upton sinclair quizlet apush

returned home to support the cause of the suffrage for American woman, diplomacy influenced by economic considerations. Should Crandall undertake the expansion? This ended Russian participation in the war. Muckrakers- nickname given to young reporters of popular magazines. . Sinclair is arguably the best known of the so-called muckrakers, the forerunners of today's investigative journalists who in the early 1900s exposed widespread corporate and political malfeasance. Terms in this set (32) Upton Sinclair muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago. The expulsions destroyed the Socialist party in California. the prohibition amendment; outlawing the use & sell of alcohol or any alcoholic beverage. An intraparty election in which the voters select the candidates who will run on a party's ticket in the subsequent general election. There is no use attacking it by a front attack, it is much better to out-flank them. What do they add to the story line of the poem? That promise helped Roosevelt conquer a huge victory. Provide calculations for last-in, first-out (LIFO). Upton Beall Sinclair Jr. (September 20, 1878 - November 25, 1968) was an American writer, muckraker, political activist and the 1934 Democratic Party nominee for governor of California who wrote nearly 100 books and other works in several genres. A giant conglomerate of railroads that had a monopoly over the Great Northern and Northern Pacific lines; President Theodore Roosevelt ordered the company broken up in 1902, and it was dissolved by the Supreme Court in 1904. the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he was a leader in the fight against participation in the League of Nations, United States labor leader and militant socialist who was one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World (1869-1928), revolutionary industrial union organized in Chicago in 1905 by delegates from the Western Federation of Mine; unionized the non-unionized. [28], Sinclair's plan to end poverty quickly became a controversial issue under the pressure of numerous migrants to California fleeing the Dust Bowl. What book did he write? [6] His mother's family was very affluent: her parents were very prosperous in Baltimore, and her sister married a millionaire. These all intended to make the people more responsible for their laws and allow them to make political decisions rather than the legislature. One of the country's first scientific foresters, appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1881 as the chief of the newly created Division of Forestry in the Department of Agriculture; worked to develop programs and public interest in conservation, but was fired in 1910 by President William Howard Taft after exposing a supposed scandal involving western conservation land in what came to be known as the Ballinger-Pinchot affair. The Jungle What was The Jungle about? II. [a][38] Meta and her family tried to convince Sinclair to give up writing and get "a job that would support his family. In each of the following sentences, underline the subject once and the verb twice. He said, "Radical action must be taken to do away with the efforts of arrogant and selfish greed on the part of the capitalist."[57]. These magazines spent a lot of money on researching and digging up "muck," hence the name muckrakers. As Sinclair, a self-proclaimed socialist, saw it, millionaire businessmen were building up huge fortunes by exploiting their immigrant workers. The people could possibly remove an incompetent politician from office by having a second election. The effect of positive events, or the optimal amount of stress that people need to promote health and well-being. [49] They remained married until her death in 1961. It was never published. Google Apps. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen. After reading the book answer each of the following questions in free response essay format. If the subject and verb do not agree, write the correct form of the verb above the incorrect verb. The Northern Securities Company was a holding company in 1902. View Progressive_Short_Answer-1.docx from APUSH 101 at Northern Guilford High. [41] His wife later had a love affair with John Armistead Collier, a theology student from Memphis; they had a son together named Ben. The demonstrations touched off more actions by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the Mother Earth group, a loose association of anarchists and IWW members, in Rockefeller's hometown of Tarrytown. It was part of the progressive movement and the book's purpose was to show the wrong in the monopoly of the Standard Oil Company. In lines 5-11, Beowulf boasts of his legendary- A. fear and need to overcome it B. pride and tendency to exaggerate C. kindness and desire to do good deeds D. hunting skills and belief in fate, progressive wisconsin govenor whose adgenda of reforms was known as the wisconsin idea. Sinclair broke with the Socialist Party in 1917 and supported the First World War effort. One of the most powerful pieces done by a muckraker was the book "The Jungle", by Upton Sinclair. [30], At the same time, American and Soviet communists disassociated themselves from him, considering him a capitalist. What did William Howard Taft do quizlet? [46][47] Meta soon became enamored of Kemp, and in late August she left Sinclair for the poet.