fran lebowitz: i cover the waterfront

The writer and raconteur embodied the hip, downtown Manhattan of the 70s. Lebowitz is an atheist, so for her, no. As a Democrat, Id quite like him to be the candidate. But all the rest of them were, including Jeb Bush. It was charity really. She rented a theater and sat on stage and called people up and didnt tell them. Another time I saw a real pretty girl standing in front of the mirror with a little tiny cigarette butt hanging out of her mouth, teasing her hair. LEBOWITZ: It may just be the offers Ive had, but generally, I think theres just more to say no to. In my grammar school we got extra credit for extra book reports. Over some twenty years, Kincaid has made what my partner, the poet James Fenton, calls a plantsmans garden, full of rare species. You published Metropolitan Life in installments in Interview. At that point one of the boys I was with realized I was feeling better and got really mad at me for insisting on going to the hospital, and he screamed at me, which made me perfectly crazy by the time I got to see the psychiatrist. Polka Dotty ate seeds and celery tops, and my mother would give me Polka Dottys food, and I would go downstairs and eat it. Lebowitz: I was 19 at the time, so I thought it was entertaining. I believe Im a great friend. Theres no reason why it has to be the way it is. Im sorry, were full up. And, of course, New York was always more expensive than any other place in the United States, but you could live in New Yorkand by New York, I mean Manhattan. Unless they own a hotel chain, I dont think a single one of these eight million people are happy about this. I was caught smoking, and I didnt have the cigarette in my hand or smoke coming out of my mouth, and they suspended me anyway, so it turned out not to be true, just suspicion was enough. What are they going to possibly say thats of interest? LEBOWITZ: That was later, for my next column, I Cover the Waterfront. That was after I met Marc. That's honestly, that's love.". Their antidote to this was giving me about 22 Thorazines. The thing that would irk me the mostaside from driving the cab; as you know, Im very lazy, I hate to workpeople would say, Was that a good job? I hate all jobs, okay? I always liked people who are older. Once a girl was sitting on the window ledge smoking a cigarette and the matron walked in and the girl jumped out the window. It became the major thing I was punished for. It was like the myth where if a girl gets pregnant and takes the boy to court, if three other boys come into court and say that they had slept with her, they would all get off scot-free. But a lot of people didnt like that piece and were angry at me. Photograph: Ali Smith/The Observer. Fran Lebowitz: I cover the waterfront. CLEMENTE: There was a brilliant article by Rgis Debrayhe was a guerrilla guy with Che Guevarasaying that, since the election of the American president has an effect on the life of every citizen of the planet, all citizens of the planet should vote. That never used to happen. Lebowitz discoursed without pause for two hours, chain-smoking all the while. Everyone was paid in cash. People ask me, Arent you interested in what theyre thinking? In introducing Fran Lebowitz to a contemporary large audience, the combination of biographical perspective and quasi-vrit style addresses the opposition between private and public (Arendt and Habermas). In The Fran Lebowitz Reader, that first book has been re-released in combination with her second 1981 essay collection, Social Studies. It would be as if the letters were sitting there, or the words, smoking cigarettes, staring at you, as if to say, Well? Ive never had a job I liked. Go back. I think that would solve both problems. They also deserve him as candidate, all these so-called mainstream RepublicansI dont know what thats supposed to mean. I was at that time living on the floor of a friends room at Boston University, and I knew that if I didnt smoke that ounce of marijuana, someone else would. There are a lot of funny people around, and a lot of writers too, but somehow the combination of great humor and great writing has become an exceedingly rare commodity in the modern world. High Times: Did you ever get any bad reactions from your bad movie reviews? In person, that voice pours out in great glittering riffs (on politics and personal space, on AIDS, the 80s, New York, and everything in between) that set Lebowitz atop our list of dream dinner-party guests and probably put her in the running for greatest talkers ever. I think if there were no such thing as men, there would be no word processors. Lebowitz is strictly opposed to technology and to this day has no cell phone, computer, or typewriter. Im very vilified for this, I have to say. The housing problem would be solved completely. Lebowitz: Yes, but not with much zeal. FRAN LEBOWITZ: The blood pressure or the air pressure? In "Public Speaking," the initial documentary, Ms. Lebowitz brilliantly notes that one of the great tragedies of the AIDS crisis was that the city lost not only a generation of artists and. 1. In the earliest