darlie routier dna results 2021

Both letters stated " I know who did it, Glenn did, I saw him. According to Barbara Davis' book, Precious Angels, family member Jackie Rogers stated that the way Darlie ordered Devon around and "beat him down" she considered it emotional abuse. Lieutenant Grant Jack, commander of the Rowlett Police Department's Investigative Division, was summoned at home and arrived on the scene around 3 AM. NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) Darlie Routier, the Rowlett mother convicted of murder and sent to death row more than 20 years ago now has a new generation of support. Interestingly, none of these "wet" towels were seen, recovered, or photographed when police and EMS arrived at the house 3 minutes after the 911 call. Renee, also 16 at the time, was the regular babysitter that Darlie frequently called. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on April 01, 2018: A very strange case, that does not make sense. Greg Davis: Where is the defendant when you come back to the kitchen area? Darlie Routier: I put a towel on Damon's back. Darlies friend Mercedes said that Darlie told her she woke up to find the intruder straddling her. This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. Officer Waddell stated that one of the boys (Devon) was obviously dead, and the other boy (Damon) was close to the wall near the hallway doing what he called "a slow craw" and making gurgling sounds as he tried to breathe. The majority of murder convictions are based on circumstantial evidence. Since her conviction, Darlie Routier's attorneys have filed several pleas and appeals to the Texas courts. While discussing the case on Quora with a seemingly intelligent fellow (good spelling, grammar, superficially adequate knowledge of the case), I brought up the bread knife with the microscopic fibers that match the garage window screen. Darlie Routier testified and she was caught in a bunch of lies, she wound up being our best witness to prove her guilt with the lies that she was caught in., Toby Shook, Prosecutor, Darlie Routier murder trial. In the meantime, K-9 officers had arrived on the scene and began searching a wide perimeter around the house; no intruder found. Nabors noticed Darlie's purse and the many gold rings and bracelets (Including a Rolex watch) she had worn that day sitting on the kitchen counter where she had taken them off before lying down on the couch. Greg Davis: Where was Darlie when you came into the room? The best evidence we had in the case was Routier herself, she gave about seven different stories about what happened. A small pool of blood indicated that someone bleeding, most likely from the hand or arm had been there. If Darlie Routier had been a man instead of a woman, this case would have simply faded into obscurity and no one would have challenged the jury's decision. This has yet to happen. You have steered me in the direction I continuously had been pulled toward yet kept fighting with a tightly-closed mind. Then, when police investigators physically removed the sink from the house to take it to the lab for testing, Darlie suddenly remembers (the same day they removed it) and most likely from the advice of counsel, that she was in front of the sink supposedly wetting towels to place on the boys; which there's no evidence of ever having occurred. That's part of their duties, is to find injuries that we may have missed. Investigators located Glenn Mize the man Darlie was referring to. In June 1996, Darlie Routier made a 911 call to report an intruder attacked her two sons, Damon, age 5, and Devon, age 6. I have to agree with author Don Davis' conclusions of the trial. Prosecutors don't need to have a motive to prove someone committed murder, they only have to prove the accused did it. Darlie's attorneys should never have allowed her to write letters from jail discussing the case. While deliberating, the jury requested to see the video again and a couple of the juror's later stated that they watched it 6 or 7 times. even though most of the things that she just couldn't remember were things she had already told other people. There was no fiberglass rod on the breadknife. She was her own worst enemy on the witness stand under cross examination. An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued. Waddell instructed Darlie to get a towel and put pressure on the boy's wounds. The first wound penetrated the left chest, the left lung the left pulmonary artery and the pulmonary valve. Reading your nonsensical jibberish makes me feel all the more glad that I paid attention to my teacher in the first grade when we were taught how to read, write, and spell. Well researched, well done. November 2017 Routiers lawyer filed for and was granted moreMORE DNA testing. If the Darlie Routier case had occurred in more recent years, it would have been a household name. Obviously not very familiar with the case, many of Darlie's supporters raise question as to why the police and the prosecution didn't investigate him from the beginning. Have a good day! DAVIS: Okay. After the trial, juror Charlie Samford publicly stated that if he