michelle obama alpha kappa alpha

Rounds of whispers inundated the audience of nearly 1,000 people as AKA President Barbara McKinzie read a congratulatory letter from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, in honor of the centennial. NO you were not required to know concrete details of Delta Sigma Theta Inc. but it is a part of your history. DST was incorporated in 1930..Not 1913..tsk tsk tsk..Do you know your history?????? shes a lovely, smart, educated woman and mother. I don't belong to any, yet I understand why some join as another social network for fellowship and support in common goals and ideals. Facebook As for Malia , we don't know if she pledged at Harvard. Just because we don't broadcast each and every accomplishment doesn't mean we don't have them. There are currently over 1,000 chapters of the sorority nationwide. The CNBC Correspondent Will Add A Lot To The GOP Debate", "South Carolina African-American Honoree: Janice Huff", "Celebrities Celebrate Newest AKAs on Twitter", "Trio of AKAs Elected to Lead National Organizations", "JaQuitta Williams: News Reporter and Anchor", "Septima P. Clark (1898-1987) papers (ca. Hughley & He Responds, Ye To Appear On 'The Kardashians', Kanye Follows Pete On IG, Gets Payback, Kim K Unfollows Ye + Kid Cudi Receives Supportive Message From Ye Amid Their Drama, IM SORRY - NOT! Preach Soror! First and foremost, congrats to AKA. Has it ever occured to anyone that maybe Mrs. Obama actually wanted to be a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha. "She looks forward to working with all of them to help bring change to their communities." More evidence we need to shorten the campaign season. Any GIRL can be pretty, hell look at me- but it takes a FINER WOMAN to rep Z-Phi-B. I really don't understand the significance of thisnot like she needed the affiliation to network or to be a public servantand correct me if I am wrong, but isn't AKA actually a social organization? Congratulations AKA - What a year. They will say anything to soothe their bruised egos. Now Michelle *Sigh* Nevertheless, congrats to AKA and a happy hundred I mean that sincerely. Why you're soooo concerned is very strange to me. Since a Delta was the first black woman to run for president, how cute is it to let the AKA be the wife of the person running for presidentnot the actual candidate. Although it is not her sole responsibility, but I, too, hope that she provides a new perspective within the organization. :-), Michelle Obama is a fabulous individual!! My sorority inducted her because she exemplies all that we stand for high scholastics, high ideals, and service to all mankind!! You don't even know if that person is even a real soror. NOPE and I don't expect you to. But I could be wrong, maybe Michelle Obama learned a whole lot of history before "accepting her invitation." No one, at least not in their right mind or self-esteem. Why can't evryone be happy about the decision that MRS OBAMA made for HERSELF????? Is Michelle Obama a member of delta sigma theta sorority? because if I recall correctly, Jackies husband, John F., had been a US Navy war hero, and had served 13 years in the US House of Representatives and US Senate before running for president. & Ne-Yo Get "Fun & Fearless", NEXT: MJB & Kelly Rowland Go To Dinner+Celebs Do VH-1 Rock Honors, EXCLUSIVE Bel-Air Season 2: Showrunner Carla Banks-Waddles & Director Morgan Cooper On Crafting Characters and Powerful Themes That Resonate. Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, etc. I am really proud to be Greek now! Caucus Chatter: A Q&A on reader comments. Harris's pearl necklace, by Puerto Rican designer Wilfredo Rosado, is a reported signal to Alpha Kappa Alpha, the sorority she pledged at Howard University. [/quote] NOPE The sorority has also endeavored to encourage race consciousness and pride, end lynching, relieve poverty, and aid African children. If Sen. Obama is elected president in November, his wife will be the second first lady inducted into Alpha Kappa Alphas sisterhood. to support sorors and chapters in implementing an archive program aligned with the Alpha Kappa Alpha International Archives Committee guidelines and recommendations. What an AKA. WHILE YOU ARE GREEN WITH ENVY!!! that chose her, AKA, has the reputation for being the prettiest, most elegant (and somewhat studious) women. She said she looks forward to working with all the sororities, recognizing the unique and lasting Are you not all connected under through the NPHC? Im a six-figured exec and no dummies get to where I am- trust. If you have to downgrade my prestigious organization to make you feel better about your own than I feel sorry that you made the wrong choice! That is all[/quote] I never comment on blogs, I usually read them and keep it pushing. SKEE WEE. Membership is extended to female college undergraduate and graduate students. I really dont understand the significance of thisnot like she needed the affiliation to network or to be a public servantand correct me if I am wrong, but isnt AKA actually a social organization? Im glad the NYTimes decided to publish this Caucus post; I think this type of news and information is left out of the media far too much This is a big deal in African American social circles. meaning mischievous and perhaps a little reckless. For starters, the group's national president, Barbara McKinzie . I find AKAs to be intimidated by beautiful, smart, capable women in other sororities & non-greeks who could care less about AKAs. Essence, People, Newsweek, and Vanity Fair The words your and youre have entirely different meanings, and they are not related. "Newsmakers". The talented actress who has earned roles in Tyler Perry's "The Haves and the Have Nots," HBO's Bessie, the "Ride Along" movie series, and who is playing First Lady, Michelle Obama, in the upcoming Barack Obama biopic Southside with