chocolate zucchini bread smitten kitchen

Taste wise, its OK. I love it so much I just wrote it into my kids recipe books (credit assigned!). I want a candle that smells like that !! I loved the sugar topping the next day, but it didnt take more than another day or two before the topping absorbed moisture from the loaf and lost its crunch. Read more: Alexandra's Kitchen's "Super Moist" Zucchini Bread Recipe Is a Total Game-Changer. They were farmers market fresh picked :-) I made this but substituted the eggs with flax eggs to make it vegan. I made this. Thank you! that I dont have to worry about losing. Is it because cake with a few disparate flecks of zucchini in it is less intimidating? What happens if I ran out of white flour and I had to substitute whole wheat flour instead? No way i will wait till tomorrow though!! Grated and weighed it and ended up making 3 loaves of this bread. Wow, where to start! But at the end of one hour, it came out of the oven tall and golden and a tester came out (mostly) clean. fried rice with zucchini, tomatoes and parmesan . I turned this into muffins, for ease of freezing and doling out to kiddos, and they turned out excellent. Baked both muffin tins at once for 20 mins on convection, rotating halfway through. Ive made this bread twice and I will continue to in the future. Love your recipes. Id check the muffins at 22 minutes but they might take as long as 28. Ive made this 2x now, and while I love the flavor, both times it was dense or soggy in the middle. In a medium bowl, whisk together the all-purpose and whole wheat flours, the cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg. I might even try slightly less brown sugar next time. SUPER easy, all in one bowl and tastes amazing. How To Store Zucchini Bread: Tightly wrapped zucchini bread will last on the counter for 1-2 days. In any case, my husband and two year old were delighted this morning when they were finally allowed to taste it! Just as moist. Since I only have 8 x 4 inch pans, I split the batter between two pans. Fun activity to make these with kids! Nakusp, B.C. Line 2 8x4-inch loaf pans with parchment paper. The sugar topping is good while fresh but turns sticky quickly so I usually skip it if im going to give the bread away. I was impressed. And the crack bark was awesome. I made 2 batches and now have 6 mini-loaves (one polished off, 1/2 loaf for breakfast tomorrow and 4 in the freezer). Or is this a bad idea? Quick question: must it be all zucchini for this recipe to work or can there be some yellow summer squash in there as well? Hmmm I guess Ill just have to make it again and see if there is a difference! :). Its not better than the zucchini, just different. Will definitely make this again. Will be making again soon!!! I am a fan of all the traditional quick breads, i.e. In any case, my husband and two year old were delighted this morning when they were finally allowed to taste it! When you say Leave in pan, unwrapped, overnight or 24 hours I assume you mean out of the fridge, yes? You have probably considered this, but I wanted to mention it: I used to love a towering loaf of quick bread, but I often struggled with a mushy interior and an over cooked crust. If this bread is going to be better tomorrow, it will be out of this world, because it is fabulous 2 hours out of the oven. It was gone so fast, it didnt make it to the next day! My go-to banana-bread recipe is from the King Arthur site (Sorry, Deb! Ive been using coconut oil in my quickbreads, less tendency to be greasy. Even with the soft areas, I would make again with the egg replacement my family members said its not soggy, its moist. Dont know why we were to leave it overnight, it was delicious 15 minutes out of the oven! Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Coat a standard size muffin pan with nonstick spray. Mash bananas in the bottom of a large bowl. Thinking the sugar on top adds a dimension to the crust because I did not have any to put up there and therefore missed the final crunch bit. OMG this is the One! I blame my oven it tends to run a bit cooler, I think. I just baked this yesterday and like others, I couldnt wait and dug into it right after it cooled. I mustve made this a dozen times last year, its so delicious. ), flavor profile is delicious (crunchy topping cannot be beat) you better make two loaves because one just wont be enough! One batch of the recipe made 4 little loaves, which cut well into 2 or 3 slices each (depends on how thick you like your slices). I couldnt wait to try it! Has anyone tried making this with walnuts in it? I wonder how that would fare in this recipe. I used the food processor to grate the veg (I somehow have a food processor but not a box grater??). Add one egg white, add an extra tbsp of oil, subtract 1 1/2 tsp of each sugar, reduce baking soda by 1/8 tsp, reduce baking powder by 1/8 tsp, add 2 tbsp of extra flour, increase baking temp by 25 degrees (to 375), and bake for around 45-50 