examples of pull oriented activities include the following except

C. Bonus packs Development of strategic alternatives Increase productivity and flow efficiency. A. A. encourage consumers to buy on the basis of price Loyalty programs A. event marketing distribution channel is a network of inter-connected firms that provide sellers a means of infusing the marketplace with their goods, and buyers a means of purchasing those goods as efficiently and profitably as possible. Why might the expanding populations of the region and the Ring of Fire make for a dangerous combination? Sampling for a product such as expensive skin cream that is designed to reduce wrinkles over a long period of time might not be feasible because: The dashboard is an indicator of a company's success. B. When reductions from the regular price of a product are offered at the point-of-purchase through specially marked packages, a marketer is using a: B. media advertising; sales promotions The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises several different data types that allow it to store different types of information What is Structured Query Language (SQL)? D. joint trade promotions, 110. Which of the following statements about the proliferation of new products in the consumer marketplace is NOT true? Based on these findings, what form of promotion is most effective for Gillette's Right Guard brand? Retailers argue they are justified because they are assuming some risks in taking on a new product, and so many new products fail. Niches fall between the one-to-one and segment strategies. D. Support advertising, 108. \hline \text { Score } & \text { STR } & \text { TSAL } & \text { INC } & \text { SGL } \\ C. many purchase decisions are made in the store where many sales promotions are found. 8. If the promotion is ongoing, it is difficult to predict consumer behaviour should the reinforcement ever stop. The upstream partners that a company has to deal with are its suppliers, also known as the blank______. Red Bull Energy Drink. When calculating the costs of a couponing program, marketers should consider all of the following EXCEPT: To obtain trial of a new brand Sampling and rebates d. All of the above b 49. is when one party gets cooperation because it has information the other party seeks. A discount or deal that is offered to a retailer or wholesaler to encourage them to stock, promote, or display a manufacturer's product is known as: The various types of samples are as follows: B. provide the marketer with an immediate gauge as to how well the product will do in the marketplace A. Smirnoff Vodka. 4. Consumer sales promotions such as coupons, price-offs, premiums, and bonus packs may be needed periodically to maintain consumer loyalty, attract new users, and protect against competition. Which of the following is NOT a sampling distribution method? In order to increase consumption and therefore, sales, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Kraft? After spending months in the hot weather of Hong Kong, Colin developed an innovative fan product that emits no sound, is priced competitively, is energy efficient, and is able to cool a room to a chosen temperature. Sampling C. integrated dyadic communications Focus groups are not good for predicting marketplace response, and it is best to follow up focus groups with a survey. 26. C. Sweepstakes A. contests; sweepstakes D. Rebates and refunds, 18. B. a slotting allowance. A. C. Professional entrants often defeat the purpose of contest and sweepstakes and undermine their effectiveness. It is a system based on the idea that self-expression, ideals, and achievement determine customers' product and brand orientation. C. rebates \hline 230.67 & 17.90 & 40.17 & 43.91 & 4.60 \\ Corporate vertical marketing systems, in which all channel members are owned by/contracted to one company, provides control of conflict. Through the marketing activities above, Colin is utilizing a pull strategy creating consumer demand and pulling consumers, retailers, and distributors to his product. A. can really only be accomplished through advertising _____ is a recent development whereby companies are customizing their sale promotion programs for key retailers. is an effort to influence consumer perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of competing brands or products. B. ad readership scores B. growth stage Which one of the following is NOT a stage in the Product Life Cycle? D. encourage retailers to use Eastern Canadian's planograms, 24. Development of a strategic plan along with tactical plans for implementation _____ is a practice used by some retailers and wholesalers whereby they take advantage of a promotional deal and then sell some of the product purchased at the low price to another store outside of its area or a middleman who will resell the products. _____ occurs at venues such as concerts, cultural festivals, and at a brand's marketing activities. Compute the amount Clydesdale should report as a deferred tax liability at December 31, 2017. B. _____ is advertising sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations offering a product or service to the market. With a _____, consumers compete for prizes and/or money on the basis of skills or ability, while with a _____, winners are determined purely by chance. C. Sweepstakes D. Bonus packs. B. C. are not an effective way of loading consumers with a product and reducing their susceptibility to a competitor's promotional offer. 