is holding him. Regina snaps at her; causing the latter to drop the subject. Completed. A hopeful Regina asks if she would consider being a family with the Queen again, to which Snow White affirms she would if the Queen was sincere about changing. In the midst of the fight, no one notices Mary Margaret slip away to the vault. Pushed to her limit, Emma reveals it was the only way to free Merlin. She and the pack find her at Lake Onondaga in the company of the Huntsman and Red Riding Hood. An incited Zelena argues that while Regina may see life as fair, she herself still sees only one sister getting all the toys in the box. He throws his sword at her, with Regina freezing it in time, but after she picks up the weapon, he is gone. Regina persuades Emma to remain hopeful of finding a third way to finish the final battle since the two known options, whether killing Gideon and darkening her own soul or allowing Gideon to kill her and eradicating all light magic, will not end well either way. He, however, doesn't seem to recall anything relating to the curse. "Yes. Kathryn becomes furious that a "friend" like Regina has been lying to her this whole time and storms out to confront Mary Margaret. Regina confronts Emma when she sees her talking to Henry, and then asks about the memory wipe. The Evil Queen] OC - Chapters: 22 - Words: 66,545 - Reviews: 378 - Favs: 814 - Follows: 828 - Updated: Feb 17, 2015 . Following another tryst, Regina heads to the apartment in a rush since learning via phone that Henry was injured by Emma's magic. Robin notices the town looks the same as Storybrooke, except the top of the clock tower is in ruins on the street. The pair is saved by Rumplestiltskin, only to become his prisoners, because of the Dark One's desire to punish Regina for the Queen causing Belle's death. He needed her company. Later on, she discovers Snow White is still alive and attempting to cross a bridge, so she has the trolls attack her. Thank you! I never had the chance to say this to you, but your smile is the most exquisite thing I've ever seen. August finally reveals there is a storybook page illustrating a door that the Author is trapped in. / Oneshot. On another day, Regina discovers David has left his wife and bluntly tells Mary Margaret at the diner to stay out of the marriage as she will only destroy many lives. She uses magic to disguise her pregnancy from Leopold. After Zelena returns home, Regina forbids her from seeing Hades again, but Zelena believes she can change him into a better person, like Regina did with Robin. Emma declines the invitation, but Regina and Snow lure her there by calling in about a fake fight at the pub. This is not something Regina is looking forward to, and as she moves to give her mother a shove into the mirror, Cora freezes her in place. During the next few nights, Regina writes in her diary that she had found love again outside of her loveless marriage, which is nothing more than a ploy to anger King Leopold and force the Genie into rescuing her. She ushers Henry home while cautioning Emma to mind her own business while Graham looks for John Doe. Robin insists helping a friend and settling an example of heroism is important, much to Zelena's disdain. After imparting similar wisdom to Zelena, Cora prepares to move on from the Underworld, and she asks her daughters to always hold on to each other. Regina prepares to attack her in retaliation, but the fairy hurls her into a wall, knocking her out. From Hook's previous run-in with Emma, in which she told him that he is the reason for her plans, he comes to believe Emma has something bigger at stake rather than her desire to snuff out the light. Emma pegs their chances of escaping aren't very good if they don't even know the way out. GALLERY, Evil Queen Unknown to her, Emma catches Graham jumping out of the house window and realizes what is going on. She is not able to get the hat to work, though it activates by Emma's touch. Species: He pleads for the necessity of the magic in her vault as a defense, but she is has no concerns about Pan ever getting out of the box. With Regina in the dark about Hook's recent return, Emma makes Killian wait outside while she goes in to break the news. Once again the oddball out, she says nothing during the entire spectacle until Mary Margaret brings to everyone's attention that it was because of Regina's helpful efforts which allowed them to return home. Only then, Regina crones out an ominous refrain, revealing they've fallen into her trap and their power will end once the spell is broken, before she opens the green box to absorb their musical voices. Grumpily, Regina makes up lies about the man, but Tinker Bell realizes she was too scared to meet the man. Henry is thankful for her support, and later, receives acceptance letters from all the colleges he applied to. Now unconscious, Regina is moved by David and Mary Margaret to their apartment where Mother Superior magically heals her. As Regina cries over Robin's body, Zelena returns, with Hades lying about defending himself against Robin after he wanted to kill Zelena. Then, Mr. Gold secures the box in his pawnshop so Pan can never be freed. After Henry is gone, Roni warns her to stay away from her son, but Ivy instead mocks her for sounding very "Evil Queen" and recalls how much it must've hurt her to have to drive a wedge between Jacinda and Henry during the other night. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), When one of the nuns is affected by Mr. Gold's aging spell, Regina goes to Zelena's farmhouse to look for magic that might help reverse the enchantment. To the public, she gives her last testament by voicing her she regrets in not causing more pain and misery. After Kelly is pushed out of Hyperion Heights by Victoria Belfrey and moves to San Francisco, Roni renames the pub to "Roni's", puts the old pub sign in storage, and refurnishes some of the bar's aesthetics. Later on, as she heads for her car, Emma gives her a gun for protection. Suddenly, she is startled by chiming of the clock tower, which signals time is moving forward, leading her to discover Emma did not leave town last night. 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