[38][47]. For long periods of time, he was a complete vegetarian, but he also experimented with eating meat. Woodrow Wilson's program in his campaign for the presidency in 1912, the New Freedom emphasized business competition and small government. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that our enemies have succeeded in spreading the Big Lie. He was the party candidate for governor of California in 1926, winning nearly 46,000 votes, and in 1930, winning nearly 50,000 votes. [6], Upton Sinclair considered himself a poet and dedicated his time to writing poetry. Match each vocabulary term to its definition. The nickname given to young reporters of popular magazines. They are delighted with their new home. January 1917 the British intercepted a telegram from the German government to the Mexican government offering German support if Mexico declared war against the US; offered to return land Mexico lost the US. Sinclair later told his son, David, that around Sinclair's 16th year, he decided not to have anything to do with his mother, staying away from her for 35 years because an argument would start if they met. law requiring men to register for military service. [38] He is buried next to Willis in Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington, D.C. Sinclair devoted his writing career to documenting and criticizing the social and economic conditions of the early 20th century in both fiction and nonfiction. This bias, Sinclair felt, had profound implications for American democracy: The social body to which we belong is at this moment passing through one of the greatest crises of its history . What if the nerves upon which we depend for knowledge of this social body should give us false reports of its condition? Sinclair called The Brass Check "the most important and most dangerous book I have ever written."[58]. Want to Read. They pressured their employees to assist and vote for Merriam's campaign, and made false propaganda films attacking Sinclair, giving him no opportunity to respond. apush unit 7 review flashcards quizlet. Sinclair's platform, known as the End Poverty in California movement (EPIC), galvanized the support of the Democratic Party, and Sinclair gained its nomination. Why did Socialism appeal to Jurgis Rudkus? "[6], Sinclair was opposed to sex outside of marriage and viewed it as necessary only for reproduction. The most successful political action group that forced the prohibition issue into the forefront of state and local elections and pioneered the strategy of the single-issue pressure group. displaced aggression f. Taking out one's frustrations on some less threatening or more available target. During the campaign, he promised Americans this. What was the reason Congress passed the pure-food-drug bill? Pinchot, who was the Chief of Forestry, supported former President Roosevelt and demanded that Taft dismiss Ballinger. . For Jurgis's family, economic hardship at . Theodore Roosevelt's program in his campaign for the presidency in 1912, the New Nationalism called for a national approach to the country's affairs and a strong president to deal with them. As a sophisticated socialite who mingles easily with people from all cultures and socioeconomic classes, Budd has been characterized as the antithesis of the stereotyped "Ugly American".[67]. A government inspector is there to inspect the pigs for tuberculosis, but he is not very careful. Was supposed to lower tariff rates but Senator Nelson N. Aldrich of Rhode Island put revisions that raised tariffs. The arresting officer proclaimed: "We'll have none of that Constitution stuff". 412 Words2 Pages. His book Mental Radio (1930) included accounts of his wife Mary's telepathic experiences and ability. A first edition, 1906. Progressive reform from 1913 that required U.S. senators to be elected directly by voters; previously, senators were chosen by state legislatures. He did not start school until he was 10 years old. The Republicans were badly split in the 1912 election, so Roosevelt broke away forming his own Progressive Party (or Bull Moose Party because he was "fit as a bull moose"). Identify the effects of union activities during the post-Civil War period by using a graphic organizer. eustress a. ", Piep, Karsten H. "War as Proletarian Bildungsroman in Upton Sinclairs Jimmie Higgins. d. trepidation. It was specifically targeted at the use of rebates. What were the conditions of the workers hands? The Northern Securities Company was a holding company in 1902. His loss led to the election of Democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson, but he gained more third party votes than ever before. Image of Upton