15% ______ generate(s) much higher trial rates than advertising and other sales promotion techniques. Understanding power structure and handling conflict are important to channel success. 1. A pull marketing strategy can be used by itself or in conjunction with a push marketing strategy. Types of Shopping: Business to Business (B2B). Why can on- or in-pack incentive programs like Pepsi Points or iCoke Rewards be problematic for brands? B. The implementation of a pull system is an effective way for optimizing resources in a production process. The ideal goal for the marketer is to find a(n) blank______ group of customers whose needs they can easily and profitably meet. D. Sales promotion techniques such as contests and premium offers are often used to draw attention to an ad, increase involvement with the ad, and help build relationships with consumers. C. A rebate award One such video is the Tide Pod Challenge, which was popularized by. d. What is the predicted score if everything else is the same as in part (c) except INC === 80?80 ?80? C. To increase consumption of an established brand -Design primary data collection. A. provide brands that sell in retail stores the opportunity to have specialized displays to feature their product. Most retailers want to be involved with rebate programs. The Product Life Cycle consists of the following four distinct stages: Introduction: An organization attempts to establish itself as a pioneer/market leader (especially if there are few competitors), & product development costs are high. \end{array} Examples of value-added activities include all of the following except: Product design. C. slotting C. Premiums In sampling the researcher selects a sample of respondents from an available population of similar respondents for collecting data. C. sweepstakes; premiums D. $0.75, 54. B. C. are very effective even without brand name awareness Firms typically review the issues on a regular basis. ________ is an exchange between a firm and its customers. When a brand moves to the _________ stage of the product life cycle, advertising is primarily a reminder to keep consumers aware of the brand. C. Companies want promotions that require consumer involvement with their brands. _______ segmentation utilizes appropriate data, allows access to customers, fits with corporate goals and is actionable. Consumer product companies are launching fewer new products each year. E. Planning eliminates the need for effective leadership. This method uses averages so one attribute can't make or break a brand. D. bonus pack, 65. C. rebate This can be a very costly sampling method, particularly for multiproduct companies. In a pull marketing strategy, a firm markets its product directly to consumers. A. growth stage B. Psychological /Psychographic segmentation variables are closely related to blank______. Some activities can be both push and pull strategies. A. D. trade promotions, 28. Retailers argue they are justified because there are costs associated with taking on a new product, such as entering the product into the computer and finding warehouse space. Kellogg's is introducing a new brand of breakfast cereal that is high in fibre and targeted at adults between the ages of 25 and 50. A. premiums 3. Rebates and high value checkout coupons The toy company Hasbro teamed with the retailer Toys R Us to create direct mail booklets offering discounts on Hasbro toys good only at Toys R Us stores. Promotion: What can you tell your customers, or do for them, to entice them to purchase? A. cost-covered C. Supermarkets now carry an average of 30,000 products compared to 13,000 in 1982. Examples of leadership activities that support conceptual leadership include all of the following EXCEPT: Arts & Humanities Writing Creative Writing EARLY CHIL EC350. A. D. Discount trading, 100. External factors influencing customer behavior, opinion leaders, family, culture, social class, reference groups, Internal factors influencing customer behavior, attitudes, motivations, learning, perceptions, lifestyle, Situational factors influencing customer behavior, physical environment, purpose of purchase, time constraints, Roles in Big, Complicated Business Purchases. B. Star: products in high growth markets with high relative market share (minimize or divest) Sampling _____ has/have become very popular in recent years as marketers develop integrated marketing programs that create experiences for consumers in an effort to associate their brands with certain lifestyles and activities. Which of the following statements about on-package sampling is NOT true? Interviews to study company's employees ScoreSTRTSALINCSGL227.0019.0044.0148.894.70230.6717.9040.1743.914.60230.6719.2044.7947.645.10\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} Prepare an income statement for the year. And how important are each of these attributes? Students can create, perform, and/or provide a critical response. D. new product fees. A. cooperative advertising Monies that must be paid to a retailer so they will take on a company's new product are known as: A. Coupons offer price reductions to consumers who are price sensitive. Additional managerial commitment required B. Selling Company produces its product in batches of 100, yet its average customer only purchases ten at a time. A. consumer franchise-building promotion B. bounce back Seven Popular Marketing Research Techniques, 1. D. In-pack coupons for any variety of Breton crackers, 34. Examples of Using a Pull Marketing Strategy In a pull marketing strategy, a firm markets its product directly to consumers. D. event marketing, 82. A pull marketing strategy, also called a pull promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a firm aims to increase the demand for its products and draw (pull) consumers to the product. 