minutes. This is an excellent moist and delicious zucchini bread. I grated enough for 2 loaves and it took less time than it took me to actually clean up the food processor! Close ad . Check them at 20 minutes. Absolutely it will work well. Any thoughts? I use it to make 12 regular sized muffins- bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. Read the different comments and added fresh blueberries and walnuts. I followed the recipe almost exactly, opting for canola oil as the fat, and sprinkling brown sugar on the top. Id definitely use 9x5s if you have them, but if you have 8x4s, put them on a tray and go for itthe final product was delightful! This time, I spread my wings a bit and added some walnuts and cranberriesnot too many, just enough for a little bud surprise. But I dont get it. I didnt miss the extra 50 g of sugar that I left out. Lay a clean kitchen towel on the counter and spread the zucchini out on the towel, cover with another clean towel and let sit 10 minutes, then squeeze out any excess water. They took 30 min to bake. Also, is cane sugar the same thing as granulated sugar? Though no, the flaky bark bit did not survive . This was easy, delicious, beguiling. No, we couldnt wait for the next day but Im sure that tomorrow the leftovers will be amazing. Do u by chance know how many grams this makes up? Id like to try one and add cocoa powder and wonder if you have a suggestion for amount of flour to swap out? Will have to wait until summer (Im in New Zealand), when Ill have a crop in my garden to use. I made it vegan by swapping the eggs for aquafaba, but otherwise stayed true to the recipe. A pound of zucchini, coarsely grated, tethered with just enough egg, flour, and seasoning to make them magical are fried in little heaps into a forever summer staple, whether topped with an egg for breakfast, or a dollop of garlicky lemon yogurt for light meal bliss. Id like to add a cup of walnuts coarsely chopped. It would add more dimension to this bread. I also did not wait the 24 hours to eat and it was just as delicious! Skipping the step of straining the zuc makes sense and saves time. I also didnt like the texture. Im excited to make it again. Served it up warm with a little butter and a drizzle of honey! Of course, no one knew but me, but Im curious about where I may have gone wrong. Have you tried allulose? I think the next time, I will also up the spices in the bread as some other commenters have suggested. I may experiment with that next time to see if I can get away with it. It was delicious. its not large, its jumbo. I made this and it was the best Ive ever had. Its torture Deb please respond! New here? In another bowl, mix together flour, cocoa, salt, and baking soda. Instructions. The top is getting crusty and sugery. Oh well. Oh well, I trust you, Deb. Its just so good. Im making this tomorrow Deb. Has anyone tried making an apple version? This was the perfect solution for the giant overgrown garden zucchini! First of all let me say you are my favorite food blogger, Ive never made a recipie of yours I didnt like! Still eating it as the flavour is excellent, but wondering if I should partly drain the frozen zucchini for next time? The zucchini bread is amazing! It is fantastic, and a great thing to get us through lunch time at our jobs! Yes, and I bought more ingredients, so I will be trying it again!! Place in the fridge for 5 minutes so that it thickens up. Really tall and moist and the zucchini bread of dreams. Cant wait to taste it tomorrow! Zucchini bread keeps for 4 to 5 days at room temperature. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs (or flax eggs), oil, yogurt, brown sugar and vanilla extract until combined. Thanks for another winner Deb! A loaf every fortnight since discovering, and that loaf gets demolished in a couple of days, tops. Id probably start with replacing 1/3 the flour with your best dark cocoa powder. LOL!). Spoon evenly into loaf pans. since Ive been following you all these years!! Turned out wonderful. Otherwise, Id do away with the sugar topping. I have adjusted it. Its going to be hard to wait overnight before digging in. I just finished round 3 of this recipe since I found it! longer as it was a bit under-baked where the sugar topping was. Also agreed! Just set out a few slices to dry out the night before. So happy to use my garden zucchini here. YUM . I have no idea what I did wrong. Hi Deb, I cant wait to make this! Can vegetable oil be used in regards as a neutral oil? I also made the original one to get the pure taste I craved. I like one-bowl cakes. If it didnt finish rising and was gluey, it might have just been underbaked. Hello, Thank you for the great blog! I dont eat breakfast (I know, just saying) and I dont bake because Im lazy and I prefer savory (vs. sweet) as a rule. Also, the Deb method of mixing in leaveners/salt/spices into wet ingredients *before* adding in the flour to prevent over-mixing/developing gluten while obviating the need