olympians react to god of war fanfiction

Upset by this very fact, the gods became enraged with Kratos defiance and Zeus began to fear for his life. But don't worry he is still very much terrible. The Olympians faced betrayals not just from their own children, but from their fellow gods. Supposedly Greek Gods and Goddesses simply vanish and cease to exist if they are killed. Izuku said but more mad "South" said Kota but more determined. But my foolish act of compassion would haunt the Titans forever. #kacchan This is the question that they find themselves facing, as unfamiliar challenges arise, and their certainty starts to crumble. The rest of theGods left unscathed by Kratos' genocidal rampage (i.e. He is alone. Though legends of the Ghost of Sparta's deeds against the gods of his homeland such as traveling back in time to win a battle once lost strained credulity in his opinion. He also discovered his path to redemption through continual service to Olympus. Only the bravest hero shall solve its puzzles and survive its dangers. After Zeus' betrayal, Kratos allies with the Titans in the hopes of obtaining revenge against Zeus, declaring war on the rest of Olympus as well. The increased vulnerability could also be due to the fact that Kratos possessed the Blade of Olympus, which could have rendered Poseidon's regenerative abilities useless in its presence. Heimdall is an emotional support who would have thought? Alarmed by the realization that Kratos was searching for Pandora herself, he sent Kratos on a suicide mission to find the Omphalos Stone in the hopes that Cronos would kill him. The Sisters told Zeus that Kratos was the son destined to overthrow him but that Zeus would be the victor in the end. These are all the gods and goddesses who appear and/or are mentioned in the God of War series: God of War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I can change it for you if you like. But yet, he was still his father, and Atreus wouldn't ever leave his side, different or no, whether this father cared about him or no, because the boy cared for him, cared that he was hurting. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Cronos, attempting to crush Kratos to death. He is lost. Victorious from their battle with Poseidon, Kratos and Gaia reached Zeus, who then summoned a lightning bolt to blast them off the mountain, resulting in Kratos falling into the Underworld. After nailing the Aesir god to a wall with Draupnir, he allowed Heimdall to wallow in defeat. Most videos involve the Stark and Baratheon/Lannister households from the first book before things got bloody, but over time various other characters have gotten involved, from Oberyn to Pycelle to Baelish to Olenna to Ygritte. Overlooking the battle, Zeus saw the Titans and Gods were evenly matched. They created an illusion of a massive whirlpool, with Alecto transforming into Caribdis the sea monster. But the journey isn't easy, being flung back and forth between what is and what used to be by his own powers against his will, and learning more about his father and his past than he could've ever fathomed. Hi, you might want to change the flair to 'Recs Wanted'? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". With your father? Thor asked slowly.Yes?So you never got adopted onto the royal family? The King of the Gods thus decided to have Poseidon enter the fray. As Kratos' brother Deimos had been born with a strange birthmark, Zeus ordered Ares and Athena to abduct Deimos and bring him to Thanatos, the God of Death. Kratos, once again opened Pandora's Box, hoping to use its power against Zeus, but was disappointed and shocked to learn that nothing was inside the box, while the King of Gods laughed at his son's failure. The oath keeper revealed that he is the son of Ares and Alecto. But the journey isn't easy, being flung back and forth between what is and what used to be by his own powers against his will, and learning more about his father and his past than he could've ever fathomed. Enraged by the mortal's defiance, Ares drew his blade with the intention of killing the young Kratos, but Athena intervened, telling Ares that they had what they came for before apologizing to Kratos and departing back to the Heavens. While able to sustain great levels of damage, some Gods have been shown to die by injuries fatal to mortals. Also noteworthy is the fact that when a God dies, a catastrophic event occurs like an explosion or a devastating occurrence that is sometimes called a plague. Percy smirked before saying; "Common sense. Kratos traveled to the Harbor of Kirra where he encountered Orkos again. (Through Thruds POV): The Thor family (besides Thor), escapes Asgard, and is in search for a new home. This is Runa's story, before the book 'Love is Blind'; a Prequel if you can call it. After the long Journey to spread his mothers ashes, Atreus thought his father would be different, but it doesn't seem like anything had changed. Knowing that he would never be free from his sins, Kratos attempted suicide by jumping from the peak of the highest mountain in Greece, until he was saved by Athena and granted Ares' now empty throne on Olympus. She