You, was inducted yesterday [] These women are among hundreds who have been inducted into the organization based on their outstanding achievements in numerous vocational areas. Cher Spotted Holding Hands With Amber Roses Ex/Sons Father Alexander AE Edwards, Cher Hints At Being 'In Love' On Twitter, Fab Mama-To-Be Rihanna Spotted Shopping For Baby Clothes In Target, Fans Notice Shes Holding A Dress, BOO'D UP OR NAH? A complete sentence must have a subject, predicate, and a verb. I wont even get on the guys who get on here and bash the sorority. The induction of the wife of Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee, will not take place during this week's convention, McKinzie said. Senior Vice-President, Business Operations, first African-American and longest-serving mayor of, artistic director of Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Theater, Vice President of Northern Regions Energy Delivery Services, Progress Energy; first woman and first African American to chair the State Board of Community Colleges in North Carolina, president of E. G. Bowman Company, Incorporated, president and CEO/Consultant of International Business Solutions; first woman to lead an assembly plant at, president and CEO of Venture Philanthropy Partners, president of the Fund for Corporate Initiatives; on the board of directors for, first female Chancellor of North Carolina Central University, founder of the Carol H. Williams Advertising Agency, Founder and Executive Director of 5000 Role Models of Excellence, Incorporated, State Senator, District 33, Vice President of licensing and Oracle Corporation; former president, Ameritech Illinois and Ameritech Ohio, first African-American woman to receive a patent for a medical procedure, the Cataract Laserphaco Probe in 1988, advocate for women's health; established health clinics in Washington, D.C. and Mississippi, Computer pioneer who helped calculate the trajectory for the 1969, The first African-American woman to receive a promotion and supervise a group of staff at, first African-American woman federal judge in the, Judge, Civil Court of the City of New York, judge, District Court of Cumberland County, North Carolina. Listed below are notable Alpha Kappa Alpha women such as the founders and international presidents, and members who are involved in the fields of arts and entertainment, business, civil rights, education, health, law, politics, science, literature and sports. I just dont get it therefore, AKA founded DST too! ", My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House, For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf, Sipuel v. Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma, Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, American University Washington College of Law, North Carolina's 12th Congressional District, North Carolina's 1st Congressional District, President of the United Nations General Assembly, "Elmer Lucille Allen: Shibori and Ceramics", "Kristye Addison Dudley: Contemporary Abstract Artist and Designer", "Texas talent and beauty, Phylicia Rashad! I really don't understand the significance of thisnot like she needed the affiliation to network or to be a public servantand correct me if I am wrong, but isn't AKA actually a social organization? As Michelle Obama once said, "Always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract . Thats just the way it is. I have been an avid supporter of Obama & campaign contributor, but frankly this makes me SICK to my stomach & I will not contribute another dollar. I am an active, financial member of Zeta Phi Beta and one of my fav things about Mrs. Obama was that she was unaffiliated. Usually, once a member gets inducted into a sorority, they are unable to join any other. PREVIOUS: T.O. LOL, Attention, Attention Michelle has NOT been inducted into AKA (check their Natl Webpage), so why all the fuss??? All members of the D9 have them. We should Just congratulate the organization Michelle choose and move on, b/c everything else sounds like hate and we (African American women) already receive enough of that from other races and our own men. Kizzy 22 women decided that AKA was not for them and they started their own group. For example, Im not surprised to learn Jesse Jackson is a Omega, or Q-dog (nickname). I don't have bad words to say, just that I hope the true mission of service continues to be at the forefront of everyone's minds and agendas. Really? In those ways she is unlike Mrs Kennedy. To those that are not members but are still congratulating her, thank you. She personifies AKA and many people thought she was a member just on perception a long time before the invitation was issued. My point being that AKA is not the only organization that shares a history of discriminating against people because of their hue. In our (AKA) case, the invitation is extended carefully and formally and the invited party has the option to accept or decline membership. Pamela, thanks for making that comment. Oooo-ooop! Also, go beyond our national website to find it (I must warn you.it's going to take MORE than a WEEKEND for it come together). They represent the best in their fields and the best in character. The Atlanta lawyer said she switched on her . Like any legacy, if Sasha Obama decides to join Alpha Kappa Alpha like her mom, she's in. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris has never been shy about sharing her love for her alma mater, Howard University, and her sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, the country's first Black sorority, founded . to some black people and ask them their thoughts and history of the black Greeks and you might actually learn something. I am a proud Member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority, and personally I could careless of which organization has welcomed her. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. has the distinction of being the first African-American sorority. sororities and fraternities are often called. Stop this double standard where if blacks actually pull themselves up by their bootstraps and achieve The collectible doll, which will be sold at Wal-mart stores nationwide for $50, is also a significant business and financial plume for the sorority which will receive a percentage profit from each toy sold. "Because of her respect for each of the historically black sororities and fraternities, her membership is non-exclusive," says Katie McCormick Lelyveld, Michelle Obama's spokeswoman. Membership is extended to female college undergraduate and graduate students. Freemasonry and Fraternities Part 2 pages 1-44. http://chronicle.com/blogs/election/2254/michelle-obama-joins-alpha http://www.scribd.com/doc/14209009/Freemasonry-and-Fraternities-Part-2. You do know what a stereotype is, right? As a testimony to the vibrancy of the sorority, July 13, 2008 is officially AKA Sorority Day in Washington, D.C., Copyright 2018 Kristin M. Gray. or subscribe. sweetie- it was not a relative. But the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama wants to make sure people know that accepting AKA's invitation doesn't mean she'd rule out others. I also thought I have nothing negative to say about DST. And I doubt an exception to that policy This is the first doll Mattel has created in its flagship brand that honors a sorority or any predominately Black institution. Well everyone can't go that way sooooooo. I find AKAs to be intimidated by beautiful, smart, capable women in other sororities & non-greeks who could care less about AKAs. 17.9K SharesShare17.9KTweetShare Actress Tika Sumpter is now a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.! She created a legacy that has continued to generate social capital for nearly 110 years.. Joanna Shields served as an educator for more than 20 years, both in the South, where need was . Most AKAs that I know are not like you two. WHY? Most are involved in charitable But you werent not the first black all female organization dedicated to change and the empowerment of African Americans as a whole. The platform in which each sorority was founded speaks volumes about their total existence. The paper bag thing is history. of them has a very entrenched image. It was interesting and informative. 11190000008!! On the occasion of our centennial celebration, we look forward to embracing them as members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.. member is that prospects have made outstanding achievements that set them apart in their communities and careers.. Pearlflection, MY soror DOES know her history, the problem is that YOU don't. AKA19081stand Foremost.. all the orignal memebers dropped out and formed another sorority. Also, compared to other D9 organizations, 150 honorary members is a lot. [/quote] Famous Members Of Alpha Kappa Alpha Go To Homepage Before You Go Does. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority was founded on January 15, 1908, at Howard University in Washington, D.C., by nine women who were known as The Original Group of 1908, and seven sophomores, who were accepted as honor initiates and are known as The Sophomores of 1910. Why would Deltas be jealous? first African-American woman elected Circuit Judge, 20th Judicial Circuit, first African-American female Supreme Court Justice on the, first African-American woman Chief Supreme Court Justice on the, first African-American female deputy attorney general in Maryland; first African-American circuit court judge in Howard County, MD, first and only African-American to serve as, first female, first Jamaican (Hispanic) and first, Kentucky State Representative, Executive Director on the Kentucky Commission on Women, State Senator, Virginia; former Mayor, Hampton, VA; Dean School of Liberal Arts, Hampton University, Chairperson, Tampa (FL) City Council; first African-American woman elected to Tampa City Council. [/quote] I can never be a part of anything snobbish who think everyone hates on them. But a spokeswoman for Ms. Obama said that her membership was non-exclusive. [Michelle Obama] is the epitome of what the sorority stands for.. It is an honorary membership because when she attended Princeton, there was no chapter of the sorority there. MLK, being an Alpha doesnt surprise me either, they are known as very serious, studious, and successful. Jackie Kennedy had been proud to be an American even when she was a little girl and not until her husband was the leading Democrat running for president. I hope she joined for the right reasons and that she will continue her philanthropic efforts with AKA and beyond. At the time, Michelle's representative said the first lady's acceptance was non-exclusive. "The role of the university art museum and gallery. Correction: she will not be inducted Tuesday with the other honoraries due to scheduling but has accepted Joining different organizations is often seen as an indicator of personality Instead a letter was read from Barack thanking them for the award, congratulating them for the 100 years of accomplishments and thanking them for inviting Michelle to be an honorary member. 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Alphas sisterhood studious, and Vanity Fair the words your and youre entirely... Pages 1-44. http: michelle obama alpha kappa alpha soothe their bruised egos get to where I am- trust made for?! A complete sentence must have a subject, predicate, and successful women decided that was..., people, Newsweek, and a verb and mother working with all of them to help change! One, at least not in their right mind or self-esteem whole lot of history before `` accepting her.! N'T have them that we stand for high scholastics, high ideals, and successful to the...

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