harry potter fanfiction harry flinch arthur

After he opened a book that screamed, Filch arrived on the scene almost immediately but was unable to see Harry. I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh? Umbridge left Hogwarts the day before the end of term, having crept out during dinnertime in hope to depart undetected. [72] He had a horrible, pouchy[51] and pasty face[14] and bulging, pale eyes,[7] along with sunken, veined cheeks. [54] He was also probably the one to affix the notices with the Decree on the noticeboards of the Common Rooms. The full list comprises some four hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe, and can be viewed in Mr Filch's office, if anybody would like to check it.Albus Dumbledore starts his announcements over the Start-of-Term Feast, Before the start of the school term, Filch extended the list of forbidden objects within the school premises so that it included four hundred and thirty-seven items, including Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. 1. [62] He was one of the few people who actually liked her at the school. The twins are confused and horny. After placating Filch, he told them he had not seen Jacob, but that he if he had, he would have loved to have sent him to the British Ministry of Magic in shackles. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux. [54] Filch was reportedly miserable, as he thought Umbridge was the best thing that ever happened to Hogwarts.[67]. [77] During his funeral he sat next to Irma Pince, something Harry Potter took notice of, as he suspected a romantic relationship between the two. The love between Hermione and centaur Firenze in The Winter WizardsCentaur Loveis entirely consensual. Delegations of students from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute came to Hogwarts in order to watch the Tournament and sign up to be chosen as one of the champions. [13] He disliked the students and constantly hassled them over the littlest infraction and took delight in the doling out of detention-worthy write-ups. [29], During the 19901991 school year, Filch was tricked into giving Madam Pince Hiccough Sweets, causing her to leave the library's Restricted Section unattended. Destiny is not written in stone He always begged Headmaster Albus Dumbledore to let him suspend students by their ankles from the ceiling. [44], That same year, Harry Potter was given the Marauder's Map by Fred and George Weasley, using it to sneak into Hogsmeade Village and walk throughout the castle, without Filch noticing him. InThe Dragon and the Roseby drcjsnider,generations collide when Rose Weasley gets intimate with Draco Malfoy. [72], Filch greatly trusted Madam Rosmerta, the bartender of the Three Broomsticks Inn, in that he would actually neglect the proper protocols and allow anything from her to enter the castle without properly inspecting them beforehand. Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini/Theodor Nott/Draco Malfoy. So, it used to be true crack, but somehow I made the end emotional. Speaking of strange, ever wondered how you have sex with a ghost? Suspecting it was linked to the Cursed Vaults, he was about to report to Dumbledore, but spotted Professor Severus Snape first and told him instead. Inspected By No 13 by Clell65619. Like why he hates students so much. Gilderoy Lockhart destroyed more than his memory that day in the Chamber of Secrets. [70], After Harry Potter's discovery of the Half-Blood Prince's copy of Advanced Potion-Making, he learnt several new spells such as Langlock, a jinx that glued the victim's tongue to the roof of the mouth. He was later approached by Jacob's sibling who was concerned about Pince's plan for the Ball and told him Pince loved gorgeous settings such as such as flowers, music and refreshments instead. Turning their head quickly back and forth to find a dog and deer sleeping a few feet from them, and a very cold red headed woman sitting closer to him. Short as fuck, I know, but take it or leave it. [48], On several occasions in December, Filch had to take Peeves from inside suits of armour, where he had taken to hide, singing Christmas carols with very rude lyrics of his own invention.[49]. She moved over and greeted Harry with a hug and a kiss which caused Hermione to flinch. [2] She had dust-coloured fur and yellow, lamp-like eyes. Check outThings I Learned in Schoolby janed. [83], Immediately after the battle, Filch grimly looked at a large pile of rubble in the Entrance Hall, which he dutifully began trying to sweep up, while the fighters gathered in the Great Hall mourning over the dead, and celebrating over their victory.[82]. A darker Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley get together shortly after Voldemort's return. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHermione Granger and Harry Potter discussing the new security messures, Now in open war, upon the students' arrival at the school on 1 September, 1996, Filch was charged with checking the students and their possessions for dark objects with Secrecy Sensors. [2] Filch also had a difficulty in recognising potions, due to his lack of magical knowledge as he did not notice the love potions disguised as perfumes and cough potions by the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes,[70] nor did he notice the poisoned mead sent in by Madam Rosmerta (while under the Imperius Curse cast by Draco Malfoy), showing he was not particularly observant despite his obsessive personality. The twins noticed a filing cabinet marked Confiscated and Highly Dangerous so, curious, they let off another Dungbomb in his office and "nicked" the Marauder's Map, which was stored inside that drawer, from him. [12] Filch waged a constant war against the students and Peeves, the school's resident poltergeist. When Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, was petrified, Dumbledore seemed to care about Filch and his cat. [45], After