days of the lockdown . Most families are a bunch of unattractive dopes. I would stand in front of the class and report on a book I had made up. He was the most inventive cabbie I ever met. I dressed in old clothes, thrift-shop clothes. And now I eat a steak before I write, like a prizefighter. You sit or stand in the subway, and you look aroundI do, because I dont have a phone so Im not playing a gameand you see people. Im a great relative. More than it works in any other place. Knowledge of a culture. I didnt know that there was anything about me that had a name, that could be diagnosed. I dont want them to come. It was on West Fourth Street, between Jane and 12th. For the movie review columns, I always knew exactly what I was going to write aboutthe movies. CLEMENTE: Did you talk with the clients of your cab? Im happy none of it was ever published. General with two other people who were also smashed out of their minds. By the time my youngest brother was born her life had collapsed on her, but she was a very elegant woman when I was young. As a child I kept the opposite hours. I know this sounds insane, but I just hate it. Things that people will say to me, mostly, is that you shouldnt have all these books. I was very bitter about it because I had before me what seemed to be a successful future. But this idea that people cannot kill each other? But, I mean, no one talked about money. High Times: What writers have inspired you? . Fran Lebowitz and Martin Scorsese Seek a Missing New York in 'Pretend It's a City' The Netflix series, featuring Lebowitz and directed by Scorsese, offers acerbic commentary and a sense of. After addressing her reaction to the Mueller . The first people who died of AIDS were artists. A sense of, Im all alone in the world, and I have integrity. But I know a lot about them because its impossible not to. I have to take the TV off the chair. The Modern Farmer came on before Sunrise Semester, and it was about farming. The Great Gildersleeve. January 30, 2011. Anna Rahmanan. CLEMENTE: Do you think youre the manifestation of integrity? Lebowitz: To be glamorous. The title refers to her frustration with people so absorbed in their devices that they bump into you on the street. Then I moved to New York and switched to exotic foreign brands. And it allowed people who would be fifth-rate artists to come to the front of the line. People were pretty angry in general then. And it turns out that the Bush family, like most families, has no smart ones. I did once smoke an ounce of marijuana in one day and ended up in the emergency ward at Mass. I saw the only job that was worse than writing. But all the girls I knew when I was young who had to workthere were rich girlsbut the ones who had to work were waitresses. The Fran Lebowitz Reader. FRANCESCO CLEMENTE: After a certain age, in the early hours of the morning, the pressure drops, which is the reason why. Famously known to have sidestepped buying into browsing the Internet or even owning a computer, the iconic humorist doesn't - nor will she ever . She never really wrote anything else and has since made her living on the social commentary speaking circuit. One day I went downstairs to eat Polka Dottys food, my mother told me that Polka Dotty had flown south for the winter. LEBOWITZ: I drove a cab. Copyright 2023 Interview Magazine. The first thing I did was a movie review column, just bad movies, called Best of the Worst. There used to be a company called AIP, American International Picturesthey mostly made movies for drive-ins; some of them would come to Times Square. High Times: Tell me about your writing habits. Well, perhaps, but I never really felt I belonged even in Antigua, even when I was little. It is boring and it is arithmetic. It was the most money Id ever made. Lebowitz: Ive had a number of interesting, colorful jobs. I remember one of the best days of my life was an all-day A.I.P. If someone else has to write, then you know you have a willing companion to talk to on the phone for hours and hours while they put off their writing. Just one day the headmaster woke up and thought. I like Mel Brooks, especially the 2,000-year-old-man records with Carl Reiner. Fran Lebowitz is an American author and a public speaker. And with AIDS, a whole generation of gay men died practically all at once, within a couple of years. I got a lot of tips. General in Boston. I would stand at the border and say, Youre coming here to live, really? Ill also invent things, like I have to clean the entire apartment before I write. When I moved out nine years later, there was no ceiling in the bathroom. Fran began her pro writing career at 20. I said to my friends, 'He's going to make you long for de Blasio, [and] he was terrible,'" the author . [Clemente laughs] I mean, the great thing about New Jersey is that its close to New York. All rights reserved, In an essay specially commissioned for the podcast, Aisha Sabatini Sloan describes rambling around Paris with her father, Lester Sloan, a longtime staff photographer for. Nearby are a vegetable garden caged against wildlife and a cottage in which lives Trevor, her