Sinclair and wife Mary Craig, Santa Barbara, California, 1935. Act passed in 1914, which outlawed such practices as price discrimination (charging different customers different prices for the same goods), "tying" agreements that limited the right of dealers to handle the products of competing manufacturers, interlocking directorates connecting corporations with a capital of more than $1 million (or banks with more than $5 million), and corporations' acquisition of stock in competing corporations. The company was forced to dissolve after they were challenged by Roosevelt, his first trust-bust. Greater government regulation to protect workers and consumers. He exposed his view of the injustices of capitalism and the overwhelming effects of poverty among the working class. When citizens vote on laws instead of the state or national governments. The Northern Securities Company was a holding company in 1902. His novel based on the meatpacking industry in Chicago, The Jungle, was first published in serial form in the socialist newspaper Appeal to Reason, from February 25, 1905, to November 4, 1905. Sinclair's work was well known and popular in the first half of the 20th century, and he won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1943. Founded by W.E.B. These investigative journalists were trying to make the public aware of problems that needed fixing. Sinclair portrays their mistreatment by Rudkus' employers and the wealthier elements of society. The company was forced to dissolve after they were challenged by Roosevelt, his first trust-bust. He intended to "set forth the breaking of human hearts by a system which exploits the labor of men and women for profit". B. Passed in 1913, this amendment to the Constitution calls for the direct election of senators by the voters instead of their election by state legislatures. For people to see the unsanitary conditions in the plants. Advanced Placement United States History Chapter 28 and 29 Key Terms. Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, someone who transforms something common into something rare, butcher- cut fingers, cooks- TB, machine workers- missing fingers/hands, hoisters-crooked spines, beef haulers- bad backs, cows with TB, used rat and human body parts, rancid butter, horse/goat meat, Birth Control Methods and Sexually Transmitte, Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, and Naturalism, Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. [51], Sinclair had spent about six months investigating the Chicago meatpacking industry for Appeal to Reason, the work which inspired his novel. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen. AP US History Practice Test: Period 7 (1890-1945) Question 1 Questions 1-2 refer to the following excerpt from a book by a German observer who visited America in the 1920s: "To grasp the magnitude of the automobile problem, one must realize that New York alone has more cars than all of Europe. Benefitting labor, it declared that unions were not conspiracies in restraint of trade and outlawed the use of injunctions in labor disputes unless they were necessary to protect property. [6] In 1904, Sinclair spent seven weeks in disguise, working undercover in Chicago's meatpacking plants to research his novel, The Jungle (1906), a political expos that addressed conditions in the plants, as well as the lives of poor immigrants. When his father was out for the night, he would sleep in the bed with his mother. His book "Up from Slavery.". The book dealt with conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry, causing a public uproar that partly contributed to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906. Glass-Owen Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created a Federal Reserve System of regional banks and a Federal Reserve Board to stabilize the economy by regulating the supply of currency and controlling credit. The Teapot Dome Scandal of the 1920s shocked Americans by revealing an unprecedented level of greed and corruption within the federal government. He wrote a novel about the affair called Love's Progress, a sequel to Love's Pilgrimage. Who is Upton Sinclair Upton was an American author who wrote nearly 100 books and other works across a number of genres. To investigate the meat packing industry. Get started for free! The modern term . His father was a liquor salesman whose alcoholism shadowed his son's childhood. [68] Out of print and nearly forgotten for years, ebook editions of the Lanny Budd series were published in 2016. Established the Federal Trade Commission in 1914 to enforce existing antitrust laws that prohibited business combinations in restraint of trade. Upton Sinclair was a socialist who wrote The Jungle to raise sympathy for the plight of workers being exploited by the capitalist system in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United. Science-fiction author Robert A. Heinlein was deeply involved in Sinclair's campaign, although he attempted to move away from the stance later in