51. Brian's boss is explaining the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing. B. C. spiffs D. Coupons can encourage non-users to try a brand. 1. A. many coupons are redeemed just before the expiration date rather than in the period following the initial drop 3. D. Manufacturers are introducing more private-label brands. Brand equity includes awareness, positive brand associations, brand preference, trial, repeat, brand loyalty and brand love. b. changing the physical environment. Bonus packs: Tweaks in the 4Ps may change our core business. How has the view of sales promotions changed during the past decades? Price: Will customers pay what you would like to charge? B. Convenience purchases: Staples (standard, frequently consumed goods such as bread or gas) and impulse purchases (candy or National Enquirer available near the check-out stand). Quaker Oats cereal included tubes of Colgate Junior toothpaste inside each box of Life cereal. B. D. contest; rebate, 71. C. Sampling through the mail 11. Companies need to measure what matters. It is the act of designing and creating the company's image and communicating the benefits of the company's products, so it gains a distinct place in the market. A. cross-ruff The buying process is consistent whether the buyer is a consumer or a business. This is an example of a: C. Bonus packs Kraft is concerned that families consume Miracle Whip only on sandwiches, using a tablespoon or two at a time. C. in/on packs Which of the following statements about the coordination of advertising and sales promotion efforts is true? A. B. point-of-purchase display Which of the following statements about rebates is true? Those important weights underpin how segments of customers differ. The redemption rate for refunds is lower than that for coupons because: A. A. Sampling through the mail Critics argue that trade promotions generally result in higher brand equity. is a model that considers the channel member's production and governance costs, both of which are ideally minimized. B. The first question is "How does our hotel rate?" D. The growing power of retailers and their demands for sales performance. Targeted to specific geographic or demographic segments C. Mall poster 16. All of the following are examples of trade-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT: 9. 5. Instead of trying to appeal to the entire marketplace, smart marketers and smart companies try to find out which customers will like their product and get the product into their hands. B. off-price deal 75. Experiments to verify ad testing A. Scanner data for pricing C. permit a brand to obtain prominent place where high traffic occurs. Which of the following statements describes how brand equity is affected by the increased role of sales promotion? EstimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscalyearbeginningMarch1EstimateddirectlaborhoursforyearEstimatedmachinehoursforyearActualfactoryoverheadcostsforMarchActualdirectlaborhoursforMarchActualmachinehoursforMarchFactory1$12,900,000600,000$12,990,000610,000Factory2$10,200,000250,000$10,090,000245,000, 012345-$500$202-$X$196$350$451\begin{matrix} C. frequent patronage programs Lower cost B. is accomplished through short-term price-oriented promotions a. Asymmetric idea b. \end{array} A. offer consumers an extra amount of a product or service but at a higher than normal price. Door-to-door sampling takes a different approach. how should salespeople be compensated for their efforts, Two major issues make up the essence of the sales force: How many salespeople should we have, and blank_____, Intensive distribution usually goes with heavy blank_________, lower prices, and average or lower quality products. C. Orange Crush. Which of the following statements does NOT correctly describe the relationship between building brand equity and sales promotion? D. sales promotion trap, 22. 13. a person may not be retried for the same crime. B. 4 D. contests; rebates, 72. Optimize cost-efficiency. C. vertical cooperative advertising B. self-liquidating Two important issues in clustering are the ability to determine to what group to assign an observation (individual) and determining how many groups there should be. D. A dish towel in a box of Tide laundry detergent, 70. Maturity: Revenue peaks but profit margins erode due to high competition. The building or reinforcement of consumer-franchise or equity for a brand: C. instant D. Trade allowances are encouraging retailers to stock and promote their products on a regular basis. In order to provide an incentive to a current user to purchase Breton instead of other cracker brands while the consumer is shopping for crackers, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Dare? B. Nordica provides sales personnel in ski shops with training classes, detailed manuals, and other tools to help them better understand how to sell the company's ski boots. Effective Segmentation allows access to customers C. refund offer C. same purchase B. nonfranchise-building promotion A. it cannot be broken down into small sizes Place: Where and how will customers purchase your market offering? \hline 230.67 & 19.20 & 44.79 & 47.64 & 5.10 \\ B. 5. His boss indicates that with complicated business purchases, it's not one person making the decision and that each purchase involves different roles. What are the 4 P's? A. sweepstakes and contests The sales promotion tool that critics contend is most guilty of detracting from brand equity and at the same time being detrimental to a brand franchise is: B. Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of contests and sweepstakes? Rebates can encourage brand switching or repeat purchase behaviour. High value checkout coupons Forward buying \text { Actual machine hours for March } & 610,000 & Horizontal conflict is among partners at the same level. B. C. Consumers pocket most of the savings from trade promotion discounts. Demographics are customer attributes that are easy to identify and commonly used. E. all of the above. Geographic include country and sales force coverage. A portion of the data is shown in the accompanying table. A. This is an example of a(n) _____ coupon. C. There is a belief that sales promotion can be over used by too much frequency, resulting in a decrease in brand equity. B. C. spiffs C. push money. When segmenting the market, marketers integrate their knowledge of the marketplace with appropriate customer data which gives insight into similarities in customer needs and preferences. A. Niche markets are not different from segments; they are usually just smaller. D. Most users of direct mail coupons are non-users, 56. Which of the following is a reasonable objective for consumer-oriented sales promotions? Dare makes Breton snack crackers, which compete with many other brands in the category. Example: the survey rating is 1 (not as good as others) to 7 (better than others). 1 See answer _____ is a practice used by retailers whereby they stock-up on a product at a low deal or off-invoice price and resell it to consumers at higher prices when a promotional period has ended. is a diagrammatic technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. Door-to-door sampling In a pull marketing strategy, the goal is to make a consumer actively seek a product and get retailers to stock the product in response to direct consumer demand. D. bonus pack, 66. Development of objectives (e.g., target a specific market segment, increase market share) or identification of strategic issue (e.g., increased competition, decrease in sales) Clustering methods use survey data to group observations (individuals) that are most similar into a cluster (group). Advertising implemented by retailers and paid for by a manufacturer is called: C. to set direction. A. a slotting fee. Type of channel conflicts include: B. Contests Demographics include company size, account size, market share, and number of employees. Which of the following is NOT a tactical decision the marketer faces when planning a sales promotion? A. Trade sales promotions have a better track record than pull strategies. 113. Conjoint Analysis for testing attributes This form of performance-based assessment can take time, so there . A. Using the scale of 1 (not very important) to 7 (extremely important), participants rate the same categories again (water sports, meals included, available excursions, nice rooms and good quality for money). A survey estimates that approximately ________ of consumer purchase decisions are unplanned, i.e. A. introduction C. exhibitions C. Retailers have access to data concerning how quickly products turn over, and which products make money. B. Its objective is to occupy a clear, unique, and advantageous position in the consumer's mind. Measures for marketing strategy are critical during both assessment and planning. D. Event marketing. List of Excel Shortcuts Actors in the distribution channel are manufacturing firms, distributors or wholesalers, retailers, consumers and any other supply chain partners. This company focuses on a single segment and has multiple offerings for the segment. developing new conflict resolution techniques, The following is one of the steps in the marketing strategic planning process EXCEPT. This is an example of: A. Examples of pull oriented activities include consumer-directed advertising, wide distribution, coupons, rebates, loyalty points, price discounts, quantity discounts, and free samples. B. provide marketers with a way to provide extra value to consumers without having them do anything other than purchase the product. Marketing information should be gathered constantly, STP: To be more specific, Colin ran several Facebook and Instagram advertisements, worked with YouTube influencers to create video promotions and got his product featured on a technology news website. B. vertical cooperative D. A sales promotion works best when its theme is not an integrated part of the organization's marketing communications. B. Vertical cooperative advertising C. trade promotions; media advertising 4. A customer compares brands by the most important attributes or dimensions. C. to encourage the trade to display and support established brands. Consumer-oriented sales promotions are part of a promotional ______ strategy. c. vigilantism. Instead of trying to appeal to the entire marketplace, smart marketers and smart companies will try to find out blank_____. An in/on package coupon that is redeemable for a future purchase of the same brand is known as a(n) _____ coupon. Trade allowances often are not passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices. Gray market conflict is unauthorized buying and selling among channel partners. If stars and cash cows are sufficiently profitable, companies can carry dogs and question marks. 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