bearded young assistant. But this was the 60s, and there were all of these Harvard medical students there learning to be doctors, so all the doctors in the hospital had hair down to their shoulders and granny glasses. Lebowitz: No. Lebowitz: I only wrote one by myself. See, then, if you had no money, you had a horrible apartment. I would read it to him, because you cant read my writing. When I first came here, meeting writers wasnt available to me; but now that I have met tons of those people, I wish I hadnt. It wasnt enough that he had Charles Mingus playing there every night. Its not human nature. I was the best-dressed nanny you ever saw. I think I will learn to type. Frans column was called The Best of the Worst; her job was reviewing the best of the current bad films, and she worked as hard as a Variety critic, taking in two or three screenings a day. When I got to the hospital I was restrained. I get rid of the ones that I can bear to give up or never wanted to begin with. Martin Scorsese and Fran Lebowitz are trying to remember how they met. I dont need anything so snappy. I saw the super once, just when I moved in, and I pointed out to him there was no ceiling in the bathroom. 246, Rachel Cusk and Sheila Heti discuss how writing her first novel helped Cusk discover her shape or identity or essence. Next, Allan Gurganuss reading of his story It Had Wings, about an arthritic woman who finds a fallen angel in her backyard, is interspersed with a version of the story rendered as a one-woman opera by the composer Bruce Saylor. But what I cant be is monogamous. Fran readily agreed, as she was banned from most movie screenings because of her old column, Best of the Worst. And its not just New York; its the whole world. Its placing too great a burden on the average intelligence. Thats not writing. Its very important who the president of the United States is. Were you expected to criticize what was going on? Thats really interesting. But, of course, Ive always been old at heart. She has been a resident of Manhattan, New York since 1970. Oh, now I remember my favorite TV show from my childhood. I just dont want anyone in the apartment, not for longer than a few hours. And he would type it. Lebowitz was born in 1950 in Morristown, New Jersey, the daughter of furniture store proprietors. I dont know why it played in Morristown, New Jersey. Lebowitz: Ill never make it as a typist. I just talked too much. Holding a grudge is the modern equivalent of having standards. This idea that people have to love and understand each other is absurd. I just talked it while a speed freak typed it. This is not a middle-aged curmudgeonly attitude; I didnt like people that age even when I was that age. The novel is reputedly about rich people who want to be artists, and artists who want to be rich people. Now she is winning new . Well, I work on amachine. A childrens book, Annie, Gwen, Lilly, Pam and Tulip, came out in 1986. I didnt know how to type, Marc knew how to type. I cant believe anyone has ever made a ballet. Ms. Lebowitz was interviewed by Glenn OBrien, a longtime friend who has proposed marriage on several occasions. This month weve got the new heat from a lot of Cop List OGs like Ten Co, Myco.Oakland, Planta, Alien Labs and more! She takes one. It was The Modern Farmer. When I got to the hospital they did not believe that I had smoked marijuana, I was so smashed. Lebowitz: Id like to have a talk show with no guests. Her hundreds of plants are layered into a composition of informal design, expressive of her refined aesthetic and untroubled eccentricity. Interview was then a film magazine, and it reviewed almost every film that was released. Too insubstantial. And I was once ejected from the Whitney Museum for making comments during a film about baking. One of the movies was The Thing with Two Heads, starring Ray Milland and Rosie Grier. I believe Im a great friend. Lebowitz: I dont remember. LEBOWITZ: Yes, I was born in New Jersey and I lived in New Jersey until I was 18. Fran Lebowitz slams NYC mayor Eric Adams. And just think how fantastic New York would be. I mean, that is why we had that little war with England. But at a certain point, you hit your limit, and thats it. High Times: What was the style? Id rather have people shooting up in my apartment; at least I dont have to smell it. But, I mean, years ago I had a girlfriend who summed me up perfectly. Amazon. Which is why I remember things. I would have liked to have met Nabokov. LEBOWITZ: No. I knew about four or five people who wrote porn books at the time that I was a poet. But then I found out it was fraud or something and I could go to jail, so I sent the money back and wrote to the people who sent it to me. Then I try to bargain with them to wait until I get to the absolute edge of the deadline. Fran Lebowitz Toni Morrison was one of her best friends for almost 40 years, up to Morrison's death in 2019. It was really a passion with me. Everybody else was. No, Im just intrigued by them, because, to me, theyre like talking animals. Photo by Arturo Holmes/Getty Images. I mean, it is pretty shocking. She was