shadow health tina jones skin, hair and nails quizlet

Finding: Reports infrequent itchy eyes (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as itchy eyes, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Asking Tina if her skin has been dry solicits important health history information. The evaluation of your interview is dependent on how you word your questions therapeutically and precisely and explore all relevant topics with comprehensive breadth and depth. Finding: Asked about blood glucose monitoring. Finding: Denies easy bruising (Available)Pro Tip: Asking if a patient bruises easily is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Finding: Denies blood in urine (Available)Pro Tip: As a currently presenting symptom, blood in the urine is a serious symptom that requires immediate intervention. Shadow Health will be undergoing scheduled . Tina Jones: Um, I have acne, if that counts. ", 6. Finding: Denies taking herbals (Available)Pro Tip: Finding out about your patients use of herbals will help you get a complete health history and avoid unwanted drug interactions. Example Question: What did you eat for breakfast yesterday? . It is important to ask your patient about the flu vaccine. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as unspecified allergies. Finding: Reports specific age of diagnosis is 2.5 years old (Available)Pro Tip: Asthma can have a profound impact on health, and it is important to learn about the patients history of the condition, including the age of diagnosis. You will be able to see what has been effective and ineffective in the past, which will allow you to make a more informed decision about current treatment. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems, such as nerve damage. Example: striae (stretch mark) Superbowl Decor Ideas || Explore Detailed Information, Advanced Integrative Medicine Patient Portal. Example Question: Do you have a history of depression? It refers to abnormally thin nails (usually of the hand) which have lost their convexity, becoming flat or even concave in shape. Planning Pro Tip: To reduce the patients pain, assess her current rating. Educate the patient about the benefits to overall health and blood sugar control and finding an appropriate form of exercise. The most common causes of muscle pain are strain, overuse, illness, or infection. Student: How did you cope with your fathers death? Tina Jones: Yeah, lately Ive definitely been much hungrier than usual. skin on her neck changing, will allow you to compare her symptoms and assess her Student: Have you had any change in appetite? Provide an appropriate intervention (pharmaceutical or otherwise) and educate the patient. ", 4.Lack of treatment with diabetes medication Not Followed Up, Description: Tina reveals that she does not treat her diabetes with medication. Home Flashcards Shadow Health Tina Jones, Health History. I cant put any weight on it without like, shooting pain. Pro Tip: Acne is a skin disorder resulting from hormones and various other substances on the skin's oil glands. Things were only hard like that for a few months. Pro Tip: Specific questions about Tina's wound can help you to assess the care that she will need. Examples: cheilosis at corners of the mouth due to excess moisture; athlete's foot Finding: Asked about general immunizations received. Asking Tina about her sun Bruising easily can be indicative of anemia or a more serious blood disorder. Finding: Reports weight loss was unintentional (Found)Pro Tip: Unintentional weight loss can be a sign of underlying medical conditions or a reflection of unhealthy lifestyle choices. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint. important health information. Tina Jones: Well, he passed away. about her health history. Finding: Reports last hospitalization was age 16 (Available)Pro Tip: Finding out the date of Tinas last hospitalization is important for understanding the timeline of her medical issues, asthma in particular. Example Question: Have you had a mammogram? Asking Tina if her wound has any swelling specifies the symptoms she is experiencing. The resulting skin level is elevated by excess scar tissue, which is invasive beyond the site of original injury. Finding: Reports weight loss occurred over the past month (Available)Pro Tip:Finding out the timeline for weight loss can indicate if its sudden or gradual. In Tinas case, it will help you better understand her asthma and create a timeline. Throughout the conversation, you should educate and empathize with Ms. Jones when appropriate to increase her health literacy and sense of well-being. Tina Jones: Mom has high cholesterol and blood pressure, I think. Finding: Denies smoking tobacco (Found)Pro Tip: Finding out if a patient uses tobacco products is important to understanding her overall health, and is a potential factor in delayed wound healing. health information. Student: How is your paternal grandmothers health? Tina Jones: I was diagnosed when I was 24. Pro Tip: Acne is a skin disorder resulting from hormones and various other substances on Pro Tip: Acne is a skin disorder resulting from hormones and various other substances on the skin's oil glands. Ulcer: deeper depression extending into dermis, irregular shape; may bleed; leaves scar when heals. Example Question: Have you had jaw problems? But I dont smoke, and nobody at home smokes. 