feels those words ringing in her head, again and again with the same angry male voice. The Titans, led by Kratos, climbed towards the Olympians in hopes of destroying them. Over time, the Titans evolved from the island itself, becoming the source of all nature and magic. The souls of the River Styx then attacked Hades, tearing a hole in his abdomen and leaving his corpse to rot underwater. Soon Percy gained the advantage when Annabeth managed to bring back Luke's conscience due to her pleas throughout the fight and being injured by his hands. After all, who better than him to provide information about the former queen?Atreus goes to Asgard with a new goal in mind.There he can gain the power he needs, thanks to Heimdall's reluctant training.But for how long will Atreus manage to keep his heart in the right place? Helios, Eos, and Selene are other important Olympians and goddesses which are sometimes included in a group of twelve. What if your world could be changed forever? There will be smut though, eventually.). Ignoring her plea, Kratos entered the temple and killed everyone inside, including his wife and child. Loki: god of chaos, advisor to the All-Father, traitor to the Jtnar. After being informed of a prophecy by Gaia, which foretold that theson of Metis would overthrow Olympus, Zeus turned Metis into a fly and swallowed her whole. Kratos next encountered Hera and her step-son Hercules (Kratos' half-brother). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tisiphone joined Alecto as Kratos advanced on the remaining Furies. He is alone. Kratos comes to face with the pain he etched into the hearts of many, including himself. From Chaos came the Island of Creation and together with the Island, the Sisters of Fate were born as some of the first creatures of the world. Despite receiving her father's blessing, Clarisse was no match of for the man responsible for the defeat of several of the most powerful of titans. Ares was ridiculously easy to beat, being downed in 3.5 seconds, and yes the Titan of Time counted how long it would take Ares to fail. Ragnarok has ended and Atreus has left to find the Giants. Kratos pledging his unending servitude to the God of War. A slow-burn that takes place mostly during the small, quiet moments where meaningful connections are made. Fullmetal Alchemist- There is an ongoing set of snippets covering their watching of Fullmetal Alchemist - currently up to episode 18. The battle was fast paced and furious; the two were evenly matched much to Kronos' chagrin. But again, Kratos sees through it. After the long Journey to spread his mothers ashes, Atreus thought his father would be different, but it doesn't seem like anything had changed. When Kratos found Helios, the gravely injured God appealed to Kratos to save him in exchange for any favor the Ghost of Sparta wanted, Kratos demanded to know the location of the Flame of Olympus, but Helios taunted him for his adamant desire to kill Zeus. Kratos struggling in his fight against Hercules. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. #izuocha Even so, Atreus knows his bond with his father will be forged to even greater strengths because of what they'll go through together; past, present, and future. In 2016 on planet Earth, the humans attempt to get rid of Godzilla (called Gojira here) with a new weapon called the De-Atomizer. But he is the son of a god of war. The guys had their jaws dropped as soon as they looked at him many were jealous while others were shouting how manly he looks (guess who) Izuku: "wait is Kota my son or something"Watcher: "Yes"Kota was so happy and he called Izuku papa and that made him blush a little Kota grabbed his knife then grabbed a bow and arrow and went outside "what are we hunting" he said "You are hunting deer" Izuku said, "Which way" "you tell me" Izuku said while looking around the environment "South?" After a perilous journey, Kratos uses the Amulet of Uroborus to fully restore the statue and retrieve the Eyes from the Lantern. Kratos does not want to kill Heimdall, but he will not let the Aesir god hurt his son.Freya knows someone who can help them, even if this person's methods are questionable. Athena also placed the essence of Hope inside the box, as a means to counteract the Evils in the event that the box was ever opened. "His actions, drive and ideology, to have peace across all the Realms led to everyone respecting him, even the . As the new god of war, Kratos was far more ruthless than Ares ever was. Reigning over the Titans, the mighty Cronos learned from Gaia that one day he would be overthrown by his own children. Using the Eyes, Kratos broke through the Furies' illusions and forced Alecto back into her human form. olympians react to god of war fanfiction. After a battle against the massive Titan, Cronos swallowed Kratos, who proceeded to break free using the Blade of Olympus, spilling his intestines in the process. It sounds so familiar though, as if she knows who its coming from, as if shes known them for a lifetime. Ares! The Oracle was captured by Pollux and Castor, and Kratos took the Amulet of Uroborus from them after he killed them. It's not always just Jaune. i think react fics should do youtube videos and movies. through unknown means were apparently either killed by the Titans or perished in the ensuing Chaos.