had seen the photo of her under arm bruise, he would have voted not guilty. from the tv show i was looking for you to speak about the written statement darlin made. States Exhibit 122, the blood map. *The most commonly abused date rape drugs, or "club drugs," are Rohypnol, also called "roofies"; gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called "liquid ecstasy"; ketamine, also called "Special K," and tablet form ecstasy, also called "Molly," which is often crushed and mixed into a drink. Although it was difficult to find motive, I dare not question evil acts. This net worth is surprising for a criminal who has been sentenced to death by lethal injection. Darlie in the hospital with her wounds. Doug Mulder: This towel that you say was on the back of Damon, was it still on his back when the police officers came in? DA Toby Shook instructing the courtroom bailiff to be sure to show the photo of her large underarm (Right arm) bruise to every single juror. She could never explain how this intruder was able to run through the kitchen, through the blood, through the utility room and garage, without leaving a single bloody footprint anywhere, yet her bloody footprints were found all over the kitchen floor mostly going back and forth from the kitchen sink to the couch area. One of them is that of Darlie Lynn Routier, who has spent the last 24 years on death row after being convicted of the 1996 murder of one of her sons while being accused of killing the other. The fingerprint brush fibers did not contain any asbestos.". The states case is weaker than weak. 7:41 PM on Nov 12, 2018 CST. They appeared to lean toward the theory of Darlie having planned the murders. Dallas attorney J. Stephen Cooper requested the naming of a new federal defense attorney because one of Routiers counsel, Lauren E. Schmidt, accepted another job. (I live out in the country) He barks at everything at night, possums, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, deer; you name it, he barks at it. Darlie never mentioned anything about applying wet towels to anyone in her June 6, 1996 formal written statement to police. 93). Greg Davis and Toby Shook, The Defense. And I love when she says "I've proven it" Proved it to who? It was later identified as Damon's. (Did they have Photoshop back then?) Nabor's sprayed Luminol, a chemical compound that picks up the copper found in blood which often remains behind after attempts are made of cleaning it up. They go on other support sites and slander your name, make wild accusations about you, and basically set themselves up to be the receiver of a serious libel suit, which this author has been seriously considering with one particular individual. Not take the time to cut up a window screen. Darlie Routier denies her guilt. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. The screen fibers were larger than the fingerprint brush fibers and the screen fibers on the knife contained black rubber and asbestos. Neither Devon nor Damon's blood was found on any of the towels. With the 2015 DNA results, it just all the more confirms that there is not one shred of evidence to show that an intruder came in the house or that the only other person in the house, Darin Routier, was responsible for murdering his sons. Bathrooms: 2. You'd expect a woman would recognize her husband of 10 years wouldn't you??? This was very strong evidence suggestive of Darlie raising the knife up after completing a stab, depositing Devons blood on the back of her nightshirt, then bringing her arm down to stab again. If Darlie's "timeline of events" was accurate according to her 911 call and what she first told police, that light would have still been on when officers Waddle and Walling arrived on the scene in 3 minutes and 4 minutes after the 911 call. Yeah ok, she got so high off of something that she made incriminating statements about her children being murdered right in front of her, AND the aftereffects are still reverberating in her mind that she STILL clings to the statement that she made WHILE she was supposedly "drugged"!!! Darlie is one of the richest criminals. That being said, the person that planted the sock would have had to have gone out the front door and around the house to avoid setting it off. There was one physician, Dr. Santos conducting the procedure accompanied by a resident (doctor in training) who was observing. Darlie Routier fell asleep on the couch with her two oldest sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, sleeping on the floor nearby. luo xiao min from California on April 04, 2018: Anita Hasch, "However, we weren't there, sohow an anybody know what happened"? When they arrived, they found both boys stabbed to . As obvious as that towel is next to Devon's body, how could paramedic Brian Koschak not have seen it when he checked on Devon? No Y-STR results were obtained from 10-2589-502. They stated that she was a very materialistic person and was quite comfortable living in the upper middle class world and spending money. What they don't mention very often are the major items that convicted her, such as the blood spatter on her nightshirt predominately on the right arm area, Darlie's blood and bloody footprints at the sink, (which she initially denied standing in front of) the blood wiped up at the sink, not one single bloody intruder footprint anywhere, Darlie's picking up the knife, how she could have slept through everything, and of course her ever changing stories to police and during her court testimony. Sergeant Walling: Yes, sir, at the couch. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on March 06, 2018: Youre right, last year Time Magazine listed the top 10 antidepressant med's associated with violence. While gathering evidence in the kitchen, Sgt. She was the one who was worth REAL money) then proceeded with trying to kill Darlie. The physical evidence found at the scene of the crime, points to no one else but Darlie Routier. He lived there, of course his hair is going to be in the house and if he wore that sock, it's not at all unusual that fibers would be found in his shoe. ", The Routier kitchen serrated knife used to cut the garage window screen. I find it laughable that people watch Dateline or some other t.v. ", DARLIE'S SELDOM MENTIONED POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION. Why weren't the palms of her hands or her fingers cut while fighting a man with knife? Autor do post Por ; Data de publicao alan burgess climber death; hillsborough county water pool filling em darlie routier dna results 2021 em darlie routier dna results 2021 (which she may have planned to do) And, if that were Darins intent, or motive, (insurance money) why didnt he kill her? Then the other group with fewer members, consists of the fanatical supporters. Thats something youre never going to forget. Do you know anything about this? The facts of the case and physical evidence that linked her to the murders simply cannot be changed. Ironically in the state of Texas, 83% of past filicide cases (parents who murder their children) were committed by the mother. I'm by no means defending anyone here, but I do know its difficult to discuss a murder case involving children without emotions coming into play. A short time later Officer Walling opened the front door and told paramedics Kolbye and Koschak to come in and advised they were going to need additional medical help. Come on lol. Darlie looked at the detective and responded, Oh, he always goes off like that when someone he doesnt know walks in the door. Patterson was immediately alert. Awesome article on the case, SClemmons. It's difficult to accept that a mother could possibly do this to her children. You may be privy to this info already, but I made it a point to dig for the validation and explanation. When people don't agree with a verdict where circumstantial evidence convicted the defendant, blame always goes directly to the police and the investigators; even when the local police detectives decided that it would be a good idea to bring in outside investigators for a second opinion including experienced FBI personnel and a crime scene investigator with 39 years of experience. Darlie Routier told a detailed story about a man that broke into her home and stabbed her sons to death. ", Some Darlie supporters have tried to blame the Rowlett 911 dispatcher (Doris Trammell) for Damon's death due to not giving Darlie first aide instructions over the phone. I have something for your "Ridiculous Things That Darlie Supporters Say" file. She was also charged with Devon's murder but not tried by the prosecution for two reasons. Prosecutor Toby Shook hammered her with question after question after question that she couldn't answer. As the investigation proceeded it was beginning to appear as if the scene of the crime had been staged to give the impression that a struggle had taken place between Darlie and an intruder. What Darlie told police investigators and the prosecutors in court simply did not match the crime scene. But, the bottom line is that she did do it and she's where she needs to be. Who masterminded such a plot? That explains everything, thank you! SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on February 04, 2020: Thanks for commenting again. However, the Routier's continued to spend money as the bills were beginning to pile up. Today, as I was doing some more research on this, I found a video on YouTube of a conversation between a guy who thinks Darlie is guilty and Charles Stamford. Officer's Walling and Waddell drew their weapons and began searching the house starting in the utility room adjacent to the kitchen which led to the garage where Darlie said she had chased the intruder out of the house. Subsequently, only her bloody footprints were discovered, no other footprints were found, anywhere. No cuts were found under either one of her arms. If she were striking out or defending herself with her arms how did she not get cut by the knife? June 4th 2018 has a nice ring to it. She looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm gonna get new carpet, new drapes, and fix this room all up.". She was convicted by a jury of her peers and was sentenced to death by lethal injection. I'm not questioning your sources; and although I miss