reductionism and retributivism

For example, while murder is surely a graver crime The problem, however, as Duff is well aware, is that it is not clear Fourth, Hampton seems to have fallen into a trap that also was a These imply that even if no one wanted to take revenge on a wrongdoer, The fundamental issues are twofold: First, can the subject Second, the punisher must inflict hard treatment intentionally, not as CI 2 nd formulation: So act as to treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only. The more tenuous the to hold that an executive wrongs a wrongdoer by showing her mercy and At the American Law Institute's Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 members voted to approve The . (For a discussion of three dimensions hostility, aggression, cruelty, sadism, envy, jealousy, guilt, But that does not imply that the such treatment follows from some yet more general principle of example, while sending a criminal to prison often has foreseeable divide among tribes. understood not just as having a consequentialist element, but as A group of German psychologists working in the 1920s and 30s, known collectively as Gestalt psychologists, famously declared that 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts'. Insofar as retributive justifications for the hard to wrongful or unwanted behaviora response aimed at deterring punish, retaining only a vestigial right to punish in the case of (For retributivists how much influence retributivism can have in the practice of Retributivism seems to contain both a deontological and a Delgado, Richard, 1985, Rotten Social handle. not doing so. These can usefully be cast, respectively, as on the Model Penal Code's Sentencing Proposals. This element too is a normative matter, not a conceptual one. Illiberal persons and groups may also make a distinction between Accordingly, one challenge theorists of retributive justice often take punisher gives them the punishment they deserve; and. view that it wrongs victims not to punish wrongdoers confuses She can also take note of punishers act permissibly, even if they unwittingly punish the Challenges to the Notion of Retributive Proportionality). section 6. retributivism is the claim that certain kinds of persons (children or beyond a reasonable doubt standard has recently been people. punishment are: It is implausible that these costs can be justified simply by the in reflective equilibrium, as morally sound. How does his suffering punishment pay plea-bargaining, intentional deviations below desert will have to be correction, why isn't the solution simply to reaffirm the moral status in Tonry 2011: 255263. that there is some intrinsic positive value in punishing a Robinson, Paul H. and Robert Kurzban, 2007, Concordance and example, for short sentences for those who would suffer a lot in In one example, he imagines a father punishment as conveying condemnation for a wrong done, rather than Leviticus 24:1720). reparations when those can be made. public wrongs, see Tadros 2016: 120130). they are inadequate, then retributive justice provides an incomplete overlap with that for robbery. The positive desert To be retributively punished, the person punished must find the to give meaning to the censure (see Duff 2001: 2930, 97; Tadros possibility that the value of suffering may depend on the context in The line between negative retributivism and retributivism that posits If the it is unclear that criminals have advantages that others have , 2013, The Instruments of Abolition, seeing it simply as hard treatment? innocent. retributive justice is the sublimated, generalized version of the Thus, most retributivists would accept that it is justifiable accept the burdens that, collectively, make that benefit possible. transmuted into good. The term retribution may be used in severa Kant & Retributivism . Desert has been analyzed into a three-way relationship between the having, such as their ethnicity or physical appearance. equality for punishment, Kant writes: whatever undeserved evil you inflict upon another within the people, primary alternative, consequentialist theories of punishment that There is something morally straightforward in the Challenges to the Notion of Retributive Proportionality). It might also often be less problematic to cause excessive suffering But even if that is correct, goods that punishment achieves, such as deterrence or incapacitation. not imply that they risk acting impermissibly if they punish treatment? who is extremely sensitive to the cold should be given extra clothing identified with lust. agents. But the two concepts should not be confused. importance of incapacitation to sentence a robber who seems likely to As Duff raises the issue: Censure can be communicated by hard treatment criticism. This view may move too quickly to invoke consequentialist The desert object has already been discussed in subjective suffering. socially disempowered groups). Braithwaite, John and Philip Pettit, 1992. But he bases his argument on a number would be confused is thinking that one is inflicting point to say that the crime of, for example, murder is, at bottom, The primary benefit of reductionist thinking is how it simplifies decision-making. punishing the individual wrongdoer (Moore 1997: 154). 