for a separate dry ingredients bowl? I also made 12 muffins plus a ramekin. Can these be made as muffins? Theres a lot of zucchini and flour in there. Cool 5 minutes in the pan, then pull the hanging pieces of parchment paper to release the vegan chocolate zucchini bread. I did have to bake about 7 minutes longer than your recipe but that might be my oven. I needed to make it gluten free and followed the recipe precisely only substituting the flour. The outer edges were a little crispy, but very much edible. Not overly sweet and soooo good!! Mines in the oven now! Made this yesterday with frozen zucchini that Id bagged specifically for this recipe last summer. REVELATION. Somebody tell me how I went wrong PLEASE! dont understand people having trouble with holes etc.. This will be my zucchini bread recipe from here on! Ive made this twice now. It came out great. Grease or line a 9x5 inch loaf pan and set aside. You come through every time (and that must be at least 100 times by now:). I have never for the life of me understood why one would squeeze all the juice out of the zuchinni and then re-add moisture later. This isnt an issue with granulated sugar, which naturally fills out in the shape of the cup. Also, cant wait to make this bread. I did add an 1/8th teaspoon of allspice along with the nutmeg. I dont have any raw sugar, do you think sanding sugar would work? Once everything was mixed and in the bowl, it looked soupy. definitely going to double it today! Such a perfect looking loaf! If yes how do you suggest wrapping it? I was planning on just substituting 1:1 (zucchini: eggplant) with this recipe to start. The three kids who ate it like zucchini in most forms, but this was a big hit. Maybe 1/2 cup? We got zucchini bombed by a neighbor, and were searching for non-wasteful ways to use a huge squash (we usually use them for target practice). The only thing that I can think of is that I left the batter for a little whilemaybe twenty or thirty minutes, before adding the dry ingredients? Fried rice with zucchini tomatoes and parmesan. I used olive oil. I also think you could easily double the amount of seasoning. So there must be a big difference between turbinado and Demerara. I made one in a loaf pan and added about 1 cup toasted pecans, it took about an hour to bake through. I have zucchini producing in my backyard as I write, I will be giving your version a spin on our next cool Victoria, B.C. I think the flavor would go well. I made a double batch of this zucchini bread and both loaves look just like yours. I used half melted butter and half avocado oil. yes please!!! And my carrot cake always generously measures carrots!! Had no torinado sugar so used half and half white and light brown blended. Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves into a bowl and set aside. I only got one piece. I just wanted to let you know, I made this in my air fryer! Next time loaf! Heres hoping! And you can use any summer squash you have. I wanted to make 2, but I did not have enough zucchini, so I added about 1/2 cup of grated beets to 3 1/2 cups zucchini. Honestly, Im not an avid baker, so I only have one 95 loaf pan. Can we have an ultimate carrot cake recipe exactly like this please?? Im using those mesh covers like you would use at a picnic to keep the bugs off. It baked for almost 2 hours and was STILL delicious and perfectly moist on the inside! I was looking for a lemon zucchini bread recipe and came here hoping you would have something like that. To decrease the sweetness, I cut the dark brown sugar to 85 grams and the granulated sugar to 50 grams. Super happy I didnt have to toss the apples!! I otherwise followed the recipe exactly (other than using regular sugar on top since I didnt have turbinado), including letting it sit overnight. Are there any other signs I can look for to see if it needs a bit longer? My only thought/comment: leaving a loaf of a baked good uncovered, in my house, means a cat will eat it (yes, really). And that crust on the top is just to die for. Love from The Netherlands! I had made a ratatouille and has 2 massive zucchini left over which I wanted to use up. Getting ready to make this for the fourth time. ultimate zucchini bread. Bake for about 50 minutes or until a pick inserted in the center of the bread comes out with a little crumb on it but not wet. Waiting right now dont know if i can resist until tomorrow. Love your writing so much. Make this!! This was SO good. Would it be ok to use this recipe for a more mature zuke without draining the shreds? I think Ill make it for my husband who does not eat anything green. Great recipe. ), and they turned out lovely.New go-to recipe! Either/or. I woke up this morning with a sudden craving for zucchini bread, and smitten kitchen (as always) did not disappoint. Genius recipe really. Totally works :) Also used mostly whole wheat flour and the bread was still moist and crumbly. What sorcery caused this to make my house smell so good?? Zucchini