9. most effectively treat her symptoms. She lives down the street from us, and she gets around okay. Asking Tina if her maternal grandfather had high blood pressure can reveal generational patterns. Finding: Reports receiving polio shot (Available)Pro Tip: Discovering if a patient received a childhood polio vaccination reveals information about both her medical history and her susceptibility to infectious disease. Example Question: Are your periods regular? 5, Upper Ground Floor, Sky Terrace Building, Mansarovar Sector 5, ATM, ATM/Debit, Cash, Google Wallet, Mastercard, Paypal, Personal Checks, Visa, DERMA MAGNETICA SKIN, LASER & HAIR TRANSPLANT CLINIC GRAND OPENING, How to Maintain Good Health With Vinegar and Honey. Example Question: Do you have circulation problems? Example Question: Did you use any ointment on the wound? Example Question: How often do you urinate during the day? Its killing me." Finding: Reports pain affects ability to stand at work for long periods of time (Available)Pro Tip: Understanding the impact of your patients wound on daily activities helps inform your plan for care. Student: Does your mother have any health problems? Asking Tina how the doctor treated her acne solicits important information about her health history and any treatment plan she was following. Educate Medication: Educate the patient on medications used for pain relief. Student: Does your family have a history of substance abuse? This can also alert you if a patients activities of daily living are hindered. Finding: Denies voice changes (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about changes in a patients voice is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Knowing that Mom needed me kind of helped me get through day by day. Pro Tip: Sun exposure can directly affect a patient's skin. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Past month, 2022 Finding: Reports infrequent sinus problems (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as frequent sinus issues, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Tina Jones: I havent smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one. This assignment takes on average between 90 and 110 minutes. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Example Question: Have you had palpitations? What antibiotic were you prescribed for your acne? As a currently presenting symptom, it could indicate a change in patient status. As a currently presenting symptom, it could indicate a change in patient status. Finding: Asked about prescription medications. Texture: smooth, firm and even surface Thickness: uniformly thin over most of the body Edema Mobility and turgor: ease of rising and ability to promptly return Vascularity or bruising: Cherry (senile) angiomas Edema: edema is fluid accumulating in the intercellular spaces. Test. Student: Have you had any gastrointestinal problems? Other supporting data points are the presence of her foot wound and her general reports of pain. Finding: Denies muscle weakness (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about muscle weakness is one possible component of a review of systems interview. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? Asking Tina how her foot wound has been healing specifies the symptoms she is experiencing. Required fields are marked *. 5, Upper Ground Floor, Sky Terrace Building, Mansarovar Sector 5, Provo, UT, 84604, company website, reviews, ratings, and more! Example Question: Does your maternal grandmother have health conditions? Finding: Reports last use of inhaler was 3 days ago (Available)Pro Tip: Determining the patients last use of an inhaler clues you in to any recent breathing problems. . Biology Mary Ann Clark, Jung Choi, Matthew Douglas. Asking Tina about her moles solicits important information about her skin. Ive never really had stomach or bowel problems. Student: Do you know why you lost weight? Finding: Denies muscle swelling (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about muscle swelling is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: What did you eat for lunch yesterday? Finding: Reports mother diagnosed with high cholesterol (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Pro Tip: Specific questions about Tina's wound can help you to assess the care that she will need. Hover over the Patient Data items below to reveal important information, including Pro Tips and Example Questions. She describes being too busy to exercise and reports that her primary activity is being on her feet at work, a belief which demonstrates her misunderstanding of exercise. Asking Tina if her asthma can help you develop a sense of health patterns within her family. Pro Tip: Establishing information about any skin condition Tina experiences will help you to Example Question: Do you take prescribed medication for your diabetes? Finding: Asked about family history of obesity. Tina Jones Skin, hair, and nails assessment University Indian River State College Course Nursing , 3 hours ago WebSkin, Hair, and Nails Results Turned In Nursing Health Assessment Lecture/Lab - Fall 2022, NURS 2110/2110L Return to Assignment (/assignments/692567/) If contacting , 7 hours ago WebStart studying Shadow Health- Tina Jones- Hair, Skin, Nails. Finding: Reports right foot is injured (Found)Pro Tip: Confirming which extremity an injury is located is a best practice for your patients safety. My foot slid off the bottom step and it got all scraped up. Example Question: Did you receive the measles vaccine? Finding: Reports house is one-story (Available)Pro Tip: Determining if the patient lives in a multi-story house is important because, depending on the type and severity of their condition, it could affect their ability to go up and down stairs. Example Question: Are you able to hold your urine? Other supporting evidence is her recent injury caused by falling. Example Question: Was your weight loss intentional? Planning Relevant: Assess Musculoskeletal: Assess the patients ability to bear weight and gait. Finding: Asked review of systems for urinary. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Finding: Asked about family history of thyroid issues. Finding: Reports asthma triggered by dust (Found)Pro Tip: Dust is a common allergen, and discovering its effect on asthmatic patients is particularly important. All Lines (645) Interview Questions (210) Statements (41) Exam Actions (, Shadowhealth Tina Jones Skin, Hair and Nails Assignment and Post-Exam Jay H. Tina jones respiratory shadow health assessment Review Questions https://t. Tina Jones: He had high blood pressure and cholesterol. We are inspired to provide our guests with superior relaxation and beauty services in anmore, the host that we made an appointment at 6:30 for 2 gel manicures and 1 regular pedicure.more, I am not a big nail salon person; meaning, the last time I got a pedicure was 5 years ago.more, My first impression of this nail salon was a really great one. Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will take Ms. Jones health history, a key component of her admission process. "I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and it got really infected. Finding: Reports feeling at peace now (Found)Pro Tip: Asking about Tinas reaction to her fathers death is a vital part of patient-centered care. Finding: Denies vaginal itching or discomfort (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about vaginal discomfort, such as itching or burning, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Student: Have you had any problems with your breasts? Finding: Reports she last checked blood sugar a month ago (Available)Pro Tip: Your patients blood sugar monitoring habits are an important part of her health literacy and home treatment. Its better for your asthma and your overall health.". Finding: Reports paternal grandfather diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Asking Tina if she has dandruff solicits important health information. Example Question: Are you allergic to latex? The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Fissure: Linear crack with abrupt edges, extends into dermis, dry or moist. Example Question: Have you had any family members with cancer? Example Question: Have you had nosebleeds? Example Question: Have you had breathing problems? Finding: Denies dizziness or vertigo (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about dizziness or vertigo is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: Do you have a rash on your breasts? Freckles, flat nevi, hypopigmentation, petechiae, measles and scarlet fever Finding: Reports past nebulizer use (Available)Pro Tip: Finding out what treatments Tina received during her hospitalizations will give you a fuller picture of the history of her condition. Reports a photograph from years earlier shows darkening skin. Example Question: What is the pain like when you stand on your foot? Finding: Denies seasonal triggers (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about seasonal triggers can help you understand a patients complete set of asthma triggers over the course of a year. Priority High Priority Pro Tip: This is a high priority. Finding: Followed up on reason for weight change. Example Question: Do you have seasonal asthma triggers? Finding: Reports more frequent urination (Found)Pro Tip: Your patients urination habits can offer insight into underlying medical conditions and general health. Asking Tina if she currently has acne solicits important information Finding: Reports recent loss of 10 lbs (Available)Pro Tip: Determining the exact amount of weight loss can indicate whether its within expected ranges, or extreme, which may indicate an underlying health problem. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint. Finding: Asked review of systems for gastrointestinal. Finding: Reports pain is sharp when she attempts to stand (Found)Pro Tip: Determining what physical activities and movements exacerbate the patients pain can help you better understand the problems and assess treatment needs. Student: Have you used illicit drugs? She also reports sometimes needing more puffs to resolve symptoms. Example Question: Have you ever been pregnant? Tina Jones: No. Finding: Reports being barefoot at the time of injury (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about clothing, footwear, and other protective elements being worn at the time of injury helps you discover the totality of the circumstances. Model Statement: "Staying away from sugar is a great start. Evidence Relevant: Evidence Pro Tip: Tinas asthma puts her at general risk for breathing problems. she is experiencing. Example Question: Do you have any breast swelling? Finding: Denies current birth control (Available)Pro Tip: A patients use of birth control can impact the care plan, such as which medications are prescribed. Example Question: Does your father have health conditions? If the patient reports a history of vomiting, it could be a symptom of a recurring gastrointestinal problem. Finding: Reports mother diagnosed with high blood pressure (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Pro Tip: Soliciting a relevant medical history will help you to more effectively treat your patient. Copyright 20042023 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. But my breathing definitely acts up. Example Question: How many pain pills do you take at a time? Example Question: Did you notice any redness around the wound? This record provides necessary information for healthcare professionals who will continue patient care. Wheal: Superficial, raised, transient and erythematous; slightly irregular shape due to edema. Student: Any problems with your eyes and vision? ", 7. Example Question: Do you ever have chest pain? Existing conditions can also inform your treatment and understanding of the patients current health issues. Statistical Summary [ PDF Excel ] , All Time (8 Recipes) Example Question: When did you last have issues with asthma? Example Question: How did your injury happen? How to Start a Beauty Products Home Business, Domestic Violence Information & Treatment, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information. Finding: Denies corrective lenses (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about the patients use of corrective lenses is one possible component of a review of systems interview. This can be achieved by asking for a 24-hour diet recall. Nodule: Solid, elevated, hard or soft, larger than 1cm. Finding: Denies seasonal allergies (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about seasonal allergies can help you understand a patients complete set of allergies over the course of a year. Finding: Reports fever (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about additional symptoms, such as fever, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: Do you have constipation? Height: 170 cm, Weight: 90 kg, BMI: 31, Random blood glucose: 238, Temperature: 102.4 F, Blood pressure: 138/90 mmHg, Heart rate: 90, Respiratory rate: 18, O2 sat: 98%. Example Question: Does your maternal grandfather have health conditions? Student: Does your family have a history of obesity? Example Question: How are you coping now? I can give you some more information on what a balanced diet looks like for someone with diabetes. Finding: Denies ever having a mammogram (Available)Pro Tip: Inquiring into what breast screenings Tina has had can lead to a discussion about any test results and their implications for her cardiovascular health. She seems to be doing okay though. Finding: Reports specific age of diagnosis was 24 (Found)Pro Tip: Learning the diagnosis date of your patients illness is an essential element of the illnesses history. Honestly, I didnt realize that Id be admitted to the hospital for my foot. Example Question: Why were you hospitalized last time? Student: Have you received a flu vaccine? Also seen with pneumococcal meningitis, Basal cell carcinoma Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Learn. Tinea pedis (ringworm of the foot) Example Question: When did you first notice the pus? Tina Jones: I mean, its all red and swollen, and theres pus, it feels hot, it hurts like hell Its got all that going on. 2. Finding: Reports ibuprofen helped a little (Found)Pro Tip: The efficacy of pain medication varies from patient to patient. Pro Tip: Establishing information about the character of Tina's skin, like whether the skin on her neck is tingly, will allow you to compare her symptoms and assess her condition. Example Question: Tell me more about any sugars you consume. Example Question: Have you had any head injuries? Examples: impetigo and acne. Example Question: What triggers your asthma problems? Finding: Reports receiving HPV vaccine series (Available)Pro Tip: Discovering if a patient has received the HPV vaccination reveals information about both her medical history and her susceptibility to infectious disease. Example Question: Are you feeling feverish right now? Priority High Priority Pro Tip: The patients foot wound impairs her walking, which in turn increases her risk for falls while she is an admitted patient. Finding: Reports being up to date on shots (Found)Pro Tip: Discovering your patients immunization history is important to her safety and reveals any susceptibilities she may have to infectious disease. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Tina Jones: He died last year, so I was 27. Asking Tina if her skin gets dry solicits important health Finding: Reports father was diagnosed with high cholesterol (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. That Mom needed me kind of helped me get through day by day new feature enables different reading modes our... The patient within her family you urinate during the discussion of the foot ) example Question: What did notice... Treat your patient about the benefits to overall health and blood pressure and cholesterol your grandmother. 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