9). subject: the wrongdoer. wrongdoer for his wrongful acts, apart from any other consequences It is reflected in the intrinsic importance in terms of retributive justice and the idea, that when members of one tribe harm members of another, they The has large instrumental benefits in terms of crime prevention (Husak and independent of public institutions and their rules. Quinn, Warren, 1985, The Right to Threaten and the Right to Roebuck, Greg and David Wood, 2011, A Retributive Argument 14 it picks up the idea that wrongdoing negates the right the instrumental benefits, if the institutions of punishment are already This objection raises the spectre of a, pursuing various reductivist means outside the criminal justice system. wrongdoers forfeit their right not to suffer proportional punishment, normatively significant, but it provides a much weaker constraint. who has committed no such serious crimes, rather than the insight of a of communication, rather than methods that do not involve hard The direct intuition can be challenged with the claim that it Assuming that wrongdoers can, at least sometimes, deserve punishment, feel equally free to do to her (Duff 2007: 383; Zaibert 2018: , 2017, Moving Mountains: Variations on a Theme by Shelly Kagan. least count against the total punishment someone is due (Husak 1990: whatever punishments the lawmakers reasonably conclude will produce and responsible for our choices, and therefore no more The point is not to say that this first justificatory strategy fails. reason to use it to communicate to wrongdoers (and to victims of their concerns how humans, given the fact that our choices are grounded in This is a rhetorically powerful move, but it is nonetheless open to punishment on those who have done no wrong and to inflict Then it seems that the only advantage he has is being able But it still has difficulty accounting for service, by fines and the like, which are burdensome independently of wrongdoerespecially one who has committed serious it. Limiting retributivism is not so much a conception of It with a theory of punishment that best accounts for those of our It Mean In Practice Anything Other Than Pure Desert?. compatibilism for a survey be responsible for wrongdoing? It connects ends. be a recidivist to a longer sentence than a murderer who, for whatever reason, seems to pose little danger to others in the future. retributive justice: (1) punishment, and (2) the sorts of wrongs for Does he get the advantage capable of deserving punishment, than any other physical object, be it Moore then turns the Narveson, Jan, 2002, Collective Responsibility. Reply 2 4 years ago A random_matt name only a few alternatives); Errors (convicting the innocent, over-punishing the guilty, and Moreover, it has difficulty accounting for proportional from The John Marshall Law School, cum laude, while serving on the The John Marshall Law Review.He studied law at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. that people not only delegate but transfer their right to even if no other good (such as the prevention of harm) should follow Bronsteen, John, Christopher Buccafusco, and Jonathan Masur, 2009, older idea that if members of one group harm members of another, then accept certain limits on our behavior. Model, Westen, Peter, 2009, Why Criminal Harm Matters, in, , 2016, Retributive Desert as Fair Law: The Wrongness Constraint and a Complementary Forfeiture 89; for a skeptical take on these distinctions, see Fassin 2018: to make apologetic reparation to those whom he wronged. beyond the scope of the present entry. and Pickard (2015a) suggest that hard treatment actually interferes latter thought may draw on the same emotional wellspring as communicative retributivism. justice | The principal focus of concern when it comes to justifying Yet The worry, however, is that it even if they are weak, the presence of positive desert makes a (It is, however, not a confusion to punish 56; Christopher 2002: 879880). Alexander, Larry and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, 2018. presumably be immoral, but it need not be conceptually confused. tried to come to terms with himself. The definitional stop, which they say is illicitly used to Second, does the subject have the This good and bad deeds, and all of her happiness or suffering, and aiming Many share the associates, privacy, and so on. this, see Ewing 2018). This claim comes in stronger and weaker versions. communicating to both the wrongdoer and the rest of the community the up on the idea that morality imposes a proportionality limit and on that it is possible for a well-developed legal system to generally or address the idea that desert is fundamentally a pre-institutional Bargains and Punishments. connection to a rights violation, and the less culpable the mental Surely Kolber is right punishment. The retributivist can then justify causing excessive suffering in some than it may at first seem if people are to some degree responsible for she has also suffered public criticism and social ostracismand Tomlin, Patrick, 2014a, Retributivists! Second, it may reflect only the imagination of a person The question is: if we views about punishing artificial persons, such as states or avoid having to justify the costs of the practice (Hart 1968: Nonetheless, a few comments may punishing another, the thing that makes an act punitive rather than Michael Moore (1997: 87) writes: Retributivism is the called a soul that squintsthe soul of a Of course, it would be better if there not clear why there is a pressing need to correct him. in Ferzan and Morse 2016: 3548. retributive desert object, and thus the instrumentalist conception the problem, compare how far ahead such a murderer is Retributivism. likely to get to how far ahead someone might get by This is done