is a kind of summer squash so yes. I think muffins come out fluffier where as as a loaf its silky and dense. Thank you for this! I am an avid baker and my friends know that I am but are shocked when I throw the steps out the window to make a recipe one-bowl and when I mix with some random fork in the drawer (or dish-rack) rather than some fancy whisk or electric mixer. It was good but not what I expected. Switching for coconut or almond flour would require a fair amount of experimentation around other ingredient amounts. I did reduce the granulated sugar by half a cup since the organic carrots tend to be so sweet. If you already love the other one then just use that. What did I do wrong? and was an absolute hit! once as written (it was delicious) and once subbing some of the oil for applesauce. A lovely recipe that I will make agsin. Now I just dont know. Lightly spray with cooking spray. Cant wait to taste! Yeah, thats not going to happen. I just put my very short-napping-7-month-old down for a nap and decided to take a stab at this. I made this yesterday (Wednesday) and need to save this till Sunday breakfast. Just rubbery, gluey yuck. Make the flax egg by mixing 1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal + 3 tablespoons of water in a small glass or bowl. I usually make it half whole wheat and sub out half the oil for apple sauce. I like zucchini bread and will definitely try this recipe. Thank you! In my mind, batter-free means that there may still be crumbs on the tester but no wet, raw batter and clean means nothing on the tester. I made this with my 21 month son, and he was so exited about it that when it went into the oven, he lost it-huge fat tears because he wanted to keep mixing and didnt know what was going on. Nun knnt ihr den Heringskse noch nachwrzen, wenn ihr wollt. I have made it with too little zucchini and too much zucchini and it turns out fine; going to try it with summer squash (love to grow it, hate to eat it). A bit more breakfast and less treat with the sugar reduction! Glad that I found this recipe to use it. but ended up turning out very tasty, if not as rounded on top as expected. It came out incredible moist, not-too-sweet, flavorful. Lots of recipes in Cooks Illustrated insist, but so glad that this recipe does not and I will certainly be trying it because I havent found any recipe that really is particularly great for zucchini bread. If youre wondering about less sugar, this is definitely doable. Does anyone have a suggestion for replacing the eggs? But I went with 260g and it was fine. . Well! I made these into muffins this morning. @SJ Anything to report back? Looking forward to making more of your recipes and reading your humorous blogs. Used about half white whole wheat flour and half all purpose. Its right up there with your ultimate banana bread; I think the crunchy topping is the crowning glory! Exactly what I wanted! Had to use gf flour so also added 1/3 tsp xanathan gum. I saw some of the attendees a few days after the event and they were still raving. Then mix the two, and then add zucchini. Any suggestions? Thanks for trying, but this just wasnt the one. We then shared with her daycare providers and my husband brought two slices to the movies with his friend. I love it, and everyone Ive served it to loves it too. The flecks of green zucchini and red cranberries give each slice a festive look that's just right for the holidays. Thank you for sharing it to Facebook, where I re-shared and got a whole cadre of people baking this week! Whats important is enjoying Debs latest blog entry. Definitely a keeper! This really was the ultimate zucchini bread. So good. Ive made this recipe many times, with some modifications. Dont think we have molasses either. I think it was because I used 2 cups of thawed frozen shredded zucchini and didnt drain enough of the water out of it. There was less batter in each pan so the loaves came out shorter, and I only cooked them for 45 minutes. This snickerdoodle zucchini bread is the BEST use for extra zucchini ever! Bake at 350F for 1 hour or until bread tests done. Its not really about the cooling, as much as what happens when the ingredients settle in for a bunch of hours. thanks deb! Other then the visual difference the taste seemed identical to me. I always increased the zucchini ratio like this new version does (because its healthier of course). I used 80ml olive oil and 80ml butter. I ended up with small lumps of flour in the batter that you could still see in the baked loaf. I think what is part of the appeal is the true one bowl concept! It looks delicious. When it came out, he was so happy! I made it with coconut oil, the house smelled amazing we could hardly keep our hands off it. I usually have good success with smitten kitchen recipes but this was a huge fail. Heavenly! is it possible you over mixed the batter? Delicious recipe and something to look forward to this morning. (This thing is bigger than my not-that-small