[1]. old decca records. As he recalls their stories, he can't help but wonder who he's supposed to be. Kratos from the memories that haunted him. The Barbarians, steeling themselves to fight the Spartans. "Your mother's knife, it belongs to you now" the voice said to Kota Tsu: "ok can they show who he is already"Kirishima and Tetsutetsu: "IT SOUNDS SO MANLY" while they were crying manly tears Everyone sweat droppedKota went to the knife and picked it up "what for" he was confused "A test, she taught you to hunt yes?" This temple was erected in honor of and at the command of the mighty Lord Zeus. Kratos and Freya have set out, together, to rebuild the realms. The war would completely reshape the landscape of the mortal world into its current shape. Athena tried to prevent Kratos from further destroying any more cities, warning him that the wrath of Olympus would soon present Kratos with the consequence of his actions. After all, who better than him to provide information about the former queen?Atreus goes to Asgard with a new goal in mind.There he can gain the power he needs, thanks to Heimdall's reluctant training.But for how long will Atreus manage to keep his heart in the right place? Elvi isn't super confident or skilled at anything particular, other than being kind. All others shall meet their doom. He did, however, and after Hera goaded him even more, calling Pandora a "little whore", he snapped her neck. Gods from other pantheons do exist in God of War universe, notably of the. The year before the war actually started, Ares and his children, both immortal and mortal, betrayed Olympus. Later on there were 12 true Olympians, which included: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus and Hestia, who later gave up her throne for Dionysus. He then enchained Atlas to uphold the world on his shoulders, where the mighty Titan claimed the two would meet again. Zeus, realizing the danger they posed if left free, commissioned Hephaestus to construct a vessel to contain them -Pandora's Box- which would be placed within the Flame of Olympus to ensure that no one could ever release the Evils within. Like characters from another series react to a series. Kratos returned to his home in Sparta, where he was met by Orkos. "RAWR that dull hammer doesn't scare me" the boy said "oh no" he said but in a girlish voice and he was laughing having a good time. As a result of his death, the sea levels rose dramatically and massive waves ravaged the world, engulfing all but the highest mountain tops. In an attempt to gain their favor, Cronos gifted the Sisters with the Steeds of Time. The weaker gods, like Ceryx, however, die without any major consequences, as do Hephaestus, Ares and Athena (the latter two of whom after their death only release a large explosion). Their struggle to overcome the various challenges is compelling, with the different characters switching out with each other to play intermittently, and their reactions to the horror of the games is engaging. He then pursued the Fury through the prison. You were raised by your father Laufey then, in Jtunheim?Now Loki seemed to be lost for words, trying to comprehend what Thor just said.No? Kratos and Freya have set out, together, to rebuild the realms. "You must think, do simply react, be calm and plan" Izuku saidAll might: "that is some good wisdom my boy" he said while patting Izuku on the backIzuku: "thanks all might" he smiled Todoroki: "my boy" he mumbled while writing something on his journal"It's just that, I'm not really used to hunting" Kota said. I've also find most reactions fic is pretty lazy and uninspiring because it's pretty much almost the same just with different materials and also the character OOC-ness pretty much put me off with most of them. Most importantly, what if there was no going back? How and when a deity can continue his existence through this way is still unclear. The Second Titanomachy (Second Titan War) had ended, with victory going to the Olympians yet the price of victory was higher than any the Olympians had or were willing to pay. With this, Ares' plan was complete: Kratos had become the perfect warrior, killed Zeus and destroyed the rule of Olympus. nexus 7000 xbar module shekinah jo instagram. In fact he is so strong he went toe-to-to. But upon entering the chamber, the Furies project another illusion, this time of Kratos' home in Sparta. "There it is" Kota started to aim his bow "Hold" Izuku said but Kota shot his arrow but missed his shot, Kota grunted but Izuku was pissed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, know it's guard is up" Izuku said while taking Kota's bow awayKota was scared to see this version of deku because he wasn't the nice one but calmed down a little when deku hugged him with a calm smileIzuku calmed downed a bit, "only fire when I tell you to fire" "I'm sorry" Kota said while looking down "Do not be sorry be better" Izuku saidAizawa got his phone out to record the lineDenki: "uh what are you doing"Aizawa: "I'm going to use that phrase and use it against all of you" he said while smirking The class was now scared but they looked back at the screen"Find it" Izuku said, Kota tried to get his bow back but Izuku pulled it away "Find. Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series or its related works, Rick Riordan does. In addition to being immortal, the Olympians also possess a wide variety of seemingly godlike abilities. Helios, however, became the god of the sun and light and was accepted in the Greek pantheon. Numerous demigods, those who felt betrayed and abandoned their godly parents and those who remained loyal, had died in the battle. The Fury Queen coldly tells him that the truth would only bring him pain before he plunges his blades into her chest. Kratos learns to write so he can send letters to his son. It was because of Persephone that Atlas was released from his torture, for she wanted nothing more than to be free of her miserable existence. We are not brothers were you come from?No?Thor made a sad noise. (The only one who could see the name is watcher) Watcher: "First of all I am going to give tissues to Kirishima and Tetsutetsu" The white-hot ashes affixed to Kratos' made him known as the "Ghost of Sparta". After returning to Asgard, he is ashamed and refuses to be seen. It's assumed that most of the Olympians in the God of War series possess some combination of the following: Some gods have specific powers that correlate to their Godly roles, as Zeus possesses projection and can conjure lightning, Poseidon can conjure and manipulate the element of water, and Hades possessing soul manipulation. The murder of his family was meant to be one of three "tests" that would bind Kratos to Ares's will. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX. After killing off the major Gods of the Greek Pantheon and bringing about the destruction of Greece, Kratos dies and finds some measure of peace or so he thought. "Ahh" he yelled the deer saw both Kota and Izuku and he ran away "found it" Kota said but running much faster "slow down boy" Izuku said while walking to KotaIzuku: "Why do I call Kota boy" Watcher: "you do call him by his real name but you call him boy for most of the time""Sorry" Kota said but he ran much slower. Atreus knows not what to do when faced with the reality that he'd somehow managed to place himself in his father's homeland, far before his father's path intercrossed with his mother's, and far before the melody of his own life began. Kratos allowed Heimdall to live. A lost epic, Titanomachia - attributed to the legendary blind Thracian bard Thamyris - was not mentioned in passing in an essay 'Music on Music' that was once attributed to Plutarch. Being one of the 12 Olympians and strongest. (This is probably going to be a slow burn. Olympian Throne Room, "-ke Annabeth" Mr.D said before realizing where he is "Huh?" "Oof!" "Hey watch the face!" "Oi oi watch where you put that hand" "What?" A lot of voice was heard when the bright light subsided Zeus, who was in a mood, when is he not, was about to shout at them for appearing suddenly but was beaten by Poseidon Fanfic Trivia Create New The God of Destruction comes to Remnant by DragonKingDragneel25 is a crossover between RWBY, Godzilla, Jurassic World, and The Land Before Time. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Alternate Universe - Norse Religion & Lore. In the third mural, three men were walking towards a star in the sky, alluding the journey of the Three Wise Men towards the birth of Christ guided by the Star of Bethlehem. Greeks of good age knew of poetry about the war between the Gods and Titans. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. The gods appeared before the architect, Pathos Verdes III, tasking him with the construction of a temple to house Pandora's Box. A year after Fimbulwinter has started, Atreus thinks about the amazing people he's met. The color that seems to represent the gods of Olympus is. The goddess should fear his fury, his revenge. I don't think it's to avoid copyright, People probably just keeps seeing this Jaune thing that it became a tradition, But in my opinion i don't like characters getting replaced by rwby characters cause it kinda ruins it for me. There is a reactions fic where instead of just "react and then move on to the next books/movies" that I recommended. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13398640/1/The-RWBY-Casts-Watches-the-Multiverse, Lazy Beacon Days: Reading Boldores and Boombsticks, Describing The Series Via References [RWBY]. Is there any good fanfics where characters react to other series? "I myself have heard of Tr's reputation." Artemis said after being silent for so long, causing the others to look at her. The God of Seas entered the battle, leaping off the top of Olympus, targeting the Titan Epimetheus. Zeus combating the Titans during the Great War. Annabeth said with a smile, knowing from how he was described that Tr was a better God of War than Ares. This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. It was a normal day in Olympus, the gods had gathered for a meeting, discussing the current events and planining for the future and as always it had all turned into a shouting contest between Zeus, The God of Thunder and Poseidon, The God of the Sea. She and Tisiphone attempted to misdirect him, as a building he enters is projected as a brothel. Helios, Hermes, Hercules, and Hades engaged the Titans head on, while Poseidon waits with Zeus. Who Loki will become. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment. Many of the gods are indistinguishable from humans in appearance, though some look radically different. How Atreus accidentaly falls into the MCU, gets found by a band of misfits and Sam seriously regrets being a therapist. Others, like Ares, Athena, and Persephone, are somewhat weaker than their parents, but are still considered very powerful. Instead, he was captured. Could you live with the life you've found yourself in, knowing you could never change it, or would it break you entirely, knowing that the loved ones you've lost can never be regained? For breaking his oath, Ares sent the Furies to capture Kratos and force him to once again serve the God of War. It was a close encounter, and everybody was thankful that the ordeal was past them. Later, the Titans left the island and forged the rest of the world. (This is probably going to be a slow burn. #tsuyuasui. Feeling Kratos could become far stronger by eliminating any weaknesses, Ares deceived his servant into burning down the village where Kratos wife and child were present. She wanted to help that person even when she didnt understand where that cravings coming from. However Mimir was nonetheless fascinated by the power of the Gods of Greece, as he heard the gods there wielded every flavor of power one could imagine. It is unknown if the gods can resurrect those who have died. Thinking of the gods as pathetic and weak, he found solace by leading Sparta in conquering the rest of Greece. #reactions Kratos is nearly taken in by this, for he got to see his wife and daughter again. Crackfic with a little bit of hurt and suffering peppered in. You tried to kill Odin? After killing off the major Gods of the Greek Pantheon and bringing about the destruction of Greece, Kratos dies and finds some measure of peace or so he thought. He rose to the forefront, leading the remaining demigod forces loyal to Olympus to into battle and later victory. The plague is based on what the god personifies like great flood of waters (Poseidon), deadly swarms of flies (Hermes), the sun being blocked out by the clouds in the sky (Helios), and the souls of the dead escaping (Hades). Ya know weapons violince warriors +5 more # 12 The Olympians had a king, Zeus, who reigned over both man and fellow gods from his divine throne on Mount Olympus. And considering he just came out of a pink limo, and he saw a certain pink barbie house back at Camp Half-Blood, the limo can only contain one Goddess. Both father and son dueled around the remains of Olympus, but Pandora eventually reached the Flame of Olympus, resulting in her death. She doesnt know. It's meant to be a normal day, but all it takes is one battle to change everything. #mha Although praising Kratos' victory over the Furies, he reveals that he was remade the oath keeper once again, maintaining Kratos' bond to Ares. The Robert Reacts thread on SpaceBattles is pretty interesting. With the gods weakened and Typhon freed, it looked grim, but one demigod would not stand for it. Arriving upon the Summit of Sacrifice, Kratos fought with great ferocity. He is lost. These snippets also often include extra characters like Baelish (who gets real jumpy when watching the videos about the South Sea financial bubble, as it's encouraging Robert to keep a closer eye on his money). As mentioned previously, the conclusion of the Great War also marked the birth of the Evils, ethereal manifestations of all of the world's vices and corruption. Atreus faces despair. Far beyond what Atreus would have imagined, partly in thanks to how much his father despises his past and self, his younger father showed that he very strongly shared the sentiment. Kratos battling a Centaur General as Perses looks on. And also it's Fanfiction so idk why people get copyrighted from their works cause it contains something they own when it's fanfic man, It's not like they are gonna earn money out of this or something. In response, Zeus robbed Prometheus of his immortality and forced him to endure great suffering by having an eagle consume him every day, fully healing and resurrecting him each time so that this cycle of torment would never cease. His abdomen and leaving his corpse to rot underwater keeper revealed that he is the son a... Variety of seemingly godlike abilities Uroborus from them after he killed them tearing! Sam seriously regrets being a therapist current shape of good age knew of about... 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An attempt to gain their favor, Cronos gifted the Sisters with the of! Sustain great levels of damage, some gods have been shown to die injuries. Hermes, Hercules, and their certainty starts to crumble and again with the same angry male voice 1.!

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