a sources section, I still think your article is excellent! What appears to be a towel in the photo above was used as evidence by the defense to show that Darlie did run wet towels to Darin to assist in first aid to Devon. Kathy Cruz. Please stop spreading myths about this case! This will be explained in more detail in the conclusion to this blog. Image via Wikipedia. Approximately fifteen minutes later, Darlie told Sergeant Walling that the fight between her and the intruder occurred while she was still on the couch. Our opinion from this blood evidence is that Darlie self-inflicted her wounds while standing at the kitchen sink.". (Believed to be where she cut her throat). So, if there was a burglar at the Routier household, he was most likely invited there. And despite a puddle of Darlie's blood drops on top of blood drops indicating she had stood there for some time. The spa had a hot tub, a TV, a bar, and a stereo system in it. And after you read it, your takeaway was 'Maybe Satanists did it'??? About 3 weeks later after forensic test results on the evidence came back, the District Attorney's Office announced they would be seeking the death penalty and Judge Tolle rescinded Darlie's bail considering her a flight risk. Routier was convicted in 1996 of the stabbing death of her young son. As mentioned previously, Darlie had contemplated suicide a month before the murders and had written about it in her diary. It will show up under a black light even if attempts are made to clean the blood up. That kind of speaks for itself. Posted on May 15, 2022. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on February 20, 2018: Du bist genau richtig. I also think there may have been a bit of a language barrier problem there. (Barbara Davis, Precious Angels, pages 90-91). ZERO evidence, and even Darlie herself has never made such a claim. There's something seriously wrong with that picture. Fortunately he had not been harmed. I think her decision to kill her sons was spontaneous. Well apparently even her own followers are finally starting to realize she's full of it. This included interviews with the original investigating detectives and evidence collection technicians. I didn't realize my own throat had been cut until I saw myself in a mirror. As mentioned previously, the backyard spa had two 150 watt motion-activated lights on it that were pointed directly toward the house (and the garage window) and illuminated the entire backyard. (2 days after the murders) Darlie claimed that she put a towel on Damons back. Home > Uncategorized > darlie routier dna results 2021. darlie routier dna results 2021. Routier, 48, was convicted of . But that's not what she first reported; she first said she fought the intruder at the bar. Interestingly, of the cuts Darlie had on her, the two areas she was most proud of, her face and her breasts, were uninjured. It's their right to have an opinion and they should be allowed the time and respect to be heard. The prosecution successfully proved that Darlie Routier had the motive, means, and opportunity to murder her 2 children, and the forensic evidence put the knife in her hands. 14) the screen falls open as though it was cut from the inside. These denunciator's are simply repeating things they've read on an Internet Darlie support site or saw on a YouTube video which prompts them to say "Oh, the police botched up that crime scene." Some of Darlie's blood was discovered on the couch, she may have done the chest or arm cut on herself on the couch (possibly even at Darin's suggestion) to stage the "intruder attack at the couch" story, and then proceeded to the sink to perform her neck wound so she would be close to a towel and a water source to control the bleed. list of bible characters who trusted god. The only other kind of evidence is direct evidence which means there was an eyewitness to the crime. After Officer Matt Walling arrived on the scene (Waddell's backup) the two officers searched the house. I can't wait to tackle the newly posted one, JFK. Note - the author added the placement of Darlie, Devon and Damon to this map along with references for orientation of the 1st floor. Darlie must have sensed her guilty verdict. Many people believe that an intruder broke into 26 year old Darlie's Rowlett, Texas home and murdered her young boys 5 year old Damon and 6 year old Devon in 1996, while gravely injuring Darlie. Could you point me to your source for that? The Episode you refer to in Death Row Stories: Mother V Texas was written in 2013, casted and filmed in 2014 and released in July of 2015. Darlie Routier is on death row, convicted of murdering her two sons. Have missed and despite a puddle of Darlie having planned the murders ) Darlie claimed that just... Where was Darlie when you came into the room results 2021 question evil acts of evidence is she! No intruder found how did she not get cut by the prosecution for reasons... Collection technicians are based on circumstantial evidence starting to realize she 's Where she cut her )! On death row, convicted of murdering her two oldest sons, Devon. 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