part Carib Indian, and they used to call her the Red Woman. My parents did. And soon she had a book offer from a fan in publishing. This guy came in and showed all these fake advertising campaigns and fake brands of vodka. LEBOWITZ: When I move, I do. 5. Now I call up friends during the day and theyre writing. The years have gone by, but she is still tall. High Times: Didnt you write some pornographic books as a struggling artist? In between writing books Lebowitz is a guest editor and occasional columnist for Vanity Fair. At the beginning, every day, you asked me a hundred questions about myself. Me and, like, five of what I then thought of as old menthey were probably 40smoking cigars, watching these movies. Lucy is about the making of a person. But now, as Ive grown up, all my friends have developed much more mature writing habits. Lebowitz: Not from the people who made the movies. The two things I hate the most. I guess it didnt go. As boring as reading it. High Times: Why did you smoke an ounce of marijuana in one day? Id like to be the admissions director of New York. Because someone once told me that horses legs are actually like fingers and that their hooves are actually fingernails. High Times Greats: Fran Lebowitz, Americas Funniest Femme Fatale. One of my all-time favorite funny people was Jack Douglas. I always was. I believe that at birth everyone gets the capacity for a certain amount of drugs and alcohol, everyone the same, you can do it all between 15 and 19 like I did, or you can stretch it out over 70 years. I thought they owned the roads; I always used to tell my parents I wanted to be a toll taker, and they couldnt imagine why. When I was young, I liked romance. One is that deers are rats. Fran Lebowitz. First of all, there were a zillion bad jobs. Like there is an American family where someones supposed to be president. I ended up smoking Lucky Strikes, just because I liked the way it looked, the gesture. No matter how dull they are, they still have to figure things out for themselves. When it was on at 1:30 I saw no reason to get up in the morning, but now its on at 11:30, so sometimes I wake up to watch it. The film, a mix of interviews and clips of Lebowitz, is . Its not an area of interest. I was pulled out of school to take care of my youngest brother while my mother went to work, and when she realized I hadnt been looking after him properly, that I had been reading instead, she gathered all the books I had stolen from the library over the years and burned them. Don Rickles. At the foot of his driveway in California, Jack Douglas had a sign that said Have you called these people? I also thought Oscar Levant was hilarious. FRANCESCO CLEMENTES LARGE-SCALE INSTALLATION, ENCAMPMENT, WILL TRAVEL TO EVELEIGH, AUSTRALIA, THIS SUMMER. Also a TV show that was on Sunday morning for four hours: I cant remember the name of it, but Sonny Fox was the emcee. When she was sixteen, her family interrupted her education, sending her to work as a nanny in New York. One of which is that I strongly object to having more than one generation of a family being president. And at that time he had every important movie, and that ended my movie-reviewing career. Lebowitz spent the pandemic alone, at her own insistence, having turned down offers to lock down with wealthy friends at their Hamptons homes . It decimated not just artists but knowledge. I Married Joan, I Love Lucy, I loved all those situation comedies. High Times: What was it like being a cab driver? But letting people get on and off the 6 train without stabbing each other, thats good. America is a great idea, so thats why its a great country. I remember the darkness of being sent awaysheer misery of a kind that I didnt know existed. Bankers. High Times: Did A.I.P. The duo were discussing their childhoods, saying as children they were never able to partake in "adult" conversations unless they were . High Times: What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up? We were all really jealous of him. LEBOWITZ: I drank my lifetime supply of alcohol and I took my lifetime supply of drugs between the ages of 15 and 19. CLEMENTE: You didnt have a kitchen, but I doubt that you cook. It was like watching children at a birthday party. Her first published work, movie and book reviews, appeared in that magazine when she was twenty years old. This is another thing most people don't know about Toni: though she was incredibly hardworking, she was physically incredibly lazy. But because I was young, I had this long hair, and people used to try to tip me with joints. I finish things now, and I think, Who was the last person who typed for me? 19 January 2021. The essays were published inMetropolitan Life(1978) andSocial Studies(1981). French symbolist? But you could live in New York. No one has ever said it that way. For two reasons: First of all, I stopped taking drugs when I was 19, and who wants to drive a cab around New York with drugs in their car? To me, dictating a book seems impossible. For numerous reasons. Fran Lebowitz. But John Springer banned me from his screenings. Her early fiction, much of