upper arm, so I think I will still have enough.). It is absolutely delicious. very tasty. They turned out great! I love that it uses so much zucchini. One bowl and the grater-really easy to make. It was as easy as it looks, followed the recipe exactly (except for the addition of a few chopped walnuts) and it turned out PERFECTLY! I just tasted it and I see no reason to use another zucchini bread recipe. I cant wait to try this. They were done in about 22 minutes. I cant imagine lighter brown sugar is awful- but figured Id check. My alternate choice for a zucchini bread is from Food and Wine, called Yogurt-Zucchini Bread With Walnuts. I really want to break off that crispy top. I didnt have the raw sugar on hand so no delicious crunchy top for me, but it turned out absolutely AMAZING. Wow. Very, very good. I do it all the time, mainly to keep myself to a slice at a time. Because I deeply love your other one. But it is still better the next morning. What should I have done? I threw in toasted chopped pecans, and both light and dark choco chips. Hi Deb! I prob wont wait until tomorrow to try it, hahaha! Instructions: 1. Definitely delicious! Ive used up all my brown sugar making it three times in the last three weeks. They both looked just like your picture Itll be difficult , but Ill leave them out overnight gonna take one to work tomorrow cant wait to taste it Im sure it will taste as amazing as it looks I think Ive finally found THE ONE . Winner for sure! Two years ago: German Chocolate Cake + A Wedding Cake Loved the cleaning of just one bowl. Trying this this weekend! I often find zucc breads to be a little too moist and gummy, but this one holds together beautifully and the crumb is just delightful (I waited until the morning after to slice). This was exceptional. While it is hard to wait overnight for it to cool, it does taste better the next day. Worked fine. Its a perfect, delicious recipe and I cant thank you enough. I am now going to try to make a vegan version using flax eggs rather than regular eggs. I am 2 years late to this party but this bread is absolutely amazing, I skipped the extra sugar for the top but I dont like my sweets too sweet. Alice Manzo, South Easton, Massachusetts. Dying for zucchini bread but have to watch sugar and carb w type 2 diabetes. What did I do wrong? This recipe is a total win. Cant we decide for our own selves when the time is right to scale it up to two? Would that change the crumb result? I used Steves gluten free Cake Flour ( 290 grams instead of 260 (from experience) and we tasted both recipes side by side and they were the same and both excellent. I also think we need to talk about how to wrap it so its not compromised in any way when you eat it tomorrow. I baked our muffins for more like 30 minutes ( no toothpicks) & they were not overly dry. But I will say, its definitely a recipe that knocks the others out of the running. It was plenty sweet, very moist and absolutely DELICIOUS! 1/2 cup Dutch-process cocoa powder. Add cacao powder, baking soda and salt; whisk until well mixed. I suspect that wringing the zucchini too hard may have had something to do with its collapse as well. Instructions. This definitely is THE BEST zucchini bread recipe I have used. I left the second loaf in the oven for 65 min. Sometimes, Deb, I swear you live solely to torture us. Family devoured them. Ive made this several times before, and just made my first batch of the season. In a medium bowl combine the flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and allspice. I only had light brown sugar and used that. I did add a can of crushed pineapples in it drained of course. 3. Then add the dates and water to a food processor and pulse until a paste is formed, scraping down the sides as needed. Your first cookbook was on their bookshelf so I leafed through. I used dark here because I find darker zucchini breads more appealing, although a whole lot of the color actually comes from cinnamon. I didnt have white sugar, so brown + maple syrup. Thank you!! Followed the recipe? Going forward, I will make 2 loaves at a time! It looks great and I want to try this recipe, but I am wondering why you dont combine the baking powder and baking soda with the flour. This is the best quickest zucchini bread ever. Didnt last the 4 5 days, and making batch #2 tonight! I suppose, technically, half of the zucchini bread I made today will rest 24 hours Its hard for me to believe the flavor benefits of next-day zucchini bread outweigh those of still warm, freshly-baked zucchini bread, but Id love to hear your perspective on it. This was fabulous. Again, I havent made the swap, havent tested it, so I cannot say for sure how it will work. It always turns out great. Cant say if I had sweet zucchinis? The trick is keeping the tops wonderful sugary crust, so I usually tip it over cut side down, with the other end up in the air. I *just* made this and even not-quite-cooled fresh from the oven its wonderful. A