Sirius Black's second break-in in the evening of 5 February, Filch bustled around the corridors boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. [15], On 30 June, 1997, a small gang of Death Eaters managed to penetrate the magical protections around the Castle with the help of Draco Malfoy and an assault took place at the Astronomy Tower and the corridors beneath it. [9] In keeping with his dislike for students and their inevitable tendency to create messes and disorder (which he, as caretaker, would get stuck cleaning up), Filch idolised "the old ways" of discipline and constantly lamented that he was no longer allowed to use corporal punishment. [62] However, the counterattack against Umbridge was now in full force: much of the student body opposed Umbridge and Filch. Drowned Boy by cest_what adds Marcus Flint into the Percy/Oliver mix. [37], During the school year, Filch tried to improve his status as a Squib using a Kwikspell course. Harry's 6th year is off to a rough start. [42], Later in the evening of that same day, Sirius Black broke into the Castle and tried to enter Gryffindor Tower; this resulted in the destruction of the Fat Lady's portrait. [2], Haven't you been complaining about Peeves for a quarter of a century?Minerva McGonagall, in 1998, indicates how long Filch has been working at Hogwarts, In around 1968,[11] Filch joined the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,[9] succeeding Apollyon Pringle as Caretaker. Filch almost caught Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom, but they successfully managed to hide in the Forbidden Corridor as Peeves refused to share any information with Filch. Best Funny Harry Potter Fanfiction. If youre like me, you might enjoyRuns in the Familyby TransBoyWonder. Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 41 - Words: 178,099 . Every Tuesday, hosts Allie LeFevere, Lyndsay Rush, and Danny Chapman read a new chapter of Harry Potter erotic fanfiction. He has no shame. [14], During the school year, a mysterious, dangerous monster roamed around the Castle and tried to attack muggle-born students. [6] He had long hair with a bald spot on the top of his head and quivery jowls. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE", causing Filch tremendous stress and concern: he believed that Harry Potter was the one who petrified her, as he knew that Filch was a Squib. But when their children of the future appears, they are to read the books of their past,. In the evening of 1 May 1998, Argus Filch was patrolling the corridors while Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood went to Ravenclaw Tower. This is the case with the popular fan pairing Drapple. My sweet! Before he can process these recent events, he and many others are invited to the Room of Requirement to read a very special set of books. They were given detention in the Forbidden Forest, along with deductions of fifty house points each. He kept his job of caretaker after the Second Wizarding War. [65], Inspired by the twins' legendary flight to freedom, a great number of students wreaked havoc in the school: Lee Jordan[66] put Nifflers into Umbridge's office, which promptly tore the place apart while searching for shiny objects and leapt on Umbridge when she entered, trying to gnaw the rings off her fingers. The author takes us to exotic locations such as Iceland and beyond the shores of Britain. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [A non-magical AU. Filch first demanded they confess to having set off a Dungbomb in the Gryffindor common room, given their habit of trouble (which was in fact the work of Fred and George Weasley). No matter what your interests, if youre a Harry Potter fan (and who isnt? What if Lockhart had prevented Harry from following the voice in the pipes? Find moreerotic stories here. Neatly forged paperwork lands Ed a job teaching summer school remedial chemistry to children who are older than he is. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike. [35] Filch was obsessed with keeping the Castle neat and tidy, and was infuriated when students made a mess with potion ingredients, or forgot to wipe their feet. Harry finds a butt plug that makes the person with it in them horny as hell. Wake up the whole castle, will you? They were saved by Quirinus Quirrell, who vouched for them while passing by. Didnt find what you were looking for? It is presumed that this on-going war between them continued after the Battle of Hogwarts. Ginnys Self-Help Fantasyby mercuryidols dives into Ginny Weasleys secret lesbian fantasies about Hermione Granger. Filch signed the students out in a queue in the Entrance Hall. Scorpius and Albus are dating in this story, and after doing a little digging, they find out that their parents Draco and Harry also used to date. She had got trapped in the roots of the Hogwarts Whomping Willow where she was found by Fang, and was returnef to Filch promptly. If you need help, you can contact: The Bureaucrats: HarryPotter512 and Scarletmoon579 The Administrators: Aliceandjasperforever, Hermione524 and Philered Our Head-Boy: Philered Our Biggest Contributor . He's deserving of some enjoyment, isn't he? Ron had to help Filch polish the silvers at the Trophy Room without using magic for his detention. Harry wanted him to do stuff for money, so Gilderoy naturally did as he was told. After this, he was forced to award them ten house points, much to his and Mrs Norris's displeasure. Under Umbridge, Filch walked around in an extremely good mood. [46][47], In October, Filch underwent an extra-thorough cleaning of the Castle and acted ferociously to any students who forgot to wipe their shoes. After a rough summer with his family, Harry is just happy to see his friends again. Thus, the caretaker started to support Umbridge and follow her orders. Severus Snape joined them, and killed Albus Dumbledore atop the Tower[75] (in fact, Snape was a double agent and was working on Dumbledore's orders, meaning since Dumbledore was already slowly dying, Snape's killing of him was a mercy killing).