his life. ", Leader, Leonard. ______ Here's some bad advice: "Don't worry about the _______ of your new contract." parts for the following Irregular verbs. The Flivver King: A Story of Ford-America. [6], He graduated from City College in June 1897. [70] He believed that periodic fasting was important for health, saying, "I had taken several fasts of ten or twelve days' duration, with the result of a complete making over of my health". Upton Sinclair at the time he first achieved muckraking fame. Woodrow Wilson's domestic policy that, promoted antitrust modification, tariff revision, and reform in banking and currency matters. This amendment overruled Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. (1895), which limited the Congress's authority to levy an income tax. Sinclair was to report to Moir monthly regarding his abstinence. an American politician who served as a U.S. Citizens chance to remove an elected official from office before the person's term ended. started an era of muckraking journalism (1866-1936), Muckraker during the Progressive Era; wrote "The Octopus" (1901) that described the power of the railroads over Western farmers. His book influenced consumers to demand safer canned products. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Jonas has had several interviews and Marija gets a job painting cans in the canning factory, which she is very excited about. When The Jungle was published in 1906, many individuals, including President Theodore Roosevelt, were horrified with what they read and demanded reform. Additionally, it encouraged large concentrations of capital and labor. [8] With that income, he was able to move his parents to an apartment when he was seventeen years old. Clear rating. ", Duvall, J. Michael. National American Woman Suffrage Association. What was the reason Congress passed the pure-food-drug bill? Sinclair wrote the novel "Jungle" to portray the harsh conditions and unfair lives of immagrants in the US in Chicago. The most prominent symbol in the book simply put is the 'animals. b. minutiae 1902 act authorizing federal funds from public land sales to pay for irrigation and land development projects, mainly in the dry Western states. Use the equation approach to compute the number of flags Crandall must sell each year to break even. (Round your final answers up to the next whole number. In 1935, he published I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked, in which he described the techniques employed by Merriam's supporters, including the then popular Aimee Semple McPherson, who vehemently opposed socialism and what she perceived as Sinclair's modernism. escape or withdrawal d. The psychological experience produced by urgent demands or expectations for a person's behavior that come from an outside source. An act passed in 1914 that legalized a US financial system that involved 12 federally operated district banks that were supervised by the Federal Reserve Board. "[4] He used this line in speeches and the book about his campaign for governor as a way to explain why the editors and publishers of the major newspapers in California would not treat seriously his proposals for old age pensions and other progressive reforms.[4]. Terms in this set (47) A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work A History of Standard Oil. This split the Republican party into progressives (lower tariff) and conservatives (high tariff). [52] Domestic and foreign purchases of American meat fell by half. What was the problem with the book The Jungle Sinclair wrote the novel "Jungle" to portray the harsh conditions and unfair lives of immagrants in the US in Chicago. He read every book his mother owned for a deeper understanding of the world. By the 1920s, however, he had returned to the party. Industries Business and Industry Civil Rights Fiction. 'The Jungle' is a work of fiction.Upton Sinclair (1878-1968), American novelist, circa 1915. Crandall Company sells flags with team logos. Upton Sinclair was one of many well-known "Muckrakers" during the Progressive Era. This gave him insight into how both the rich and the poor lived during the late 19th century. [22], In 1934, Sinclair ran in the California gubernatorial election as a Democrat. cases that dealt with the constitutional rights in the newly acquired overseas territories. Sinclair had been a member of the Socialist Party from 1902 to 1934, when he became a Democrat, though always considering himself a socialist in spirit. Spoke powerfully in favor of suffrage, worked as a school principal and a reporter ., became head of the National American Woman Suffrage, an inspiried speaker and abrilliant organizer. He was taught to "avoid the subject of sex." C. C. To spread awareness of the harsh conditions the workers were subjected to. Sinclair's writing could be used as evidence to support which of the following arguments? The hogs are processed by hundreds of men, each performing one task. general adaptation syndrome h. Coping strategies that try to eliminate the source of a stress or reduce its impact through direct actions. Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. [69], Sinclair was keenly interested in health and nutrition. a national park in California famous for its waterfalls and rock formations. His attitude to these matters was fully explained in the chapter, "The Use of Meat", in the above-mentioned book. What problems did the new immigrants face? He was also the Democratic Party candidate for governor of California during the Great Depression, running under the banner of the End Poverty in California campaign, but was defeated in the 1934 election. Agency established during WWI to increase efficiency & discourage waste in war-related industries. What qualities do you think Allende most admires in other writers? They were then shared in his publication of h Subjects: Literature, Reading Strategies, U.S. History Grades: 8th - 12th Types: DBQs, Literacy Center Ideas, Worksheets CCSS: RH.9-10.1, RH.9-10.3, RH.9-10.4, RH.9-10.8, RH.9-10.9 Add to cart A famous piece of political and socialist literature, "The Jungle" tells the story of Lithuanian immigrants who come to Chicago to work in the famous meatpacking industry. Communist Party USA and African Americans, World Socialist Party of the United States, Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, Individualist anarchism in the United States, They Call Me Carpenter: A Tale of the Second Coming, The Flivver King: A Story of Ford-America, The Goslings: A Study of the American Schools. approved of the idea of the league of nations but wished to modify wilsons practical proposal: article X, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Donald Kagan, Frank M. Turner, Steven Ozment. The 1933 political cartoon shown above makes the point that. A. Despite Meta's several attempts to terminate the pregnancy,[6] the child, David, was born on December 1, 1901. It worked for equal rights for African Americans. E. [23] Gaining 879,000 votes made this his most successful run for office, but incumbent Governor Frank Merriam defeated him by a sizable margin,[24] gaining 1,138,000 votes. An author who exposed the meat packing industry. Both of Upton Sinclair's parents were of British ancestry. Upton Beall Sinclair Sr. was from a highly respected family in the South, but the family was financially ruined by the Civil War, the end of slavery causing disruptions of the labor system during the Reconstruction era, and an extended agricultural depression. the wannsee conference . Upton Sinclair, in full Upton Beall Sinclair, (born September 20, 1878, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.died November 25, 1968, Bound Brook, New Jersey), prolific American novelist and polemicist for socialism, health, temperance, free speech, and worker rights, among other causes. Required strict cleanliness requirements for meat packers and created a program of federal meat inspection. He wrote the book "Wealth Against Commonwealth" in 1894. Read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Living in two social settings affected him and greatly influenced his books. It stated that the preparation of meat shipped over state lines would be subject to federal inspection. Procedure that allowed voters to enact laws directly if a designated number of voters petitioned to have a measure put on the ballot; first adopted by South Dakota in 1898. It was made to protect the consumer. This was a pamphlet[64] he published in 1934 as a preface to running for office in the state of California. "Upton Sinclair as California's Socialist Candidate for Congress, 1920,", This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 22:00. ", Rising, George G. "An EPIC Endeavor: Upton Sinclair's 1934 California Gubernatorial Campaign. It was created in 1906 and was designed to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals. He called it "The Jungle," filled it with page after page of nauseating detail . (b) What is the speaker's attitude concerning individuality and self-reliance? He subsequently studied law at Columbia University,[9] but he was more interested in writing. The Elkins Act of 1903 was an act passed by Congress against the Railroad industries. They are still optimistic about the future and happy in their home. Best Known For: Upton Sinclair was an activist writer whose works, including 'The Jungle' and 'Boston,' often uncovered social injustices. Upton Sinclair was an American Writer who wrote nearly one hundred books and others works in several genres. The publication of Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel The Jungle produced an immediate and powerful effect on Americans and on federal policy, but Sinclair had hoped to achieve a very different result. Conservatives considered his proposal an attempted communist takeover of their state and quickly opposed him, using propaganda to portray Sinclair as a staunch communist. What role did Portugals Prince Henry play in overseas exploration? 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