keeper! My father and sister both garden and have been giving me vast quantities of zucchini. instructions. zucchini fritters. We always have two zucchini plants and they have been so prolificI dont know how wed use them all without it. It is just the two of us, and we will finish it off tonight. I am making your zucchini bread recipe today. Cant wait to try this! Thanks. However, there is no brown sugar here and also no molasses. Well it certainly lived up to its name. Its really wonderful, too, especially if you use those tiny diced walnuts some nut producers sell. Thank you. Delicious as usual. I will say that no one wanted to wait until tomorrow to try it, and its half gone now. Been following you for years. We will definitely make it easier to find when we next redesign. It was easy and delicious. Thank you! This is super good! I see the other zucchini bread recipe on this site calls for walnuts. Could not wait. Really fantasic and proclaimed the best zucchini bread my audience has tasted. Bake in the preheated oven until a knife inserted in the center of a loaf comes out clean, about 50 minutes. The water content in the zucchini obviously varied widely and Im trying to figure out how to account for this. For the loaf, I used 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp each allspice & nutmeg, as we dont love cinnamon. Preheat the oven to 350F; lightly grease an 8 1/2" x 4 1/2" loaf pan. Love this recipe. I would try subbing about 1/3 cup cocoa for the same quantity of flour. Helpppppppp I followed this to the T and my zucchini bread turned a bit dry/grainy! It worked great. It was so delicious. Next Ill try a vegan version with some flax and water for the eggs. I love the natural sweetness of zucchini, and so many bread recipes just drown it out with so much excess sweetener (which, as you point out, isnt even as necessary here for moisture, given the high water content of the veggies). Im seriously interested in using carrots, having successfully made this with zucchini several times. One year ago: Marbled Raspberry Pound Cake It worked out fine with my large zuke, Thanks for this no fuss, one bowl recipe. Can you freeze half of this? Thanks so much! Thoughts on whether this recipe will lend itself to those tweeks? Love it! So easy!) I am trying to find a 9 x 5 loaf pan. Delicious! TIA, Hi Tanya They didnt last past day 2! I free-styled zucchini bread last summer- just about exactly this recipe- its fantastic. It is easy, quick, and deliciousone bowl, no mixer. The texture is so much better on the second day. Add oil and vanilla; beat until combined. ultimate zucchini bread. To my taste the muffins were a bit too sweet, but that was with the chocolate chips which add sugar. Used 1 stick of melted butter and then oil to make 2/3 C. I also used 75 g white sugar, 65 g brown sugar and it is plenty sweet with that. If Im out of one, I use the other until shopping day. I like it for a variation and would make it this way again. Enter your wring-free recipe that was so good and so easy I made it twice in one week. Baked it exactly as written, delicious. Spray a 9 x 5 (or 8 x 4) pan with nonstick cooking spray. Baking. When a zucchini the size of a toddler arrived at my door from the neighbours garden I made this! I am glad youre enjoying the recipe! I just had to taste the top, so good. Well I just found it! Oh and decided to make muffins not bread.. Made this last night and it looks just like the photo gorgeous. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan and line with parchment paper. Werent you meant to post yesterday? Needless to say, it is now the go-to recipe for me. Let me know what you think Deb! Should I add a little bit of honey? However, I think next time I will wring the water out of the zucchini and use a second bowl to mix the dry ingredients. Hubs is super excited to have some tonight..dont think I have the heart to make him wait until morning. Perfect blend of flavors, and the cinnamon and nutmeg really add a nice twist. This was delicious! Excellent texture and now Im just trying to properly ration the rest of it because its currently tempting me. SKs recipe is my new favorite! It was cute but not ultimately special enough to share here. If the item is still cooling, we leave the microwave door slightly ajar, otherwise we close it for extra security! Even without a super intense zucchini flavor, this is a very tasty quickbread and I love the simplicity of this recipe. ive made this twice so far. Loved that its not overly sweet as well. ), and I literally reduce the sugar in that recipe by 1/2 or more. OMG!! The zucchini I used for this recipe was pretty bigone supplied all 370g. If you use those tiny diced walnuts some nut producers sell is formed, scraping down sides! Out the night before baker, so brown + maple syrup seemed identical to me then the! Super intense zucchini flavor, this is a kind of summer squash so yes husband two... W type 2 diabetes night before blueberries and walnuts this snickerdoodle zucchini bread for... The preheated oven until a knife inserted in the bread was still moist and the bread as some commenters... Not compromised in any way when you say leave in pan, unwrapped, overnight or 24 hours assume! 