which also appeared in that magazine, was collected in At the Bottom of the River (1983), a book that, like her Talk stories, announced her themes, her style, the uncanny purity of her prose. CLEMENTE: But dont you love being in someone elses apartment, possibly someone you dont know well or know at all? More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Resume Born October 27, 1950 Add to list Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy 1 win & 3 nominations total So I would lie in bed and make up book reports about books that I made up. Then I switched to Carlton in an attempt not to smoke too much, and now I smoke nine times more Carltons than I ever smoked anything else. And if you asked them, Do you like that Jew? She would say, No, I hate him. Do you like that girl in the head scarf? No, I hate her. But heres the great thing about New York: They leave each other alone. A.I.P. Holding a grudge is the modern equivalent of having standards. I hated the we. At one point, I dont know why I had this idea, but it was probably after Andy did those big MaosI had this idea to do this wallpaper of Mao, and we made this fake wallpaper. And people sent in money. This must be about 15 years ago. So I evolved the theory that horses are hands. It was a very terrifying experience because when I started to flip out having smoked this much pot I was in a room with people who had also smoked this much pot and no one would help me out. So just think, if there were, say, only 10 percent of the hotels that exist now, there would be all these apartments for people who live in New York, as opposed to people visiting New York. Lebowitz: My writing habits are basically nonwriting habits. There may, in fact, still be no ceiling in the bathroom. LEBOWITZ: No. LEBOWITZ: Yes, the night before. They had a very weird array of people who worked there. And you know what we have enough of? When I started writing Talk pieces at The New Yorker, I tried to get away from the anonymous we they used. When I was really young I wanted to be a toll taker because I thought they kept the money. Until then homesickness was something I only knew from books. To celebrate, we're republishing Glenn O'Brien's interview with the living legend from the August, 1978 print edition of High Times. Wander the New York City streets and fascinating mind of wry writer, humorist and raconteur Fran Lebowitz as she sits down with Martin Scorsese. In time, she put herself on another path. Wasnt London still a capital of empire in the mid-60s, the cultural center of the Commonwealth? I would personally just like to vet each person. I saw a lot of movies that were never released because people knew of my interest in that sort of movie, so I often went to distributors screenings and sat with 12 men with cigars. By Meredith Blake Staff Writer. But, third of all, I used to say, I just cant go into a deli and order a roast beef sandwich and give them this.. "Eric Adams I saw coming. There are musings about Times. Customers paid 99 an hour to listen to this garbage. Lebowitz: Actually my main occupation in bed was book reports. Steve paid me excessive amounts of money to answer his telephone. CLEMENTE: How do you keep ten thousand books in order, do you have a personal librarian? $598 $300 at Ralph. I was a poet for about nine months. Your email address will not be published. I dont know howbecause when I was young, boys didnt type. That tends to upset people. So we always have this fight, because I have a biography section, and he doesnt like that, because its so inelegant to have a biography section. Fortunately they didnt, so its not around to haunt me. I rolled my own cigarettes. FRAN LEBOWITZ: The thing I did with Marty prior to this was a documentary film called Public Speaking. Then 50 questions, then 20 questions, then, finally, you said, Can you see Im trying to read?. I wanted to be a beatnik. Well, huge myths grew up around the matron at my school. In placing them in magazines she was merely pursuing her policy of selling a piece of writing as many times as possible. In an excerpt from The Art of Fiction no. Its too expensive. But so far I have not. I was really very proud of that. Then to Merits. Nowadays if I were to be homesick it would be for Vermont, which is strange. I never would start writing before midnight and I would finish at, like, seven in the morning. Fran Lebowitz is 69 years old October 27. "It would have been . I don't care how she makes her money but she helps make the world a better place in to live in. I would rather have a typist. I still cant type. They had one guy who was like an Elvis imitator, only he imitated Oscar Wilde. I wanted to know what a vodka for women meant. Fran Lebowitz: I Cover the Waterfront. High Times: Have you gotten any marriage proposals? She cooks with flair. I never write anyone letters. Theyre all right-wing nuts. I loved getting the measles and colds so I could sit on the couch and watch all those morning situation comedies. LEBOWITZ: I think one manifestation of integrity is holding a grudge. 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