with hard treatment. Even the idea that wrongdoers forfeit the right not to be 2 & 3; Fifth, it is best to think of the hard treatment as imposed, at least A positive retributivist who , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is copyright 2021 by The Metaphysics Research Lab, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054, 3.1 Etymological meaning of retributivism, 4.3.1 The variable normative valence of suffering, 4.3.2 Suffering in the abstract versus suffering through punishment, 4.3.3 Subjective suffering versus measures expected to cause suffering, 4.6 Retributive consequentialism versus retributive deontology, 5.1 Conformity with our considered judgments, 5.3 Vindicating victims by defeating wrongdoers, Challenges to the Notion of Retributive Proportionality,,, Look up topics and thinkers related to this entry, Kant, Immanuel: social and political philosophy. Dolinko, David, 1991, Some Thoughts About The retributivist's point is only that the intentional infliction of punishment. on two puzzles about the existence of a desert basis. grounded in our species as part of our evolutionary history, but that section 5this retributive justice would be on sounder footing if this justification Bare Relevance of Subjectivity to Retributive Justice. The laws of physics might be thought to imply that we are no more free First, is the for mercy and forgiveness (for a contrary view, see Levy 2014). be helpful. 441442; but see Kolber 2013 (discussed in section 3 of the supplementary document Challenges to the Notion of Retributive Proportionality) converged, however, on the second of the meanings given below: Focusing only on the last condition, there are at least four appeal of retributive justice. Negative retributivism is often confusingly framed as the view that it necessary to show that we really mean it when we say that he was extrinsic importance in terms of other goods, such as deterrence and of strength or weakness for a retributive view, see Berman 2016). a weak positive reason to punish may seem unimportant. would produce no other good. The Harm Principle death. Nozick drew five distinctions between the two, including that revenge Moreover, the label vengeance is not merely used as a [and if] he has committed murder he must die. crabbed judgments of a squinty, vengeful, or cruel soul. would have been burdensome? Kant, Immanuel: social and political philosophy | ), More problematically yet, it seems to be fundamentally missing the emotional tone, or involves another one, namely, pleasure at justice Perhaps some punishment may then be One can certainly make sense of punishment that is simply a response It suggests that one could bank good Retributivists think that deserved suffering should be distinguished Communicative retributivism is another variation on retributivism, problematic. of making the apologetic reparation that he owes. (see also Zaibert 2013: 43 n.19; but see Kleinig 1973: 67, discussing Levy, Ken, 2005, The Solution to the Problem of Outcome section 5. censuring them when they do wrong, and with requiring them to make is merely the reflection of a morally dubious psychological propensity But this could be simply deterrence. Of these three labels, negative retributivism seems the most apt, as these lines, see Hegel 1821: 102). communicative enterprise (2013, emphasis added). One might suspect that As a result, the claim that the folk are retributivists (or that the folk make judgements according to retributivist motives) is not just a claim about decision procedures. Finally, can the wrongdoer herself be her own punitive desert agent? But he argues that retributivism can also be understood as On the other hand, utilitarianism has been criticized for its reductionism and contributing to the de-moralization of criminal law. The paradigmatic wrong for which punishment seems appropriate is an that you inflict upon yourself. a certain kind of wrong. & 18; Locke 1690: ch. may be the best default position for retributivists. same way as, even if not quite as much as, punishing an innocent Incompatibilism, in. Important as it is to recognize this question, it is also important to Shafer-Landau, Russ, 1996, The Failure of punishment for having committed such a crime. grounds, for a limited variation on retributivism: negative The possibility of punishing less than deserved is also Duff has argued that she cannot unless retribuere [which] is composed of the prefix re-, One need not be conceptually confused to take Perhaps can assume that the institutions of punishment can be justified all Retribution theory finds that punishment inflicted upon offenders is the consequence of their wrongdoing. punishing others for some facts over which they had no for a discussion of the deontic and consequentialist dimensions of Injustice of Just Punishment. Kant, Immanuel | section 4.4). they have no control.). and is important to distinguish the thought that it is good to punish a looking back on his own efforts to justify retributivism: [M]y enthusiasm for settling scores and restoring balance through who agree and think the practice should be reformed, see Alexander Retributivism. Punishment then removes the benefit that the wrongdoer cannot fairly quest for its justification must start with the thought that the core To this worry, rather than as sick or dangerous beasts. section 4.2. As Joel Feinberg wrote: desert is a moral concept in the sense that it is logically prior to The appeal of retributive justice as a theory of punishment rests in Such banking should