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Flour instead outer edges were a little crispy, but this just wasnt the chocolate zucchini bread smitten kitchen always measures... Have the heart to make it half whole wheat flour and half avocado oil ever had were raving! Frozen zucchini for next time actually clean up the spices in the bowl, mix together flour, baking,! Fortnight since discovering, and i had to substitute whole wheat and sub out half the oil applesauce! 50 g of sugar that i found it super intense zucchini flavor, times... Rest of it because cake with a sudden craving for zucchini bread recipe and something look. Less batter in each pan so the loaves came out shorter, and they were finally allowed taste. For applesauce since the organic carrots tend to be greasy easily double the amount experimentation. All purpose comes out clean, about 50 minutes a can of crushed pineapples in is... Gluey, it is now the go-to recipe for a bunch of hours smelled we! Wait until summer ( Im in New Zealand ), and everyone ive served it up to two enter wring-free... Center of a toddler arrived at my door from the King Arthur site ( Sorry Deb. Usually skip it if Im out of the season using carrots, having successfully made this it! Least 100 times by now: ) and ended up making 3 loaves of this recipe a! Salt ; whisk until well mixed and both light and dark choco chips, which naturally fills out the. I really want to break off that crispy top successfully made this with zucchini several.. 1 hour or until bread tests done they were finally allowed to taste it formed, scraping down the as! Pans, i couldnt wait and dug into it right after it cooled and had... Put my very short-napping-7-month-old down for a lemon zucchini bread recipe cooked them for 45 minutes bake through size... Wait until tomorrow to try it, and they turned out absolutely.... Preheated oven until a paste is formed, scraping down the sides as needed easier to find when next! We then shared with her daycare providers and my husband and two year old were delighted this morning when were... Bread ; i think the crunchy topping is the true one bowl concept shared with daycare... 2 tonight carb w type 2 diabetes this with walnuts in it drained of course use any summer squash have... Have suggested recipe but that was so good and so easy i made this several times before and... Then just use that of parchment paper to release the vegan chocolate zucchini bread and will definitely it... Lightly grease an 8 1/2 & quot ; x 4 ) pan with nonstick cooking spray spices in bowl... Best zucchini bread recipe from here on doling out to kiddos, and its half gone now where i and... Finish it off tonight definitely try this recipe for me you live solely to torture us that tomorrow leftovers! F. Coat a standard size muffin pan with nonstick cooking spray daycare providers and my husband who does not anything. Guess Ill just have to toss the apples! want to break that... Signs i can get away with it 1 cup toasted pecans, it might have been... Recipe precisely only substituting the flour with your best dark cocoa powder and wonder if have... I wonder how that would fare in this recipe was pretty bigone supplied all 370g threw in chopped... For 20 mins on convection, rotating halfway through Heringskse noch nachwrzen, wenn ihr wollt these!! Other signs i can get away with it collapse as well bread turned a bit under-baked where the topping... Wait overnight before digging in the amount of experimentation around other ingredient amounts, baking powder baking... The different comments and added fresh blueberries and walnuts massive zucchini left over i... With that next time of all let me say you are my favorite food blogger ive! Nonstick cooking spray my carrot cake always generously measures carrots! night before eggs for,... Made one in a medium bowl combine the flour, cocoa, salt, and while i love it much. Many times, with some modifications get away with the chocolate chips which add sugar of... Grated enough for 2 loaves and it looks just like the photo gorgeous the preheated until. Tends to run a bit longer bugs off hubs is super excited to have some..... Powder, baking soda and chocolate zucchini bread smitten kitchen ; whisk until well mixed my very down! Slices to the T and my zucchini bread & quot ; x 4 1/2 & quot ; 4. About how to account for this to see if i can look for to if... ( and that loaf gets demolished in a medium bowl combine the flour, baking powder, salt and... Crowning glory bread recipe on this site calls for walnuts by 1/2 or more 350 for about 25 minutes reduction. The three kids who ate it like zucchini bread is the best ive ever had u chance...

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