[76]. ), theres a Harry Potter erotica fanfic thats right for you. [51], At the end of the year, champion Cedric Diggory was murdered, while everyone learned from Harry about Lord Voldemort's return. Velhomaailmassa on monia erikoisia perinteit, jotkut niist ovat Harrylle iloisia ylltyksi. Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. [23] Following this, Jacob's sibling and Nymphadora Tonks conspired to scare Filch from his office to retrieve the notebook. [72], On 17 March, Filch did his usual prodding act with the Secrecy Sensor as some of the sixth years departed the school for an Apparition lesson at Hogsmeade. Harry Potter de doce aos hurfano de padre y madre, recibe abusos de parte de sus parientes, golpeado y abusado, llega a Hogwarst, para su segundo ao, sin saber que su vida pronto cambiara, "Harry, Harry, Harry", Lockhart sanoi taas ja kurkotti puristamaan Harryn olkapt. You've been stealing! [62] Also, as Umbridge granted Filch permission to torture misbehaving students,[64] whereas Dumbledore would never even think of such things, he had loyalty to her. Argus Filch was a rheumatic man[62] with hunched-shoulders[9] and a hunchback. Poda se mu ho probrat a odvede ho k sob, protoe Harry odmtne se pemstit do nemocnice Sv. As Severus Snape was a very strict and somewhat cruel teacher, Filch respected that and acted a loyal subordinate to him. [33] They both very much liked to give students a hard time, unfair punishments, and cruel aspects of such punishments. 8. [75] His obsession with the castle's cleanliness led him to neglect actual security at times, as he forgot to lock the doors at least one time even in the more dangerous hours, something Slughorn reprimanded him for. Midway through the train ride, the Dementors board the train and Harry's life is never the same. In July, Argus Filch attended Dumbledore's funeral in an ancient black suit and tie reeking of mothballs, paying his respects for the man who, despite their opposing views on student punishment, gave him employment as a Squib. There's something thrilling about being the famous Harry Potter's teacher and Lockhart takes advantage of the chance to get so close to him. Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. [34] The caretaker took them to Minerva McGonagall's office, where they were joined by Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy who had also been caught out of bed. [44], So! This story a sweet mix of unrequited love and BDSM. Oliver and Percy are back for this one, and so is Marcus. This series is a collection of one-shots in which Hermione explores several different lesbian relationships. Dungbombs and Stink Pellets were frequently dropped in the corridors, so that students performed Bubble-Head Charms on themselves to get a supply of fresh air. Slut Harry spends Christmas at the Burrow. Harry Potter fan fiction involving time travel and King Arthur. [9], Later on, Filch and Madam Pomfrey oversaw the evacuation procedure of underage students and of those not willing to fight, via the Room of Requirement. Sometime in 1989 or 1990, Fred and George let off a Dungbomb and were caught by Filch, who took them to his office and threatened them with his usual unpleasant punishments he always had in mind. Filch said that this did not make him happy, but the look on his face seemed to say otherwise, but as it was Christmas, Slughorn let Draco stay with no punishment. They brought either a Nose-Biting Teacup or Fanged Frisbee from Zonko's Joke Shop, and after Jacob's sibling placed the prank device inside his office after hiding themselves with the Shrinking Charm, Filch opened the box containing the prank device which forced him and Mrs Norris to retreat, allowing them to read and retrieve the notebooks. He seemed to be bitter and embarrassed about not being able to use magic, as was demonstrated when Harry Potter accidentally discovered his Kwikspell letters in 1992. [6] Skinny-ankled,[72] Filch would usually wheeze[13] and shuffle when walking. Harry was sprawled across his bed, one hand flung above his head, the other resting to his side. by Sarah1281. On 1 August 1997, the Ministry of Magic was taken over by Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. Harry Potter was the son and only child of Prince James and Princess Lily. And also all four of them together. Harry sank into one of the trick steps and got stuck in it, making his golden egg break open and wail. Granted they do come to visit, Harry just visits the most. Dont worry, however. It was during a day like the others that certain Harry Potter characters found themselves locked up in a house. Marrying Millicent Bulstrode, the ugly, smelly and fat girl of Slytherin, who liked to giggle with that irritating sound that tears through your head like the wail of a pig? [68] During the Start-of-Term Feast, Albus Dumbledore informed the students that Filch had asked him to remind the them that there was a blanket ban on any joke items bought at Fred and George Weasley's shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Filch attended the Start-of-Term Feast in the evening of 1 September, 1995 in which he stood by the double doors leading to the Entrance Hall, and listened attentively to Dolores Umbridge's speech. (Set during second year and wil progress from there without Voldemort rising)Warning: Read at your own risk. Drowned Boy by cest_what adds Marcus Flint into the Percy/Oliver mix Castle and tried to his! By their ankles from the ceiling might enjoyRuns in the pipes hand flung his! Give students a hard time, unfair punishments, and Danny Chapman read new! Along with deductions of fifty house points, much to his and Mrs Norris 's.!, the counterattack against Umbridge was now in full force: much the! 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