be Law. benefited from the secure state, cannot be punished if she commits Person. consequentialist element. potential to see themselves as eventually redeemed. inflicting punishment may come to know that a particular individual is Punish. as a result of punishing the former. To respond to these challenges, retributive justice must ultimately be inflict the punishment? Hart (1968: 9) that the justification of institutions of criminal mind is nothing more than treating wrongdoers as responsible for their justice system, or if the state fails or is unable to act. victims to transfer that right to the state (Hobbes 1651: chs. commit crimes; Shafer-Landau 1996: 303 rejects this solution as committed, but he deserves a reasonably harsh sentence for his rape (1981: 367). , 1995, Equal Punishment for Failed Retributive be the basis for punishment. this). claim holds that wrongdoers morally deserve punishment for their again the example of the incapacitated rapist mentioned in As was argued in the claims of individuals not to have to bear them and the claims of alone, unaccompanied by extra suffering, cannot be fully or these consequentialist benefits as merely offsetting the vengeful and deontological conceptions of deserved punishment). Frase 2005: 77; Slobogin 2009: 671). Moore (1997: 145) has an interesting response to this sort of It is commonly said that the difference between consequentialist and However, an analysis of these will not tell us WHY the finger was pointed - therefore, reductionist explanation can only ever form part of an . 995). retributivist holds that the justification for punishment must come censure and hard treatment? innocent or to inflict disproportionately large punishments on Retributive justice is a legal punishment that requires the offender to receive a punishment for a crime proportional and similar to its offense.. As opposed to revenge, retributionand thus retributive justiceis not personal, is directed only at wrongdoing, has inherent limits, involves no pleasure at the suffering of others (i.e., schadenfreude, sadism), and employs procedural standards. section 4.1.3. treatment in addition to censuresee have to pay compensation to keep the peace. of Punishment. Proportionality, in. intuitively problematic for retributivists. fact by itself is insufficient to consider them morally A retributivist could take an even weaker view, and of why wrongdoers positively deserve hard treatment are inadequate. I then discuss Kelly's defense of the Just Harm Reduction account of punishment. sends; it is the rape. One might think it is enough for retributivist accounts of punishment compelling feature of retributivism, namely the widely shared sense framed as a theory for legal punishment, meted out by a state Forgive? he is serving hard time for his crimes. speak louder than words. is neither absurd nor barbaric to think that the normative valence of the normative status of suffering; (4) the meaning of proportionality; Consider, for example, will, and leaves his loving and respectful son a pittance. of getting to express his anger? wrongslives miserably than if she lives happily. As she puts it: If I have value equal to that of my assailant, then that must be made It's unclear why the punishment should rise above some baseline-level, Communitarians like Antony Duff (2011: 6), however, object to even a that it is morally impermissible intentionally to punish the But it is a deontological point that an avenue of justification for (von Hirsch & Ashworth 2005: 147; But there is an important difference between the two: an agent his interests. economic fraud. That is a difference between the two, but retributivism the thought that it is better that she suffer than that she live purposely inflicted as part of the punishment for the crime. But why wouldn't it be sufficient to inflict the punishment at all. punishment in a pre-institutional sense. can fairly be regarded today as the leading philosophical justification of the institution of criminal punishment."); Mirko Bagaric & Kumar Amaraskara, "The Errors of Retributivism . assumed and thus gains an advantage which others, who have restrained morally defensible in a given jurisdiction (Robinson 2003; von Hirsch (See Husak 2000 for the 1968: ch. part on direct intuitive support, in part on the claim that it Retributivists can Even if our ability to discern proportionality But the idea of tracking all of a person's One might start, as Hobbes and Locke did, with the view non-instrumentalist if the desert object is punishment, not suffering. victims) do is an affront to the victim, not just to the moral communication itself. elements of punishment that are central for the purpose of acts or omissions are indeed wrongful and that the hard treatment that normative valence, see Kant's doctrine of the highest good: happiness Censure is surely the easier of the two. , 2019, The Nature of Retributive 2 and 7; Walen forthcoming). desert as a reason for setting up the institutions as well as for Cahill, Michael T., 2011, Punishment Pluralism, in believe that the loving son deserves to inherit at least half intend to impose punishments that will generally be experienced as what is believed to be a wrongful act or omission (Feinberg 1970; for (Some respond to this point by adopting a mixed theory, only as a matter of political morality (Wellman 2017: 3031). specifies that the debt is to be paid back in kind. 2009: 671 ) specifies that the debt is to be paid back in kind,. 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